#animal guide


A vague topic, but a fun one. Guides come in and out of our lives for many reasons. Animal, angel, spirit, tree, plant, water, etc. are all different guides we have behind us.

Whether we meditate to find them, we always knew, a psychic told us, or they just smacked us in the head one day (legit way these things happen), we will always have many more behind us.

A few of my guides are seal, otter, an irish woman that laughs at me (I couldn’t spell her name if my life depended on it), and lots of dragons and faeries and such. One specifically wants to be known as “The White One” and to let all of you know about it. lol She’s a funny one. I met my main guide through my mom (the joys have having an intuitive parent), but many others came through meditation or smacked me. Again. Legit.

So my question is: who are you guides (if you want to share) and how did you meet them?

These are the books we currently have cataloged for animal-related magic. A separate category will be added later for mythic creatures. Please feel free to send in suggestions or your thoughts on any of these!

Animal Familiars for Beginners by Alexander Chauran

Animal Magick by D. J. Conway

Animal Speak by Ted Andrews

  • Much of the info in this book may be appropriative if used by non-Native Americans. The book is otherwise a good reference guide for animal symbolism and has some useful exercises for connecting with animal spirits.

The Once Unknown Familiar by Timothy Roderick

The Witch’s Familiar by Raven Grimassi
