#bug art


WASP ENA WASP ENA @beatlab!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ID 1: A digital drawing of Ena from Joel G’s webseries. She has many wasplike features, including antennae, mandibles, a long, pointed abdomen, and 3 simple eyes on her forehead. She has 4 floating arms. Her yellow left limbs are sectioned like a bug’s, while her blue right limbs are rectangular. Her feet are each just one toe. Her left leg has some spines on the end of it. The signature on her abdomen reads “vespidaze”. The background is a purple and green hexagon pattern.

ID 2: The same image, but transparent, without the background. End ID.]

bees :)

[ID: Two digital drawings of bees with plants. Both are transparent images. Image 1: A blue orchard mason bee,Osmia lignaria,atop a wild geranium. There are two pink flowers emerging from the stem, and four leaves below them. Image 2: A common eastern bumblebee,Bombus impatiens,curled up under a brown autumn leaf. It’s surrounded by a white border. End ID].

[ID: A doodle of 2 humanized beetle characters each standing on 2 legs. The first one is a blue stag beetle, who is sporting a smug smile and sparkles around his face. He says, “My chitin is so much harder and more iridescent than yours. Your exoskeleton is soft and mushy, like a little worm baby.” The other is a yellow rhinoceros beetle. He has a slouched posture and a bored expression. The image is signed @vespidaze. End ID.]

!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i!! Happy Pride Month !!Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!Link i

!! Happy Pride Month !!

Pick up your favourite pride bug in my shop or grab a digital download!

Link in source and replies!

Post link

Played in Clip Studio Paint for the first time yesterday on my Twitch stream. CSP may have won my heart with the lace brush alone! <3 enjoy this little weevil illus. they’re so cute I had to draw!

Here’s a lil Luna moth for your dashboard. Refamiliarsing myself with photoshop again.

Illustration done on stream today for a postcard to send my Patrons each month with their sticker. Thanks to those of you for keeping me company ❤ had fun today.

Finally posting this Giant African Millipede. I finished it like 3 months ago lol.

Now for some millipede facts:

• Millipedes are omnivores the only eat leaves and other plants on the ground. They’re basically mini recyclers.

• Millipedes don’t actually have a 1000 legs at most they have between 30 and 400 depending on their size and how many body segments they have. Millipedes have 4 legs per body segment.

• The Giant African Millipede is the largest milipede in the world out of at least 10,000 know species.

Molly is on her way home from the farmers market with one armfull of produce and a heartfull of cheer. Commission for BigRed uwu/



Insects do the Strangest Things, Leonora and Arthur Hornblow, 1990. Illustrated by Dorothea Barlowe.


reblog if you wouldnt step on him

Healed 2 years on @patheticteenagewriter ! So happy to see the good boy all settled in

Can’t believe I got to do this! Super super hyped about it and wanna do more like it
