
Warden’s Oath The commission illustration for @destiiDragon Age Origins | Warden-Commander A

Warden’s Oath

The commission illustration for @destii

Dragon Age Origins | Warden-Commander Ashala Tabris | King Alistair Theirin

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Our OC, a dragon demon named Alistair <3 Demons are addressed by rank, and Alistair is a Duke. He still hasn’t gotten the hang of being human yet lmao


Dragon Age Origins; Fake Dating Ideas

  • Zevransaved you from a creep at the club. Before you knew what was happening he said he was your boyfriend and he wasn’t into sharing.
  • Leliananeeded to bring a date to a wedding. Her Ex was getting married and she wanted to avoid negative talk. (“She isn’t over it.” and such)
  • Stenneeded an excuse to see you in the hospital. He then had to keep the cover story with the medical staff and your friends/family.
  • Morriganwanted Valentine day discounts. Whenever there is a couple discount she will commandeer you.
  • AlistairNEEDEDthis. There was an arcade tournament but only couples could enter.

BONK! No more sister!

* tosses my magic twink at you all *

i interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for. This.

very sorry for this spam but i have quite a bit of backlogged art that i just have not been posting! This is a lil sketch sheet i did for my new dnd character, Alistair!

sanguinarysanguinity:sanguinarysanguinity: I really am an actor, you know. In London I had a smallsanguinarysanguinity:sanguinarysanguinity: I really am an actor, you know. In London I had a small



I really am an actor, you know. In London I had a small part in a radio drama. Yeah, we still have those across the pond. Sherlock wrote me a letter when he was ten, saying I alone of all the cast…

Elementary 1x06, Flight Risk

A few years after that “small part in a radio drama” that young Sherlock so enjoyed, Roger Rees (the actor who plays Alistair Moore in Elementary) played a much larger role in a radio drama: Sherlock Holmes himself, in the 1988 Bert Coules production of “Hound of the Baskervilles.” It’s available on the BBC’s website right now, and will be for the next 10 days.

(According to amindamazed​’s Elementary Timeline, the story that Alistair told to Joan took place in 1985 or 1986. But allowing for Elementary’s usual sloppiness with dates, I’m half-inclined to believe that Elementary intended this story to be a direct nod to Roger Rees’ own go at Sherlock Holmes.)

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some browbirds i did as gifts for @pepperoonie on dA and @agentcorrina respectively. ft. a silly doosome browbirds i did as gifts for @pepperoonie on dA and @agentcorrina respectively. ft. a silly doosome browbirds i did as gifts for @pepperoonie on dA and @agentcorrina respectively. ft. a silly doo

some browbirds i did as gifts for @pepperoonie on dA and @agentcorrina respectively. ft. a silly doodle, also for corrina.

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bro? no homo *kisses you passionately on the lips and marries you*
