#and of course not entirely accurate


Judging you based on the 10th character you add when talking about The Seven + Nico and Reyna

Will: Solangelo shipper spotted. It’s probably your favorite ship. You will go to the ends of the earth to tell people that Will Solace is actually a good character guys.

Thalia: You probably enjoyed the og series more. Girlboss TM. You either hate or love Luke, no in between.

Rachel:You will defend her with your life. Severely disappointed with he lack of appearances in HoO. Chances are that BoTL or tLO are your favorite book.

Grover:You are cool. I like you. You will go to the ends of the earth to tell people that Grover was Percy’s best friend, not Jason.

Calypso: You ship Caleo, don’t you? You like to mostly take the books at face value.

Magnus and Alex: You are few and far between, but you are very cool. Your favorite riordanverse series is Magnus Chase. You probably don’t even post about the seven a lot.

People who replace Reyna with Will: Why??? Why not just make him the 10th character??? I don’t understand??? Why do so many people do this???
