#aot scenarios



ever since you became a teenager, you’ve always worn a purity ring on your finger with the promise that you would only take it off when you find the right one - the right person to give yourself to, entirely.

you and levi had been dating for a few years now and since the first day you met, you knew that he was the one you would give yourself to entirely. after years of waiting, levi took your virginity on your birthday - hence, the purity ring was also taken off of your finger.

later that night, you were out with friends in a club to celebrate your birthday. levi closely watched you dance on the dance floor with your friends from the bar, lightly tapping his finger to the beat of the music on the glass of alcohol he was holding when someone around his age sat down next to him.

“a glass of whiskey” he said to the bartender before turning to levi who was sat next to him. he followed his line of sight, an amused smile pulling at the corner of his lips when he saw that he was looking at you.

“gorgeous girl, isn’t she? look at how hot she is, man. i wonder if anyone has touched her, if you know what i mean” the man said with a chuckle, drinking from his glass as levi glanced at him but said nothing. although he knew that he was talking about you.

“she’s not your girl, is she? i mean, i assume that she isn’t since you have an engagement ring around your neck and i want to make a move on her” the man said, pointing to the ring that levi had on a chain around his neck as he looked down at it and grunted in reply.

“it’s not an engagement ring” levi replied, putting his glass down on the counter when he saw you waving him over as he stood up and the man hummed in reply.

“what is it then?” the man asked with amusement lacing his voice as levi turned to him, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.

“her purity ring” levi answered, smirking smugly at him before excusing himself and leaving the man in shock and at loss for words at the bar.

always be with you ; eren yeager

warnings not edited, other than that… nothing much lol

genre fluff, angst ( ? ), modern au, established relationship

word count1.3k

inspirationn / a

synopsis in the final days you have with eren before you have to go away for college, he takes you on one last date before you leave

a / n back from a hiatus i wasn’t even aware i was taking only explanation is that i’ve been in between fandoms and didn’t feel like writing for anyone really. but i’ve recently attached myself to jjk so let’s see how that goes

“Eren, I don’t understand the need for a blindfold.” Your fingers came up to touch the material for the umpteenth time. Eren scoffed, his hand coming over to swat your hand away just like the other times.

“It wouldn’t be much of a surprise without one, would it?” Your body jerked to the right as Eren hit another sharp turn.

You huffed. “Well, the more you drive recklessly, the more I want this surprise to be over.”

He laughed. “Don’t worry, you big baby. We’re here now.” The car eased to a stop in what you guessed was a parking spot. It didn’t take long for you to process where this surprise was.

From the amount of turns, to the salty smell of the ocean. You already knew Eren had taken you to the beach.

“We’re at the beach?” Eren finally removed that blindfold. The beach was practically deserted at this hour, at least on the side Eren always brought you to.

“Don’t like it?” He asked, already getting out of the car.

You followed suit, opening the passengers door and having Eren join by your side. “I don’t mind but we come here all the time.”

“I know, I know,” Eren grabs the both of your wrists, leading you both from the pavement to the sea of sand. “But I wanted this to be the last spot we came to before you have to start packing tomorrow.”

Eren said it with a smile but you could tell that sentence hurt him more to say than for you to hear. For you, Eren had always put on a brave face. No matter what the circumstances were, he always made sure you knew he was “taking it well”.

Being one of the closest people to Eren, you knew when he was on the opposite spectrum of that. You knew when a situation was weighing down on him, you knew when he was stressed out, you could when he just wanted to breakdown.

You saw all those things clearly ever since you told him you wanted to travel for college. Specifically, thousands of miles away from him. Eren always knew he wanted to stay homebound for college, and so did you. But unlike him, you didn’t have much ties to your hometown. Besides him and your friends.

And you had the overwhelming want to travel since forever. Since you got the chance with a scholarship to a college across the country, you weren’t going to pass it up. Much to Eren’s dismay.

He was upset, to say the least. It wasn’t direct but he was trying to convince you to try other options. Like for example, stay with him. Thankfully, he let that hope go when he saw that you were serious about this decision.

Yet, even though you knew he had come to terms with the idea, he was still hurt and worried for your relationship. You were too. For the past year your relationship has managed to withstand anything, but the possibility that long distance could deliver the blow prodded at you.

“I think this is our usual spot.” Eren sat down on the sand, bringing you down with him. You two sat side by side in silence. Just listening to the repeated crashing of the waves.

It reminded you of the moment this had become you and Eren’s spot. One year ago, the both of you sitting close to this very spot on the sand. Talking about nothing. There was no worry that one of you had to leave for a while. Just the worry Eren had that you’d say no to his request of being his girlfriend.

The memory made you laugh, your forehead meeting your knees. Eren looked over in concern.

“Are you okay?” Your eyes met his curious gaze and you couldn’t help but laugh more.

“I was just thinking about the night you confessed to me. And how we started dating at this exact spot.” Your laughter subsided as you laid back onto the sand. In the moment, you weren’t worried where it landed but you knew you’d be annoyed when you say up.

Yet, when Eren joined you and copied the way you looked up at the sky, your future worries melted with ease.

“16 year old Eren was quite the romantic, choosing to confess to you at a beach at night.” Eren mused. You hummed, a soft laugh rumbling in your chest.

“Now that I think about it, I think that’s the most romantic thing you’ve done.” Your laughter was more audible when you heard Eren’s gasp.

His hand landed on his chest, he was obviously offended. “I have done romantic things since then,” He sat up onto his elbows.

“Like— remember the time I—” Eren paused when began to laugh more hysterically. He scoffed, plopping back onto the sand.

“You were joking.” He said bitterly in realization. You nodded, shuffling over to place your head on his chest.

“I was just joking, bub. You’re very romantic.” Eren sucked his teeth, his hand coming up to dust sand from your hair.

You cleared your throat. “I’m going to miss this.” You whispered, hesitant, hoping you didn’t cut deeper into any of Eren’s open wounds. He inhaled deeply.

“So am I.” He whispered back, his hand rested on the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek.

The silence returned but you could only focus on the present. You wouldn’t get a moment like this with Eren for a while and that you couldn’t even imagine.

“You know,” Eren interrupted your thought process. You hummed in response. “I brought you here to stargaze.”

“Really?” You inquired.

“Yea. I wanted to say one of those cheesy lines like how, even though you’re thousands of miles away, I’d always be with you because of the stars. But then I realized that line was really bad.” He laughed it off. And usually, you would too. But just him admitting that weighed into the fact you’d really be without him and only with him through your devices.

You wouldn’t be able to hear any more borderline terrible jokes or what he considers romantic lines in person, on his chest, on his shoulder. The thought singly made tears well up in your eyes and your tears fell before you could blink them away.

The sudden wet spots of Eren’s shirt and the sound of your sniffling alerted him. He sat up immediately, bringing your body up as well.

“Oh no, I know it was really bad but don’t cry.” Eren’s fingers came to wipe your tears before cradling your face in his palms. You laughed at him sadly.

“I’m not crying because of your terrible line, idiot. I’m crying because I’m actually going miss you telling me them in person. It’s not going to be the same when we’re thousands miles apart.” Your explanation made Eren frown.

He sighed, leaning his forehead onto your own. “I know. And I know it’s selfish to say that I’d do anything for you to stay with me but I know you going to that college is what’s best for you. I want what’s best for you and if it means we’ll have to be apart for a while, I can accept that.”

Again with the silence with only the sound of the waves. You sat on Eren’s words, trying to accept the situation just like he had.

You scoffed, weakly hitting his chest. “How are you taking this better than me?”

Eren laughed, pulling back hut still keeping his hands cupping your face. “I’m not, seriously. But I love you and I know that this is what’s happening. And I know we’ll still be together no matter what.”

That made your frown upturn a bit. Eren had faith in your relationship, and there was no reason for you to have doubt when he didn’t.

You sucked your teeth. “I love you too.”

“Yea, I know.”

v-day ; levi squad + hange

warnings just cute stuff with my babies

genre fluff, modern au

word count0.7k

inspo honestly, i’m going through an armin brainrot phase so

synopsisstill sad and mourning so here’s how i cope with aot ( again )

a/n i miss sasha so i needed to make one of these for valentines day activities ( isayama, if you ever see this. i’m under your bed )

eren yeager;

  • literally gone when you wake up
  • and you know exactly why ‘cause he does it every year
  • to say eren goes all out for valentines day would be an understatement
  • even though it happens every year, you never get tired of his planned out scavenger hunts
  • he has you run around the city for clues and it brings you to places the both of you have been before and of course, it ends with you meeting him at some restaurant or even back at home
  • ( you prefer the restaurant because i headcanon that eren cannot cook for shit )
  • but still it’s really romantic and he will not hesitate to do it again ( or something even better ) the following year

armin arlert;

  • plain and simple, you’re not allowed to lift a finger
  • he brings you breakfast in bed, he’s giving you presents, he’s running you a bath, literally anything you want he’ll do it for you
  • ( it’s like this on a regular basis but he denies that )
  • and he’ll make you both a dinner ( which is actually good )
  • and you guys would probably spend the rest of the night in this extravagant fort ( that armin built without a word ), watching romcoms

levi ackerman;

  • you never expect much every year but you never expect nothing
  • levi doesn’t really favor valentines day, he thinks it’s stupid and just a money grabber but ask that man to buy you a bouquet and he’s out the door
  • he’ll give it to you with a grimace while muttering something but you still find it romantic
  • but of course, grumpy still believes in the money grabbing part so he insists you guys stay in every year and he’ll cook instead
  • which you don’t mind ( again, ‘cause it’s actually good compared to w.e eren would’ve made )
  • every valentines day to date with levi has ended with some cheesy chick flick and he acts like he hates them but he’s definitely invested

hange zoë;

  • y’all are on vacation
  • every single year hange refuses to stay home for valentines day because they think it’s boring and generic
  • so, ( even though you think it’s too expensive), hange flies you guys out somewhere to spend the occasion
  • “we don’t need to fly out to the bahamas, hange. it’s just valentines day.”
  • “but i already booked the flight.”
  • you can’t complain though because spending your valentines day with hange on a beach is something you don’t mind doing every time february comes around

sasha braus;

  • no matter what the circumstances are, y’all are gonna eat out on valentines day
  • snow, rain, hail, y’all are going somewhere with food and sasha is determined
  • and always after your dinners, you guys go home and try to make a valentines day themed treat
  • which is typically unsuccessful because you have sasha as your own personal human trash disposal but it’s still romantic in the moment

jean kirstein;

  • just like levi, he’ll say valentines day is pointless but he’ll still have a table booked at some fancy restaurant “just because”
  • trust me, in the same breath he denies the fact he cares about the occasion he’ll be bending over backwards to get you a good gift
  • and he manages outdoes himself every year somehow and will still claim the day is stupid
  • definitely that one mfer that puts roses on the bed for “atmosphere purposes” when you open said gift

connie springer;

  • seriously, valentines day with connie is fun
  • he never sticks to anything annually
  • one year you’ll celebrate at the amusement park, or at a fancy restaurant, one year even landed you two at mcdonald’s but with connie it was all the same
  • i definitely see you guys just staying in one year and making personal cards for each other
  • it’s a complete mess of glitter, glue, markers, and stickers but with the amount of laughter it doesn’t matter
  • his card definitely had a corny dirty joke as the punchline but at this point you consider it romance

mikasa ackerman;

  • mikasa and valentines day simply don’t mix
  • kind of like jean and levi, she doesn’t understand it. but like genuinely, she doesn’t
  • “why do i need a special day to be sweet to you? i do that every day already.”
  • so, every year you have to turn the tables and do things for her that honestly come as a surprise
  • she genuinely never expects the presents you get her but she always shows her gratitude and thankfulness
  • and she keeps every one of them very close to her, literally still sleeps with the bear you won her on your first v—day date at a carnival