#african pride

                              * D A U G H T E R S  O F  G R A C E *Here they are, finally finished&h

                              * D A U G H T E R S  O F  G R A C E*

Here they are, finally finished… I started this illustration back at the beginning of november last year, but had to put it on hold due to the loss of my older Brother. A lot has happened between now & then, but I’m proud I have finally been able to complete it… 

I dedicate this illustration in honour to the life of my beloved Brother,Abiola Kingsley Oginni [1979 - 2015]

This illustration was inspired by an incredibly powerful image I came across on my news feed last year… A photo of a group of  women… not just any women… No, these were a Dynamic, Daring, Fierce & Bold Sisterhood of Super-heroines… with the Dopest STYLE!

We fight for those who are told their tears don’t matter. Where the police hurt more than serve, and eating establishments are built just to shorten the lives of the community. We fight for the strong who have been stripped of their powers. We fight for the invisible.

Paola Mathe was the creative genius behind the original source of my illustration, & I love everything she’s about! Here’s her personal website where you can see the incredible photos that inspired me as well as links to the blogs of the other models: http://goo.gl/35zsNp

Tempted to do a few more… ;)


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Here’s an illustration of a young lady I saw on the train platform a week or so ago… Stood thHere’s an illustration of a young lady I saw on the train platform a week or so ago… Stood th

Here’s an illustration of a young lady I saw on the train platform a week or so ago… Stood there by herself, this beautiful sista had such a radiance about her, I just wanted to capture & celebrate it. She didn’t have any military deco on her jacket, but it just seemed to work. I also had two versions of her which I liked both equally. One with short hair, one with long locks… Both represent the same statement of Natural Pride, & the love/ embracement of it.

I titled this, ‘Daughter of Alkebulan, Child of Kush’

Here’s a powerful spoken word piece that summarises my thoughts here, by K-Love The Poet, titled… Million Dollar Melanin

More of my work here.


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Deborah… Judge, Prophetess, Warrior & Wife. “And Deborah, a nebiyah (prophetess) the wife


“And Deborah, a nebiyah (prophetess) the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Yisra’el at that time. And she was dwelling under the palm tree of Deborah between Ramah and Beyth El in the mountains of Ephrayim. And the children of Yisra’el came up to her for right-ruling.” Judges 4 v4-5 

Representation matters…

More of my work here.


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Continuing on from my previous costume design for this character, here’s the latest… Gave this one t

Continuing on from my previous costumedesign for this character, here’s the latest… Gave this one the name, ’Joseph’.

For this costume, I took influence from Ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) plus a few traditional West Afrikan fashion influences of royalty… A very common misconception people have of Afrikan history is that other than Egypt (for the few who are aware Egypt is in Afrika), nothing else of equal or greater significance occurred… This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Afrika has always had a rich & ancient history of powerful civilizations with great Kings & Queens. One such figure was the West Afrikan Emperor, Mansa Musa, who was ruler of the Mali empire during the 13th century, & is historically recorded as to have been the wealthiest man to have lived at that time; & some say to this day… It is said that during his well known pilgrimage to Mecca, when passing through Egypt, he gave out so much gold that it literally threw off the Egyptian economy.

Here’s a documentary on the West Afrikan Empire of Mali.


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Worked up this illustration of a couple I saw on the train a few weeks back… I embellished a little

Worked up this illustration of a couple I saw on the train a few weeks back… I embellished a little on the design; the guy didn’t have this body frame, & neither wore gold, but both carried a powerful sense of Afrikan pride about them, which I loved… People couldn’t take their eyes off them… I loved that too.

More of my work here:


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