#and tired


I don’t wanna make mini master lists but I need to…

I’m lazy…

I’ve been so busy and I’ve been meaning to head back oob into Sunken City - I want to wander around more and see where I can go

So I read my rough draft of chapter 6 last night and boy. was. it. ROUGH.

It will take me some time to transform that into something I would feel ok posting. Unfortunately, a lot of things have come up for me recently. As I said before, one of the reasons I stopped was because I have a lot of college stuff going on (including summer classes atm). I’ve also had two interviews in the past two days. I did get a job though! Yay!

However, my entire Tuesday is now dedicated to a bunch of work stuff and with a paper due at 8am on Wednesday, I’ve had no choice but to work harder to get it finished by Monday night.

Please try to be understanding and I will get the next chapter to you as soon as I can.


It’s now 1am. My hand is cramping. I have to study and do a bio assignment. Officially ran out of chill music. Still listening to Brand New. For like the third time.
