#nanea mitchell


newest editions!!

here’s an introduction post for the dolls i’ve gotten since i’ve been inactive :)

first we have lovely corinne tan. i preordered her when she came out and i’m obsessed with her! she’s gorgeous in real life and i love her collection. my favorite part is her hair (it’s so thick!) and i’m not sure how i feel about her painted eyelashes. overall, she’s beautiful, and i love her!

next is gwen (tm 81). i’ve wanted her ever since she was released, and i got her as a christmas present from my dad !! i absolutely love her hair and eye combo, and she photographs really well. i’m in the process of developing a backstory right now…

third is maryellen! i’ve always loved her, and i feel like she’s really underrated in the historical line. she’s in samantha’s dress because i feel like pink looks great with her red hair. i bought her with my ag rewards points a few months ago.

next is emily! i never had her on my priority list because i didn’t think she was unique enough, but seeing her in person, i am in love. my boyfriend gave her too me because his sister was getting rid of her dolls. she came with her full meet outfit and looked as though she was never played with. i love her red hair with the green shirt, and she’s quickly growing on me!

finally, we have nanea. i am obsessed with her look. her hair is absolutely gorgeous and super bouncy and soft. i want more of her collection, but its hard to find at the moment. i bought her when my boyfriend and i took a weekend trip to ag place nashville. i also got these adorable pjs which look great on her ! definitely one of the prettiest dolls ag has released.

not pictured, i also got a second caroline from a thrift store and a second beforever samantha. caroline is in perfect condition and was only $60! she also came with her holiday gown outfit (minus the gloves). samantha was a gift from my boyfriend’s sister.

To wrap up my impromptu self care photo series, here’s Nanea and Lea showing off my last few favorite self care things.

First up is Nanea and of course, Disney!!! Because Disney is absolutely magical! I legit plan trips to the parks that I’m never gunna take just because it makes me happy!

And then we have Lea catching some Pokémon for me before we set up Mario Party Superstars and see which girl will reign champion today. (My money’s on Felicity, TBH)

And she happens to be modeling my last self care favorite, sewing. I’m not great by any stretch of the imagination, but I made this dress for my newest arrival over this past week. I hope to one day be able to make my historical girl more period accurate clothes.

Bonus: my Disney pin collection from all my trips to Disney!

Happy birthday Nanea!

My sweet girl is showing off her new Moana outfit from Target’s Disney ILY line. I knew it would be perfect for her!

I saw the “Spring Has Sprung” photo challenge, and decided that since I have all my dolls packed up for a tornado warning we had two nights ago (we’re fine, no tornado near us, but it did hit a town over) that I was going to do a full blown photo shoot with all 7 of my girls. So without further ado…

We’ll start with Kieryn & Kirsten, who stopped to do a little work on our garden. Kirsten checked to see if the strawberry plants had taken root yet, while Kieryn put up some tomato cage trellises for our quick growing green beans!

While they did that, Felicity went over to check out our blueberry plants to see if any of the green berries had turned purple yet. Sure enough, she found the only one that has started to turn… and she made sure to claim it loud enough for everyone to hear!

Nanea begged me to show you our fairy garden, named Pixie Hollow, and to show you our state rocks. My mom and I camp a lot and my lovely mother has a habit of stealing large rocks for her garden. On our cross country road trip in 2020, she grabbed a rock from each state we visited and we now have them proudly displayed in our fairy garden. Nanea also just had to show you guys her favorite house and her favorite decoration we have out there.

Next we have Trevi, who is supposed to be doing her spring break homework with Molly but both of them were not having it on such a beautiful morning. Trevi decided to tend to her roses, while Molly gave me probably twenty reasons why I should let her practice her tap dance routine over doing her math.

Lastly, we have Willow who is in our home library catching up on some light reading of one of her favorite books, Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by Scott Cunningham. Like her mother always says, her favorite quote from Roald Dahl, “…Above all, watch with glittering eye the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.” Willow goes back to this book the most to find the best ways to let witchcraft and nature help with her anxiety and depression.

Exciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collecExciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collec

Exciting news! I’ve opened an Etsy shop for American Girl doll clothes! My first release is a collection of vintage-inspired summer outfits. It has been a lot of fun for me to browse vintage clothing and then make them in doll size! In fact, it is WAY more fun than making human-sized clothes. I may never go back to making stuff for real people.

Check out my shop because I am so unemployed!!!!!!


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