#alpha sub



She watched them all enjoying themselves. The party she’d organised. Using the toys she’d provided. The moans, the groans, the cries of desperation filling the room.

How she envied them. Not that they knew, not that she could tell them. They thought that she, as the Alpha, as the ‘Red Glove’, could cum whenever she wanted, a privilege that came with the position.

But it was just the opposite. Red for stop. Red for no touch. Only his fingers could pleasure her, and he was so brutally scarce with it.

Worst were the nights he made her pretend, humping her needy cunt in the air for his amusement while she faked orgasm after orgasm for the girls in the other rooms to hear.

She’d known what it meant to wear the gloves. She regretted it every day.

It was perfect.

sub-textural: Always surrender. “It’s hard for an educated woman to turn her head off. That’s part o


Always surrender.

“It’s hard for an educated woman to turn her head off. That’s part of the joy of being a submissive. None of the decisions are yours. When you can’t refuse anything and can’t even move, those voices in your head go silent. All you can do, and all you are permitted to do, is feel.” ― Cherise Sinclair

Photography by, Vlad Gansovsky.

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sub-textural: Always permeable.  Mademoiselle exposed.  Truth, authenticity, freedom. Original photo


Always permeable.  Mademoiselle exposed.  Truth, authenticity, freedom.

Original photography & poetry, sub-Textural.

GAZE.  See through me.  Beyond me.  Vitreous.  Brittle steel.

Transparent.  scantly obscured gossamer whims, rooted cravings battle respectable decorum’s fogged visibility.
hidden truths. sheathed, guarded, mired, locked away |    deserted. neglected.

strength.  costumed soul of everyday / naked musings rampant, concealed, veiled verbiage.  Intuitions press beyond comforts edges  | exalted in anonymity.  soft. glorious. docile creature. / pliable in unrestrained surrender.

Earned entrée / junction, terror and rapture.

  Penetrate the myths.   

  Unveil.  Witness.  Bring her to light.  

Scratch. Peel.  Expose. |  Wrangle. Secure. Reap.            

                      See me now.   See me now.  Please.

Original Poetry & Photography, Sub-Textural {Please reblog with credit. Merci.}

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sub-textural:Always sheathed. “I am as wrapped up in her as a vine that clings to a tree seeking f


Always sheathed.

“I am as wrapped up in her as a vine that clings to a tree seeking for sustenance. She’s tied me to her for eternity. She’s my home. She’s my reason for being. To win and hold her heart is my only purpose.” ― Colleen Houck

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