#aizawa smut



Aizawa has a breeding and size kink.

He likes to overpower you and repeat “I’m gonna get you fucking pregnant” while absolutely r a i l i n g you and never stopping until you’re full to your limit.

And lemme tell you something… I would let him JABDHSKSBJS


I Will Show You Soon.

DILF week masterlist

Shota Aizawa x f!Reader

Genre: Smut

Notes: day two of dilf week thank you once again to @twicesbrat​ for beta reading for me because I am a lazy mf This is quite tame for me, I actually really struggled writing this I don’t know why but it took me waaaaaay longer than usual.

Synopsis: You’re Aizawa’s nanny, you’re happy to serve the households every whim. So why is he acting so strangely around you?

Warnings: 18+, dubcon, degradation, oral (male receiving), daddy kink.

Words: 2.4k


When he hired you, Aizawa had no idea that you weren’t actuallya nanny. It was an assumption he made by the way you handled his young daughter, Eri. She was nothing short of a delight. Gorgeous silver locks and the rosiest little cheeks you’ve ever seen. She was cute as a button; you’d never have known the ordeal she’d been through in her short little life. You saw Aizawa in a different light, being able to look at him and know he’d taken it upon himself to be this lost little girl’s father, it softened him.

It made him feel like a safe presence to be around.

Keep reading

The Nanny [pt.15]

Aizawa x Reader


Warning: 18+ish?

Tag list: @coliflowerplants@mirayasimpinghard@wh0reforlevi@eleventhdoctorsangel@galactict3a@bakugousshittywoman@mechmoucha@collide-with-the-music@americanimrodd@tojidilfs

“You jealous?” 

Your eyes rolled as you rubbed the spot on your arm that Hizashi nudged with his bony elbow. Your eyes followed his gaze to where Recovery Girl stood, placing wet, long kisses to your fiancé.

You subconsciously rubbed the ring on your finger, giggling at Hizashi’s eyebrow wiggles as he teased you.

“Very jealous. You think I should be worried?”

“Totally. You better marry him before she can steal him away.”

The smile on your face grew soft as your cheeks became warm with a blush.

Was this all happening fast?


Did you care?

Not at all.

“Honey, he’s asking for you,” Recovery Girl said just above a whisper as the hero’s and medical staff began to file out of the house. “You should go to him. He’s been talking about you ever since we got here.”

With a pat to your hand and an encouraging smile, you slips from her kind gaze and walked over to the now clean chair where Shouta sat. His eyes were hooded in exhaustion, small bandaids littering his beaten face.

You kneeled down at his side again, pushing strands of dark hair out of his face. That same hand cradled his face, allowing him to relax into your touch, lifting his own hand to bring your fingers to his lips as he kissed your palm. Turning your hand over again, he placed a kiss to the ring that now claimed your finger.

“Mmm this looks good on you.”

You smiled, scooting closer to his side as you leaned into his lap.

“Oh yeah? I gotta say, I think you look good as well.” You took in his handsome appearance. Even with the bandages and scars, his long, messy hair and shirtless chest made your cheeks burn. His breath had steadied and the slight rise and fall of his chest made your smile tug at the left corner of your mouth. His tired eyes where heavy and the golden light of the setting sun flickered in them.

“I thought the worst…you know? I thought you could have been dead out there somewhere.”

“I didn’t die though. I made it here. I made it here to see you.”

“But you could have bled out! I could have lost you. You almost didn’t make it home!”

He silenced your cries with a sigh. Both his hands cradled your face now, making your teary eyes meet his as he looked down at you.

“I’ll always come back home to you.”

His thumbs wiped away your tears as he pulled you closer, lifting your face a bit more to capture your lips in his own. A slight salty taste from the tears danced across your tongues. His strong arms pulled you up, bringing you to gently sit on his lap in the chair. Once seated, you broke the kiss to lay your head on his shoulder as his soothing fingers lazy drug across your back.

The moment was sweet. It felt like home in his arms. And in that moment, you knew that the Aizawa house was exactly where you needed to be.



Hitoshi stood before the two of you, backpack dropped to the ground at his feet as Eri jumped up in down in glee around her brother.

“I was stabbed.”

“Yeah, yeah I got that. What was that second thing??”

“Daddy and Y/N are getting married!!”

Eri’s excitement got the best of her as she threw herself into yours and Shouta’s arms. You welcomed the girls embrace as you snuggled into her.

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“You’re going to be my mommy, Y/N! We get to do mommy daughter things!” Eri exclaimed, pulling back to give you her winning smile.

“Well, we had picked out a ring together. I thought you knew this was coming.”

“Not so soon?!”

“Well, it’s soon. And I’m fine by the way. Thanks for asking.”

Shinsou brought a hand to his headed in lock agony, sighing in distraught at the news.

“Congratulations. Truly. I’m so happy for you both. I wish you the best. Just please keep the S-E-X on the down-low for as long as superhumanly possible. Which should be forever. Please.”

“What’s sex?”

The room went silent as all eyes turned to Eri in shock.

“W-what?” You asked the little girl who was still perched in your lap.

“S-E-X. That spells sex. What’s that?”

Shouta chuckled as he reached over to ruffle the girls hair. “Nothing you need to worry about for a very very long time. Like ever.”

“Okay. But, does you marrying Y/N mean she gets to be our nanny forever?”

You smiled, reaching forward to smooth the girls hair back in place.

“You can definitely say that! I wouldn’t want to do anything else anyway.”

Bedtime came quickly, and you now sat beside Eri tucking her in.

“Okay missy, what will it be? Story time or lullabies?” You asked as you wiggles The Rainbow Fish and a CD in your hands.

“Can we just talk tonight instead?”

You placed the items down with a nod, scooting your chair over so you could prop you arms on the bed beside her.

“Sure thing! What do you want to talk about, love?”

The little girl pondered a moment before cupping a hand around her mouth to whisper to you.

“Do you and Daddy kiss?”

Your eyes widened slightly as you pulled back to look at her.

“Now why in the world do you ask that?”

She sucked her lips between her teeth, eyes growing wide as she looked to the side. Her fingers fiddled with the bed sheets as she paused.

“You are getting married, so you love each other, right?”

“Yes. We do.”

“People who love each other, kiss each other.”

You threw your hands up in dramatics.

“You’ve caught me! Yes, I do kiss him sometimes. When he’s not yucky that is. I don’t want cooties.”

Eri laughed as she rolled on her side, propping her head up to look at you.

“Daddy doesn’t have cooties!” She said between giggles. “He said only boys my age have them.”

“Hm, he may be right about that.”

The room went silent for a moment as Eri thought up her next question.

“Are you and Daddy going to have a baby?”

You nearly chocked on your own tongue as you sputtered out nonsense syllables as you failed to form a sentence.

“Not right now! We haven’t really talked about it.”

Kids say the craziest things…

“When you do, can I have a baby sister? A baby brother would be nice too, though.”

You giggled as you pulled the covers up, urging the little girl to lay down as she yawned into the palm of her hand.

“When we are ready for a baby, I’ll make sure you’re the first to know then. You would make an amazing big sister.”

“I know.” She said softly as her eyes fluttered shut.

You stood once you were sure she was asleep and quietly backed out of the room, closing the door behind you.

As you turned, you jumped slightly when you saw the figure standing behind you.

“Toshi! You scared me to death, dude. You’re good at sneaking.”

He smiled softly as he reached a hand up to scratch at his purple mess of hair.

“Sorry, mommy dearest. Just wanted to say goodnight.”

“Already calling me mommy, hm?”

“I-it’s supposed to be funny.”

“Oh it’s hilarious, son.”

He shuttered as he walked up to you, bopping you on the top of the head with his fist gently.

“Gross. No more role play for us. Goodnight, Y/N.”

“Goodnight, you turd.”

Shinsou disappeared behind his door, leaving you to return to the living room, only yo find Shouta sitting at the kitchen bar seats with two glasses of wine.

“Was your day so bad that you need two glasses of wine? You’d think you had been stabbed or something.”

The look he gave you was one of amused annoyance. His eyes cut at you, but the jerk of his head called you over to sit beside him.

As you turned in your stool to face him, you raised the glass up.

“To what are we drinking to then?”

He raised his as well, reaching a hand out to rest in your knee.

“We are drinking to our engagement, of course, because I am engaged to the most kind, caring, intelligent, badass, beautiful woman I have ever met in my life.”

Your cheeks hurt from both the burning blush and ever growing smile that over took your face at his sweet toast. You clinked your class to his, bringing it to your lips.

“I’ll drink to that.”

You both swallowed the wine, emptying your glasses in one go as Shouta refilled your glasses again.

“So, did Eri go down okay?”

You took a sip, nodding over the rim of your glass.

“She did. She told she just wanted to talk instead of read a story this time.”

“Oh? And what was on her very interesting mind tonight?”

You smirked as you recalled the moment before.

“Well, she was asking about you and me. She was curious about our relationship.”

“Oh really?”

“Mhm. She asked if we kissed and if we loved each other….and she asked when we were going to give her a little sister or brother.” You mumbled out, the slight buzz of the wine making your body tingle.

Shouta lifted an eyebrow, side eyeing you as he took another sip. He swirled his drink before placing it down, squeezing your knee gently in his hand.

“Is that so? And what did you tell her?”

“Oh, you know. Just that I’d tell her when we are ready to do that.”

Shouta nodded, a soft smile lifting his lips as he leaned forward, face nearing yours.

“Maybe we should get started on that then.”

Both hands now rested on your thighs, squeezing the flesh in his fingers.

You leaned forward, grazing his lips with yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck to toy with the hair at the nape.

“Your room or mine?”

“Does it matter?”

His lips crashed onto yours as he lifted you up, fingers leaving bruised indentions on your skin as he carried you down the hall, quietly shutting the door to his room behind you both.


Ahhhhhh yes part 15 is here!! Sorry it took so long! I also believe I’m going to end this serious here because it is a good stopping point (unless y’all want the sexy time bc maybe I’ll do that for one last hoorah to the series). But thank you all for reading! I appreciate it so much.

Also if I decide to do little spin-off story shorts (like deleted scenes of a movie?) would you like to read that? They’d just be short little stories from this series but idk seems fun.

Also Ily all. I send everyone hugs and a big ol fat kiss bc y’all are great. Mwah.

SUMMARY: Request: Aizawa dating a reader who’s never been in a relationship before (because of social anxiety) and is basically anxious about everything they do together (holding hands, cuddling, being intimate, those normal relationship things) and the reader doesn’t really understand how relationships work and has a breakdown? Please and thank you :> (If this is too much you can take some details out)

PAIRING: Aizawa x reader
WARNING: slight smut nothing to bad


Being in a relationship isn’t something you were the most comfortable with. That is not to say you hadn’t been interested in people. Of course you had many crushes but you never pursued anyone in a romantic sense. No one had pursued you either probably because you were so quiet. So when Aizawa began flirting with you, you had a hard time handling it.

“You look beautiful today, (Y/N),” He walked next to you and winked. You could feel your face flush. You attempted to let out a small laugh but it got caught in your throat causing you to cough weakly. After seeing your reaction he began to compliment you more often. Eventually this led to him asking you out on a date. He soon realized any small touch He soon realized any small touch for or small flirtatious things he would say would send your mind into overdrive.

The first time he held your hand on one of your first dates, while he had it gently clasped in his own hand over the table at the restaurant he took you too. Your fingers interlocking with his. You kept stuttering out apologizes for your sweaty palms.

“(Y/N), there is no need to apologize,” he pulled your hand to his lips, pressing them gently against your knuckles. That only caused your heart to pound against your rib cage even harder. 

After your date he was walking you home when he placed his hand on the small of you back. He continued talking but you couldn’t focus on the words coming out of his mouth. All you could hear was your heartbeat in your ears.“(Y/N), are you even listening to me?” he asked as his fingers moved in small circles on your back.

“S-sorry,” you stuttered before clearing your throat, “What were you saying?” you squeaked out. He took his hand off your back and repeated himself. The rest of the walk your heart pounded with anticipation and fear. Once you were at the door to your apartment the two of you stared at one another for a moment.

“W-would you like to maybe, um, come inside?” you managed to stutter out avoiding looking him in the eyes, “I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to,”

“Sure,” he said as you fiddled with your keys. You were barely able to unlock the door because your hands were shaking so much. Inside your apartment you became a lot calmer. 

“Would you like a drink?”

“A water, please”

“Um, you can make yourself at home,”

You walked to the kitchen to fix Shouta a glass of water before walking to the living room. You saw him sitting on your couch arms, tired eyes looked you up and down as you handed him the glass. Pulling you to sit next to him on your couch. Conversation flowed between the two of you despite your stuttering and constant apologizes. 

When his lips softly brushed over yours, He could feel your heart racing in your chest. His hands were placed on your waist as he placed a soft kiss on your lips. You could feel your breath speed up as his lips moved against yours. When he pulled away, he saw the deep red color on your face.

“(Y/N), are you okay?” everything was beginning to get a little overwhelming for you. You couldn’t calm your breaths anymore, your eyes began to water slightly. He placed a hand on your shoulder trying to figure out what was wrong.

“I’m sorry if I upset you,”

“You didn’t upset me. It’s just…“ your sentence trailed off. You honestly didn’t know how to explain this to him. How could you explain to Shouta Aizawa that you had never dated anyone seriously and you didn’t know how a relationship works.

“Hey, take your time but please tell me what is going on. I care for you and I just want to know what is going on,” the two of you are sat on the couch as he places a hand on your leg, “please just tell me whats wrong,”

“I’ve just never done this,” you motion to his hand, “I’ve never had a serious relationship and honestly I don’t really understand how they work. I’m not used to the touches or flirting. This is just very different from what i’m used to.” you felt the tears pricking in your eyes.

“We can go as slow as you want. I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time either. I just want you to feel comfortable with me,” Aizawas hand wiped the few stray tears that made their way down your cheeks. He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you.

“You can tell me anything. Okay, kitten?” You nodded into his chest as he stroked your hair. You pulled out of the hug with a deep blush on your face.

“Thank you for understanding, Shouta,” you leaned forward slowly and pressed a small peck on his lips.

That was definitely not the last time that you panicked about rather normal things. The first time Shouta attempted to cuddle with you, you were as stiff as a rock when he laid his head on your lap as the two of you were watching a movie.

“You are a very comfortable pillow, Kitten,” You had barely gotten used to his pet name for you, “You don’t have to be so stiff though,” as soon as the words left his mouth you managed to relax slightly and by the end of the movie your hands were tangled in Shouta’s dark locks as he let out soft sighs in his sleep.

The worst incident was when you had begun to think you were growing out of your discomfort in the relationship. Kissing, cuddling, and small touches you had grown used to and even found comfort in them most of the time. You and Shouta were having a rather heated makeout in his bed as Shouta’s kisses began to trail further and further down your body. You could feel him growing harder.

“Shouta,” you mumbled.

“Yes, Kitten,” he said between kisses to your neck.

“I haven’t been with someone like this before,” you said quietly causing him to pull away from you.

“Would you like me to stop?” he asked

“No, I just wanted you to know beforehand,” you attempted to explain.

“If you want me to stop, just say the word, okay?” you nodded as pulled your shirt above your head before removing his own. You admired his chest, keeping your hands placed by your sides.

“Kitten,” He said, noticing you stiffing slightly, “You can touch me,” you loosened up slightly reaching your hands out and placing them on his chest. Your finger tracing along his muscles and pale skin and for a moment you are completely out of your head until his lips are once again placed on your neck. He hands trailed down to you pants as he takes them off he pulls back again. He eyes raking over your body making your mind race. You could only think of the worst case scenarios as Aizawa’s hand began to roam your skin. You could feel the panic begin to rise and tears begin to form as his lips press kisses down your stomach and on your thighs.

“S-shouta,” you want to push him off and run. Your throat feels tight and your heart is racing.

“Yes, Kitten. Are you alright?”

“I-i…” you stuttered.

He places a quick peck on your lips, “Do you need a second?” he asked. You simply nodded your head as he gave you a second to collect yourself.

“I’m sorry. My mind drifted to bad scenarios and I was just over thinking, I’m sorry,” you explained after collecting your thoughts.

“You never ever have to apologize for over thinking,” Shouta said, “Do you want to stop?”

You didn’t give him an answer but pulled him into a kiss which came as a shock to him. You kissed his neck, hearing small sighs fall from his lips as you sucked on the skin as he did to you. His hands trialed over your body before grabbing your waist and flipping you over. He hovered above you and began trailing kisses down your body once again.

“Shouta,” you breathed his name out, “Thank you,” he hummed against your skiing before quirking his eyebrow at you, “Thank you for making me feel comfortable,” you said looking into his eyes

“Anything for you kitten,” he said before continuing to place kisses on your body and saying praises.


SUMMARY: Soft dom Aizawa and reader trying bonadge for the first time

PAIRING: soft dom!Aizawa x inexperienced!reader

WARNING: bondage, smut


Your hands were tied to the headboard of your bed, a blindfold was placed over your eyes. You could feel Aizawa’s hands working on tying the rope which was tying your ankles to your thighs, leaving you exposed for him. The soft brushes against your skin made a heat rush between your legs and soft pants leave your lips.

“Kitten, are you okay?” he deep voice asked. Your breathing was heavy and your mind raced. You were a bit frightened when Shouta first told you about his desire to have you tied up. It was something you had never experienced or really even thought about. The whole time he was asking if you were okay with this. You knew he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable.

“Kitten?” he spoke again, removing his hands from which earned a whimper to fall out of your mouth. Even though you couldn’t see him you knew he was smirking at your reaction.

“I’m good, Shouta,” your voice sounded strained as you spoke. His hands quickly returned to the knots he was tying on your thighs.

“Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said, placing kisses down your thighs as he finished the knots.

“Mhmm,” you moaned softly, “Yes sir”

He rose from his spot between your thighs and began placing light teasing kisses on your neck and chest. Your breathing grew heavy once more due to his teasing. His hands trace small circles on your hips and stomach. 

After what feels like an eternity of the slow teasing, he begins to kiss down your stomach as his hands move to your thighs. You feel the weight of him leave you as he pulls away from your body.

“Kitten, are you enjoying this?” he asked, “cause I must say you are very wet right now” he says before dipping a finger into your wetness. You could only moan as he pushed two fingers into you. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth in an attempt to stifle your moans.

“Kitten, stop that,” he reached up to your mouth and pull at your bottom lip, “I want to hear every sound that comes out of this pretty mouth of yours,”

His finger worked inside of you as his mouth found your clit and sucked on it, earning a loud moan. The hand that wasn’t working inside of you worked it way up to your chest and began teasing your hard nipples. You were now tethering on the edge of your release. You knew shouta could tell because of the way you gripped at the fingers inside of you as you grind your hips against his hands and mouth.

“Fuck, shouta,” you moaned out as his fingers curled inside of you pushing you over the edge. His fingers still moved inside of you but he pulled his mouth away.

“You look so beautiful like this,” he whispered into you ear before placing small kisses on your face, “You are doing so well, kitten”

“Are you feeling alright, kitten?” he asked.

“Yes, sir” you said, nodding your head.

“Do you want to continue?” he asked.

“Yes, please sir” you begged. He placed his hands on your hips again before lining himself up with your entrance. Teasing your clit with the tips of his cock before pushing into you fully. He let out a groan as he bottomed out in you.

“God, you feel so good wrapped around me, kitten,” he said, placing kisses on your neck once more until you began moving your hips begging him to move.

“You’re so needy, kitten,” he said before thrusting into you. You attempted to meet his thrust but he placed his hands on your hips holding you in place.

“Do not move, kitten,” he instructed, the firmness in his voice caused you to clench tightly around him. A groan fell from his lips feeling you tight around him.

“You like it when I tell you what to do, kitten”

“Yes, Shouta” his fingers found your clit once more, “oh god, fuck, shouta” you managed to say as his fingers worked quickly over you clit.

“Kitten, are you close?” he asked.

“Fuck, yes,” you moaned, grinding against him again. Within seconds you came around him. His thrust continued through your orgasm and into his own.

You felt the blindfold being lifted from your eyes, “That was amazing. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, Shouta. It was great.” you said as he began to untie your arms and legs.

“I going to run you a bath,” Aizawa said, pressing a kiss on your lips, “Don’t move I’ll be right back,”

A few moments later, he returned and picked you up carrying you to the bath.

“Just stay here and relax, kitten” he said, placing you into the warm, bubbly water.

“Shouta” you said, as he lit some candles.

“Yes, (Y/N),” he said looking at you.

“Thank you,” you smiled at him.

“I love you,” he said, placing a kiss on your head before leaving you to soak in the tub.

Aizawa x Age Difference

Genre: suggestive content

Warning: Age difference

Word Count: 940

Summary: You get the honor of becoming Aizawa’s teaching assistant. You’ve always been fascinated with him since high school and ever since he became a college professor as well, you were ecstatic. But even though you’re an adult, you feel as though he still treats you as a child. As if your just one of the kids helping him for a day like in high school. But one day that changes and it’s something you definitely weren’t expecting.

A/n: These last two have been quite short and there isn’t really smut in this one, just suggestive content which wasn’t intended at all. Still, I hope you guys enjoy it anyway, and don’t worry we can only go up from here <3

Second Person Pov

“Y/n go to my office and get the notes I need for my first lecture. I forgot them in my office.” You got up from your desk, grabbed the copy of his keys that you had, and walked to his office. His office was close to his class so it wasn’t too bad that it wasn’t attached.

You’ve been Aizawa’s teaching assistant for about four months now but you feel like he still treats you like you’re a high school student even though you’re more like a teacher if anything. You’ve always had a slight crush on Mr. Aizawa and now you are twenty-one so in technical terms it’s legal. The only thing that holds you back is the massive age difference and what people would think of you. Aizawa was thirty-one when you were fifteen so doing the math he’s thirty-seven years old.

You got to the office and unlocked the door quickly, leaving the door open as you walked to his desk and looked for his notes. Once you found them and got all the ones you needed, you turned to walk out when you walked right into a hard body. The impact caused you to stumble back and drop everything in your hands to the floor causing a mess everywhere. You rubbed your nose as you looked up to see Aizawa. “I forgot to tell you that I needed a few more things so I decided to just come myself. I didn’t expect you to get so scared so easily that you made such a mess. Look at the mess you made.”

You don’t know what it was but the tone of his voice and the words themselves just made you subconsciously push your thighs together, feeling the heat between your legs and one spread on your face as you looked down. “I-i’m sorry Mr. Aizawa! I’ll clean this all up.” You dropped down and started picking up the papers when you realized you couldn’t spot the keys anywhere. “Damn where’s the keys?” you mumbled to yourself as Aizawa sighed, bending down, lifting up your face to see the bored expression on his own.

“Under the table. It slid under due to your little fright.” He smirked which caused your face to heat up more from immense embarrassment.

“I’m sorry. Let me get them.” You said so quietly it was almost a whisper as he waved you off at the same time, letting go of your face gently.

“No, let me.” But you already turned around and bent to search for the keys with your ass up in the air. He shook his head with an amused but lazy smirk on his face as he bent down behind you, crotch up against your ass as he reached to get the keys with his long arms.

You completely froze, unable to breathe let alone think. He grabbed the keys and pulled them by your ear as he leaned down in the other and whispered in a deep, husky voice. “Got em.”

You couldn’t move as the shock of the situation wracked your body and he only made it worse by kissing your neck gently. “A-Aizawa what are you doing? What if someone walks in.”

He continued kissing your neck as he chuckled lightly. “No more ‘Mr’? And don’t worry so much, I already closed the door.” He licked up your neck and bit your earlobe gently as you shivered and leaned your head to give him more room. “Plus it’s not like you’re some little girl slumming it with your high school teacher.”

“But Aizawa y-your more than ten years older than me. What if people think it’s weird?” You looked down slightly, playing with your fingers as he kept kissing your neck.

He stopped when he saw you were upset and sighed softly. He turned you around so you faced him before he pulled you into him so you straddled his lap as he sat on his knees. “Do I look like the type of person to truly care what others think? Plus it’s not like I was feeling for you when you were a child, I just started finding you attractive since you started being my assistant.”

You shake your head slightly as you look up at him with slightly wide, curious eyes. “Are you sure you don’t mind the age difference?”

He pulled you into a deep kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist as you pushed your hands through his long hair. He pulled back after a bit and shrugged. “I don’t care and I know you don’t because you’ve liked me since you were a child who was well aware of the difference back then.” He smirked as your jaw dropped in shock.

“You knew?! So did you plan this to happen? To trick me into coming to your office so you could confess and confront me?” You pouted playfully as you crossed your arms causing him to shake his head and chuckle.

“Yes, I knew. I was a tired man, not a dumb one. And yes I planned to get you in here to talk to you but I didn’t think you’d react to a little fright like such a teenage girl. It seemed like something straight out a teen coming of age movie.”

“So what does this make us? What does this mean?” You looked up at him as he looked down at you with an amused look.

“Oh wow, you are still a kid huh? We’re adults so it’s really whatever it is. You don’t have to label everything but if you want one, you can say we're… dating.”
