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Title: Gotham Girls RP

Fandom: DC’s Gotham Girls
About: Welcome to the Gotham’s Girls Role Play! We are a brand new role play group centered around DC’s Gotham’s Girls the online webisodes or Gotham City Siren. Both of which, can be applied to this RP. However, that does not mean we won’t accept any other characters from Gotham City or DC in general.

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Chapters and Charms is now a Bookshop.org affiliate. Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores. (more…)

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On average, businesses spend anywhere from 11% to 13% of their total budget on marketing. Those numbers seem to be true no matter who you are. Even if you are a multi-billion dollar company, you use about the same percentage of your budget for marketing as a small business. Fine. That’s what you’ll do. Allocate about 12% of your budget and be done, right? Not so fast. Marketing isn’t an all-inclusive, one and done deal. You need to delve into that 12% and divide it up. How do you know where all that money is going? How do you know


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Businesses spent 1.3 trillion dollars on business travel in 2017. That’s double the U.S. Defense budget. Businesses don’t tend to spend frivolously. They spend on travel because spending reaps rewards. You travel in-person to a conference and come away with connections, education, and new ideas. You travel to China to broker a deal, you gain a trade partner and a ton of money you wouldn’t have if you’d tried to broker the deal over the phone. If you’re a freelancer or an online entrepreneur, travel might not always be part of your budget. You might prefer to hole up and


China now has the largest surveillance system in the world. The government owns and operates 170 million CCTV cameras. They use artificial intelligence and facial recognition to keep track of all the cameras and all the feeds. As camera and sensor technology shrinks, hiding cameras has become much easier. There once was a time when this would have bothered us immensely. Do you remember Google Glass? Now people have the same and better cameras in their phones and in their watches. Nobody cares. Where is the line? Who can record who when? If you’re an employer, the line gets fuzzy.


Are you seeing the benefits of running marketing webinars to capture and nurture leads but wondering how you can scale these efforts up?  It can take several days of work just to plan, prepare, promote, deliver and follow up on a single webinar. This makes it super challenging to justify investing in more and more webinars, no matter how fruitful each webinar you produce is.  Besides, today’s buyers are less interested in sharing personal information and contact details only to enter a sales funnel that flows at whatever pace a marketer hopes is most likely to be optimized for conversions.


Are you unable to get work done in your home office? Try these awesome home office upgrades for productivity.


You thought maybe being an entrepreneur meant you were just the ideas guy. Then you got deep into the planning process and realized there was a lot you had to do yourself before you could just be the ideas guy. Even Elon Musk had to learn business before he could start his engineering and product companies. He had to learn about marketing and other important aspects of marketing. One key aspect of business and startup marketing is CRM or customer relationship management. This is the center of your customer data. It’s where you store, track, and organize your customer data


You’re in a call with one remote worker. Then you get an email. Another remote worker wants to conference with you. Soon your entire day is filled up with calls. Does this sound familiar? You don’t know when you’re going to get your work done. But if you let these people just sit and wonder, they’re not going to be able to do their jobs. You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place…or are you? Suddenly, someone appears before you. “Hello! I’m Conference Call Dave! Have you considered a conference call system!” You almost scream and run out the


Do you feel alone in your work? I sometimes do. I feel like if I just had a mentor, someone I could go to on how to sift through all the BS and find gold. We’re not all lucky enough to plug into successful entrepreneurs. Some of us live in small towns in the middle of nowhere (could you point to Walla Walla, WA on a map?). Thus, if you do live far from civilization, you rely on the internet for advice and inspiration. Today I’m going to give you some of the best advice I could find. Where does


Nearly forty percent of web users will abandon a page if it looks ugly. (Ah! It hurts the eyes!) A full 60% would rather read something on a well-designed page than a plain one. Now, ask yourself if your page is the best it can be. Maybe you neglected to hire a design company. You DIYed that bad boy and now you’re not so sure it was a good idea. It’s time to do a complete redesign. Why? Because the original attempt is driving people away. Where do you start? It seems like a massive project and that was probably


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Motivation isn’t just some natural talent. It’s a developmental phenomenon. The people who seem to have natural motivation were blessed with opportunities for safe exploration when they were children. But our neurons aren’t stone-filled pathways cemented into our brains. We can change our brains and train them for success. Training might be more difficult for some than others, but it’s possible to succeed. Motivation is mostly internal and yet outside factors can augment your current abilities. Words are an efficient motivator. They pique the imagination and encourage further exploration. You can find inspiration from words spoken on an inspirational podcast.


Workshops can be an utter waste of someone’s time. And strangely, it seems that they’re a waste of time more often than not. One stat says that employees only retain 5-20% of what a workshop teaches. That’s a dismally low number. And it’s a testament to the stodginess of most workshop practices. Here we’re going to talk about how to overcome the common malpractices of workshop creators. Let’s get started. 1. Where Are You Aiming the Ship? Have you ever gone to a workshop and encountered an aimless mess? The speaker gets up there and talks for a bit and


2020 is going to be your year, you say to yourself as you open up your blog and see your abysmal traffic. I’m going to increase my traffic and sell more through my links. But the question is “how”? Just doing what you’ve always been doing will yield the exact same results. You need a leg up. But what are you missing? You’ve done everything you can think of. Well, today I’m going to give you some extra tools. And if you’ve ever done a home remodel, you’ll know that tools are invaluable. It’s time to do a blog remodel.


About 50% of entrepreneurs suffer from some sort of mental health condition. And it’s really not a surprise, is it? Startups take a toll on your health and your relationships. You’re putting in more hours than you would for a 9-5. The joke is, give up 40-hour workweeks to be your own boss for 60-hours a week. When the world seems against you and your motivation is waning, it’s time to find some inspiration. There are two ways I gain inspiration as an entrepreneur and a runner. I read books and I watch movies. Today we’re going to deal with


eCommerce sales were slated to grow to 63% by 2019. We’re going to rock those predictions this year. You want to be part of that monumental growth, but you’ve not seen your share. You’ve tried all the “staples.” PPC, SEO, Social Media. And sales still trickle. What are the other eCommerce peeps doing that you don’t? Today we’re going to solve that mystery. Here are a few tricks that will boost your eCommerce sales. 1. Guaranteed Delivery Dates Alright, yes, Amazon can do this and cover their butts because they’re huge. While you might not be able to guarantee a


How worried are you about your utility bills? Are the rising costs getting you down? You’re not alone. More people are worried about their utility bills rising than their rent. And if you own a business or have recently moved into a new office, you’re also feeling the pain. With global climate change on the minds of the most powerful, energy efficiency is one of the leading industries in the United States. Startups are cropping up everywhere. If you’re going to invest in a startup, energy startups will both make you money and make you feel good for helping in

