

Art commission

Hogwarts: A Home

Chapter 34 by @coralcollective

“A roar pierced his ears, his body beginning to tremble instinctively. It startled him from his dance with death, dragging him forcibly from one state of shock to the next. In an instant, his vision sharpened, his hearing tuned back in, his body reignited with every ounce of pain from his injuries.

And there in front of him, on a pedestal of rock protruding from the ocean was…

Holy fuck.

Best friend is a bloody dragon.”

«Рев пронзил его уши, и его тело начало инстинктивно дрожать. Это вывело его из танца со смертью, насильно перетащив из одного состояния шока в другое. В одно мгновение его зрение обострилось, слух восстановился, тело вновь запульсировало от боли.

И вот перед ним, на пьедестале скалы, выступающей из океана, стоял…

Черт возьми.

Лучший друг - чертов дракон.»

He couldn’t deny being a bit disappointed.

“I don’t see where you have any right to complain,” James said. He glanced over his shoulder and lowered his voice to a hoarse whisper. “Think about Peter.”

Sirius waved it off. “I just expected something with…more panache, you know? A panther. Maybe a falcon. Not a great bloody dog. There’s not much flair to that, is there?”

“I s’pose.” James twirled his quill between his fingers, looking off to the side, like he always did when he was lying. Sirius frowned and kicked James’ ankle. “Ow, c’mon, Black, I’m gonna need this leg later.”

“What do you mean, you suppose? Are you saying I seem like a loyal lap dog to you?”

“It’s not like you turned into a Pekingese.” James rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying…big, dark and shaggy? A little dangerous, but playful too? It doesn’t exactly notsound like you, does it?”

Sirius was quiet for a moment before his face split into a grin. “You think I’m dangerous yet playful, eh, Potter?”

“Merlin.” James buried his face in his hands. “I’m never hearing the end of this, am I?”
