#anti mspec


love it when people under a post are like “op is panphobic” like damnnn thanks for lmk imma follow rn

“mspec ‘lesbians’ are valid” go outside.

When you say two things are different, and you specifically state one thing has a certain feature, you are heavily implying (if not outright stating) that the other specifically does not have that feature.

If you say Box A and Box B are distinct, then describe them:
Box A is 6″X6″X6″ and made of cardboard;
Box B is 6″X6″X6″, made of cardboard and purple
Then (based on the information) Box A is necessarily not purple. If Box A was purple, they would not be distinct.

If you say pansexuality is distinct from bisexuality, then describe pansexuality as “attraction to all genders (inclusive of trans and NB people/with no gender preference/with no focus on genitals/with focus on personality/etc.)” then the implication is that the opposite is necessarily true of Bisexuality.

You’re saying bisexuality necessarily excludes trans and NB people.
You’re saying bisexuals necessarily have a gender preference.
You’re saying bisexuals necessarily focus on gender/genitals.
You’re saying bisexuals necessarily don’t focus on personality.

I feel no solidarity with those who spread false narratives about me to make themselves look better.
