#animal death cw

Goodnight Tesla. See you again someday.

Goodnight Tesla.
See you again someday.

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dromaeocore:Missing you already, little guy. Hard to believe that just 24 hours ago you were bruxingdromaeocore:Missing you already, little guy. Hard to believe that just 24 hours ago you were bruxingdromaeocore:Missing you already, little guy. Hard to believe that just 24 hours ago you were bruxing


Missing you already, little guy. Hard to believe that just 24 hours ago you were bruxing on my shoulder. You fought that stupid respiratory infection for six freaking months. A year just wasn’t enough with you. I’m sorry, I hope I made it the best it could be

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Yeahhh can’t argue with that one.

[Image ID: A three-panel comic titled “Exit, pursued by a bear: Coriolanus Edition.” A bear menaces Coriolanus, who pulls out a dagger, and in the last panel has already killed the bear. End ID]

Bringing this back for Coriolanus signups!




Yeahhh can’t argue with that one.

[Image ID: A three-panel comic titled “Exit, pursued by a bear: Coriolanus Edition.” A bear menaces Coriolanus, who pulls out a dagger, and in the last panel has already killed the bear. End ID]

Bringing this back for Coriolanus signups!


My friends are having babies.

And putting their babies very close to their dogs. Too close.

Their babies are being babies - screaming at things, grabbing, touching anything near them.

Including the dog.

And then they are putting photos and videos of these interactions on social media and getting hundreds of likes because of how cute it is.

It’s not cute. It’s dangerous.

Young children to a certain age don’t understand boundaries or body language in people, let alone dogs.

Dog attacks in young children continue to occur because these kinds of interactions are promoted as cute and “clickbait”.

If you have a kid and young children, educate yourself on signs of stress in dogs. Constantly supervise children. Don’t let small children interact too closely with dogs. Educate children on respectful ways to interact with dogs.

Don’t feed this massive pile of misinformation that’s currently trending on social media.

I just caught up on The Silt Verses so here’s some scribbly fanart

[ID: A rough black and white drawing of an elk skeleton suspended in the branches of a stand of birch trees. The back of a woman’s head is visible as she looks up at it ]

Hello! Humane here!

I do really try to keep Mati’s blog a positive place for everyone but this time I have a hard announcement to make so feel free to skip this post if you’re not in the mood! I totally understand, don’t worry

Sharing a bit of my cats’ life is the whole point of this blog and I think this is the right thing to do

Unfortunately, on Saturday in the early morning Old Lady Sister Minù passed away.

Her condition got worse all of a sudden and we’re still not really sure what the matter was. But she was wiser than all of us and as soon as she felt she was ready to go she went and showered human mom and human baby sister with love and kisses. She felt she was loved to pieces until the end ❤️

Mati really felt the loss. He wouldn’t even let any of us get close to him for the whole day. He still looks for her around the house.

We’re still broken… but it will get better with time. And I’m sure, wherever she is, she’s purring for us

Some of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. BothSome of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. Both

Some of the skull reconstructions i did a few months back :> Process pics in the bottom row. Both skulls found.

I had a bone box that was basically collecting skulls and parts too beaten up for my liking for YEARS (don’t take me wrong, i adore worn out and damaged skulls but sometimes its just too much to be aesthetically pleasing) and i finally fixed some of them up.

Both kitty and nutria were in extremely poor shapes, i even considered tossing the cat because… look at it, it was just loose parts (1st image, bottom row) but im really glad i didnt in the end. The diprosopus mod might not be the bees knees BUT for my first time reconstructing a skull i think its alright!

The nutria (which i named Berberis) i just love with my whole heart, the pictures might not convey it as good as i’d like to but you cant tell its a reconstruction until closer scrutiny. Really happy with them all in all.

sculpting skulls is a BI*CH, especially when you want a somewhat convincing mod… its just that the clay tilts and falls under its own weight, and you cant really stick the clay on the skull because then HOW are you supposed to bake the clay without damaging the bone? I managed the fitting by wetting the bone (poly clay wont stick to wet surfaces ;) and then just very delicately removing the shaped clay bits, hardening them, checking if its still fits the bone, filing, building on the shapes and elements on the “skeleton” (kitty process shows it off well, 2nd pic) and then filing more. Its a trip and a half, took a lot of time but im super satisfied knowing i can do it.

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The one Receipt that will haunt those fuckers for the rest of their lives.P*TA: wE caRE AboUT aNImAa

The one Receipt that will haunt those fuckers for the rest of their lives.

P*TA: wE caRE AboUT aNImAaalszsz!!11!!1

Everyone Else: Then WHYdid you K*LL ALL THOSE ANIMALS?!?!

P*TA: >:(

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actually my most unpopular CR opinion is that I hate the dead Sprinkle jokes

artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I artofmaquenda:“The Womb” I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I


“The Womb”

I noticed a few spikes were sticking out of the pond with duckweed and I wondered what it was. It turned out to be a young little hedgehog that drowned… Such a horrible and scary death for this small creature.
I went to the old cemetery, as this place is so beautiful and special to me to make berry mandala for it, to symbolize it’s return to Nature’s womb.

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Two horses with bat wings and scorpion tails stand in a dark field. The foal bends down to eat from a dead, normal horse. The other glares at the camera with sharp teeth and a mouth of blood.ALT

i think halloween’s got the horses acting funny


The UK is different it’s safe to let cats free roam here!!! 

You sure about that?

“But the UK is different!!!” Part 2



Wildlife. From the Wonder World Encyclopedias. 1969.


From the Wikipedia page on loons





furry species ranked by how difficult it’d be to take them anywhere

taking my deer boyfriend for a hike in the woods and he hears a twig break and bounds off into the trees never to be seen again

ok everyone leave now this is the best tag hands down.

I beg of you, look at the tags

But that didn’t mean you didn’t love him.But that didn’t mean you didn’t love him.But that didn’t mean you didn’t love him.

But that didn’t mean you didn’t love him.

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Why, a rat literally fucking died somewhere in the pantry apparently a couple days ago and its REEKING & we can’t get shit done because we’re desperately looking for the dead body, lifting metal shelves & and boxes & such & i want to leave so bad ;;-;;
