#aph prussia

And no one can understand him after he’s spoken with Vash.

And no one can understand him after he’s spoken with Vash.

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In honor of Prussian Dissolution Day (February 25th).

In honor of Prussian Dissolution Day (February 25th).

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Audio: The Symphony of Hot by Tobuscus

[Hetaween 2021]: Day 11  - Kissing Death

Warning: contains NUDITY


And in the end, she did not fear…for Death held her in a warm embrace.


“Prussia is dead” jokes aside, I just had to draw either Gilbert or Julchen in this concept..so Julchen it was!!

Tumblr please don’t fl4g me, that part showing is for artistic purposes only, and if you come at me you’re a freaking hypocrite



[Previous:Gourmet Vampire] | Day 11 | [Next: Surprise~]

Unfiltered version under the cut

Awesome Trio + Halloween

Awesome Trio + Halloween

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I love it!!

Fixed and a new version!

*don’t repost *

Gilbert © Himaruya

Original realistic art: HERE.

Realistic Gilbo ♥ ♥ ♥ (two different versions. The 2nd one with an old photo filter). Possibly will Realistic Gilbo ♥ ♥ ♥ (two different versions. The 2nd one with an old photo filter). Possibly will

Realistic Gilbo ♥ ♥ ♥ (two different versions. The 2nd one with an old photo filter). Possibly will add some change later (as always, I keep working in the realistic portraits eternally, lol). Thanks to Photoshop I’m managing to clothes look more realistic. LOL.

*Do not repost*

Gilbert Beilschmidt / APH Prussia © Himaruya

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aph prussia
aph prussia
aph prussia

it sounded funnier in ukrainian :‘p

#hetalia    #aph germany    #hws germany    #aph prussia    #hws prussia    


#hetalia    #nyotalia    #nyo romano    #fem romano    #nyo south italy    #nyo germany    #fem germany    #aph prussia    #hws prussia    #aph germany    #hws germany    #nyo norway    #fem norway    


First post!

So basically I have waaay too many rusprus doodles that I’m a bit shy to post on main so I’ll gradually post them here instead! Nice to meet you!

srhj0423: 工業的なポーズ☆



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