#ainsley whitly


Watching ainsley do that to Malcom then acting the way she did when he found out made me feel like maybe I wasn’t above hitting a woman

Ainsley’s shirt reveal at the end of the episode is the opposite of the ‘I forgot I got injured till I look down and see the blood on my shirt and pass out’ trope.



imagine not understanding that malcolm bright is a victim of circumstances and psychological torture who has severe ptsd just so you can be like “good for her” to ainsley who is clearly being written as an actual villian for what she has done and is doing. malcolm wasn’t right to lie to her, but he wasn’t gaslighting her because gaslighting is a specific kind of manipulation with insidious intent. lying is part of gaslighting, but not all lying IS gaslighting. malcolm did hide what ainsley did, but he did not do it to hurt her. he did it to save her. to save her the trauma of what she did, because he thought she would feel as crushingly guilty as he does - which she CLEARLY does not. he did it to take the fall for her despite it costing him everything, including his sense of self.

if he were gaslighting her, it would be to hurt her and control her. also, an important factor is that he comes to the conclusion on his own that keeping the truth from her was wrong, he apologizes and promises her that he will be there. if he were truly gaslighting her, he would not have done that. he would have shifted the blame on her for his lies. but he didn’t. then we see ainsley actually gaslight him by making him think that she killed a second person. she literally did this to torture him emotionally.

men can be victims, and it is important to see a male character be as open and emotionally vulnerable about trauma the way malcolm is. it’s refreshing to see him say he has trauma, to know it isn’t his fault and to cry openly about it. plus, in that moment we are supposed to be realizing that ainsley doesn’t love or care about malcolm. she is a killer just like their father. it is not a #yas queen moment and if you think it is you probably watched midsommar wrong too. malcolm isn’t perfect, but he isn’t meant to be. he is a traumtized individual making the best of his situation without getting any breaks in the process. he is bound to make mistakes along the way. but he isn’t malicious. that’s the point.

Very true! Might I add that one of the goals of gaslighting is to make the person being gaslighted doubt their own ability to distinguish the truth from the lies in order to eventually make that person dependent on the gaslighter for the “truth.” While I think Malcolm lying to Ainsley may have had a similar effect due to her memories coming back which were contradictory to what he was telling her (remember in 2x04 when she said “I feel like I’m going insane”?), Malcolm definitely didn’t do it to make Ainsley dependent on him (which is what Martin would have done) - he literally says in 2x07 that he did to “save [her] pain.” One could argue he lied to Jessica about it too to save her the pain of finding out that another member of her family, “perfect, nontraumatized” Ainsley, was a killer.

Lying to Jessica and Ainsley and covering up Endicott’s murder are all mistakes that Malcolm has made, some with bad consequences to come if the 2x08 promo is anything to go by, but he didn’t do any of it maliciously, certainly didn’t enjoy any of it (I don’t believe the “flashbacks” in 2x01 are actually what happened - more what Martin is planting in Malcolm’s mind), it has caused him severe emotional pain, and once he realized he’d made a mistake and he needed to rectify that, he apologized in person to Ainsley, comforted her and offered her support. And Ainsley, already having set up her sick “prank”, went ahead with it anyway. She watched her brother breaking down in front of her, made him worried on purpose all day by ignoring him, made smart remarks about him in front of their aunt and their mother and expressed no remorse. Honestly, I’m no expert so I don’t know if Ainsley is a sociopath or what, but I do think that this could be a dark path that the writers are setting her down on (but I’m here for that because I like dark female characters).

The issue with this episode is they shoved a crap ton of information into one episode. We have to deal with the Gil and Jessica romance, the aftermath of Ainsley’s murder (Malcolm’s coverup), unarmed black shootings (blm? kind of but not really), a new murderer, Martin’s killing tendencies, Malcolm’s self sacrificing tendencies, Gil’s recovery, a random covid mention, and a random sex dungeon confession scene???

Also only one second of Sunshine who really is the only stable character in the whole show.

Which Ainsley are you today?

hoe don’t do it

instagram is making me upset so coming on here and seeing people reblog my malcolm drawing and connecting it to my ainsley drawing from january makes me unbelievably happy i seriously love prodigal son tumblr

in honor of prodigal son s2 tonight,, here’s ainsley from the s1 finale like father, like daughter i guess

Prodigal Son S1E1Prodigal Son S1E1Prodigal Son S1E1

Prodigal Son S1E1

Post link


The Whitly family every time they walk into Martin’s cell and find another family member there.


For real though… none of this eliminates Malcolm being on the hook for Eddie’s murder does it? Is that officially cleared or still questionable?

I mean, he’s no longer around to pull strings and obstruct justice, so Gil can testify that Endicott tried to have him murdered. Jessica was also there to witness the attack. The only other person who could say otherwise to help Endicott would be his henchman, who Endicott had killed earlier, so this could all go away pretty nicely if everyone keeps a level head.

Also…is Malcolm going to help Ainsley get rid of the body via their secret, underground, murder passage or what at the start of season 2? I’m interested to see what happens to Ainsley next.


Hey.Hey.Wanna know what Ainsley’s wearing in the final scene?




Wanna know what Martin was wearing when he was arrested?





Ainsley:*Kills Nicholas Endicott*


Cutting a throat is one thing, but going in for the real kill at the end there, all standby stabby…whoa, my girl.


Also shout out to ainsley being “im the well adjusted one” then proceeding to immediately be like “soooo I know you lived in one Carolina but you were in the other one before you got adopted just like gitb what’s up with that huh” to eve like damn ok if you say so
