#aegon targaryen


Its the battle as we know, Dany says Dracarys to NK, but it doesnt work, she sees Jon running towards the NK with Longclaw, but she sees a lot of wights coming, Drogon lands and breath´s fire killing a lot of wights, but more wights comes at Drogon and Danys falls near Jon when Drogon in stress with wights leaves.

Jon and NK fight, but NK beats Jon, Longclaw is on the floor, NK grabes it and puts in Jon cheast, Dany screams,NK smiles and turn his back at her, going to Bran. Dany goes to Jon, he´s bleeding, shes crying, Jon begs her to save Bran and put her hand in his sword, she says i love you and pulls Longclaw out of his cheast, when she pulls it, its on fire! Melisandre at the same time, says at the castle “Azor Ahai is here”. After all, Jon´s duty were to save and protect Azor Ahai - Dany the Unburn - thats why Lord of Light saved him.

Everyone is fighting wights, Arya and Jorah is protecting Bran from the NK generals, Jorah dies. Dany passes through fire with the fire sword LongClaw, NK turns around, goes to Dany, she runs screaming at him in rage, he tries to swing at her with his ice sword, but she gets down, when shes up she puts screaming in rage the fire sword in his chest, destroying him and the all the wights.


After this Dany finds shes pregnant, but she´s in rage because Cersei didnt helped, Jorah is dead, Jon is dead, Missandei and Tyrion are imprisoned in Kings Landing. Dany is mad. Sansa is crowned Queen of the North and she and Danys agrees if sending tropes to fight Cersei, Dany will give Sansa independence. After 4 months its the fight, Dany has already a pregnancy belly but she still flies on Drogon. Its the Kings Landing fight.

What Dany didnt know was that Cersei has wildfire hidden through Kings Landing, when Drogon kills the Golden Company, it activates wildfire destroying the city. Dany is in rage with Cersei, flies through the Red Keep, the queens look at each other Dany flying in Drogon outside and Cersei scared inside the Red Keep, and Dany says “Dracarys”. Cersei and big ammount of the Red Keep are destroyed.

Dany enters the throne room with Missandei and Tyrion present at the room watching her at distance. She looks at Kings Landing destroyed tearful, then looks at the Throne, she touches the Throne and then she says seriously “Dracarys” and Drogon destroys the Iron Throne. She looks at Missandei and Tyrion and says “Send ravens tell that Danenerys Targaryen broke the wheel, Westeros is now independent, and the people are free.She goes on Drogon flying away and disappears. 


Years fast foward every region is independent Tyrion meets with Sam and they tell that they heard various rumors - same say seeing a dragon flying at old Valyria, others say seeing a dragon heading to West of Westeros, while others say dont see in years a dragon or a Targaryen. They hope Dany and the child of Jon are safe and happy elsewhere. Tyrion is the Casterly Rock Dwarf, Sansa the Queen of the North, Yara the Queen of Iron Islands, some cousin of Olenna and Margaery is the Queen of the Reach and Arya is the lady of Stormsland with Gendry Baratheon and Bran is working with the maesters to fulfill the history books correctly. Then the last image are a blond boy and a brunette girl entering a cave and finding dragon eggs. The we heard Dany´s voice without seeing her “ Come here children”. The children smile and leaves the cave running. FADES TO BLACK



Princess Elia, Princess Rhaenys, and baby Prince Aegon.

There’s no way I would draw character’s from pre-Robert’s Rebellion and not draw these three. (And kitty Ballerion of course). Initially Elia’s dress was really challenging, I wasn’t sure how much Targaryen fashion would influence her wardrobe. Since this is the Mad King we’re talking about, I ended up mostly skewing Targaryen with the dorne sari/sash, neckline, jewelry and orange-reds instead of purple-reds.

Rhaenys is dressed in fairly classic Targaryen fashions but with mostly gold accents and some Dornish jewelry. (She’s also accompanied by Ballerion the Cat). And baby Aegon is chillin in some Targaryen red-purple.

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon

Princess Elia, Princess Rhaenys, and baby Prince Aegon.

There’s no way I would draw character’s from pre-Robert’s Rebellion and not draw these three. (And kitty Ballerion of course). Initially Elia’s dress was really challenging, I wasn’t sure how much Targaryen fashion would influence her wardrobe. Since this is the Mad King we’re talking about, I ended up mostly skewing Targaryen with the dorne sari/sash, neckline, jewelry and orange-reds instead of purple-reds.

Rhaenys is dressed in fairly classic Targaryen fashions but with mostly gold accents and some Dornish jewelry. (She’s also accompanied by Ballerion the Cat). And baby Aegon is chillin in some Targaryen red-purple.

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon
