#aftermath of torture tw


bleeding through the bandages | pressure| blood-matted hair

21st entry for @whumptober2021

Read it on ao3

Title: Just know that I tried      

Pairing: 3zun

Rating: Mature

Warnings: Choose not to warn


They find him in the deepest, darkest prison chamber of the Fire Palace.

Words:  1.942


This is a Series, Masterlist Here.

Made possible by @whumpqhsand@adarhysenthe who are responsible for Lily and Tristan, respectively.

TW: Arguments, murder mention, fantasy religion, very skewed worldview of trauma survivor, aftermath of torture

Tristan went to Alsander’s private room in the Healing Halls, knocking once before he moved to open the door to warn his skittish charges he was coming in. “I’m back.” 

At his knock, the door opened and Lily slipped out, looking tired and a little tense. “He’s asleep…"

Halted, Tristan backed up to give her space to get through the door. “That’s alright, I want to talk to you in private anyway. About your…” He touched his own ears.

“…why? Is there something wrong with them?”

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