#america singer

-Eres Eadlyn Schreave. Según la línea sucesoria, serás la próxima gobernante de este país. Además, s

-Eres Eadlyn Schreave. Según la línea sucesoria, serás la próxima gobernante de este país. Además, serás la primera reina que lo hace sola. Nadie sobre la faz de la Tierra -me dije- es más poderoso que tú.

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Fandoms I wish were more active: The Selection

it just occurred to me that the three main dystopian girls (tris, katniss and america) are variants of the blonde brunette redhead trio

The whole world: So… how long have the two of you been together?

Maxon and America *with a burning passion*: WE’RE NOT TOGETHER!!!

Also Maxon and America *in perfect sync*: Don’t you want to be with me? I thought you loved me!

ALSO Maxon and America: But you said we aren’t together!

America Singer walking into the dining hall:

America: *cough* bitch *cough*

Celeste: Ugh. Excuse me?

America: Oh that wasn’t me. That was God
