
 Alcázar de Sevilla - Palacio de importancia cultural excepcional para la herencia común de la human

Alcázar de Sevilla - Palacio de importancia cultural excepcional para la herencia común de la humanidad, UNESCO.

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Alcazar in Seville, Spain, Summer 2019

Alcazar in Seville, Spain, Summer 2019

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Alcazar - Crying At The Discoteque (2000)

#alcazar    #crying at the discoteque    #2000 music    #swedish pop    #2000s dance    #2000s music    #00s music    #00s pop    #00s disco    #00s dance    #europop    #eurodance    
Alcazar Underground PoolSevilla, Spain

Alcazar Underground Pool

Sevilla, Spain

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I’m not really amazing with graphics, but I tried my best.

These are the aesthetics of the fictional kingdoms I created in my fantasy WIP Wayfarer. I’ll be posting an introduction of it soon, along with a link to track it on Inkitt. (It’s there, but in draft.)

Anyways, any opinions?

#alcazardesegovia #segovia #castle #alcazar #spain #redminote7 #vmribeiro (em Alcázar de Segovia) ht

#alcazardesegovia #segovia #castle #alcazar #spain #redminote7 #vmribeiro (em Alcázar de Segovia)

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