#dragon age alistair

blazingjackdaw:I really wanted to draw him in Blackwall’s concept art armour :3


I really wanted to draw him in Blackwall’s concept art armour :3

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I need help finding a Dragon Age fanart!

It’s Alistair, in his underpants, seductively eating a cheese slice, holding a small grey warden doll in his left hand, with cheese wheels in the background. Does anyone know it and can tell me the artist?

pseudofaux:One of those rabbit holes I mentioned falling down is Dragon Age Origins (and soon, DA2!)


One of those rabbit holes I mentioned falling down is Dragon Age Origins (and soon, DA2!). I adored Alistair hard and did woo Leliana for all I was worth, but the second Zevran was on my screen, my warden Eudren was DONE FOR. And so was I. I slowed down my play significantly in the last couple days of the game because I didn’t want it to be over.

This isn’t written with any warden’s name, but it is a female Tabris. Most of all, it’s Zevran going a bit antsy lust-mooning over her.


AND THEN THIS (clearly I can stop WHENEVER I want )


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Happy DA Day!

Am I finishing off 2020 with a taint joke? You bet I am.

This was made as an early birthday present for @nug-juggler, who fuels all my bethistair feels.

