#american girl fandom


am i crazy or do these two samantha’s look different?

for context, the one on the left is mine that i got in 2014 when she was first released. the one on the right was given to me by my boyfriends sister. both are beforever samantha’s, and both have the 2014 tag. the new one came in the beforever box and the neck stamp is american girl. i feel like the one on the right is fatter and her eyes are spread apart farther. is there a reason for this?

newest editions!!

here’s an introduction post for the dolls i’ve gotten since i’ve been inactive :)

first we have lovely corinne tan. i preordered her when she came out and i’m obsessed with her! she’s gorgeous in real life and i love her collection. my favorite part is her hair (it’s so thick!) and i’m not sure how i feel about her painted eyelashes. overall, she’s beautiful, and i love her!

next is gwen (tm 81). i’ve wanted her ever since she was released, and i got her as a christmas present from my dad !! i absolutely love her hair and eye combo, and she photographs really well. i’m in the process of developing a backstory right now…

third is maryellen! i’ve always loved her, and i feel like she’s really underrated in the historical line. she’s in samantha’s dress because i feel like pink looks great with her red hair. i bought her with my ag rewards points a few months ago.

next is emily! i never had her on my priority list because i didn’t think she was unique enough, but seeing her in person, i am in love. my boyfriend gave her too me because his sister was getting rid of her dolls. she came with her full meet outfit and looked as though she was never played with. i love her red hair with the green shirt, and she’s quickly growing on me!

finally, we have nanea. i am obsessed with her look. her hair is absolutely gorgeous and super bouncy and soft. i want more of her collection, but its hard to find at the moment. i bought her when my boyfriend and i took a weekend trip to ag place nashville. i also got these adorable pjs which look great on her ! definitely one of the prettiest dolls ag has released.

not pictured, i also got a second caroline from a thrift store and a second beforever samantha. caroline is in perfect condition and was only $60! she also came with her holiday gown outfit (minus the gloves). samantha was a gift from my boyfriend’s sister.

ag ask: extremely hard edition!

it’s been a minute since my last ag ask, and i’ve thought of some hard questions this time. let’s go! (reminder u can send these to me to answer or answer them yourself.)

  1. what doll of yours would you save if you could only keep one?
  2. what is the most popular doll you have?
  3. the least popular?
  4. which doll are you most likely to sell? for how much and why?
  5. which doll did you get but didn’t really want as much as your others?
  6. which doll do you wish would retire in each collection (GOTY, historical, truly me, etc) and why?
  7. what is the laziest doll ag has released (BESIDES GABRIELLA)
  8. which doll has the worst story but a good collection OR a great story with a horrible collection?
  9. which doll would you get two of?
  10. if you could turn into one of your dolls, which would you pick and why? (you get their clothes, collection, looks etc)
  11. what is your least favorite and most favorite dolls in your collection?
  12. finally, which doll would you recommend for a first time buyer and why?

jess in my newest edition: the world traveler morocco outfit! i couldn’t figure out the hat, so i left it out..

it’s supposed to snowstorm today, so hopefully i’ll get a chance to post my new dolls. i just got corinne yesterday !!

i need help with my newest doll!

hi all! i recently got a pleasant company felicity (one of my dream dolls) on ebay. she looked great in the pictures (shown below), but when i got her she was stained with neon pink marker (also shown below). i’ve tried every trick in the book to get it out: baking soda, peroxide, acne cream and sun, baby wipes, clorox wipes, whitening toothpaste, and magic eraser. it’s all over her legs, face, hands, feet and arms and stained the white nightgown she came in. other than that she is perfect so i’d love to be able to remove the stains. please help!! is there something else i can try ??? (i will follow up with better pictures of the stains tomorrow!)

all my dolls update: summer 2021

first are my girl of the year/contemporary dolls. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: lottie (tenney grant), kanani akina: goty 2011, sawyer (joss kendricks: goty 2020), jess mcconnell: goty 2006, and lanie holland: goty 2010

new to my collection since the first all my dolls update are tenney, joss, and jess. i picked up tenney at my local goodwill for $50! she is in almost perfect condition and came with her original outfit and accessories. my mom bought me joss as a late christmas present, and i renamed her sawyer (joss and jess are too similar so i needed to change one). lastly is jess, who i bought off ebay a while back. i believe she was around $40.


FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: kit kittredge, melody ellison (behind kit), ruthie smithens, samantha parkington (beforever), rebecca rubin, and caroline abbott.

new to my collection are melody, who i got for christmas, and rebecca who i got for $20 on shopgoodwill.com. rebecca was definitely a tlc, and i made a post on her a while back documenting the process. i think i’m going to send her to the hospital for a new head when i get the money.

last are my truly me/just like you!!

L to R: anne (#25), dahlia (#44), elliot (#24), reagan (#53), leila (#38), rose (#33), and april (#55).

new to my collection are elliot, dahlia, and regan. i made a post about elliot and dahlia and their backstory, so go check it out! i haven’t talked about reagan yet, but i got her in a bundle of 5 dolls for $10 each! (the other dolls were my life as dolls from walmart). she is in near perfect condition, the only thing wrong is her hand and leg has been chewed by an animal. i love her regardless and her hair is perfect !

that’s all my dolls for now! i’m trying to save for college, so i don’t know if i’ll be able to get another one anytime soon. i think i’ll spend my free money on sending rebecca to the hospital (i would love to get felicity or molly soon though).

i’m back!! i’ve been absent for a while because i graduated and life’s been pretty hectic. i have gotten two more dolls since last time so i will be posting an updated all my dolls post tonight. thanks for being patient !

guys!! my mom bought me this lot of dolls for only $10 total!! this lady on facebook marketplace was selling and there are 4 non ag (i think they’re our gen) and 1 ag. can you all help me identify? this is the only picture i got and i believe the AG is Truly Me 53. i might be wrong, pls help!!

guess who’s back !! i’ll reblog later with more pics of her after i’ve fixed her hair, but i’m just glad she’s here. kanani, we’ve missed you!

happy birthday, rebecca !!!

what are some of your favorite things about rebecca? mine are her eyes!! i love the shade of green.

hey y’all!! sorry i haven’t been active lately, i’ve been waiting on kanani so i can do an updated all my dolls post. she’s been at the doll hospital, and i’m not sure how long it’ll take. it’s been a month already, do you all know how long they usually take for a head replacement?

leila and rosalie go outside! it’s really sunny and warm today so i decided to take them outside to enjoy it. they insisted on bringing the pets out too!

i love rosalie (my jly 33), and i feel like i don’t take enough pics of her. i know she’s a popular doll but i love seeing everyone’s version of her :)

last part of fixing up rebecca !!

her hair was by far the biggest problem. it was frizzy and broken and had flecks of dirt (?) in it. here’s the before:

after washing and conditioning it and about 15 minutes of trying to brush through it (it broke my brush) i finally could see what i was working with. her hair is extremely thin btw, and the wig cap is visible at almost every angle so i tried my best

in the picture above, i had trimmed the uneven strands, brushed it, and took it under a flat iron to manage the frizz. all that’s left was to curl it with roller and be patient…

on the left was after i took out the curlers, and on the right is after i brushed and untangled. you can still see her wig and the thin nature of her hair, but overall i’m super happy!! it’s really soft now and is definitely an improvement from before.

here she is all dressed up !! thanks for coming with me on this journey guys !!! it was definitely worth it :)

continuing my last post…

thank you for your suggestions !! they helped a lot :)

here’s my progress so far…

this is what she looked like when i first opened her. as you can see, her face is really dirty and her hair is extremely frizzy:

i listened to your advice and used baking soda and water on the vinyl, then i washed it again with soap and water. it worked great! the only stains remaining were a couple ink spots on her arm and leg, but i didnt worry about them.

next time i will tackle her frizzy hair! she should be ready by tomorrow :)

also i cant tell if she’s a historical or a beforever..what do you guys think? her tag doesn’t have a date like most beforevers do which typically says 2014. let me know!


hey guys!!

i accidentally bought a major TLC prebeforever rebecca a couple days ago, and she just arrived. i might document the process of fixing her up!

i’ll do an updated all my dolls for the spring since the first one i did in the fall was when i had 10 dolls. 6 more girls have been added to my collection since then !!

(also, i think i’m done adding new dolls to my collection for now because i need to start saving up my extra money )

update: she’s here and well ….

she’s A LOT more TLC than i thought:

- her hair is matted and has dirt in it (i think it’ll be fine after a couple washes)

- her limbs aren’t insanely floppy but they aren’t tight either

- her face is COVERED in makeup and other mystery stains (none of which were shown in the listing picture)

- her limbs also have mysterious brown, red, purple, and dirt stains

- her body is fine from what i could tell, but she smells very strongly. like a mix of incense, potpourri, and other perfumed smells. it made my entire living room smell.

needless to say, this will be a huge project. i’ve never fixed up a TLC doll before, and i would love to have any input from you all about which methods work best and how to clean her safely. rebecca is one of my top 5 dream dolls so i’m just grateful to finally have her, regardless of the condition. she was only $25 so i think this will be a worthy process.

my next post will be the first stage in this process: cleaning her limbs.

stay tuned !!

ruthie <3

she’s enjoying spring by the houseplants since it’s too cold to go outside. she loves nature and can’t wait til it warms up !!

welcome to the family: joss kendrick!!

my mom bought her from AG along with her “beach vibes” outfit. i love her so much!! she’s hanging out with kanani who also enjoys surfing.

also, i’m considering changing her name because i have jess and their names are too similar for me lol. here are the options: chris, sawyer, or reagan. which do you think fits her?

i wish there were more clothes for melody on the ag website…

i miss her birthday outfit and pajamas. i might have to scour ebay for her collection

i found my prediction for kira bailey from september:

i got pretty close !!
