


Cool chairs! WCIF?

Those are by Adele, here:)


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Anonymous said:
What is on your wip list?

Well I’ve started many things and I’m not sure if I even remember all of them. Definitely dirt & concrete replacements, similarly to ferns I started them ages ago. There’s more to do than it was with them though, and I don’t feel like working on it right now so I don’t know when I’m going to finish the replacements. Surely during the summer break, but I can’t tell how soon. I also started a few random things such as eyeshadows an a dress, and I made a large set of stucco walls and wood floors, which is basically ready (wouldn’t work for MAC users though). And, I plan to host a building contest on MTS after the current one finishes.

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Anonymous said:
Voeille the ferns are really nice will you be doing more plants in the future

Thank you :) Maybe I will, I create various kinds of CC depending on what I need and what I feel like making, and I like plants, so it’s not unlikely I will create more :) But I’m a beginner at meshing so don’t expect anything fancy until I get better.

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Hi there, Voeille! Quick question for you. I’ve tweaked your 3D grasses (among many other 3D grasses) to make them visible in neighborhood view, since I’m using them extensively on a little coastline-decorating project I’m doing. I am planning to share the tweaked meshes as a “pack,” once that project is more or less done. Have I your permission to include your grasses with that pack, or is that something you’d rather do yourself? I’d give you full credit for the meshes, of course.

Sure, as long as you credit me you can edit it however you like :) It’ll probably be best to credit me with a tag, then I can also get a notification and download it too :)

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Sorry for late answers!

Anonymous said:
Witam serdecznie :P Wiem, że porzuciłaś trójeczke, ale mam takie pytanie..otworzyłem sobie Isla Paradiso w CAW, zalesiłem pięknie, jednak mam błąd eksportu świata przez mieszkańców, których niestety w żaden sposób nie jestem w stanie usunąć, bo CAW nie otwiera edycji w grze przez te nieszczęsną platformę Origin.. wobec tego, nie poddaje się :D i postanowiłem, że zalesie po prostu w grze, jednak nie pamiętam jak się podróżowało do zapisu, bo chciałbym, aby ciągle wyspa była zalesiona..

Anonymous said:
Mam takie pytanko właśnie, wobec tego, czy pamiętasz może ten schemat podróżowania do zapisu? :) Przepraszam bardzo za najście i kłopot no i jeszcze chciałbym przeprosić, że nie udało mi się kiedyś odpisać Ci na PW na Centrum Simów, jednak ktoś nagle zamknął forum.. :D Pozdrawiam bardzo miło :) (Jowisz, jeśli jeszcze pamiętasz)

Pamiętam :) Jak pojedziesz do oryginalnego świata EA, to pojawi się plik z jego nazwą, podmień go na ten z zapisu, w którym masz zalesione. Ale pamiętaj, że przed podmianą musisz wrócić z simem do domowego świata. Nic więcej chyba nie trzeba było robić.

For non-Polish speakers – well, that’s about travelling to a save in TS3, so I don’t think anyone will be interested.

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Sorry for late answers!

Anonymous said:
Hi Voeille I am reading through the pond and sea water overhaul and I downloaded the sgr you uploaded, I didn’t put it in sp9 (m&g folder) I put it in ep8 (apartment life) since it is the most recent EP. Is that bad? Or should I put it in the install location you specified?

You need to put it into the SP9 folder because the game treats M&G as an EP despite it being a stuff pack.

Anonymous said:
[½] I feel stupid when it comes to this game. I downloaded your water mod, loaded up the game which took about four hours, and the water had the texture but was black I had to exit and go back to the downloads folder and thread and you can only have sea OR pond. I deleted sea and kept pond, so it should work properly right? Just add the pool tiles.

You can have sea and pond together in your downloads, they modify different shaders and don’t conflict with each other. Was the water black in the hood view, lot view, was it sea or pond? Do you have reflections enabled?
How much CC do you have that your game loads for 4h?

Anonymous said:
2/2 also the grass replacement that I downloaded from you looked nice but was not compatible with curiousb roads.

I don’t use them myself.

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Anonymous said:
Can you please share your Strangetown 4 lot? It’s amazing and so cozy!

Nice to hear you like it :) I can’t share it though – it’s an occupied lot, and lots that have ever been occupied aren’t safe to share. It is possible to do some cleaning with SimPE, but that still doesn’t guarantee that it’s completely safe. I don’t want to contribute to corruption in anyone’s hood.

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Hard work. Patience breeds good rewards.

Yes it does Jock.

I’m interested in talking with you about being a jock. I’m 31 in Georgia and just getting back to working out. I’d love to leadership of a coach and brotherhood of other jocks. 

*I’m more then game to chat with you and seeing that kind of training and mentorship you need but I need some way to be able to contact you, even if it’s something as limited as you turning on the ask feature on your tumblr. I need someway to communicate with you.

Question of the week.

Do you use or have you experienced virtual reality yourself?

Question of the week.

In case you have pets yourself, how are they?

Just in case you don’t know, Sonya is our cat and Cooper our dog.

Question of the week.

What time of day do you like the least yourself?

Questions from our Interest Check

We had a few questions from our Interest Check focused on Contributor Applications, so we figured we’d go ahead and answer those now!

Q. What is the minimum age limit for applicants?

Q. Age required to join…. I filled this in before reading cuz I’m excited!

A. The minimum age requirement to apply is 18 years old. This aligns with Paypal TOS.

Q. Will there be options for only coloring pages without fic? I know people who like the game but would be put off by that.

A. You can purchase the digital zine and ignore the files with fic. However, we will not be offering any option without fic since we are excited to showcase their work alongside the other great artists on our project. Thank you for your question!

Q. I’m not sure if I’d have enough money to go in on a full bundle yet, but I would still be interested in the physical merch, so I was wondering if you would consider merch only bundles/add-ons?

A. We are going to be working out our budget as we accept contributors, so we will get back to you!

Q. If I made physical merch. Would I just be making the design or the actual merch. Because I can only do a design :3 thank you!!

A. You would be only making the design. :)

Thank you to this beautiful soul for the amazing feedback and allowing me to share it as a testimonial ‍♀️

susims3s: colombina-sims:When I started playing, this… was the last fandom sim I expected to end ususims3s: colombina-sims:When I started playing, this… was the last fandom sim I expected to end ususims3s: colombina-sims:When I started playing, this… was the last fandom sim I expected to end ususims3s: colombina-sims:When I started playing, this… was the last fandom sim I expected to end ususims3s: colombina-sims:When I started playing, this… was the last fandom sim I expected to end u



When I started playing, this… was the last fandom sim I expected to end up making. But I built a house inspired by his house, and it just seemed logical for him to live in it. Ergo: meet Harrison Wells.

Is this Sim available for download? I wanted to get the Flash characters.

Not yet, but give me a few hours and he will be.

Post link

pedestrian-palamite answered your question: Im sorry for the lack of pictures in posts of…

I came for the excerpts. The pictures are a cool bonus. :)

blackmetalhipster answered your question: Im sorry for the lack of pictures in posts of…

not at all, no pictures is fine

the-moral-extortionist answered your questionIm sorry for the lack of pictures in posts of…

I joined because of the picture posts so try to have as many as possible to attract more people. I still love the ones without them, though.

Thanks for the feedback, guys :) Taking note of all of it, and I really appreciate it!
