#alcohol marker

alcohol marker drawing of agni from fire punch. he is shown from the waist up facing slightly right with one fist a bit raised and held towards the viewer. snow is falling heavily around him.ALT

they weren’t lying that fire can punch

Drawing of Mello from the neck up looking up from beneath a grate in a city. Sunlight is filtering through the grate illuminating his face and casting stark shadows.ALT

always loved this shot of mello from the second death note op. took lights feet out though

bust drawing of juno from beastars finished in pen and alcohol marker. she is facing left looking shocked and unhappy.ALT

this is. many months old at this point but I did like how it turned out so here

photo of three hand drawn trapinch stickers against a black leather-textured background.ALT
close up photo of one of the above trapinch stickers, now stuck amongst several other stickers to the back of a rose gold ipadALT

getting back to my roots with some trapinch stickers

drawing of jolyne kujo from jojo's bizarre adventure. she is seen from the waist up, facing slightly right, and pointing at the viewer. Her stand, stone free, is leaning around from behind her with arms wrapped loosely around her shoulders.ALT

my favorite jojo. i can relate to her a lot because my dad is also a biologist

drawing of timcanpy from d gray man mid flight at an upward angle. The background consists of various orange and brown streaks as if timcanpy is flying very fast.ALT

obsessed with this thing and its tiny stupid hands
