#anyway lmao


@wulfila i remember seeing your comment under one of deltarune fanarts asking for susie in a sexy santa costume, and so i’m very behind on schedule, but i mean it’s december so, yeah

in the middle of my sophomore year of college i slipped and broke my foot pretty badly- like not one of the toe bones, but one of those big round ones in the middle of your foot that the toes connect to. i had to be in a cast for like 16 weeks or something- no weight bearing. i lived on the top floor of a dorm with no elevator, and the university decided they needed to move me to another building that did have an elevator.

my mom drove up to help me pack even though she was going through chemo and generally feeling like shit. the dorms had pre-specified times that you were allowed to move in and out so (naturally) i asked my friends to help. 

my boyfriend has ta office hours that conflicted with move-in time. no one every came to his office hours, and the tas i had for my classes were always cancelling/rescheduling office hours, so i figured it wouldn’t be a big deal. but. idk, he just wouldn’t cancel his. 

my best friend had fallen out with my roommate earlier in the year. idk exactly why, but they kind of bitterly hated each other at that point. best friend didn’t want to have to see her or be near her room, so he said he couldn’t help either. 

one of the other guys in our friend group did offer to help a little. he helped carry a few boxes down the 4 flights of stairs. but mostly we had no help. i, on crutches, and my mom, in between cycle a million and a million and one of chemo, packed and carried all my shit down the stairs, loaded it into the car, drove it across campus, carried it into the new dorm, up the elevator, and unpacked. 

this was one of the first times i remember really feeling helpless. like, just alone and helpless. and then being like welp, can’t count on anyone i guess, let’s do this alone. (don’t even get me started on the fact that my dad wasn’t there…). anyway, my friends kinda tried to convince me i was overreacting and shouldn’t be upset. and i guess it worked for a while. but i still think about it. those 2 guys are still my closest friends, and my whole adult life i’ve never asked them for help with anything else. it’s stupid something like that should still bother me decades later but it just does. 

working on a more complicated edit atm but just dropping by to say that i’m taking a brief break to spend time with family <3 my queue is running but i won’t have recent posts/reply to anything quickly for a few days

I-I just got the joke..

(Full Text: Oh my gosh! Why are there so many drawn people in Elmore? Go back to your flat country and stop ruining our economy. Nobody likes a 2Dist.) Episode: The Saint
