#akiva schaffer


Alright, I watched “ “Chip n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers”. Honestly, this movie was way better than I thought it’d be. It’s definitely what you’d expect from a Disney movie made by the Lonely Island, which just raises so many questions since why were they even in consideration for a Chip and Dale movie. But regardless, I feel like the movie was solid. 

My only real complaint is that the movie felt a bit directionless in the second act. Chip and Dale are trying to find their friend, but they end up getting lost in all these animation gags which are all pretty funny, but don’t really go anywhere. For example, I loved the “Uncanny Valley” being an actual place. However, it didn’t really factor into the story and ended up just being a one-off gag.

But still, I thought the movie was fun despite its flaws. For a grade, maybe 6 out of 10? Or a letter grade of C+ / B-. 

Some thoughts on how “Chip n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers” were able to use Sonic for the movie without breaking some copyright law:

1)Protected by fair use since it’s a parody. It’s still Sonic, but it’s a heavily exaggerated version of the character for comedic effect. That’s how we have movies like “Scary Movie” or how movies like “Wayne’s World’ can include characters from other movies (the T-1000 cameo scene). 

2)Akiva Schaffer mentioned that he was able to use non-Disney characters because Disney was able to get approval from the original companies. The caveat was that the movie won’t make fun of the non-Disney characters. Now, yes, the joke is that Ugly Sonic looks terrible. But based on his scenes, Ugly Sonic is more mocking the reaction to him rather than just him being ugly.

What I mean is that Ugly Sonic is aware that he doesn’t look great, but he’s generally upbeat about his life and actually ends up helping Chip and Dale save the day. As some people have put it, the movie “redeemed” Ugly Sonic by making him this chill, lovable guy who feels unfairly ostracized by society. So it’s not punching down on Ugly Sonic, but hitting back at the public that rejected the original design.

Based on that, I can see Paramount and SEGA approving the use of Ugly Sonic.

Mulaney. Samberg. Bana. Simmons. Rogen. Key. 

Get ready for some animated performances  

Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers,an Original movie, is streaming this Friday on Disney+.

Chip ‘n Dale are here to tell you how movies are more or less made. 

Chip “N” Dale: Rescue Rangers,an Original movie, streaming Friday on Disney+.

Sometimes some crimes Go slipping through the cracks  

Hear a bit of Post Malone’s Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers Theme Song Cover

Stream the song on digital platforms by Walt Disney Records this Friday! 

Chip ‘N’ Dale Rescue Rangers streams this Friday on Disney+.

Akiva Schaffer breaks down the return of Chip “N” Dale Rescue Rangers a comeback 30 years in the making and how to bring different animation styles in one film.

Dale gives Chip and him the V.I.P where they meet Very Important Cheese people. 

 See a whole bunch more when Chip “N” Dale: Rescue Rangers a Original Movie streaming Friday on Disney+.

After having the wrap up party of Chip “N” Dale: Rescue Rangers Season 3 on 1990, Chip gives hope for future seasons of The Rescue Rangers….

See a whole bunch more when Chip “N” Dale Rescue Ranger, a Original Movie streaming Friday on Disney+.

I think it’s time for a Chip “N” Dale Reboot, Will Arnett voices the leader of Reboots and Cancellations “”“Peter Pan”“”

See a whole bunch more when Chip “N” Dale Rescue Ranger, a Original Movie streaming Friday on Disney+.

We can’t waste our time playing pirates. We’re Rescue Rangers. 

We’ve got jobs to do. See a whole bunch more when Chip ‘N’ Dale: Rescue Rangers ,a Original Movie streaming Friday on Disney+.

Monty has been kidnapped and the Rescue Rangers are back on new and improved 3D!

Chip ‘N’ Dale:Rescue Rangers an Original movie (based on pre-existing IP owned by Disney),streaming May 20 on Disney+.


The story of Andy, Kiv, and Jorm auditioning for a Papa John’s commercial is utterly glorious and literally made me cry laughing.

I love those dumbass boys so very much!!

(Thank you to the lovely person who sent me this gift )

My 60 Favorite Films of 2016, So Far (As of 10/01/16):54. Popstar, dir. Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccon

My 60 Favorite Films of 2016, So Far (As of 10/01/16):

54. Popstar, dir. Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone

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Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022)This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to in

Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers(2022)

This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.

Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers has severe strobe effects throughout the film, including during important scenes, and at sudden moments. This includes emergency vehicle strobe lights, cameras flashing from all directions, rapidly-firing lasers, and sci-fi electrical equipment with bright strobe lights all over it.

All of the camera work in this film is either stationary or very smooth. One sequence follows action on a fast current of water, and another involves flight at extreme heights.

Flashing Lights: 10/10. Motion Sickness: 3/10.

TRIGGER WARNING: Images of well-known internet “nightmare fuel” appear several times throughout the film. One cartoon character vomits a rainbow.

ADMIN NOTE: Once again, we applaud DIsney+ for including a flashing light warning that appears any time the film is started!

Image ID: A poster for Chip ‘n Dale: Rescue Rangers

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