#six word story


I look into the eyes of lovers and see nothing but an empty night sky, while I look into the eyes of “just friends” and see so a whole constellation. Love has such a pure meaning yet it seems to get skewed throughout the years. My advice to the world is that through all you’ve been through, strive to find genuine love. A relationship filled with selfish desires will never flourish far. Love comes from within, love expresses itself in the simplest way. Love is simple, but we, we as people today over complex the meaning of love. So now love is deemed to be confusing, another source of sadness, something that brings more stress upon a person. Which love shouldn’t be, love should be another source of happiness and something that eases the soul. Love is really simple, but we, we as a society have made it into something much more than what it’s supposed to be. 

I sat from across the room with my group of friends and you sat on the other side with yours. We usually had our occasional eye contacts to one another. Then she came, she was one among the many that wanted your attention. I sat in silence from the other side of the room, watching her bounce her way into your circle of friends, she noticeably flirted with you as you laughed at her incoherent jokes and comments. Angered burned inside my veins as I continue to look off into the distance as the two of you continued your foreplay. She made a comment that caused you to throw your head back and laugh as she grasped the opportunity to slyly touch you. In the midst of her telling you about her all so interesting trip to Manhattan, your eyes scanned the room for mine. There I was, fuming with rage as we exchanged eye contact from a distance until she called for your attention again. She continued to talk and talk, but I could tell that you were not interested in what she was discussing, but more interested in the jealousness that took over me. I could see it, from the frequent glances and smirks you sent across to me with every phony joke she made. We were not even an item, we had never talked like that before, yet jealousness burned inside of me, and you enjoyed every bit of it.


is a bird that swoops in during the witching hour,

perches on your window sill,

and sings a shallow song that will never be enough.

is a river that stops flowing,

reaches a standstill,

all the life that was once there dies.

is a cloudless sky,

so blue it hurts to look at,

so the curtains close and covers come up.

is a crumbled heart,

like shortbread when you bite into it and everything breaks apart,

but not nearly as sweet.

is the changing of season,

earth tilts on its axis,

nothing will ever be the same.

- Venus de Roux

“Teach your children that their words are much stronger than their fists will ever be.”

The bruises no one will see

“Back then all I wanted to be was yours.”

They asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up

Don’t get too close. This is a wild fire that lives to burn.

Venus de Roux

Aristotle believed that one thing was intrinsic to another. And you can’t explain one while disregarding the other. Maybe that’s why you’re the air I need to live. Without you I can’t exist.

- the reason to my rhyme

Six Word Story

She should be busy doing something

Six Word Story

She insisted on speaking her mind

Six Word Story

Sometimes, she is just not strong

Six Word Story

She was able to enjoy veganism

Six Word Story

She is dreaming the biggest dreams

Six Word Story

She saw light in her heart

Six Word Story

She wore the wrong damn shoes


You make me your last and only come to me when you’re bored of everyone else. And what do I do? My heart jumps, excited that you’re even acknowledging me, and I open my arms to accept you. Every. Single. Time.

E.G. Why do I do this to myself? How do I stop fucking caring about you?

You make me your last and only come to me when you’re bored of everyone else. And what do I do? My heart jumps, excited that you’re even acknowledging me, and I open my arms to accept you. Every. Single. Time.

E.G. Why do I do this to myself? How do I stop fucking caring about you?

My every pore

Absorbs your DNA.


His whispers

Reduce me to ashes… ©️wantonwhispers

Should’ve Could’ve Would’ve,
Didn’t Didn’t Didn’t.

Wong Kar Wai.

His films provides a source of an aesthetically pleasing and insightful psychological study of the human psyche. His unconvetional approach with everything sparked the nostalgia one can harbor. He shows reality in pretty lenses but writes words too simple that it makes you ache. Unrequited. The sort of thing you’d feel from his films. There is a sense of longing for a childhood, for a home, or even a person you want to share your demons with. It’s pretty unconvetional. Like with Life. The characters in his film has this realness and slight child-like quality to them. You begin to see human beings— or ourselves— projected as irrational, bitter, or just lonely fools who yearn for company.

excerpt from a description of my Six Word Stories
