



@ fic authors what do you personally consider a successful fic? What’s the bar?

actually writing the fic down




indie blogger: 400 or under

blogger: 500-999

corporate blogger: 1k-4k

elon musk: 5k



if a hand kiss isn’t done with either reverent trembling and closed eyes or with a certain slow sensuality and direct ‘fuck me’ eye contact, you are wasting my time and everyone else’s

While I am a fan of both of these kinds, I feel like limiting all available variety of hand kisses to only these two is missing quite a lot. 

For instance: 

- “I was just holding your hand to convey sincerity and you said something I don’t have an immediate answer to, so I’m going to kiss your hand instead.” 

- “you’re only semi-lucid and are sort of reaching for my face and for various reasons I shouldn’t kiss YOUR face, but your hand is right here and I still need to convey affection”

- “your hand is the only part of you with only minor injuries and the doctor [healer, whatever] is right there and will get mad at me if I move you”

- “you were going to play-hit me but I’m actually much faster in the reflexes than you and also my catching your hand and kissing it is part of our game”

- “you just touched my face so your palm is right there” 

- “I’m extremely happy about something and this felt like the best spontaneous action, what am I, an expert on motivations?” 

- “this is YOUR hand, so it is particularly delightful to me” 

- “we were cuddling and holding hands and I felt like it” 

- “I was just struck by the overwhelming delight I feel at your existence and your hand was the most conveniently positioned thing to kiss in response to this thought process”

 … .to name but a few. 


you know when you and that e-girl you fancied actually make it and hook up but you live in different cities and shit. yeah that was chill and dating some sort of girl creature is nice but you know when you’ve endured weeks of “would you love me if i was a lamp” and “please mod my stream please mod my stream please mod my stream” and “spit in my mouth” messages and you go to her place for date weekend and the smell just hits you like a wall when you open the door. homegirl got that reek. that no shower november, that cheap vodka and mcdonalds sweat vibe. That thank god you can’t smell me thru twitch kinda beat and you find her huddled in her cave watching whetever chinese cartoon is on the meme this week and before she gets at you with that “daddy i’m not dirty i’m just based and lainpilled” you drag her scrawny lil ass to the shower. she’s passed grimes and moved onto mud and baby you’re a gas station powerwasher. There’s no use resisting, you’re filled with the concerned rage of a diappointed parent. You ain’t daddy, you’re Father dearest. you hose her down properly but there is challenge waiting. the layers of filth, makeup and grease has formed a waterproof cocoon. girl putting the crusty in crustecean and you need a hammer and a chisel to break open the shell to get at the juicy pale white girlmeat inside. She makes a fuss like an angry cat and threaten to refuse wearing the asuka costume for you ever again, but she eventually drops the hissing and succumbs to the soap and water. Colours you ain’t ever seen before swirls around the drain hole and you just know you have to bleach the shit out of that later. Your creature is reborn as she emerges from the dirt and you remember why you love her. She’s beautiful. Cracked open and freed you dry her off with a towel and kiss her forehead. You cook her dinner after airing out her place and she nearly pukes before once again adjusting to solids. You two talk about how you feel as the evening drags on into the long night. Two humans connecting, breaking bread and caring for eachother. Love wins


he’s actually beautifulll


if dean had gotten the standard ten year demon deal for sam’s life, he wouldve only died three years sooner than he did in canon

I’m not going to hide my distaste for Henry Wilmot, father of John, as I rather think he spent most of his life drunk and making poor choices that almost got a lot of people killed. For example, taking part in an active army plot against parliament in 1641 for which he was expelled from the House of Commons and committed to the tower. 

Nevertheless he took over from Prince Rupert as Commander of all the Royalist Cavalry and aided Charles I in many battles. However he subsequently made contact with the Earl of Essex, the parliamentarian commander-in-chief. Charles I saw this as treason and Henry was arrested on August 8th, 1644, he was stripped of all offices and was exiled to France in return for his charges being dropped, (by doing this he escaped execution.)

Charles II did not share his father’s opinion of Henry and he brought him back from France to be a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Charles II placed great trust in Henry, so much so that after his defeat at the Battle of Worcester, Charles allowed Henry to hide him and then help him escape to the continent. 

They shared the subsequent European wanderings, with Henry visiting Emperor Frederick III, Nicolas II Duke of Lorraine and Frederick William Elector of Brandenburg on Charles’ behalf. However Wilmot refused to disguise himself and declined to travel on foot, causing more than a few problems for the exiled King Charles.

In March 1655, Wilmot was back in England and led an unsuccessful uprising on Marston Moor and upon it’s failure, Wilmot once again fled the country.

He died in 1656 as a result of sickness in an overcrowded barracks in Bruges.

Eddie would definitely tease you while DMing a game session.

Has you sit next to him and while it’s quiet during the session he slowly has his hand trailing up your thigh, squeezing it whenever the other players make a roll.

Just watching him continue the game like he’s not slowly inching closer to your aching warmth. The slight twitch in his mouth every time you shift around in your seat.

Everyone else thinks your making sounds and moving because of the intense plot looming…but Eddie knows…

“Oh don’t worry, the real fun is about to start very soon.”


Kendrick Lamar performing at the 2022 Pepsi Super Bowl Halftime Show!
