#aragorn imagine


Which Tolkien characters would date a Gardener/Botanist

This is so self indulgent I’m sorry. Also tagging @beenovel because I think they like Botany too and I love them(surprise babe I got it done tonight ha)



I mean, duh. Sam’s a gardener himself and basically the only working class Hobbit of the bunch, he would probably be ecstatic about having a fellow plant nerd with him. And it also helps that you’re really pretty but shhhh. You’d help him so much during his daily life - telling him all about proper plant care that even he didn’t know and introducing him to new species of plants that he can show Mr Frodo. You gave him some sunscreen once (because God knows we need that) and he still thanks you to this day for it. 100% leaves hints for you using the language of flowers, hoping the roses he gives you will say what he never dares to. 


Listen,, Frodo has a thing for gardeners. I can’t prove it, but you can’t disprove it either. Check mate. But in all seriousness, I can totally see him falling for a plant parent. Just imagine him watching you and his beloved Sam talk about plants together with the biggest darn heart eyes the Shire’s ever seen. Being the cute little nerd he is, he’d ask all about the meaning of different plants as a subtle way to communicate his feelings. He’s sweet like that. 


He’d definitely be more into the field botanist type of plant nerd. Someone who can identify which plants are which, what not to eat and what tastes delicious. For instance, he was very thankful that you reminded him that creeping charlie is toxic to horses before he almost poisoned poor Brego. Sometimes, when you’re rattling off plant facts, he can’t help himself and kisses you for being so clever. At first he saw you as a wonderful traveling partner but that definitely develops into something more over time


Okay just hear me out. Mirkwood is so pretty and you cannot tell me they have interesting beautiful flora in there. Imagine a field botanist wandering into his lands and getting their ass kindly handed to them by the giant spiders (yikes) only to be saved by the Elven King himself.. who then makes them his personal gardener. That’s a fic I’d read in a heartbeat. He’d get only the finest seeds and bulbs for his darling little plant enthusiast, especially when his feelings grow stronger. Totally makes you cover up because he doesn’t want your “pretty little face getting sunburned”. He much prefers to make you red in other ways


Like father like son. But, of course, he’s a little different about it.  You want to go out foraging and studying? He’s right out there with you! Elves are in touch with nature in a way us Humans can’t even comprehend - that’s a field day for plant lovers. He probably knows all about plants himself, and would happily tell you all about the Elven uses and folklore of your favorite Flora. He’d be absolutely fascinated to hear about the human side of that too. He’ll protect you out on your little research expeditions and practically beg you to tell him all about plants. Match made in heaven. 


I know this seems weird, but listen. This is the dwarf who (clearly, in my opinion) fell in love with Bilbo flipping Baggins. I’m convinced he has a thing for cottagecore icons. I know it in my heart. A botanist would probably have a hell of a time figuring out what plants can grow best in Erebor’s mountain soil. And yes, he’d comfort you when you feel like ripping your hair out trying to do that haha. Absolutely sets apart an entire outdoor area for your little garden. He’d probably give you a window room (aside from his chambers ) so you can grow some indoor plants too. 


We’ve seen this man’s house in the movies. He wouldadore a gardener partner. He takes care of the animals and livestock, you take care of the blooms. He takes you out on rides around the forest, you sitting on his back while he’s in bear form, perfectly content to listen to you ramble away about the different kinds of trees. Beorn is very impressed that you know so much about plants. And if herbal medicine is your thing, that’d certainly come in handy with all the cuts he gets driving off orcs. Seeing you take care of him like that is actually a tad flustering, though he resolves to fluster you right back to hide the peachiness in his own face. You two likely met because he saw you checking out the plants around his territory, but he saw you meant no harm (and that you were cute) so you two became friends (and soon partners) very quick.

Destiny Calling: Chapter Seven

You all seemed lost, feeling this sense of overwhelming hopelessness. You were now leading the group, walking through the woods of Lothlorien. You after all, were the only one that actually knew the way. “Stay close young hobbits! They say there’s a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell…” Gimli said, unaware that you actually shared blood to said “Elf-witch”. “… and are never seen again.” Gimli finished. Aragorn looked over, noticing blood seep through your clothes. “Y/n, did you suffer another wound outside of the scratch on your head?” He asked. “If you’re referring to my shoulder Aragorn, I am fine.” You said softly.

You stopped, the trees speaking of another presence outside of your group. “Well, here is one dwarf she won’t ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!” Gimli announced before meeting a guard face to face. Lorien guards aimed before a familiar face stopped them. “Princess Y/n.” He noticed, all guards reattracting their weapons at the sight of you. “You found us.” you said, seeming very calm. “The dwarf breathes so loud we could’ve shot him in the dark.” Haldir said making you chuckle. “Haldir o Lórien. Henion aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn. Boe ammen veriad lîn. (Haldir of Lorien, we come here for help. We need your protection.)” Aragorn said. “Aragorn, these woods are perilous! We should go back.” Gimli huffed. “You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back. Come, she is waiting.” Haldir said. You all followed Haldir. “you seem very confident about your choice in leading us to this woman.” Gimli muttered. You said nothing, walking ahead of him.

You climbed the stairs before standing before Galadriel and Celeborn. You bowed, Galadriel lifting your face. “You have matured since we last spoke.” She said, smiling softly. “It is nice to see you again.” You admitted. She nodded before looking at the group. Aragorn gave his proper greeting, making it clear to everyone that he too, had met her before. “Nine that are here yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him.” She said. She looked in his eyes and paused. “He has fallen into shadow.” She realized. “The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all.” She said. She looked over at Boromir who couldn’t meet her gaze. “Yet hope remains while the company is true.” She said. She looked at Sam and smiled. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace.” She said. You nearly walked off but Aragorn halted you. “Might we receive medical assistance? Y/n was struck in battle.” Aragorn asked. “I have herbs in my-” “Come.” Galadriel said. You sighed and walked off with her.

You looked over at Galadriel. “How are you taking it? Gandalf’s demise?” She asked. “I think I’m in denial. It is almost as if my body just isn’t reacting.” You muttered. She nodded as you entered a small hut. “How did it happen?” She asked, wringing water out of a small cloth. “There was a monster, one of flames. We had to pass through Moria-” “We both know how dangerous that was Y/n.” She scolded. “We didn’t have a choice. Saruman betrayed us, if we had made for the Gap of Rohan, we’d be killed or worse.” You muttered. She nodded. “Gandalf fought off the monster so we could escape. He… He fell so we would succeed.” you muttered. Galadriel nodded solemnly. She touched the wound on your shoulder, you wincing. “You made it here. That is what counts.” she said softly. You nodded, looking down. “Your mother would be very proud of you, you know.” She added. You looked over. She began crushing herbs. “She would be terrified but still very proud.” she said. You smiled slightly. “are you proud?” you asked. She turned, that soft smile reminding you of home. “we all are darling.” She said. “I..” you cleared your throat. “I want you to know… I am proud to be your grandchild…” you told her. She put the herbs on the wound, wrapping it before she kissed your head. “I am proud to call you my grandchild.” she said.

As everyone else sat around, elves could be heard around them, singing. “A lament for Gandalf.” Legolas noticed, him pouring water into a small reflection pool. “What do they say about him?” Merry asked. “I have not the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still too near.” Legolas answered. Aragorn noticed Boromir sitting alone on a tree root. He walked over. “Take some rest. These borders are well protected.” Aragorn encouraged. “I will find no rest here. I heard her voice inside my head. She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor. She said to me even now there is hope left. But I cannot see it. It is long since we had any hope.” He admitted. He knew for a fact that if his father remained on the throne, there was less of a bright future to one day see. This fact had been haunting him since he picked up the hilt to Isildur’s broken sword. “My father is a noble man, but his rule is failing. And now our…our people lose faith. He looks to me to make things right and I would do it. I would see the glory of Gondor restored. Have you ever seen it Aragorn? White tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver. It’s banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?” He asked. “I have seen the White City, long ago.” Aragorn admitted. “One day, our paths will lead us there. And the tower guards shall take up the call: The Lords of Gondor have returned!” He said, clearly missing home. Aragorn opened his mouth to speak but saw you walking over. He walked over, hugging you. You didn’t care about the slight discomfort from your shoulder. You hadn’t had a real moment to breathe since you left. You hugged him back, him pulling away slightly to kiss your forehead. “Your wounds? How are they?” He asked. “They are minor, she believes them to be healed in days.” you said.

He sighed. “You need to be more-” “What’s the rule?” you halted. He sighed. “No telling Y/n what to do.” He said. “Let us try and rest. We still have a long journey.” you said. The group looked over as you sat down. “Are you alright?” Pippin asked. “Fear not Pippin, I am well.” You assured. “Where are you sleeping?” Frodo asked. Aragorn cleared his throat to answer the question and you nodded your head in his direction. “Thank you Y/n.. For protecting me back in Moria.” Frodo said. “I am only doing what I promised. I don’t deserve the praise.” You stated. “How did you meet the witch- woman?” Sam corrected. You chuckled. “Galadriel is my grandmother.” you answered. “You’re related to the witch?” Gimli asked, shocked. “She is my mother’s mother. Very kind woman despite what many believe.” You answered.

Pippin seemed confused. “Y/n… If your grandmother is here then why weren’t you sent here instead of Mirkwood?” Pippin asked. “Father was most likely afraid of the path here… It was the same path my mother took when she was attacked.” You said. Merry looked at you as you sighed, looking over at Aragorn who was still awake.

“Sleep.” you told him. “I cannot.” He admitted. “…You’re joking. You seriously cannot sleep without me being there?” You asked. “Not fully, no.” He admitted, making Sam crack a smile. “With the way you two speak to each other, you’d think you’d be lovers.” Gimli sighed. You all froze, looking at him. “What?” He asked. “Nothing.” Pippin said, resisting a strong urge to laugh. “We should rest.” Sam said, also trying not to break. You moved to Aragorn, lying down next to him. He wrapped his arms around you, his breaths getting deeper as time passed.

The morning soon came, you and Aragorn being the first ones awake. You leaned up and stretched, tapping Boromir as you slid on your boots. He woke up the hobbits who (eventually) woke up Gimli. You all set off once more, Galadriel parting you with Earendil, their most beloved star. You all went off in canoes, riding down the river. You all were silent, Legolas and you both listening to the nature around you before reaching a pass. “Frodo, the Argonath! Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin.” Aragorn said to Frodo, nodding to the large statues of the kings. You all finally reached the foot of Amon Hen, making camp while you rested.

“We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north.” Aragorn said. “Oh, yes?! It’s just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better! Festering, stinking marshlands far as the eye can see!” Gimli huffed. “That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength master dwarf.” Aragorn said, making you smiled. Gimli seemed almost offended by the mere idea of him needing to rest. You looked up, alarmed by something. “What’s wrong?” Boromir asked. “Something’s coming.” you answered. You looked around. “Where’s Frodo?” you asked.

Frodo walked through the woods, Boromir noticing the hobbit as he was collecting firewood. “None of us should wander alone, you least of all. So much depends on you. Frodo?” Boromir commented. Frodo looked over, slightly alarmed by his presence. “I know why you seek solitude. You suffer; I see it day by day. You sure you do not suffer needlessly? There are other ways, Frodo, other paths that we might take.” Boromir said. “I know what you would say. And it would seem like wisdom but for the warning in my heart.” Frodo said. “Warning? Against what? We’re all afraid, Frodo. But to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have. Don’t you see that is madness?” Boromir questioned. “There is no other way!” Frodo said. “I ask only for the strength to defend my people! If you would but lend me the Ring…” Boromir tossed the wood aside, staring at the ring. “No.” Frodo said, stepping back. “Why do you recoil? I am no thief.” Boromir asked. “You are not yourself.” Frodo answered. “What chance do you think you have? They will find you! They will take the Ring and you will beg for death before the end!” Boromir yelled. Frodo ran from Boromir, alarmed of the greed and darkness taking over the young man. “It is not yours save by unhappy chance. It could have been mine!” Boromir yelled before tackling Frodo. “It should be mine! Give it to me!” Boromir yelled. They struggled against one another for the ring.

“Give it to me!” Boromir yelled. “No!” Frodo struggled. “Give me… Give me the Ring!” Boromir yelled. Frodo slipped on the ring, kicking Boromir before running away. “I see your mind. You will take the Ring to Sauron! You will betray us! You go to your death and the death of us all! Curse you! Curse you! And all the halflings!” He said before falling. It was like a simple fall was all he needed to see reason. Regret instantly hit him. “Frodo?…Frodo?…what have I done?…please…Frodo!” He called.

Frodo ran off, reaching an area away from him. “Frodo?” You asked, standing there with Aragorn. “Huh?!” He gasped, meeting your eyes. “It has taken Boromir.” Frodo said, clearly panicked. “Where is the Ring?” Aragorn asked. “Stay away!” Frodo yelled before backing away. “Frodo!” Aragorn halted. Frodo stopped. “We swore to protect you!” Aragorn said. “Can you protect me from yourself?!” Frodo asked, clearly frightened. He showed the ring in his palm. “Would you destroy it?” Frodo asked. You looked away, feeling this intense dread. Aragorn slowly approached Frodo though, ignoring the whispers of the ring, closing Frodo’s palm and pushing it to his chest. “I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor.” He said. “You will not yield me from your journey Frodo.” You said. He frowned. “Y/n, I cannot ask this of you.” He said. “Frodo, my father was the one that went with Isildur. He did nothing to stop him… I know I can do something so please. Let me.” you said. He nodded slowly before you slid off your necklace, giving it to Aragorn. Aragorn shook his head. “Y/n-” “keep this as a reminder that someone is fighting for you. Always.” you said softly. He clutched the necklace, before pulling a chain out from his pack. He took off his ring, sliding it onto the chain. “I will not take the throne without you. If I lose you, the throne will remain as it is.” He said. “This is your only proof of your identity Aragorn-” “I know. Because without you, I cannot make my claim.” He said, putting the chain around your neck. He gave you one last kiss, your heart filling with sorrow before you pulled away. “Look after the others, especially Sam. He will not understand.” Frodo said before his sword started to glow. “Go on you two!” He said. You hesitated, seeing the finality in this choice. Would you leave your lover or stay and leave Frodo?

You shook your head, taking Frodo’s hand and running. Sam searched the woods frantically. “Mr. Frodo!” He called before hearing swords clashing. Legolas and Gimli ran forward, Legolas shooting three of the orcs quickly. Gimli slammed his axe into one of them. “Aragorn! Go!” Legolas yelled. You sprinted with Frodo, trying to reach the boats as the orcs were ready to kill. You ran hiding behind a set of trees, Merry and Pippin looking at you with urgency. They noticed the orcs ready to follow you. “Run you two! Go!” Merry whispered before cupping his hands. You two ran off as Merry yelled. “Hey! Hey you! Over here!” He shouted, diverting attention away from the two of you. “Hey!” Pippin chimed in. “Over here!” Merry called. Pippin waved his arms. “This way!” Pippin yelled, running away from Frodo.

As you ran you heard three loud blasts from a horn, your heart dropping. This was it… Boromir’s final stand. “The Horn of Gondor… Boromir..” you whispered as you ran. Merry and Pippin locked eyes with Boromir as he fought. “RUN!” He told them, fighting for his life. “Boromir!” Aragorn called, rushing toward the sound. Fear coursed through Boromir as he fought before an arrow hit his shoulder. Merry and Pippin stopped, looking at him in shock. Boromir fell to his knees, breathing hard as the pain seemed to overwhelm him. No. Not like this.

The orcs came closer, Boromir letting out a battle cry as a final stand. He stood up, stabbing an orc as he did. Another arrow fired, this time to Boromir’s stomach. He fell again, still his will to live too strong for this as he got back up. He killed another orc, another arrow hitting you, this one being the final blow. Boromir fell to his knees, staying down this time. Merry and Pippin both looked at him. They knew this was it. That he would not rise again to fight. This was their friend that kept them safe. If he was dying, they were going to defend him till his last breath. Merry and Pippin fought, screaming “SHIRE!” before stabbing an orc or two.

You reached the boats, heart pounding as you were unaware of the dangers ahead of you. Then you felt it. A loss. A hit. You put a hand over your mouth. “Y/n, what’s wrong?” Frodo asked. “Boromir has fallen.” You whispered, hearing the trees tell you of the brave sacrifice he made.

Aragorn kneeled to Boromir. “They took the little ones.” Boromir said weakly. “Be still.” Aragorn instructed. “Frodo, where is Frodo? And Y/n?” Boromir asked. “I let them go.” Aragorn said. “Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him.” Boromir admitted, his breathing getting weaker. “The Ring is beyond our reach now.” Aragorn assured. “Forgive me, I did not see it. I have failed you all.” Boromir whispered. “No, Boromir, you fought bravely! You have kept your honor.” Aragorn assured. He reached for the arrows that were ailing his friend but Boromir stopped him. “Leave it! It is over. The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness… and my city to ruin.” Boromir whispered. “I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you I will not let the white city fall, nor our people fail!” Aragorn said, his heart in pain. “Our people?” Boromir asked. Not once had Aragorn even referenced his homeland or people… Boromir smiled at his friend. “Our people.” He breathed, barely holding onto life. Aragorn put Boromir’s sword in his hand, Boromir bringing it to his chest. “I would have followed you my brother, my captain, my king!” Boromir said before his face grew still. Your vision was indeed true. Boromir was dead. “Be at peace, son of Gondor.” Aragorn whispered before pressing a kiss to his forehead.

You heard rapid footsteps, turning to land which you hadn’t left yet. “Frodo!” Sam called. Frodo seemed spaced out, recalling a conversation that he had with Gandalf before Sam sprinted out from the woods. “Frodo no! Frodo! Mr. Frodo!” Sam frantically called. “No Sam.” Frodo said, continuing to paddle. You opened your mouth but closed it as Sam sprinted into the river. “Go back Sam! I’m going to Mordor.” Frodo yelled. “Of course you are, and I’m coming with you!” Sam replied. He trudged deeper into the water. “You can’t swim! Sam!” Frodo gasped. You watched Sam go under, forsaking your cloak as you dove into the waters and pulled up Sam.

You put him in the boat, you climbing in afterwards. “You are insane!” You breathed. “I made a promise, Mr. Frodo. A promise! ‘Don’t you leave him Samwise Gamgee.’ And I don’t mean to! I don’t mean to.” Sam said. Frodo’s expression softened. “Oh Sam!” Frodo wailed before hugging Sam. You smiled at the two friends before Frodo yanked you into the hug. You slowly hugged the two hobbits back, them clinging to you.

Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas gave Boromir a proper send off, laying him one of the boats with his sword and shield, his cloven horn by his side. The boat went off the side of the Falls of Rauros, falling to the mists below.

“Hurry! Frodo, Y/n and Sam have reached the eastern shore.” Legolas called. Aragorn did not move. “You mean not to follow them?” Legolas asked. “Y/n and Frodo’s fate is no longer in our hands.” Aragorn said, clutching your necklace that he was now wearing. “Then it has all been in vain! The Fellowship has failed.” Gimli said. “Not if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let’s hunt some orc!” Aragorn said. Legolas and Gimli smiled. “Yes! Haha!” Gimli exclaimed. Aragorn ran into the woods, Legolas and Gimli following.

You stood on the hills of Emyn Muil, looking at the Dead Marshes and Mordor.“ Mordor. I hope the others find a safer route.” Frodo muttered. “Strider will look after them.” Sam said. “I do not think they will accompany us from here.” You said, clutching Aragorn’s ring. “I don’t suppose we’ll ever see them again.” Frodo said. Sadness filled your gaze. “We may yet, Mr. Frodo. We may.” Sam reminded. You smiled at Sam. Frodo turned to the both of you “I’m glad you’re with me.” Frodo said to the both of you. You smiled softly, roughing up his hair before walking. “We have a long journey ahead of us.” you said. “Think we’ll see something new?” Sam asked. “Let us hope not.” You said earning smiles from both of the hobbits.

You had no idea of the dangers ahead. Or how many events were to play out in front of your eyes.

Destiny Calling: Chapter Six

You watched Boromir with Merry and Pippin, him teaching them to fight. You bit into the Lembas bread smiling. “Two, Three, Four, Five. Good, very good.” Boromir instructed the two spirited hobbits. “Move your feet.” Aragorn said making you chuckle. “That’s good, Merry.” You said, Merry slightly out of breath. “Thanks!” Merry said. You smiled at Pippin as he picked up his blade. Pippin seemed to be the hobbit closest to you, for whatever reason. Sam though, seemed to enjoy your company as well. Well actually, all of the hobbits seemed to like you and Boromir. Gimli though, was about the only one in the fellowship who disliked having you, for whatever reason. “Faster” Boromir instructed.

“Anyone was to ask for my opinion, which I note they’re not, I’d say we were taking the long way round. Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome.” Gimli suggested. You tensed up, being aware that the mines of Moria were no longer safe… It was a very dangerous passage. “No Gimli, I would not take the roads through Moria unless I had no other choice.” Gandalf said. “Come on. Good.” Boromir said to Pippin. He accidentally hit his hand, halting his action. “Are you alright?” you asked. “GET HIM!” Merry yelled. “FOR THE SHIRE!” Pippin yelled before the two hobbits tackled Boromir. You laughed and Aragorn smiled, looking at you.

You felt something, Legolas feeling that same sensation. The feeling of being watched. You stood up, walking over to the edge of the mountain and looking. “What is that?” Sam asked. “Nothing, just a whiff of cloud.” Gimli dismissed. “It’s moving fast…against the wind.” Boromir observed. “Crebain from Dunland!” You gasped. “HIDE.” Aragorn said. “Merry! Frodo!” Boromir called, them hiding with him. You all took cover, out of sight of the spies.

“Spies of Saruman! The passage south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras.” Gandalf said after you all came out from your hiding spots. And so you did, taking the treacherous mountain path. You walked through the snow, having trouble fighting the winds. Frodo fell, rolling back and you turned. “Frodo!” you yelled, rushing over. You helped him lean up, Frodo patting his chest down, looking for the ring. You looked around before seeing Boromir lifted the chain and held it up. He looked at the ring, seeming very mesmerized by it. “Boromir.” Aragorn called. “It is a strange fate we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing… such a little thing.” he muttered, looking at it. “Boromir, give the ring to Frodo.” Aragorn said, watching him. He seemed to snap out of his gaze, looking at Frodo and handing it to him. “As you wish. I care not.” He said.

He seemed to not notice how intensely he seemed to be so fixated on the ring or how you and Aragorn both were about to reach for your swords. He ruffled Frodo’s hair before walking with the group. You and Aragorn exchanged a look before walking. You all attempted to walk through the pass, everyone with the exception of you and Legolas struggling to walk in the snow. You and Legolas both stopped, hearing a voice. “There is a fell voice on the air.” Legolas said. “Its Saruman!” Gandalf yelled. Snow fell, barely missing the group by inches. “He’s trying to bring down the mountain! Gandalf, we must turn back!” Aragorn yelled. “No!” Gandalf responded, trying to press on. “We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the west road to my city!” Boromir suggested. “The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!” Aragorn yelled, trying to be heard over the winds. “If we cannot pass over a mountain, let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria.” Gimli said. You looked to Gandalf, exchanging a look. “Let the Ring Bearer decide.” Gandalf said. You looked over at Frodo. “We will go through the mines..” He said. That was the last place you wanted to go.

You kept your thoughts to yourself, walking with the group before stopping. Boromir turned and you stumbled, gripping your head as you fell. Boromir ran over, kneeling to you. “Are you alright Y/n?” He asked. You kept seeing flashes, flashes of a battle. Gandalf falling, some creature made of fire falling with him. “Y/n, are you alright?” Boromir repeated. You looked over at Gandalf. You cannot stop destiny. You knew that. There were plenty of stories that existed that proved that. You slowly stood up. “Yes… I’m fine, sorry for worrying you.” you whispered. “What was your vision?” Legolas asked. “I’m not entirely sure.” You admitted.

Frodo accidentally slid his foot in the water, you pulling him back. He nodded as a thank you before you both walked over. “Now, let’s see. Ithildin – it mirrors only starlight and moonlight.” Gandalf said, standing in front of the doors. “It reads ‘The doors of Durin - Lord of Moria. Speak friend and enter.’” Gandalf read aloud. You rose a brow, looking at it. “Edhellen edro hi ammen! (Gate of the Elves open now for me!)” Gandalf said. Silence. No doors opening. Nothing. You looked at Gandalf confused. “Eldarinwa a lasta quettanya, Fenda Casarinwa! (Gate of Elves listen to my word, Threshold of Dwarves!)” He said. Again… Nothing. You sighed and walked over to Sam and Aragorn.“ The mines are no place for a pony, even one so brave as Bill.” Aragorn said to Sam, taking his reins off. The horse walked off and Sam seemed sad to let it go. “Don’t worry Sam, he knows the way home.” You said, putting a hand on his shoulder as reassurance. Sam smiled at you. “Can you speak with animals too or is it just nature?” Sam asked curiously. You chuckled. “Very few of us can communicate with animals but there are some who can. I sadly am not one of them.” You said. “Interesting.” Sam said, waiting for you to say more. You chuckled, sitting on a rock and patting it to indicate he should sit with you as you discussed your abilities. Aragorn smiled before hearing splashes.

Merry and Pippin were skipping stones, Aragorn stopping them. “Do not disturb the water.” He said. “Oh, it’s useless!” Gandalf grunted in frustration. Frodo stood up, walking to the door and looking at it. “It’s a riddle. Speak 'friend’ and enter. What’s the Elvish word for friend?” Frodo asked you. “Mellon.” You answered. The doors opened and you jumped before smiling. “Your mind is nearly as sharp as your blade Frodo.” you said with a chuckle. He smiled before Gimli spoke. “Soon master elf you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves. Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!” Gimli walked into the area and you kept close to Aragorn, listening to the stones within the walls. You frowned and looked at the area. “What’s wrong?” Boromir asked. “This is no mine… This is a tomb.” you said, everyone looking at you. Gimli looked down, seeing skeletal remains of dwarves. “NO!” Gimli gasped. Legolas picked up an arrow from one of the corpses before tossing it. “Goblins.” He said. “We make for the Gap of Rohan, we never should’ve come here.” Boromir said, turning back. The four hobbits stepped back, something in the water behind you stirring. “Get out of here, now!” Boromir said.

Something snatched Frodo’s foot, dragging him towards the water. You drew your two swords, Aragorn standing next to you. Sam slammed his sword into the Watcher, forcing it to drop Frodo. It seemed to sink back into the water before the Watcher slammed the other hobbits back, grabbing Frodo again. You leapt forward, holding your blades close to you as you dodged strategically through the Watcher’s attacks. Aragorn kept close, countering any attacks directed at you. You and Boromir struck, the main tentacle, forcing it to drop Frodo. You caught him, running to shore with Aragorn, Frodo and Boromir. “Into the Mines!” Gandalf yelled. “Legolas! Aim for his eye! Come on!” Boromir called. Legolas shot an arrow into the Watcher’s eye, all of you ran into the mines, slamming the door before a tentacle could grab you. You fell, Aragorn kneeling and holding you close. “Are you alright?” He asked. “Yes, I’m fine. Tripped trying to run from that thing.” you breathed. Gandalf lit up his staff, everyone looked up.

“We now have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than orcs in the deep places of the world.” Gandalf warned. You got up, sheathing your swords. “Quietly now. It’s a four-day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence may go unnoticed.” Gandalf said as you all walked.

The journey seemed very dangerous, Aragorn watching you carefully. He was definitely anxious about any visions you may have considering you had a tendency to fall or stumble. You were on a cliffside, one slip and you could die. Anxiety left him though, when you all stepped out into what appeared to be a room. “I have no memory of this place.” Gandalf muttered staring at three different passages. You all ended up sitting around, waiting for Gandalf to remember the way. You felt the sensation of feeling watched again. You paused before turning. Two large eyes watched you. You whispered a question. “What watches us?” So quiet even Aragorn didn’t hear. “Gollum” was the answer. You recognized the name.

“Aragorn… The prisoner you took to Mirkwood for questioning. What was its name again?” You asked. He looked at you as you seemed to stare at something. “Gollum. Why?” He asked. “Its here.” you said, looking at the creature on a rock. He was watching Frodo with wide eyes. Aragorn stood up, ready to fight but you stopped him. “Do not attack anything here, unless it attacks first.” you muttered. He nodded, sitting back down but watching the creature with caution.

You all sat around again once Gollum went out of sight, speaking amongst the group. Aragorn smoked his pipe and you rolled your eyes. “That cannot be good for you.” You muttered. “Trying to keep me healthy?” He asked, a grin on his face. You chuckled. “Excuse me if I want you to live a long prosperous life.” you said. Gimli rose a brow but said nothing. “If you can speak to nature, why haven’t you asked for a way forward?” Boromir asked curiously. “I don’t know any routes through here or what’s on the other side. I have to be able to ask a question like 'Where is the way to Gondor’. I cannot ask questions like 'Where’s the quickest way out’ that would probably put us in a dangerous place. Nature is very literal.” you explained. Boromir nodded. Your logic seemed very sound and Boromir decided not to press you any further.

“What good are your abilities if you can’t provide basic information?” Gimli asked. You looked over. “I can sense danger master Gimli.” You said. “As can the other elf.” He muttered. You rose a brow looking at him. “I’m sorry, do you have a problem with my presence?” You asked. “what good have you done for this group? You’ve just been standing next to master Aragorn or with Gandalf.” Gimli huffed. “I’ve been trying to map a safe route for us master Gimli.” You said, keeping your cool. Aragorn looked at the dwarf, his eyes warning him that he was treading on thin ice. Gimli sighed. “I just don’t see the point in two elves being here.” He huffed. “Yet you don’t seem to have as strong of an opinion over master Legolas.” Pippin noted. “Oh that’s ridiculous, I hate them both!” He huffed. You blinked, as did Legolas. “So that’s it then? You hate us?” You asked. “Yes.” He huffed. “so you know nothing of me yet you choose to hate me?” You asked. “It doesn’t matter, you elves all think the same. You’re bound to look down on everything anyway!” He said. “All have you know, I don’t! I actually agree with some of your opinions.” You said. “I have already heard your tale of being raised by that so called 'King Thranduil’! You probably support him-” “He’s an ass.” You said with no hesitation. Everyone turned to you. “We’re no longer in Rivendell so I will speak freely. Thranduil rules with the ego the size of mount doom itself. When I lived in Mirkwood I did not do so willingly and I often felt like a prisoner” you huffed. Boromir rose a brow. “Why were you sent to Mirkwood?” He asked.

You sighed, looking down. “When I was ten I had an experience that should’ve killed me. It was a troll. Wandered off its path I suppose but I nearly died. My mother was so… Tired… She was exposed to torture years after I was born and she never recovered… She sailed off to the undying lands after me being sent away to Mirkwood.” You muttered. Legolas put a soothing hand on your shoulder. He knew you blamed yourself for your mother’s choosing to die. It wasn’t true, she had made her mind up a long time before you but she stayed because of you. When Elrond wanted to move you away to somewhere safer that was her sign. Her moment to leave. Did it pain Celebrián to leave? By the Valar, yes. Leaving her sons, her daughters and her husband was painful. But living with mental and physical scars that wouldn’t leave, staying in a forest that once provided comfort but now provided nightmares was too much.

Gimli felt a ting of guilt. He opened his mouth but closed it. “Was your mother a good woman?” Gimli finally asked. You looked up at him. “She was the kindest woman I knew.” You admitted, recalling the gentleness of your mother. You may have been merely ten when she left but she certainly would be something you wouldn’t forget. Aragorn had heard you speak of her on occasion, knowing that the necklace you wore was actually your mother’s rather than your own. You would fidget with it when you were deep in thought, it being a habit you picked up from your mother as well. Gimli looked at you with a sigh. “I seemed to have misjudged the lass. But I’m still uneasy around the lad.” Gimli said. You looked at Legolas confused. “Why?” You asked. “The man steps too quiet, it’s not natural.” Gimli said. Sam smiled and you laughed, Pippin chuckling with you.

“Oh! It’s that way.” Gandalf said, getting up. You stood up, stretching as you did. “He’s remembered!” Merry said happily. “No, but the air doesn’t smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose.” Gandalf said making you smile.

You all went through the passage, it being more open than the last. You were surrounded by stone, you could feel it, hear it even. You just couldn’t see it. “Let me risk a little more light.” Gandalf again, used his staff to light the way, revealing a large hall with stone pillars. You stared in awe at your surroundings. “I take it this is what you meant as a 'royal welcome’?” You asked Gimli. He grunted in response making you sigh. “Behold the great realm and dwarf city of Dwarrowdelf.” Gandalf said. “Now there’s an eye opener and no mistake.” Sam said. More walking ensued as you stepped forward.

Gimli saw a ray of sunlight in a room, running to it. He expected a warm welcome, perhaps a surprise from one of his relatives. Instead, he was met with a crypt. “No.” He whispered. He dropped his axe, falling to his knees in front of the crypt. You ran in stopping at the sight of the dead scattered through the room. “'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.’ He is dead then. Its as I feared.” Gandalf muttered as Gimli grieved. Gandalf handed you his staff, you taking it as he kneeled to one of the corpses and lifted a book. Pippin stepped out of his way, looking at a cobweb filled skeleton. “They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep.” Gandalf read. He turned the page. “We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out…They are coming.” He read aloud. Pippin, in a moment of dumb curiosity, poked the skull of the skeleton, knocking it into the well along with a bucket.

Everyone froze, not daring to make a single sound as the skeleton and bucket clattered, echoing through the caverns. Pippin winced and you swallowed, Aragorn pulling you closer to him. After a few moments of silence you all relaxed. “Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!” Gandalf snapped. You frowned, hearing drums and noticing Frodo’s sword. “Frodo!” Sam gasped. “Orcs.” you breathed. Boromir looked out, arrows missing his face by mere inches. “Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!” Aragorn told the hobbits. He dropped the torch he was holding, assisting Boromir in closing the doors. You heard something that made your heart drop. “They have a cave troll.” Boromir said, exasperated by the forces to come. Legolas scrambled for weapons to help blockade the door, you helping him. “Aarrgghhh!!! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!” Gimli shouted. They began to break through, Aragorn and Legolas armed with bows, ready to fire.

You lifted a bow from one of the corpses, finding arrows and aiming. “You can use a bow too?” Sam asked. “I had a great trainer.” you muttered. “Thank you.” Legolas said as you fired at one of the orcs attempting to break through. It clearly hit your target seeing as it howled in pain. “Beautiful face and a good shot, by the valor do you get any better?” Aragorn muttered making you smirk. You fired another arrow before they broke through, tossing the old bow aside and drawing your blades.

Boromir fought, seeing Aragorn protect you. He noticed what everyone seemed to ignore. You were Aragorn’s sword, he was your shield. You cut down an orc next to Boromir before hearing the cave troll. “shit.” you breathed, Aragorn standing near you. Legolas fired an arrow at it, provoking it even more. Sam narrowly dodged an attack, sliding under it and running out behind it. “THE CHAIN!” You said, the men grabbing the troll’s chain and yanking it back before it could attack Sam. It swung, hitting Boromir and slamming him against a wall. Boromir looked up to see an orc ready to kill but watched as someone decapated it from behind. He looked up to see you, pulling him up. “Are you alright?” you asked. He nodded before you ran back into battle. Gimli threw an axe at the troll, jumping off of the tomb before it geared up to strike again, this time Legolas being the one to intervene. The troll swung its chain at Legolas, him ducking and narrowly missing it before it got caught around a column. He ran up the chain, firing an arrow through its head before jumping back down.

Sam slammed a frying pan into the side of an orc’s head before three of the hobbits shouted, dodging an attack from the troll. “Frodo!” Aragorn yelled, his eyes surveying the battlegrounds for the young hobbit. You sprinted, seeing him cornered by the troll. Aragorn was slammed into the side of a wall, him watching as Frodo struggled. “ARAGORN!” Frodo called. Well, Aragorn was the saving grace Frodo was expecting. You were the saving grace he got, stabbing the troll with a spear. You noticed the anger in the troll’s eyes. “…Fuck.” you gasped before you were launched, hitting a wall and being knocked into a stunned state. You could hear the battles raging around you, yet you could not bring yourself to open your eyes.

Aragorn sprinted, trying to make it to you. Frodo defended you, best he could before the troll stabbed a spear through his chest. Frodo froze, letting out a pained gasp before Merry and Pippin tag teamed the troll, jumping on its back and stabbing it. Gimli and Gandalf both attacked, Legolas dealing the final blow. It finally fell, knocking Pippin off as you leaned up. You winced, looking over to see Frodo lying down. No…

You crawled over, the group rushing over as Aragorn sprinted past them, kneeling next to you. You pulled up Frodo, raising a brow as he was still alive. You felt Aragorn put a hand on your shoulder as he watched Frodo take a breath. He coughed and Sam felt instant relief. “He’s alive.” Sam said, everyone relaxing. “I’m alright. I’m not hurt.” He said, looking at you who had blood dripping down your face. “You should be dead! That spear would have skewered a wild boar.” Aragorn said. “I think there’s more to this hobbit than meets the eye.” Gandalf said. Frodo moved his shirt revealing his mithril armor. You sighed with relief. “Mithril! You are full of surprises Master Baggins.” Gimli chuckled. You all heard orcs, everyone exchanging looks of anxiety. “To the bridge of Khazad-dum!” Gandalf said.

You all ran, having very little light. You couldn’t tell if the thing dripping down your face was blood from the blunt hit of the troll or if it was sweat from all the running. The answer was scaring Aragorn to no end as he saw a cut on the side of your head, blood trickling down your cheek. He wasn’t even aware of the wound on your shoulder that was also bleeding. You all were brought to a screeching halt, the orcs surrounding you all. You all had your weapons drawn, fear coursing through you. Was this it? the vision you had where Boromir met his end? Was this to be your fate as well?

A fiery light appeared, sending the orcs in different directions as they all ran. “What is this new devilry?” Boromir asked. “A Balrog– a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. Run!” Gandalf yelled. All of you took off again, entering a passageway before stopping at a set of steps. You gripped the back of Pippin’s cloak as he narrowly missed falling into a chasm below. Gandalf looked at Aragorn. “Gandalf.” He said, confused on what to do. “Lead them on Aragorn. The bridge is near.” Gandalf instructed. Aragorn halted. “Do as I say! Swords are no more use here.” Gandalf warned. Aragorn nodded, rushing to the group. You all encountered a gap in the stairs. Legolas leapt, landing on the other side. “Gandalf.” He beckoned. Gandalf jumped, landing successfully. Aragorn ushered you forward, you jumping to the other side. Boromir took Merry and Pippin, jumping to the other side as Aragorn and Legolas fired arrows at the orcs. Aragorn threw Sam across, Boromir catching him. Aragorn made an attempt to throw Gimli but he stopped him. “Nobody tosses a dwarf.” He said before jumping. He nearly fell back but Legolas gripped his beard, yanking him forward. Your heart pounded as the stairs behind Aragorn and Frodo collapsed, making the very small area they had unstable. “Stay there. Hold on. Hang on! Lean forward!” He instructed, Frodo and Aragorn both shifting the balance so they could make the jump.

They both made it, all of you resuming in your run. “Over the bridge! Fly!” Gandalf yelled. Aragorn sprinted with you and the group across a bridge. You ran to the other side, you turning back to see Gandalf standing with his staff. A flash of a vison sparked before your eyes, you gripping Aragorn’s arm. The vision was clearer. The fate of this event was very clear to you. Gandalf was going to die.

“You cannot pass!” Gandalf yelled. “GANDALF!” Frodo called. A light came from Gandalf’s staff. “I am the servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you! Flame of Udun!” Gandalf yelled. The Balrog geared up, striking its sword down. It shattered, Gandalf standing there. “Go back to the shadow!” He commanded. You put a hand to your mouth, watching in horror the events playing out in front of you. “YOU…SHALL NOT…PASS!!!” He yelled, his voice booming. Gandalf brought his staff down, the Balrog attempting to walk forward but the bridge collapsed, bringing it down. Everyone but you seemed relieved. You knew there was more. You knew there was something about to happen.

The whip of the Balrog wrapped around Gandalf’s ankle, bringing him to the edge as he looked at the group. He looked at you, your heart pounding in your ears. “GANDALF!” Frodo screamed, Boromir holding him back from running.

“Fly you fools.” Was the last thing any of you heard him say before falling.

Destiny Calling: Chapter 5


Aragorn didn’t know why he was following Boromir, but he was. Course, Boromir had no clue because as he mentioned to Frodo, he could be practically invisible if he wished. He for the most part didn’t do anything of an interest to Aragorn. He didn’t do anything rude and was in fact, very respectful. He met you briefly, bowing respectfully but you stopped him, saying that you were not someone he had to bow to and wished to be seen as an equal. You said that to most of the people that made an attempt to show some sort of sign of acknowledgement that you were royalty. Aragorn though, noticed his asking of the heirlooms of Isildur. You told him where they were, seeing as when men passed through, they treated the library like a museum of sorts, looking at the remnants of history, collected over the years.

He stuck to the shadows as he watched Boromir. He stared at the broken sword in awe. “The shards of Narsil… the blade that cut the Ring from Sauron’s hand.” Boromir muttered to himself as he looked at it. He brushed his fingers on the side of the broken blade. “Still sharp..” He whispered. He often wondered to himself if there was anyway he was an heir to Isildur. He knew though that the line had died out… At least that’s what he was taught. He had no idea that the other man in the room shared the blood of the man who’s sword he was holding. He felt eyes on him, turning to see Aragorn watching him. “But no more than a broken heirloom.” He said, setting it back. It slid off, clattering to the ground as he walked off.

Aragorn rose a brow, picking up the hilt from the floor. You walked over, looking at his observant eyes. You could see visible fear in them as he looked at the blade. “ You’re still afraid of his past, why? You are Isildur’s heir…not Isildur himself. You are not bound to his mistake.” You said softly, putting your hand on his shoulder. He held the hilt with one hand, his other on top of your hand.  "The same blood flows in my veins…the same weakness…“ He muttered, looking at the blade. "Your time will come. You will face the same evil…and you will defeat it. You will not be alone through this either.” You said softly. He looked at you and then the blade, still uncertain. “Ni sinte -yes’s frightening Aragorn. Mal enyal- sina burden does vamme sér- on your shoulders er. Ni am símen. Always indóme n-. (I know it’s frightening Aragorn. But remember this burden does not rest on your shoulders alone. I am here. Always will be.)” You said softly. He looked at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead before setting the hilt down, walking with you.

You held his hand, whispering sweet little things in his ear to make sure he knew he was safe. He felt calmer around you, like he was always walking on air. He loved making you laugh, it was his favorite thing. He loved your smile, your laugh, the way you breathed… By the gods he loved everything about you. He went to bed that night, you in his arms. Elrond by no means approved of you two sleeping in the same room, much less the same bed as you but he knew for a fact that there was no separating you two. Aragorn typically went to sleep, speaking of past adventures to you. Other times he’d fall asleep just saying how his days went. On the nights he couldn’t sleep, you’d tell him of your adventures of Mirkwood, how you’d sometimes try to leave, only to end up at the end Thranduil’s icy gaze.

The morning sun shone through the window, you leaning up. You looked over to see a dress already laid out. You rolled your eyes, putting it on in silence. You fiddled with the back strings but felt a pair of hands tying it for you. “I see your sister has been in here.” Aragorn said. You chuckled. “She does love to dress me like I’m still a child.” You muttered, brushing out the red fabric. “At least she is aware that red is a beautiful color on you.” He said making you smile. “And you know what colors I look best in?” you asked. “Usually blue makes you look very pale. Red however brings out your eyes. Green though… Green makes you look very regal.” He said making you laugh. “And you know this all, how?” you asked, turning to him. “You wore green at your coronation.” he said making you smile before you both left.

You took your seat next to your father, sitting up straight. Elrond leaned over. “Are you prepared for what’s to come?” He asked. “Have hope father. We will do this.” you said. “With you with them? Of course.” He said making you smile as everyone sat down. Frodo looked at you, a small amount of anxiety leaving him as he looked at your little wave. “Bring forth the ring, Frodo.” Elrond instructed. He nodded, getting up and setting the ring on a stone plinth before sitting back down next to Gandalf. “So it is true!” Boromir gaped. “Sauron’s ring of power.” Legolas gaped. “The doom of man.” A dwarf said. “It is a gift…a gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at bay…by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy…let us use it against him!” Boromir exclaimed.

You and Aragorn exchanged a look.  You already had a feeling you knew how Boromir meets his fate. “This something a lot more powerful than any man can handle.” you said. “What would you know of this?” He asked making Legolas grit his teeth and Aragorn resist snapping.  you said nothing, looking at him with annoyance. If you opened your mouth, you knew your wit would be too quick for your father to stop and you’d say something distasteful. “She is right. You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone…it has no other master.” Aragorn said calmly, though still clearly annoyed. “And what would a ranger know of this matter?” Boromir asked.

“This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.” Legolas snapped. You facepalmed and Frodo looked at Aragorn confused. “Aragorn… This is Isildur’s heir?” Boromir asked. “And heir to Gondor.” Legolas added. “Havo dad, Legolas…Sit down, Legolas..” Aragorn said. Legolas sighed, sitting back down. Boromir locked onto Aragorn. “Gondor needs no king.” He muttered. “Aragorn and Y/n are right…we cannot use it.” Gandalf said. “You have only one choice.” Elrond said. “The Ring must be destroyed.” You said, staring at the golden ring. You could feel the negative energy practically radiate off of it. “What are we waiting for?” The dwarf asked, approaching the pedestal with his axe drawn. You saw him gear up to attack.

“Wait-” But it was too late in trying to warn him. His axe broke on impact, knocking him to the ground. You noticed Frodo wince, raising  brow but getting up to assist the dwarf in standing. He waved you off and you noticed him grimace. “The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.” Elrond said. “One of you must do this.” You said. “One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!” Boromir said as you sat back down. “If it was done once, it can be done again.” you said. “Have you heard nothing I have said!?” Boromir asked. “Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!” Legolas asked. “And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it?!” Gimli asked. You sighed. “We’ve made no such claim, neither has Legolas.” You halted. “And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!” Boromir asked.  "I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!“ Gimli shouted.

You sighed. "Gimli your hatred for my people is understandable, but do not think of what is best for you but for the rest of the world.” you said. “Understandable? Y/n do you hear yourself—” “Father, do not begin with me. You know my opinion.” you halted. Gimli rose a brow, never hearing talk of an elf actually agreeing with him. “This is ridiculous, who is taking the ring!?” Boromir asked, the group dissolving into arguing. “Do you not understand that while we bicker amongst ourselves, Sauron’s power grows?! None can escape it” Gandalf yelled. You sat in your seat, head in your hand as you looked at it. The group only argued more and more before you heard something.

“I will take it.” Frodo said. You looked up, astonished at the young hobbit’s choice. “I will take it!” He repeated so the rest could hear. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. “I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though– I do not know the way.” He said. Gandalf seemed disappointed with this. Not by Frodo’s choice but by the fact that this is what it had come to. A poor hobbit who’s most likely had to uproot his whole life for this quest to Rivendell and now he had agreed to take it even further. “I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, so long as it is yours to bear.” Gandalf said, putting his hand on Frodo’s shoulder. “You have chosen a very dangerous task Mister Baggins. But I will assist you with this.” you said, standing up. Boromir was shocked that a woman would even want part in this at all, much less volunteering for battle. You kneeled to Frodo. “You have my blades.” you said. “If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will” Aragorn said, clearly speaking to Frodo but looking at you before he too, kneeled. “You have my sword.” He said, now looking at Frodo. “And you have my bow.” Legolas said, standing near you. “And my axe!” Gimli chimed in. “You carry the fates of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.” Boromir said.

You heard a rustle before Sam darted out from the bushed, making you smile. “Mr. Frodo is not goin’ anywhere without me!” He said. “No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.” Elrond said, clearly amused by the actions of Sam. You heard more footsteps. “Wait! We are coming too!” Merry and Pippin shouted. You exchanged a smile with Aragorn. “You’d have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!” Merry said. “Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest… thing.” Pippin said. “That rules you out Pip.” Merry muttered making you bite back a snort. “Ten companions… So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!” Elrond announced. “Great! Where are we going?” Pippin asked making Aragorn finally crack a laugh. You chuckled, looking across at your lover with a smile. Boromir rose a brow, noticing the exchange.

You packed that night, feeling relief when you wore your armor rather than your dress. Dinner was spent with talks of roads until your brothers arrived. “Who might you be?” Pippin asked. “Pippin, those are my brothers” You said with a smile. “Elladan.” you introduced as he sat next to you. “Elrohir.” you introduced as he sat down on your other side. “How many siblings do you have?” Merry asked. “Just three.” you answered. Arwen sipped on her drink. “I must say… It is rather peculiar for you to wish to join us on the journey.” Boromir said. “Not if you know Y/n.” Elladan said. “What are you like?” Boromir asked. “Curious.” you said. “…Insane.” “reckless” “hyperactive.” Your siblings chimed in. “I’d say more… Spirited.” Legolas said. “ You know her personally?” Frodo asked. “My father helped raise her.” He said. “I’d say she’s a valuable asset.” Aragorn said. “Thank you!” You huffed. “Well we all know why you think that.” Elrohir teased. Aragorn hid his smile by taking a drink as you flushed pink with embarrassment. “How is she a valuable asset?” Sam asked. “She has an ability to speak with nature.” Aragorn answered. “I thought all elves had that ability.” Boromir said confused. “Yes, we do. But it is usually very hard to hear without focus. It sounds like whispers. Y/n can hear them without trying and she can actually make it respond.” Arwen answered. “I see.” Boromir muttered. “It comes from her lack of immortality.” Legolas said. Everyone else looked up. “You’re not immortal?” Merry asked. “No.” you shook your head. “I thought all elves were.” Pippin said. “We can choose not to be.” You said. “Why did you choose not to be?” Frodo asked. “Which reason would you like to hear?” you asked. “Any of them?” Frodo said confused. “…I felt it to be an unfair advantage for those who were not blessed with long lives.” You said. “What was the other reason Miss Y/n?” Sam asked. You looked over at Aragorn and smiled. “I wish to spend one lifetime with the one that makes me content than to spend thousands walking this plain alone.” You answered.

All the hobbits noticed the look that Aragorn and you exchanged. It was confirmed to everyone at the table that you and Aragorn were definitely in some sort of relationship. Gimli however was pretty much the only person at the table who had no idea to the relationship. Aragorn smiled, looking at his glass. Arwen fidgeted with her necklace in thought. “Uh… Miss…” “Arwen.” She reminded Sam. “Right. Miss Arwen, what is that necklace?” He asked. “The Evenstar necklace is like a symbol to our family name.” She said. “My sister wears one as well.” She added, you showing it. “We have crests on our armor.” Elladan said. The group seemed interested in mostly you. Not much was known about you due to your awkward start of the journey. You revealed some interesting facts to them, telling them of your abilities of foresight but keeping Boromir’s death secret. The fact though they fixated on was your ringwraith visions. “You knew they were coming?” Frodo asked. “Normally I can feel them.” you admitted. “What does it feel like?” Pippin asked. You pondered, a grave look coming over you. “Dread…Darkness. I… can usually smell blood too.” you muttered. Aragorn frowned. He knew your visions were a burden to you. Sometimes if you spoke on a subject long enough you’d basically force yourself into having another vision. He sat there, observing your eyes as they closed.

You leaned forward, Arwen stopping your body from hitting the table. Sam rose and Aragorn got up, walking over and kneeling next to you. You opened your eyes. “Are tye alright mime mel (are you alright my love)?” He asked. You nodded slowly. Arwen handed you a glass of water. “Frodo, I’m sorry that is what you have to bare.” You muttered. Frodo rose a brow. “What do you mean?” He asked. “I’ve seen the visions you’ve had.” You muttered. He blinked. “You have?” He asked. “The voices… The eye… Fires…” You shook your head and put your hand to your head. “Perhaps you should lie down.” He said. You shook your head. “I’m alright. I swear.” You said. Elladan stood up. “I’ll switch seats so you can ensure she’ll be fine. ” He said. You said nothing, feeling a slight headache as you heard a low hum from the ring. You looked at it, Elrohir noticing your tired eyes before Aragorn held your hand, instantly breaking the focus. Relief hit you and you cleared your throat. “My apologies. My visions can… Bombard me. Sometimes.” You said softly. “it’s alright your high—” “Please don’t use formalities with me. I’m not above any of you. You are all my equals.” You halted Sam. Pippin smiled and he nodded. “You seem like you’d make a good ruler.” Pippin said. Boromir rose a brow to this comment. “I agree.” Arwen said. “You do?” You asked. “We all believe this.” Elladan said. “Why?” Boromir asked. “Our sister has always put our people over herself. She’s also a brilliant strategist.” Elrohir said. You smirked. “You say that because you’re the one who trained me.” You laughed. He smiled but shook his head. “You’re also a good fighter.” Elladan said. “Again. You two trained me.” You said. “You lack a lot of the etiquette.” Arwen muttered making you sigh. “Maybe if your courses weren’t so annoying I might’ve made it a point to listen!” You said gritting your teeth. “I would say she handled herself well at the meeting.” Boromir said. “See! Royalty thinks that I did fine!” You said. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks, you still haven’t even officially passed the dinner etiquette course!” Arwen sighed.

“Who on this earthly plain needs six different forks!?” You asked. Aragorn snorted and Arwen groaned. “It is the proper thing to know!” She said.  "It is a pointless thing to know.“ You huffed. She sighed. "She is, outside of etiquette, a woman who is very skilled and intelligent.” Arwen finally said. You looked over at her, raising a brow. “Thank you.” you said. “Course, she also has made a habit of falling out of trees.” Arwen added. “HEY!”

Everyone soon retired to their rooms. Boromir stood on his balcony looking at the valley. He couldn’t help but feel out of place next to you and Aragorn. Yes, you technically were his equal. But with the way Isildur’s heir looked at you, the way everyone spoke of visions of the future, seeing you on a throne… Boromir knew in his heart that you were destined to be queen of Gondor. He knew that Aragorn would be king one day. One question lingered in his mind, echoing its anxious call.

The question was: were you two going to prove that you were ready for this?

“I cannot believe—” “ow” “How you didn’t tell them once— ” “Arwen, there is a head under there.” You winced as your sister roughly brushed your hair “How could you not mention you were an elf!? Or at least removed the cloak!? I’m sure Aragorn did!” She said. “He did! I just… Felt out of place. I responded to seeing four strangers by pulling up my hood, out of plain awkwardness I never removed it” you admitted. “Did you at least speak elvish in front of them?” Arwen asked. “Yes.” You said. “Well that’s good, they won’t be completely oblivious to every aspect of you.” She sighed. “Arwen, when you are on the road trying to not die, formalities tend to be absent.” You said. “Clearly.” She sighed, setting the brush down. “Your dress is on your bed.” She sighed. “Why can’t I just wear-” “Do not start with me. Remember I helped you get here.” She halted. “You sound less and less like a sister and more like a mother.” You sighed.

You looked at the dress, it’s blue being soft and nearly matching what your sister usually wore. You grimaced but put it on, putting on your silver crown before walking out. “I didn’t have to fight you. Thank the gods.” Arwen said. You rolled your eyes. “They’re out in the courtyard, go and greet them.” She said. One night had passed since the incident, you feeling incredibly anxious. You were sure the trees must’ve tired of your constant asking of “are they okay? Tell me they’re alive”. You decided to leave nature alone this morning, rather than pester it again.

Aragorn felt slight relief when he saw your horse. Sam seemed very anxious about Frodo, pacing a lot as Merry and Pippin seemed more… Vocal about their anxieties. Aragorn had to sit through hours of  "BUT ARE YOU SURE Y/N IS EVEN TRUSTWORTHY!?“ From Merry. Pippin didn’t seem to distrust you as much though. Aragorn suspected that you had spoken to Pippin at one point. You actually did go off with him to find herbs for a nasty cut that Merry got after he tripped. It was plausible that Pippin got to know you in that small amount of time.

Aragorn sighed as Merry was ranting over "Who goes on a journey for almost a week, and doesn’t remove their hood the entire time!?"Pippin looked at Aragorn and then sighed. "Merry, there isn’t anything to worry about with her. She left with Frodo because she was trying to save him, not because she had a plan to kill him.” Pippin defended. Merry looked over. “Well— Woah.” Merry paused as Arwen walked over. “Your friend is fine. He’s alive. Asleep, but still alive.” She said softly. “Where is he!?” Sam asked. “I will take you to him. A…Strider, Y/n is fine as well, I found her before she could be seriously hurt.” Arwen said. “Where—” You walked out, seeing Aragorn. Sam and Merry gaped, seeing you without your cloak. “She…Was an elf?” Sam gaped as you hugged Aragorn.

“I never removed my cloak because it was awkward to do so by the point I knew all of you.” You said. Sam locked onto the silver crown upon your head. “Princess…” He muttered. “I told you that you should have mentioned your status.” Arwen muttered. “You’re a princess!?” Merry gaped. “Well… What is royal status, really?” You said nervously, earning a snort from Aragorn. “Don’t get me started on you.” Arwen huffed. He straightened up and you sighed. “I didn’t actually intend on hiding my identity Sam. I just—” “She felt incredibly awkward around us. She put up a cold front but she’s actually nice.” Pippin explained to Merry. You smiled. “Precisely.” You nodded. “Just what did you two talk about while getting herbs?” Aragorn asked you.

“You.” Arwen said, tapping his shoulder. “Me?” Aragorn asked. “Father wants you at that meeting. Clothes are already set out—” “Oh no.” He breathed. “Do not make a scene like Y/n. I swear you two are becoming more and more like each other every passing day.” Arwen muttered. “Where’s Gandalf?” You asked. “Room next to Frodo’s.” She said. “I’ll take Sam then. Show Merry and Pippin where the food is.” you said.

You walked with Sam. “I didn’t mean to conceal my identity mister Samwise… I am sorry.” You apologized. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you or Strider. And it’s alright to just call me Sam” He said, walking with a small frown. You sighed, opening the door to Frodo’s room. “Make yourself comfortable mister Sam. If you need anything, ask a healer to point the way.” You said. He nodded and you left, walking into Gandalf’s room. He was smoking out of a pipe next to the window. “Saruman betrayed us.” you said, closing the door behind you. “Indeed.” Gandalf nodded. “What do we do?” You asked. “We attend the meeting. We hear what everyone has to say. We come up with a plan and we destroy that ring.” He said. You nodded and sighed, messing with your dress’s skirt. “Does he know of your plan?” He asked, referring to Aragorn’s ignorance to your plan to leave with the group to destroy the ring. “No… He doesn’t.” You admitted. “What if he’s in the group?” Gandalf asked. You swallowed hard. “Who all is going to be there at this meeting?” You asked. “Other elves, men and the dwarves.” He said. “Men? Men from where?” you asked. “Gondor.” Was all Gandalf said before you felt this shock go through you.

Foresight. Of course on the mention of Gondor. You had this vision of ten people, all faces blurry except two. Yours and a man from Gondor. Your vision seemed to shift and it was of you fighting in battle, the man dead in front of you. You stumbled forward, Gandalf catching you. “One of the men in the fellowship… He’s destined for death.” you whispered. “Who?” Gandalf asked. “His face was blurry… I couldn’t tell you.” You breathed. You sat down on the edge of the bed. “Someone in that fellowship is destined to die, whoever he is, is a man. Not an elf or a dwarf. It was a man.” you said. “Do you need water?” Gandalf asked, noticing your pale face. You nodded and he picked up a silver pitcher, pouring you water into a glass. He handed it to you and you drank. “Breathe my dear girl, breathe.” He said. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Do you think it was—” “No… no. I distinctly recall lighter hair than his.” You said. “If you meet him tomorrow, will you recognize him?” Gandalf asked. “Probably.” You nodded. “Try to soothe your nerves. Find Aragorn, he always seemed to calm you down.” Gandalf said. You nodded, standing up. “Do you think Frodo will wake soon?” You asked. “Yes… I suspect within a few hours.” He said. You nodded before walking to the door. “Gandalf?” You asked. He looked over. “I’m glad you’re alive.” You said. He smiled. “I’m glad you kept them safe.” He said before you left.

You walked to your room, making sure your bag was still packed. You sighed sitting on the edge of your bed, putting your face in your hands before you heard the door open. You looked over to see Aragorn. “Gandalf said you seemed shaken up over something.” He said. You sighed. “Men from Gondor are coming.” You said. Aragorn rose a brow, sitting next to you. “I see…Well everyone has been calling me ‘Strider’ since—” “I had a vision… One of them is destined to die.” You said. Aragorn looked at you, surprised by your prophetic words. “That’s been happening more often. Visions…” He noticed. You nodded. “There is a change coming. Something big. And some sort of higher power clearly wants me aware.” You said. He looked at you and then looked down to see your bag. “Haven’t unpacked yet?” He asked. You seemed to tense up, which of course he noticed.

“Y/n, what are you not telling me?” He asked. Damn it. You could do a lot of things. Lying to Aragorn? Not one of them.“…When the fellowship is formed, no matter who is escorting it, I am leaving with them.” You said. He frowned. “Y/n, are you insane?” He asked. “My father failed.” You said. Aragorn sighed. “There were two people there that day and my father did nothing. Instead he let Isildur walk away.” You said. “What makes you think it will be different?” He asked. “Because I want to have a future with you. If we fail, the world will fall into the hands of a sadistic monster.” You said. Aragorn looked at you. “Y/n… You’ve brought up our future a lot as of late, is there a particular reason why?” Aragorn asked. You sighed and shook your head. “I keep having this feeling… Something is going to change. Something is shifting. And now Gandalf is saying there’s a possibility of a new age about to be ushered in.” You said. “What is the age of?” He asked. “The Age of Men.” You answered. “…I see..” he said. You sighed. 

“This foresight… It was supposed to be a gift but right now at this particular moment it’s more of a burden than anything.” You murmured. Aragorn pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “Y/n, I ask that you at least try to spend some of these days in Rivendell as peaceful as you can. You need the rest.” He said. You smiled softly at him, holding his hands. “I always find peace when you’re present.” You said. You absolutely adored the man sitting next to you, and judging by the love in his eyes he was completely in love with you too. Aragorn seemed to look at your hands. “If you leave with that group… I will leave with them too.” he said. You frowned. “Aragorn I can’t ask that of you—” “You’re not asking me to do anything. I’m volunteering.” He said softly. You sighed. “Aragorn… What if I lose you?” You asked. “And what if I lose you?” he asked. You sighed again. “I’m not stopping you am I?” You asked. “No.” He admitted.

You shook your head. “I can’t stop you from making your own choices…” You said. “Can we get something to eat now? We’ve survived off of lembas bread for so long, I’m beginning to forget what other foods taste like.” He asked making you laugh. You nodded. You walked out of your room before you saw Sam running past you. “What’s going on?” you asked. “Frodo’s awake!” Sam said. Aragorn walked in, standing next to you. Frodo looked over at you with  slight surprise. “Elf- you’re an elf?” He asked. You nodded. “I apologize for not saying anything before.” you said. “It’s fine… Really- you…You saved my life.” He said. You smiled softly. “Actually my father did most of the work.” you said. “Your father?” he asked. “Lord Elrond.” Gandalf said. You heard footsteps and turned to see your father. “Welcome to Rivendell, Frodo Baggins.” Elrond said. Frodo sat up, looking at him. “May we speak?” He asked. Frodo slowly stood up, walking out with Elrond.

“Come on. I believe food was mentioned.” you whispered. “Right.” Aragorn nodded. “Sam, have you eaten?” You asked. “…no.” He said. “Come on then. Rest for a bit.” You said softly. He looked at Frodo’s bed and then you before nodding. “I don’t know my way around… Do you mind?” He asked. “I’m happy to be your guide mister Samwise.” you said with a joking salute. He smiled as you walked. “So are you really a princess?” He asked making Aragorn chuckle. He walked with the two of you. “That’s what the coronation was for.” you said. “You have to be coronated to be a princess?” Sam asked. “Oh yes. It’s quite long. And very, very boring.” Aragorn said making you laugh. “That sums it up perfectly.” You said chuckling. “You were at the coronation?” Sam asked Aragorn. “Yes. As I recall he started taking bets on which guard I was going to make laugh first.” You said with a grin. “Did he win?” Sam asked. “Indeed I did.” Aragorn said making you laugh.

You all ate, Sam relaxing for a little bit before it was clear he got in his own mind. Would they be able to make it home? Would he be able to keep Frodo safe? How bad was this going to be? Was this truly over?  Well, Sam was freaking out now as he packed his bag the following morning, trying to remember what he might be forgetting. Lord knows Merry or Pippin wouldn’t know. “No…What have  I forgotten?” He asked himself, unaware that Frodo was watching. “Packed already?” Frodo asked, making Sam jump. “No harm in being prepared.” Sam said, turning back to his bag. “I thought you wanted to see the elves, Sam.” Frodo said. Sam looked down. “ I did. It’s just…” Sam sighed. “We did what Gandalf wanted, didn’t we? We got the Ring this far, to Rivendell…and I thought… seeing as how you’re on the mend, we’d be off soon. Off home.” He said. “We did what we set off to do…” Frodo agreed, looking at the ring in his palm. “The ring will be safe in Rivendell… I am ready to go home.” Frodo said.

You sighed, leaning against the column waiting for the potential fellowship members. “You seem nervous.” Aragorn said, his hands on your waist as he spoke in your ear. “Having a fellowship that is potentially saving the world, has a tendency to do that.” You muttered. You were trying not to think about your previous vision. A white steed rode in with a familiar face making you gasp. “Oh here we go.” Aragorn muttered before you sprinted off. You rushed down, hugging the traveler’s next. The elf laughed. “Y/n! What’s it been, forty years?” Legolas asked. “That’s rubbish, I’ve written to you!” you said. He chuckled before looking over. “Ar—” “SHH!” you both halted. You both nodded to the hobbits walking around. “Strider!” Legolas corrected. You nodded and Strider shook his hand as another rider rode in. You looked over seeing the man on horseback. The face might’ve been blurry but the light brown hair definitely matched the vision. You locked onto him, heart pounding as you looked at him. He dismounted and looked over, raising a brow. “Do I know you?” The man asked. You shook your head. “Strider I have to… Go speak with father.” you  muttered. He noticed that look in your eyes before you left. He was definitely the one you had a vision of.

Aragorn spoke with Legolas watching the man with his sword. He noticed the man’s clothes, seeing the horse he rode in on. He was definitely from Gondor. If he was sent to protect the ring, he definitely was of some sort of higher status. “Please feel free to explore while your here.” Arwen said to him before walking over. “Legolas, old friend! It’s been a long time!” She said hugging him. “Arwen, who is that man?” Aragorn asked. “Boromir. Son of Denethor II.” She answered. His eyes wandered back over. He knew exactly who he was now.

The Stewart Prince to Gondor.


Aragorn sighed, watching the people before him dance. If one more princess or duchess asked him to dance, he was sure to stab someone with the blade that was always strapped to his side. He hated this side to ruling, he was much better out on the battlefield than in a ballroom. This was due to Elrond’s insistence to “Find a queen”. The elf was very insistent to a point of offering Arwen’s hand to prove the point but Aragorn declined. If he was to find a queen it would not be to someone who practically raised him or an arranged marriage, he insisted to have it happen with someone he loved. 

Only problem? Aragorn was not in love with anyone and Elrond was so damn pushy, Aragorn threw a party. So now he was in a room with stifling rich women who wanted to marry him. Aragorn just sat on his throne looking very annoyed with this entire ordeal. “excuse me, your highness?” A voice asked. He looked over, keeping the annoyed face making the servant jump back slightly. “Would.. You like more wine sire?” the girl asked. “…Yes. please the one from last week was nice.” He said. She gulped. “The…Cook said it does not go with the dish sire. He wouldn’t allow it.” She said. Aragorn rose a brow. “Then bring me something very strong.” He said. The servant still didn’t move. “…Lord Elrond forbid us from serving anything like that and…” She seemed to shake. “Katerina, it is only me. Tell me the rest.” Aragorn said softer. “It- it’s not you I’m afraid of sire its the chef.” She muttered. “He’s that bad?” Aragorn asked. “He’s terrifying!” she yelped. Aragorn blinked, leaning off of the throne.

 “Take me to him.” He said. “What?” Katerina asked. “Staff within these walls should not be afraid of one another. Take me to this man.” Aragorn said. She walked off with him, walking through the halls to the kitchen. 

“ARE YOU STUPID? DO YOU NOT COMPREHEND WHAT I HAVE JUST TOLD YOU!?” A voice yelled. You looked over at the poor boy who was at the end of the yelling. “No-no sir I understood but we don’t have–” “THEN. GO. OUT. AND. BUY. IT.” The chef said. You continued cutting potatoes, silent as you looked at Katerina who was shaking in the doorway next to a figure. You dropped your potato before you could see a face, it rolling and hitting the person’s boot. They leaned down, picking it up. “Thank you-” You looked up, gulping. “Sire.” you breathed. Aragorn paused, looking in your eyes. 

By the Valar… You were beautiful. Your eyes, your hair- everything was gorgeous. “Oy, fat oaf. Over here, now.” The chef said. You turned around, looking at him. “the king is here sir.” you said, voice shaking slightly. Gods, your voice was nice to hear as well. “What did you just call this woman?” Aragorn asked. “Sire it’s fine-” “No, it is not.” Aragorn said, walking forward. “If I hear talks of you screaming at any of the staff within these walls, I will personally remove you. Am I clear?” Aragorn asked. Katerina leaned over whispering in your ear. “He looks great doing that, doesn’t he?” She said. You looked at Aragorn, his face stern but his eyes gentle. “…Don’t be ridiculous, that is our king.” you muttered, looking down. You expected Gavin (The chef) to back down, after all the king had told him to stop. 

Instead the man pointed a wooden spoon to him. “You eat my food, which you all seem to enjoy and you tell me how to operate MY KITCHEN!?” He snapped. You all backed away from the two men. Aragorn looked down at the wooden spoon. “Sorry, would you like to be personally booted from the premises or would you like a guard to handle it?” Aragorn asked. “You do not remove anyone!” Gavin huffed, still waving the spoon. Aragorn gripped it, snapping the spoon from its small hilt. “Try waving it now, I think you could so magic if you wave hard enough.” Aragorn said. You resisted a snort. “I QUIT!” Gavin screamed. “Goodbye.” Aragorn said as the man shoved passed him. 

“Now… Who else here cooks?” Aragorn asked. No show of hands. “…None of you cook?” He asked. “He wouldn’t allow us to actually cook. We more.. Cut things and cleaned.” A servant answered. “Allow me to rephrase this… Who here can cook?” He asked. Katerina pointed to you. “Kat!” you said, pulling her hand down. “She can cook sire, I’ve eaten food in her home… It’s quite tasty!” She said. “…I trust your judgement, what is your name?” Aragorn asked. “Y/n.” you answered. “Great. You’re in charge of the kitchens as chef.” He said. “I’m what–” “Now as the chef, I ask that you point the direction of the ale.” He said. “…I wish I could sire but sir Elrond locked the cabinet the barrels are in.” you admitted. Aragorn grit his teeth. “That thorough little shit.” he huffed. 

A man handed him a flask. “Kept it because Gavin’s voice got tiring enough.” The stable boy said. “You are a friend to all tonight.” The king said, downing the entire flask in one go. “Thank you.” Aragorn said, walking out. “…Did the King just empty your flask?” A man asked. “…Yes he did.” The stable boy nodded.

the night ended after three more hours, Aragorn not even getting a buzz. Damn his increased tolerance for alcohol. He did feel terrible though from all the drinking, him going to the kitchens late in the night. He walked in, running his hand over his beard as he sat on a stool before hearing a thud. “Ow- By the nine worlds- how many damn apples did Gavin shove in here!?” You asked as another one pelted your head. You sighed, brushing your apron before seeing the king. You bowed, him holding his hand up as if to indicate a “Stop.” You immediately rose. “Tis very late for you to be here Lady Y/n.” He said. “I.. Well this new promotion has me very confused. Gavin would only let us go to certain areas of the kitchen, I’m trying to be well acquainted with it.” You admitted. “And you discovered the cabinet of fruit?” he asked, noticing the mess of apples on the floor. “No sir… Just apples.” You answered. Aragorn rose a brow, walking over to the cabinet.

You weren’t joking. There had to have been at least four hundred apples shoved in the cabinet. “…How in the hell was that even possible?” He asked. “I have no idea…” you admitted. He looked over at you, raising a brow. “How long have you worked here?” He asked. “…My whole life.” You answered. He nodded. “I started as a servant girl. More of a maid for Denethor.” You explained. “What landed you in here?” Aragorn asked. “I eventually became more of an errand girl… Which Denethor tended to eat a lot of food. Until eventually I came to the kitchen so often I ended up working here.” You said. Aragorn nodded. “Why don’t you go home? It is late and you need the rest.” Aragorn said. You shuffled a little. “I do not dare to walk through the woods at night sire.” you said. He rose a brow. “You live in the woods?” he asked. “Yes sire, in a cottage.” you said. 

He looked at you up and down. “Do you have a place to stay for the night?” He asked. “I tend to sleep in the stables on late nights.” you said. He frowned. “No lady should sleep in a stable.” He said. “Sire, I’m not a lady I’m a servant.” you corrected. “Any woman, even if a servant, is a lady in my eyes.” he said. You said nothing, looking down. “did you come here for something sire?” you asked. “Oh… Water.” he answered. You nodded, walking away. “I can get it myself-” “Sire it is my job.” you said. “Are you always this insistent?” he asked. “I…” you sighed. “I need to keep my hands busy sire. When I don’t I tend to bother myself with dreadful thoughts.” you muttered. He nodded. “I understand how that feels.” He muttered. “You do?” You asked. “I have witnessed a lot of gruesome things outside and within these walls… They tend to really haunt the mind.” He explained. You nodded with a sad look in your eyes.

You said nothing more, drawing water from a bucket and putting it into a cup. Aragorn took it, looking at you. “Y/n..” He said. You turned around confused. “Did Denethor treat you well?” He asked. You looked down. “Sire, you are the first of royalty to treat me with kindness outside of Faramir and..” you swallowed. It registered who else walked these halls. “You knew Boromir?” He asked. “Yes.” you said, a reminiscing smile on your lips. “Faramir and Boromir were almost like brothers to me.” You said. Aragorn nodded. “Boromir was a good man.” He said. “He was kind to me… Meanwhile Denethor usually called me..” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “A oafish pig.” you said. Aragorn really didn’t like hearing this. 

“Y/n, you are by no means ‘oafish’ or a ‘pig’.” Aragorn said. You looked at him with a confused look. “Why do you do that?” you asked. “Do what?” he asked. “You’re being unusually nice to me. I am just a servant, nothing more.” You said. “Every person deserves to be treated with respect until proven otherwise.” Aragorn said simply. “But-” “Y/n, are you usually this reluctant to people?” He asked. “…Yes.” you said. He chuckled. “I should go.” You muttered. “Right! I suspect you know where the guest chambers are?” He asked. “…Sire, those are occupied.” you said. “…By whom?” he asked. “Lord Faramir.” You said, leaving out the second guest. “I see… Which probably means Eowyn is with him.” Aragorn nodded. You blinked. “You… Are aware of the relationship?” You asked. “Of course I am, I introduced them.” He said. You blinked. “You did?” You asked. 

“Oh yes. I’m rather good with other peoples love lives.” He said. You noticed how he worded that. “But not your own?” you asked, without thinking. He blinked a couple of times, you retreating back. “I didn’t- I am so sorry–” he laughed. “No my own love life is… Well it’s messy.” He chuckled. You sighed with relief. “What of you lady Y/n?” He asked. “My love life is nonexistent.” you said, looking slightly disappointed by your own answer. “Really?” He asked, looking at you. You were a beautiful maiden, it surprised him that you never had any love interest. “When you look like this no one really…” you sighed. “Y/n, you’re beautiful, what are you talking about?” Aragorn asked without thinking. 

You swallowed, looking at the man. “Do you not think yourself to be a fair maiden?” He asked. You shook your head. “I… My whole life I’ve been told otherwise.” you admitted. “Y/n…” Aragorn seemed saddened by your answer. You cleared your throat. “you… Y/n, you can sleep in my quarters tonight.” He said. You blinked. “What?” You asked. “You can sleep–” “sire I couldn’t–” “Y/n, I will sleep in a chair-” “Sire no! I should be the one to sleep in a chair!” “So you’ll do it then! Great.” He nodded. “Wait I didn’t mean- Sire!”

Thus leading to you standing in the man’s quarters as he stood behind a partition changing. You looked around at the walls, them being of stone. Then you saw a sword on the mantle of the fireplace. You had heard the tale of  Andúril. How it broke off in the first battle for the ring when Isildur owned it. Now it was rebuilt, on display in front of you. 

“Do you like blades Lady Y/n?” Aragorn asked, standing behind you. You jumped, swallowing hard. “I am… More of a bow woman. Easier to hunt with for me.” you said. He rose a brow. “You enjoy hunting?” He asked. “Yes sire. It calms my nerves.” You said. “I take it you have the proper protection when you hunt in the forest?” He asked. You shrugged. “I make it actually.” you admitted. “You make armor?” He asked. You flushed with embarrassment. “I have to…” you muttered. “Why?” He asked. You shifted and he rose a brow. “…no one really makes it in my size.” you muttered. He blinked. “Armor is typically catered to those of…” you cleared your throat. “Of a thinner figure than mine.” you said, right now feeling uncomfortable. He looked at you. “Why are you embarrassed to have such an impressive skill?” He asked. “I’m embarrassed because of the reason I’ve gained the skill.” you said. He hated seeing you tear yourself down like that. “You’re an impressive woman Y/n, make no mistake.” He said. You looked up at him. “…thank you sire.” You said softly.

you slept in a chair, a blanket over you as you did. It must’ve been before sunrise when you heard Aragorn’s mutters. You opened your eyes, adjusting to the lack of light when you saw him. “No… NO!” he yelled, leaning up. You sat up, confused. He clutched his chest, panting like a madman. “Sire?” You asked, your voice soft. He looked over, sighing. “I woke you. I’m sorry.” He muttered. You got up, kneeling beside his bed. “You didn’t wake me.” You assured. In a half asleep state, he leaned onto you, his head landing on your shoulder. You jumped slightly. “I could hear them screaming…” Aragorn muttered. “Who?” You asked softly. “The men…From… Helm’s Deep..” He muttered, you feeling tears fall. You subconsciously started stroking his head gently. “I let them die.” He whimpered. “You saved us all… In more ways than one…” you said softly. He clung to you, your heart pounding. “Please… Stay with me.” He whispered. Your arms slowly wrapped around him. “I’m not leaving sire…” You said softly. 

The morning sun was creeping and Aragorn woke up, his arms cuddling something. He figured, from the way he usually slept it was a pillow. But then he noticed when he moved his hand it felt like hair. Wait… He leaned up to see you sleeping next to him. He paused, trying to remember what happened. He recalled awaking in the night, he remembered waking you…. What was he… Oh

You soothed him back to sleep. He asked you to stay. He wondered how he should go about this? Should he wake you? You were up pretty late and honestly it’d be rude to wake you just so you’d leave. Should he not move? Well that wouldn’t work, he had a meeting with Elrond today. Should he just go? Maybe he should leave a note so you wouldn’t be completely confused. That seemed logical… Right? OH FOR VALAR’S SAKE YOU WERE A SERVANT. NOT A LOVER, THIS SHOULDN’T BE THAT HARD.

You let out a small groan before leaning up. He didn’t move and you gasped, realizing that he was looking dead at you. You yanked back, falling off the bed and alarming Aragorn in the process. “I AM SO SORRY YOUR HIGHNESS!” You yelped, moving back and hitting the dresser behind you. “Y/n! It’s fine, I should apologize for making you sleep here with me!” He said. “N-no I shouldn’t have even been here– Oh by the nine– WHAT TIME IS IT!?” You asked. “Y/n… You’re the head of the kitchens now, you make the times for your own job.” He reminded. “NO LORD ELROND SPECIFICALLY WANTED ME AWAKE AT SUNRISE! SHIT!” You said, putting on your shoes and hopping around on one foot as you tried to put the other one on. “Y/n, I will explain to him what happen, he will understand” Aragorn said calmly. “I didn’t even hunt for you today! Gah!” you yelled before knocking into a mop bucket. Aragorn stood up, helping you up. “Annndd now I’m wet, this is PERFECT.” you whined. 

“Y/n. Breathe. Calm down. We will hunt together.” He said. “…We will?” You asked. “I don’t just go to war Y/n, I was a ranger of Gondor before I was king.” He said. You sighed. “I need to go home then…” you said. “I’ll go with you. You’re technically awake at sunrise by the way. The sun is still rising..” He said. You sighed and nodded. “I’ll warn you now… My home is not much.” you muttered. “My home was a hollowed out tree for a year. I do not care where you live as long as it’s safe for you.” he said simply. 

And there you were, walking a woodland path with Aragorn. “You take this path everyday?” he asked, ducking under branches as he walked. “Everyday.” You nodded, stepping over a log. You carefully stepped onto stones before you untied your apron and walked to a small cottage. At first glance, many would have thought that your home was a forge. You walked in, a cat looking up from a chair. You sighed, as Aragorn stepped in behind you. Blueprints were scattered around on a desk by a window for armor. He noticed you walk into a room he presumed to be your bedroom and turned around looking at the rest of your home. He saw your kitchen, it being small but perfect for one person. He saw your messy desk, he saw gardening tools around. He looked out the window and saw a small but well kept garden. He saw near your desk books on the floors, some to do with smithing, others on atlases and the world. He noticed though, the entire separate stack next to the atlases. It was a whole stack of history books and papers with scribblings tucked between the books. There were also language books… Were you trying to learn elvish?

“you really like reading don’t you?” Aragorn asked. “Oh! Yes I do.” You answered from your room. “ Care- tye quet- eldarin? (Do you speak elvish?)” He asked. “ Ni care-! Quite fluentlime actuallime. (I do! Quite fluently actually.)” You answered. You looked up, realizing that he asked you in elvish. “ Tye quet- eldarin sire? (You speak elvish sire?)” You asked. “ Héru elrond raised me an yen. (Lord Elrond raised me for year.)” He said, petting the cat. You walked out in leather armor and a bow. The bow caught his eye. There were small pictures engraved on the bow. They were very detailed, making him shocked that someone could make such small images that beautiful. “Did you do those?” He asked. “Oh… yes I carve pictures into it when I’m bored at home.” you admitted as you opened a cabinet next to your desk. You pulled a dagger from it, putting it into a small sheathe. 

You seemed relatively focused when you were hunting. You were very quiet, very careful and very set on finding what you wanted. Aragorn let you take the lead, watching you step forward. You locked onto something, hooking your arrow to the string and pulling back. You sucked in a breath, looking at a deer before releasing the arrow. You quickly fired two more arrows and killed it, walking over to it. “You have good aim.” Aragorn said. “Thank you.” you said, beginning the process of getting the meat. You heard a noise though and looked up. “You remind me of Legolas–” “Shhh.” you hushed. Another noise, along with heavy breathing. You rose, slowly. “Crap.” you breathed. 

Aragorn followed your eyes to what worried you. A bear. A very big, very angry looking bear. You stepped back Aragorn drawing his sword. You hooked another arrow to your string, locking eyes with it and watching as it let out a loud roar on its hindlegs. You fired, hitting its jaw. You looked over at Aragorn who was very much prepared to attack and watched as he leapt forward, striking the bear. You aimed again, hitting the shoulder of the bear before it seemed to really be annoyed with Aragorn, tackling him to the ground. “Aragorn!” you gasped. “ONE LAST ARROW!” “I don’t have a clear shot!” you breathed. “DO IT ANYWAY!” He yelled. You nodded, trying to avoid hitting Aragorn. You were amazed by your own aim as you shot the bear, it ceasing movement. Aragorn pushed the bear off of him and stood up. 

“Sire are you–” “You have got to meet Legolas, he would love you.” Aragorn chuckled. You looked at him worried. “Y/n?” He asked. “You could’ve gotten hurt you dolt! What were you thinking, charging into a fucking bear like that!?” you asked. He blinked, noticing the change in your personality.  “…Sorry for worrying you Y/n.” He said. you covered your mouth reminding yourself who you were speaking with. “I’m sorry I-I don’t know what came over me your highness–” “Y/n, It is fine. I want you to address me like a friend.” He said. “…why?” you asked. “I would say we’re friends. I mean, I do not share my bed with acquaintances.” He said. "I… I still should not have snapped…“ You said. "I worried you Y/n. It’s fine.” He said sincerely. You sighed, saying nothing but walking over and collecting the deer meat and walking back. Aragorn followed, noticing figures in the woods. He wasn’t sure if the figures were people or animals, seeing them all around him.

“Y/n are you aware of the figures in the woods?” He asked. You nodded. “That would be the fades.” You said nonchalantly. “Fades? Like… Ghosts?” He asked. “Didn’t you charge with the dead?” You asked. “Yes, I’m not afraid I’m merely walking with caution.” He said. You snorted, laughing at the man’s refusal to admit he was scared. He smiled, hearing your laugh. “It’s alright to admit they scare you your highness.” You said. He watched you turn around and time seemed to stop.

You had this beautiful smile, the breeze blowing your hair and his heart pounded in his ears. He swore for a moment he had seen a painting similar to you. That or you had to have been directly from a painting. Either way? You were gorgeous. 

Weeks had passed, you usually finding Aragorn in the kitchens. He actually would end up doing tasks himself, washing dishes, peeling foods, cleaning around the areas. The kitchen staff (except you) could tell why he was there. And the reason was out tonight. “Where is Y/n?” Aragorn asked, confused. “Sick… Katerina is actually very worried, the woman couldn’t even move this morning.” A man answered. He pondered. He knew you said the woods were dangerous at night but if your safety was at a risk… “fuck it.” He thought to himself, going to the stables.

He rode down the path you took, understanding just what you meant when you said it was dangerous. Fades were practically everywhere. Truth be told when he met the King of the dead, he was deeply unsettled by him but kept it to himself because thousands of lives were at stake. Aragorn finally reached your home, opening the door to find Katerina pacing. She looked over and froze. “King Aragorn what–” “Where is she?” He asked. She pointed to your room and he walked in, seeing you unconscious. “What are her symptoms?” He asked. “She’s running a fever, can’t keep any food or water down and she’s been dry heaving when she wakes up.” Katerina answered. Problem number one was the being unable to keep water down. “does she keep herbs around?” he asked. “Like cooking?” Katerina asked. Aragorn sighed. “OH! Medicinal herbs? Yes, in her closet over there on a shelf.” She realized. He opened the door and found various tools in the closet, it being lined with shelves with labeled jars and various potion like things. A book sat in the corner labeled “Discovered Remedies”. Out of both desperation and curiosity he opened it, reading it. He found that you seemed very well versed in remedies for things like a common cold and even stumbled across remedies for poison. Nothing though for what he was seeing. 

He thought to himself what would help and reached an answer. “Elvish medicine.” He realized. “There is an elven encampment nearby.” Katerina said. “There is?” He asked. “Yes, two miles west from here.” She said. He nodded, walking out. “You’re not going out there at night!” She gaped. “Y/n needs help.” He said before leaving. You whimpered, feeling unbearably warm. “Y/n, the king has gone to get help..” Katerina soothed. “Ara…Aragorn..” you muttered in a barely lucid state. She held you close, wiping the sweat off of your forehead with a wet cloth. “I don’t care what anyone says… That man loves you.” she muttered. “Love…” you muttered, trying to speak. “Shhh.” Katerina said. “Love…” you uttered again. “Y/n, this can’t be healthy to push yourself.” Katerina said softly. “I… Love… him.” you muttered. Katerina paused. “The King?” She asked. “y…yes.” you coughed out. She looked at you and then smiled. “Oh I’m sure he’ll be glad to hear.” she muttered. 

Aragorn rode through the forest, going as fast as he could. He found the encampment rather quickly, seeing the elves eating around a fire. He dismounted, running over. They all drew weapons but he raised his hands. “ Ni maure help. Mime nur na- laiva, se pole-’t get better  (I need help. My friend is sick, she can’t get better.)” He said. They looked at him up and down. “ Sina nur, does se cui- -esse i cottage atta miles au-? (This friend, does she live in the cottage two miles away?)” An elven woman asked. “yes.” He nodded. They all seemed alarmed. “We will help.” she nodded. 

You seemed to be getting worse, your temperature getting to a very concerning point. Katerina was trying to keep calm, waiting on someone to come back. She started thanking Gods when the front door shot open, two elves walking in. “Lift her head.” one of them said. She lifted your head slowly, you whining in pain. One of them opened your mouth, forcing some sort of elixir down your mouth. You coughed but kept it down. “That should subside the vomiting. Get her some water.” The elf told the other elf. The elven woman ran and came back with water. “Now, miss Katerina… We’re going to ask you to hold her down” He said. she blinked. “Why?” She asked. “We know she’s not going to react well to the potion, most actually fight us out of it.” The elven woman said. Katerina reluctantly held down your arms. 

They put something in your mouth that made you fight against them and Katerina had trouble holding you back from trying to get it out of your mouth. “Y/n, calm down, please we’re trying to help!” Katerina said. Eventually you calmed down, the sweating and fever dying down by sunrise. Katerina left you with Aragorn, him watching over you from a chair next to your bed. You woke up around sunrise, seeing Aragorn asleep with your cat in his lap. You weren’t entirely sure if this was a dream or not. It had to have been right? For him to be here? 

He felt someone staring, opening his eyes to see you yawning. “You’re awake” He said relieved. “When did I even come home?” You asked quietly. “You don’t remember coming home?” He asked. “No… I just remember feeling warm… Now I’m cold.” you shivered. He wrapped his cloak around you, feeling your forehead. “The fever has died down.” He said. He allowed his hand to drift to your cheek, caressing it with his thumb. You knew now this was no dream. By feeling his touch you were now wide awake. “S-sire, what are you doing here?” You asked. He looked down. “Y/n, I noticed you were gone one night. Someone in my staff told me you were sick, why didn’t you mention anything?” He asked. You sighed, “Because I didn’t want to get in the way. Sire, I’ve become a large part in your daily life these past weeks, I didn’t want you to deal with.. with this!” you said. “Y/n, you pushed yourself past the need for human medicine if it hadn’t been for the elves, you would have died.” He said. you shook your head. “I do not need you here taking care of me sire, that is my job for you! Don’t you see that our dynamic isn’t normal!?” “Stop calling me Sire!” “Do you not hear yourself? This is not normal for me to be this close to you!” “Do you wish to be close to me Y/n?” He asked. You sighed. “this isn’t about what I want-” “As your king I am asking you: What do you want?” Aragorn asked. 

Your heart pounded in your ears. “…You.” you responded, heart still going. “I’m right here Y/n and if you’ll allow it I will be all yours.” He whispered, very close to your face. You stopped him though looking down. He paused, looking into your eyes. “We can’t. You’re… You’re a king and I’m just your servant, I cannot be your queen. My status isn’t even wealthy.” You muttered. He shook his head. “I do not care for titles or wealth and last I checked, I was king.” Aragorn said. “…Lord Elrond would not allow this.” You said. “Lord Elrond does not Rule Gondor.” Aragorn reminded. “Aragorn. Talk to him first, then we will talk.” was all you told him.

Aragorn sighed now, sitting on the throne as Elrond droned on and on. “Then there is still the matter of finding you a wife-” “I have a suggestion.” Aragorn said. “Oh! Thank the Valar, you’ve found a suitable maiden!” Elrond said relieved. You seemed to have walked in just in time, handing Aragorn a cup of water. He took it, staring at you. You avoided his gaze, in fact you had been avoiding him all week. “Her.” Aragorn said. “Who? The servant?” Elrond asked. “Yes. Her.” Aragorn said. You looked up, freezing in place. “She’s very talented, well versed in history, makes maps, weapons and armor, she grows her own food, she speaks elvish, she’s practically a diplomat in the making she just doesn’t hold the title.” Aragorn said. Elrond looked at you. “Are the things he is saying true?” Elrond asked. “Yes my lord.” you nodded, looking at Aragorn confused. “… Then I cannot stop you.” Elrond said. Was this man happy that this was a servant becoming queen? No. But Aragorn was practically the man’s son and he saw the way that he looked at you. 

“What is going on your highness?” You asked confused. “I’m officially asking for your hand.” Aragorn said. You nearly dropped the empty cup you were holding with wide eyes. “Your highness you must be joking.” you said. “I am not. You said to speak with him, I’ve spoken with him. He approves and you are right in front of me. Could you please drop the stubbornness for one moment to tell me how you feel?” Aragorn asked. You gulped. “This is madness.” you said, Aragorn standing in front of you, setting the cup in your hands on a small table next to the throne. “I must be crazy or-or still recovering or-” “Y/n do you accept?” Aragorn asked. You nodded before Aragorn smiled. “I do- I accept–” His lips crashed onto yours, you smiling as he held you to him. 

Were people shocked to hear that a servant sat on the throne now? Yes. Were they even more shocked that it was Aragorn’s suggestion to marry you? Again, yes. But were you two happy? Oh hell yes. Aragorn and you would go on horseback rides through the lands, you smiling at your husband. You had one simple thought each time you looked at Aragorn as well.

“I will love you until the sun dies.”

This was a request from @snailcoveredcottage​ I hope you enjoyed it!

You and Aragorn felt almost like parents to your group at times, whether that be because of the height difference or the fact that Merry and Pippin both were so hyperactive like children, always rambling on about the proper times of the day for food. Which according to what they were saying, was almost hourly. The hobbits watched you, finding you to be the most suspicious because you never removed your hood. You walked through the woods, you being the one taking lead. Aragorn was familiar with the lands and where they would take him if he wandered far enough but small trails away from roads were more your specialty. You were quicker than him, which of course, he didn’t mind.  You after all, could listen to nature.

You weren’t exactly excited to make your way home either, seeing as when you left Elrond was summoning all great leaders and adventurers to Rivendell. You knew dwarfs were to be in that group. You didn’t hate dwarves by any means, you actually sided with their reasonings on a lot of things. But they hated elves, assuming that none of them understood their logic or way of life. The only plus was that Legolas would most likely respond. You didn’t tell Aragorn but once the ring had a proper master you were leaving with the group that would take it to Mordor. Elrond was not happy with your insistence but you brought up your father’s failure to see the ring to be destroyed and told him that one or two people were clearly not enough. Hell, from the sounds of it, you weren’t even sure an army would succeed.

“Where are you taking us?” Frodo asked as you moved deeper into the woods. “Away from any main roads.” you said, ducking under a branch as you moved. You stayed silent most of the way leading them, unsettling the rest of the group. Aragorn, whenever he’d let you choose rather than just wandering or leaving to a specific destination, took this as focus. The hobbits however, took this as plotting. “How do we know this Strider and Y/n is a friend of Gandalf’s?” Sam asked quietly, assuming you wouldn’t hear. Both you and Aragorn exchanged a look but said nothing, allowing them to speak in ignorance to your abilities to hear them. “We have no choice but to trust them.” Frodo muttered. “But where are they leading us?” Sam asked. You stopped, turning to him. “To Rivendell, Master Gamgee…to the house of Elrond.” You said. Honestly it would be so easy for you to just explain that you were an elf. But it would be far more difficult to explain your royal status than your genetics. You were so awkward and uncomfortable in this moment. If you just would’ve removed the hood at the inn you’d be in the clear.

You walked along a small path, now out of the trees in the open. Aragorn was walking ahead with you now. You noticed two of the hobbits stop and you turned, making Aragorn turn. “Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall.” Aragorn sighed. “What about breakfast?” Pippin asked. “You’ve already had it.” you said. “We’ve had one, yes. But what about second breakfast?” He asked. You and Aragorn looked at Pippin with a blank stare before both of you began walking again. “I don’t think they know about second breakfast Pip.” Merry said. “What about Elvenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, dinner…he knows about them, doesn’t he?” Pippin asked. Aragorn pulled two apples out of your horse’s pack. “Do not feed into this.” you sighed. “Y/n, if we don’t they will complain the entire time.” He muttered. “Our children will be spoiled.” You muttered, earning a grin from him as he tossed Merry an apple. He caught it with a surprised look but ate it. Pippin’s apple smacked him in the face, earning a smile from Frodo.

After walking for a while, Merry tripped, making you stumble. You turned around, noticing his leg. “You cut yourself.” You said. He frowned. “Darn roots, I didn’t see it I suppose.” He admitted. “Pippin. Come with me, we need to find herbs so infection doesn’t set in.” You said, getting up. Pippin walked with you. “We need Bailroot, sounds odd but—” “I know, Sam taught me some things.” Pippin assured. “Sam knows plants?” You asked. “He’s a gardener.” Pippin said earning a “Ah” from you.

You walked through the forest before kneeling to a plant and cutting it. Pippin kneeled next to you, using a small dagger to cut it but it broke. You chuckled, handing him a dagger of your own. He took it with a nod as a thank you, cutting the plant. You took it and he sighed. “You haven’t really said much to us… Is there a reason why?” He asked. You looked at him and sighed. “I’m going to be honest, I’ve been waiting for one of you to say something. I’m not usually this awkward or rude.” You said. He chuckled. “We don’t bite Miss Y/n.” He said. You smiled and stood up. He handed you your dagger. You halted him. “Keep it. I use my swords more anyway.” You said. He walked for a little bit. “Why did you keep your hood up this whole time?” He asked. You laughed nervously. “I uhm… Kind of reacted to strangers by lifting my hood and it’s been too long to take it off now..” you muttered. “What are you hiding under there anyway?” He asked. You sighed and peeled back the hood, showing your ears. “YOU’RE AN—AN–” “SHHHHH!” you hushed. “Why would you hide that!?” He asked. “Because not everyone takes kindly to an elf.” You muttered.

A very true statement. You actually did spend most of your time in any villages with Aragorn with your hood up the entire time. You heard many, many, MANY negative opinions on our race, mostly on how many of them had a “holier than thou” way of life. “We’re not everyone. Sam has always wanted to meet an elf!” He said. “Just… Pippin please. Don’t say anything it’s just easier.” You said softly. He looked in the direction of the group before slowly nodding. “It’s alright Y/n… I won’t say anything unless you want me to.” He agreed. You gave an appreciative smile, nodding before lifting up your hood and walking.

You both walked back, you helping Merry with his leg. “There. Good as new.” You said before  beginning the journey again. You all pushed through, crossing through the lands before ending up at Weathertop. “We will go hunting for food. Do. Not. Leave. This. Spot.” you said. They nodded before you and Aragorn went off. “You seem very tense on this trip Y/n.” Aragorn said. “I feel like I have to be, they think like children… They don’t even know the weight of what they’re carrying.” You said. “Why haven’t you removed your hood?” Aragorn asked. “Honestly? It was a panic response. I didn’t want them to know I was a princess and my pin isn’t exactly…” “Hiding your status.” He nodded. “Precisely.” You sighed. Aragorn kneeled to a berry bush. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your comment earlier.” He said. “Comment? What comment?” You asked. “ ‘Our children will be spoiled’.” He said with a chuckle, cutting berries off the bush. You shook your head with an eye roll. “Surely you’ve thought of this as well.” You said. “We’ve been lovers for what most consider to be a VERY long time, yes I have thought of us having children.” he said with a smile.

You felt a change in the air and your head snapped back in the direction of weathertop. “Aragorn.” You said, noticing the small fire those idiots made. “Shit.” He muttered before you heard the shriek. You both sprinted, running as fast as you could as Aragorn was trying to make a torch. You drew both of your swords, charging into battle as Aragorn held his sword and a torch. You fought one away from Sam, handling another by Pippin before Aragorn handled the final one. You let out a small breath, before seeing Sam kneeled next to Frodo. Both you and Aragorn kneeled by his side, you examining the wounds as Aragorn lifted the blade. “He’s been stabbed by a Morgul blade.” Aragorn said, tossing it to the side as the blade dissolved to dust. “Do something!” Sam begged. “This is beyond my skill to heal, he needs Elvish medicine.” Aragorn said calmly. You shook your head. “We have to wait for it to be near daylight.” You said. “why!?” Merry asked. “Do you want those things to come back, or should we light another fire to encourage them!?” you snapped. He went silent and you sighed.

You reached the woods, the light slowly climbing as you looked for herbs. Frodo groaned and you turned to him shaking your head. “Is he going to die?” Pippin asked. “No. He is passing into the shadow world, he will soon become a wraith like them.” You answered. You heard the shriek and you sighed. “Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?” You asked, recalling a brief comment on him being a gardener. “Athelas?” Sam asked. Aragorn paused, remembering its common name. “Kingsfoil.” He said. Sam recognized it then. “Kingsfoil. Aye. It’s a weed.” He recalled. “It may slow the poison.” you said. “Hurry!” Aragorn urged. You three rushed through the woods, Aragorn and you running in the same direction. “Over here!” You said, Aragorn kneeling to the plant and getting it. You ran back, looking at Frodo as he groaned in pain. “Strider, he will not make it.” You muttered, Sam running back. He frowned. “Y/n, What can we do? We’re doing what we can right now.” He said.

“We’re six days from Rivendell. We’d never make it unless…” you sighed, closing your eyes. “No.” He sighed. “Aragorn, emme don’t have limbe -o a cilme símen. (Aragorn, we don’t have much of a choice here.) ” The hobbits looked at you confused. “What are they saying?” Merry asked. “No clue.” Pippin muttered. “Ni cannot let tye linne- on your her-, vamme yare I wraiths are still eth tar.(I cannot let you go on your own, not while the wraiths are still out there.)” he said. “Aragorn. Please. Estel i ni pole- care- sina. Ni pole- at least get him ana Arwen. (Aragorn. Please. Estel i ni pole- care- sina. I can at least get him to Arwen.)” You pleaded. He knew there was no stopping you and he sighed, looking at your horse and then you. “Ride hard, do not look back.” He said. “Ni mel tye.” You said, Sam noticing the look in your eyes when you said that. “Ni mel tye too.” He said to you, his hand lingering over yours as you held Frodo close. You sighed before riding off. “What are you doing, those wraiths are still out there!?” Sam asked, ignorant to Aragorn’s pain of sending you off on your own.

You raced through the woods, the sun finally becoming noticeable before you heard another shriek. “Fuck.” you whispered, terrified to even look around you as you held Frodo close, riding at full speed. Arwen lended you her horse, telling you it was faster. You decided to put that to the test, racing through the woods, bobbing and weaving through the trees. You raced to the creek, the group clearly gaining on you. You halted, as did they because of the water. “Give up the halfling, she-elf.” The witch king demanded. You drew your sword. “You want him, come and claim him.” You hissed, noticing someone had rode in behind you. The wraiths attempted to cross but you heard your sister’s voice, using water magic behind you. You crossed the creek, pulling yourself away from becoming collateral damage as as water washed them out. “Thank you.” you breathed before Frodo winced.

You frowned. You could feel him dying. “No, no…Frodo, no! Frodo, don’t give  in…not now!” you breathed. Arwen dismounted as you brought him off the horse, kneeling to the ground with him. Arwen put her hand to his forehead. “What grace is given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him.” You prayed. You felt some sort of energy leave you as you said this, Arwen raising a brow. “Arwen he-he’s dying.” You breathed. “We will make it Y/n, do not fear.” She assured. You both got on your horses, riding as fast as possible to Rivendell.

You handed him off to the medics, you leaning on the base of the fountain in the courtyard as you finally let yourself breathe. “He should be fine.” Arwen said, walking over. You let out a breath of relief. “Good…Good.” You said. “He however, is not the only patient we’ve had.” She said. “Who was the other?” You asked. “Gandalf.” she said. You closed your eyes. “Saruaman has betrayed us.” you said. “Yes, he woke up saying that.” she said. She sighed, pulling your hood back for you. She noticed how your hair looked, noticing the lack of leaves that tended to… Show up in your hair. “…You didn’t take off your hood the entire time around them, did you?” She asked. “No, I did not.” you admitted. “So they have no idea you’re an elf?” She asked. “No.” you admitted. “…Or that you're—” “A princess? No. They do not know.” You admitted. Arwen sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “You need to get ready.” She said. “I am not getting ready, Aragorn and the others are still out there!” you said. “Elladan spotted them two hours ago, they will be here soon.” She said. You sighed. “This is ridiculous.” You muttered. “Having to fight you into a dress is ridiculous.” She said, pushing you in the direction of your room. You mocked her sentence and she smacked you. “Ow!” “You survived countless attacks, I assure you a small slap does nothing.” She huffed. “Speak for yourself- a small smack my ass!” you whined as she dragged you off.

Aragorn sat in the Prancing Pony, waiting patiently. Gandalf hadn’t returned, you were still in Rivendell and Aragorn was stuck with waiting on one person to walk through that door. He didn’t even know who he was waiting for, just that the name was Frodo. He was so annoyed. So tired as well. He never slept well without you, always in this state of half awake half asleep. He was irritable, tired and quite frankly: Bored. You always had brought a deck of cards in your bag or a book, something to keep you busy when the journey got boring. But you weren’t here… That he knew of at least.

The door opened, a cloaked figure walking in and sitting down at the man’s table. You pulled back the hood, him sitting up. “What in the nine realms are you doing here!?” He asked. “Well let’s see, I got on a horse, rode here and it looks like there’s no getting rid of me.” you said. “You aren’t supposed to leave Rivendell alone Y/n, that was so dangerous!” He said, looking at you. “I had to see you.” you said softly. He sighed, closing his eyes. “Don’t do that again—” “What’s rule number one?” you halted. He leaned back, looking up at you. “No one tells Y/n what to do.” He quoted. “Please…Just be more careful next time.” He said. “I promise you, I will not be separating from you again.” you said. He rose a brow. “Missed me that much?” He asked. “You have no idea. Father just keeps trying to stop me from leaving. He thinks it’s safer in Rivendell.” you muttered, Barliman setting warm cider in front of you. “Thanks Barli.” you said softly. You pulled back the hood, your hair still wet from the rain outside. He always thought you to be oddly beautiful when your hair was wet. Your silver hair pin had your hair pulled out of your eyes, you always had those few strands by your cheeks that would linger. “It is safer in Rivendell.” Aragorn said. “Yes, but for how long?” You asked. “What do you mean?” Aragorn asked. “Corruption doesn’t stop at elven lands. It takes out anything in its path. It’s only a matter of time before it reaches Rivendell too.” You said. He sighed looking at you.

He looked at you, holding your hand. “I missed you too.” He said softly. You smiled but looked up, like you were listening to something. You pulled up your hood, hiding your face. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Four strangers are here.” You muttered. Aragorn nodded, looking at the door. “Gandalf never returned?” You asked. “No.” Aragorn said softly. You sighed, looking out the window. You rose a brow. “they’re… small?” you muttered before the door opened. You noticed the name “Underhill” being given, having serious doubts that that was his real name.

You probably watched the group of hobbits for a while, two of them getting drunk while another pair sat at a table. You noticed one of them look over at you and Aragorn, muttering something to the man next to him. You couldn’t put your finger on it, but you felt something, looking at the other hobbit. Some sort of negative energy was practically radiating from him. “Baggins? Sure I know a Baggins! He’s over there!” One of the drunk hobbits said. You recognized that name, looking over as one of the hobbits ran over, attempting to quiet the man before you saw him knocked back. You saw a gold glint, leaning forward with a terrified look and then the hobbit disappear. “That’s the ring. That’s it.” you declared, both you and Aragorn standing up.

The hobbit soon reappeared, but you both stopped him, Aragorn pushing him against a wall. “You draw far too much attention to yourself…Mr. Underhill.” Aragorn said, looking at the hobbit. “Be careful Strider.” you halted. He dragged him into a room, you still keeping your hood up despite Aragorn removing his when he walked into the room. “What do you want?” Frodo asked. “ A little more caution from you. That is no trinket you carry.” You said, looking at him. “I carry nothing.” He lied. “Indeed? I can usually avoid being seen  if I wish, but to disappear entirely… That is a rare gift.” Aragorn said looking at him. “Who are you!?” He asked. “Are you frightened?” Aragorn asked. “Yes.” Frodo admitted. “Not nearly enough, we know what hunts you.” You said before hearing a thud. Both you and Aragorn drew your swords, Aragorn pulling you closer to him.

The door opened and three hobbits looked ready to charge, all holding various objects to fight you. “Let him go or I’ll have you, Longshanks!” One of the hobbits yelled out. You sheathed your swords, slightly relieved it was a simple hobbit. “You have a stout heart, little Hobbit, but that alone won’t save you.” You halted. “..You can no longer wait for the Wizard, Frodo. They’re coming” Aragorn said. “We will leave in the morning. All of us together, no one away from the group, am I clear?” you asked. “We don’t take orders from—” “Am. I. Clear?” You asked, more stern and fear inducing than before. “Understood.” Frodo nodded.

Thus bringing you to sit in a chair at a table by the window as the hobbits slept soundly. You envied that. A dreamless sleep that would allow you comfort. Instead, you knew the second you closed your eyes you’d be bombarded with visions or voices, something that would scare you even more than you already were. You sighed, Aragorn putting his hand over yours. Your legs were in the chair, your arm on top of your knees while your right hand held his. “We will make it Y/n.” He said softly. You sighed, looking at the streets. You knew they were close. Very close. Then you felt it, the sudden negative emotion that hit you along with this faint smell that almost seemed to get stronger the more you focused on it. Blood. “They’re near.” you muttered. He looked over at you “How close?” He asked. You motioned to lights in a window across the street and he frowned before hearing that shriek. That loud noise that sounded like nails to a chalk board. You shuddered and Frodo sat at the table with you as the others woke up.

“What are they?” He asked. “They once were men.” you said softly, your eyes not leaving the window. “Great Kings of men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness and now they are slaves to his will.” you explained, looking at the hobbit. You were hoping that by learning this information, Frodo would be more cautious with what he had.  "They are the Nazgul, Ringwraiths, neither living or dead. At all times they feel the presence of the ring…drawn to the power of the one… they will never stop hunting you.“ Aragorn added.

Frodo was more fixated on you. By your voice, it was obvious you were a woman, but for some reason you were wearing your hood the entire time. Strider at least had his off by now, you were hiding something. The truth? You were hiding your elven heritage. Your hair clip was made of silver, a blue gem rested in the middle. You could always remove the clip, hiding your wealth but you hiding your elven identity on top of your royalty seemed a little much so by this point you were just hiding. You didn’t even mean to hide the fact that you were an elf, you just reacted to a stranger by lifting your hood. Now, you were kind of stuck with this due to the fact that you felt it to be too awkward. At least until you found a moment alone to remove the silver piece in your hair.

You looked at Frodo. "Do you know what dangers lie ahead?” He asked. “I only know some of it. Not the entirety.” you admitted. He sighed “are you prepared?” He asked. “We’re prepared to keep you safe.” You assured. Aragorn got up, handing you your bag.

“Let’s hit the road”

Destiny Calling: Chapter Eleven

Gandalf was once again guiding you all, riding on horseback through the forest. War survivors of Helm Deep rode with you, talking amongst themselves. You shared the horse with Aragorn, sitting behind him. “I wish we didn’t have to ride so much.” you muttered. “You’re only saying that because your horse threw you when you came to Edoras.” Legolas said. “Keep it up and I’ll throw you.” you huffed, earning a chuckle from Aragorn. “So you all thought Merry and Pippin were dead?” You asked, after being explained the story. “Aragorn kicked a helmet at least forty feet.” Gimli said. “He did?” You asked, looking over at him. “I was in distress.” he admitted. “So you kicked a helmet?” You asked. “Might I add that you do not think logically when in distress?” Aragorn reasoned. You felt more tired as you approached to wherever Gandalf was taking you. Which was odd. This wasn’t quite near Mordor, near corruption to make you tired… So why were you feeling this way now?

You heard laughing, looking forward to see your friends sitting on a broken wall smoking from a pipe. “It’s good. Definitely from the Shire. Longbottom Leaf.” Merry said. Pippin nodded. “I feel like I’m back at the Green Dragon.” Pippin said. “Green Dragon.” Merry said, reminiscing of his times in the Shire that seemed so long ago. “A mug of ale in my hand. Putting my feet up on a settle after a hard day’s work.” Pippin said. “Only, you’ve never done a hard day’s work.” Merry teased, laughter coming from both of them.

Merry smiled at you all. “Welcome, my lord, to Isengard!” Merry greeted. “You young rascals! A merry hunt you’ve led us on, and now we find you, feasting and… smoking!” Gimli huffed. “We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good.” Pippin said triumphantly. “Salted pork?” Gimli asked. Gandalf shook his head disapprovingly. “Hobbits.” Gandalf sighed. “We’re under orders, from Treebeard, who’s taken over management of Isengard.” Merry said.

Pippin finally looked at you. “…I thought you left with Frodo?” He said confused. “I did. I was forced to turn back.” you admitted. “Any reason as to why?” Merry asked, recalling that determination he witnessed to keep Frodo safe. “The corruption of the lands was killing her.” Gandalf said. You nodded, sweat beading on your brow due to the exact problem that Gandalf was speaking of. “Let’s talk to Treebeard shall we?” you said, ignoring the odd exhaustion that was hitting you. Gandalf nodded, though he kept an eye on you.

You rode near Orthanc, Treebeard greeting them. “Young Master Gandalf. I’m glad you’ve come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master. But there is a Wizard to manage here, locked in his tower.” Treebeard said. “Show yourself.” Aragorn whispered. You tapped Aragorn’s shoulder. “Water. Please.” you muttered. He reached for his pack. “no…Mine.” you muttered. He rose a brow, lifting your water canteen. It was full of water from a fountain in Rivendell.

Something to know about the water in the elven cities is that it is one of the purest things anyone can drink. How that is so is uncertain, but even your father knew that. Elrond insisted you take it with you in case something like this began to happen. You brought it to your lips, drinking it. It was cold, but revivifying as you closed it. “Thank you.” you said, him noticing the sweat on your brow.

“Be careful. Even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous.” Gandalf said, cutting Aragorn’s attention away from you. “Well, let’s just have his head and be done with it.” Gimli said. “No. We need him alive. We need him to talk.” Gandalf halted. Éomer looked over, saying nothing to Gandalf about this. “You have fought many wars and slain many men, Théoden King.” Saruman revealed himself on top of the tower.  "And made peace afterwards. Can we not take counsel together as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace, you and I?“ Saruman asked, Théoden coming forward. "We shall have peace. We shall have peace when you answer for the burning of the Westfold and the children that lie dead there! We shall have peace when the lives of the soldiers whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg, are avenged! When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows, we shall have peace.” Théoden said with anger.

“Gibbets and crows? Dotard! What do you want, Gandalf Greyhame? Let me guess. The key of Orthanc. Or perhaps the Keys of Barad-dur itself along with the crowns of the seven kings and the rods of the Five Wizards!” Saruman spat. “Your treachery has already cost many lives. Thousands more are at risk. But you can save them, Saruman. You were deep in the enemy’s counsel.” Gandalf said. “So you have come here for information. I have some for you.” Saruman sighed. He lifted a dark orb, looking into it. “Something festers in the heart of Middle-Earth. Something that you have failed to see. But the Great Eye has seen it. Even now he presses his advantage. His attack will come soon. You’re all going to die.” Saruman said. You frowned.

Gandalf approached the base of Orthanc. “But you know this, don’t you, Gandalf? You cannot think that this Ranger will ever sit upon the throne of Gondor. This exile, crept from the shadows, will never be crowned king. Gandalf does not hesitate to sacrifice those closest to him, those he professes to love. Tell me, what words of comfort did you give the Halfling before you sent him to his doom? The path that you have set him on can only lead to death.” Saruman said. “I’ve heard enough!” Gimli muttered. “Shoot him. Stick an arrow in his gob.” Gimli encouraged. You wanted the same fate for Saruman at the moment. “No. Come down, Saruman, and your life will be spared.” Gandalf said. “Save your pity and your mercy. I have no use for it!” Saruman yelled. Saruman sent a fireball down, attempting to harm Gandalf but failing. “Saruman, your staff is broken.” Gandalf said, frowning at the foe that was once his friend.

Saruman’s staff broke, many pieces flying from the sudden bust. Grima appeared next to the wizard. “Grima, you need not follow him. You were not always as you are now. You were once a Man of Rohan. Come down.” Theoden said. “A Man of Rohan? What is the house of Rohan but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek and their brats roll on the floor with the dogs? The victory at Helm’s Deep does not belong to you, Théoden Horse-master. You are a lesser son of greater sires.” Saruman said. “Grima, come down. Be free of him.” Théoden encouraged. “Free? He will never be free.” Saruman spat. “No.” Grima said, his voice small as he spoke. “Get down, cur!” Saruman yelled, smacking Grima over. “Saruman! You were deep in the enemy’s counsel. Tell us what you know!” Gandalf interrogated. Grima drew a dagger, looking to the wizard before him in anger. “You withdraw your guard, and I will tell you where your doom will be decided. I will not be held prisoner here.” Saruman yelled.

Grima jumped forward, stabbing Saruman before Legolas fired an arrow, killing Grima. Saruman’s body fell from the tower, impaling itself onto one of his own mechanisms. You grimaced, looking away from the gruesome sight. “Send word to all our allies, and to every corner of Middle-Earth that still stands free. The enemy moves against us. We need to know where he will strike.” Gandalf declared. The spiked wheel turned, Saruman’s body falling into the waters. His orb fell from his robes into the water. “The filth of Saruman is washing away. Trees will come back to live here. Young trees. Wild trees.” Treebeard said, you smiling at this. “May their young voices fill your forest soon.” You said. Treebeard seemed to appreciate hearing this and smiled at you.

Pippin walked through the water, picking up the orb. “Pippin!” Aragorn called. “Bless my bark!” Treebeard gaped. “Peregrin Took! I’ll take that, my lad. Quickly now.” Gandalf said. He wrapped the orb in his cloak, the riders finally returning to Edoras.

You held your lover close, both hands hugging him from behind. You were thankful that he had lived through the Battle at Helm’s Deep, remembering your fallen friend who was not so lucky. Your men had returned home, bidding you farewell and encouraging you to reach out to nature if you needed them again. You felt strangely okay, being away from home for so long. Perhaps many comments of the road being your home was true. Or maybe you were holding onto what felt like home right now. Aragorn’s hand held yours as you rode in silence. No words were needed to voice how thankful you both were for the other’s presence.

As you arrived in Edoras, Éowyn stood in the hall, a large crowd behind her. She was holding a cup, bowing to Théoden before handing it to him. “Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!” Théoden said. “Hail!” The crowd yelled back.

You walked but Éowyn halted you. “Mind if I steal her for a moment?” Éowyn asked. Aragorn pressed a kiss to your head before you went off with Éowyn. “What did you need?” You asked. “It is not what I need Lady Y/n, it is what you need.” She said with a chuckle. You followed her to a room, her telling you to sit on a bed while she dug through a wardrobe. “Which one?” She asked, holding up to dresses. You grimaced. “Can’t I stay in my armor?” You asked. “Your armor needs repairing and is covered in Orc’s blood. Come now, they aren’t that bad!” She said. You had to admit, the dresses Éowyn were presenting to you were simpler than the ones Arwen made you wear. You sighed, pointing to the green one. She smiled and set it down. “Need help with your armor?” She asked. “If you do not mind.” you nodded.

She assisted you in the removal of the major pieces, stopping at the sight of Aragorn’s ring around your neck. “What is this?” She asked, knowing damn well what the artifact was. “It is Aragorn’s. We parted a few months back… He wanted me to wear it as a reminder that someone was fighting for me outside of where I was going.” you explained. She nodded slowly. You removed your clothes. You turned your back to her, her seeing the scars. “You have many scars.” She noticed. “I’ve had many journeys.” You said, Éowyn assisting you with the dress. You sighed, brushing it out. “You look lovely!” She said with a smile. You chuckled. “You would get along with my sister.” You said. “You have a sister?” She asked as she sat you back down. “And two brothers.” you nodded. “Uhm… Lady Éowyn, might I ask what you’re doing?” you asked. “Just because you charge with men does not mean you have to share the looks of one.” Éowyn said, brushing out your hair.

You didn’t mind this. It was like a more zen version of Arwen who was usually encouraging to things like this to an absurd degree. “What is life like in… Uhm-” “Rivendell?” you asked. She nodded, taking hair from each side of your head in the front. “It’s peaceful. Very calm. Serene.” You said. “Sounds like it wasn’t the life for you.” Éowyn noticed by your tone as she braided your hair. “It really wasn’t..” You agreed. “But Aragorn?” She asked, a smile coming onto your lips. “You love that man, I can tell.” She said. “Indeed I do Lady Éowyn, indeed I do.” you laughed. She smiled as you stood up. “Now, you look beautiful.” She said. “Come, let us show the men that we have them bested in one thing.” You said. “And what’s that?” She asked. “Basic decency.” You said, earning a giggle from her as you both walked out.

Aragorn stood against a pillar, watching Legolas (attempt to) play a drinking game. “There you are! And Lady Y/n, you look beautiful!” Théoden said, you smiling at the clearly drunk king. Aragorn looked over, his eyes widening. You waved a small goodbye to Éowyn as you walked over to Aragorn. “What, pray tell, have I done to deserve to see you in such a beautiful manner?” Aragorn asked. “An hour. You get this for one hour.” you said. You looked over at your friend.

“What’ll we drink to? Let’s drink to victory! To victory!” A man yelled. Gimli chugged his mug and Legolas carefully sipped it, making you smirk. “You can take the man out of a prince but you cannot take the prince out of a man.” you said making Aragorn smile. “Any messages from Elrond?” Aragorn asked. You nodded. “I got one simple one from Haldir when we were on the wall, he said you’d know what it meant.” you said. Aragorn rose a brow. “He said ‘You do not require the claim any longer, you proved to him on skill alone.’” you recalled, watching the party around you. Aragorn swallowed hard.

This was referring to a conversation the man had with the elf. Elrond told Aragorn that if he was to wed you, he’d have to make a claim for the throne of Gondor. It was a way to “permanently” cut Aragorn off from attempting it again. Elrond assumed that he would never actually make a claim to Gondor, so hearing this made Aragorn surprised. Aragorn had proven to be reliable to you through skill alone, not by status.

“Here, here. It’s the Dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy women.” Gimli said, belching right afterwards. You resisted a snort, looking at the dwarf. “Gimli will never change.” you said, shaking your head before noticing Aragorn’s gaze was locked onto you. “What?” You asked. “Nothing… You’re just very beautiful tonight.” Aragorn said to you. You chuckled. “Have I mentioned that I do enjoy seeing you have a nice time?” You asked. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” He asked, you laughing. “No, but I encourage you to have fun!” You said. He brushed the already loose strands of hair away from your face. “I am enjoying myself right where I am.” He told you. Éowyn offered you a mug. “Only if you drink as well.” You told her. She turned around lifting a mug off the table, handing another one to Aragorn. He took it, looking at the two women. “What do we cheer to?” You asked. “Hmm… May we live to see more days as bright as this one!” Éowyn said. You nodded, drinking the ale from the mug. Unlike Legolas you had actually drank ale before. Staying in inns where it was a common drink or occasionally, the only option.

“I feel something. A slight tingle in my fingers. I think it’s affecting me.” Legolas said. “What did I say? He can’t hold his liquor.” Gimli said before falling back into the floor. Ale almost shot from your nose as you laughed, men helping the poor drunk bastard up. “Game over.” Legolas stated in his usually calm demeanor.

Soon Merry and Pippin joined the fun, dancing and singing on a table. “Oh you can search far and wide, You can drink the whole town dry, But you’ll never find a beer so brown, As the one we drink in our hometown.” They sang, Gandalf now standing with you and Aragorn. “You can drink your fancy ales, You can drink ‘em by the flagon, But the only brew for the brave and true,” Pippin looked over at Gandalf, wavering a little. “Pippin!” Merry said. Pippin looked over at his (clearly drunk) friend. “But the only brew for the brave and true, Comes from The Green Dragon!” They finished, chugging down the drinks as fast as they could. “Thank you! I win!” Merry said, making you chuckle.

You couldn’t help but feel… guilty. Knowing that Sam and Frodo were in danger somewhere in the mountains while you all were drinking and dancing. “No news of Frodo?” You asked Gandalf. “No word. Nothing.” Gandalf replied. “We have time. Every day, Frodo moves closer to Mordor.” Aragorn said. “Do we know that?” Gandalf asked. “What does your heart tell you?” Aragorn asked. “That Frodo is alive. Yes. Yes, he’s alive.” a small amount of relief fell over you before you gripped the column. Gandalf rose a brow and Aragorn put a soothing hand to your back.

“Corruption is spreading… Your life is in danger.” Your father’s voice warned. “How do I stop it?” you asked. “It is not something you can stop… It is up to the ring master to do so.” He said. “Then how do I keep illness at bay?” you asked. “Water from the fountains of home” He said before you leaned up. “Y/n?” Aragorn asked. You swallowed, looking at him. “…I should get some air.” You said, moving past both men. You stood outside, letting the air flow through you. The voices of nature seemed… Even louder than before.

Your father was right….

You were dying.

Destiny Calling: Chapter Ten

“You could have picked a better spot.” Gimli said as he struggled to see past the wall. “Well, lass, whatever luck you live by, let’s hope it lasts the night.” He said to you. “Your friends are with you.” Legolas said to you and Aragorn. “Let’s hope they last the night.” Gimli said. A crash of thunder made you look up. You felt a droplet of water on your face. You looked back to see the Orcish armies all standing ready for an attack. You and Aragorn walked alongside each other, him being insistent you not separate from him.

“A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas. (Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none!)” Aragorn yelled. You looked at the elvish soldiers around you. They stood with that stone cold demeanor you used to make fun of. Now you understood why they were like that. They mustn’t show fear. The opposing army let out a yell, ceasing movement from where they stood. “What’s happening out there?” Gimli asked. “Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?” Legolas asked. Gimli laughed and the army slammed their spears down, growling at the soldiers. Aragorn drew his sword, you already having yours drawn and ready. Gimli jumped, attempting to see what was happening. An elder with a bow released too early, killing an orc with a stray arrow. “Dartho! (hold!)” Aragorn halted. The orc hit by the stray arrow fell, earning a growl from another orc before it hit its armor. The forces charged and you stood next Aragorn.

“Tangado a chadad! (Prepare to fire!)” You yelled. “Tangado a chadad! (Prepare to fire!)” Aragorn relayed, louder for the other archers. The elves all drew their bows, aiming at the orcs. “Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc. (Their armour is weak at the neck, and beneath the arm.)” Legolas said to a few of the elves around him. You watched the forces, cupping your hands to make louder noise as you commanded your forces. “Hado i philinn! (Release Arrows!) You yelled. They released their arrows, taking a wave out of the orcs.

"Give them a volley.” Théoden said, the men now drawing their bows. “Fire!” Gamling commanded. Another soldier relayed the command. “Fire!” More arrows flew, hitting the orcs. “Hado ribed!(Hurl to flow!)” You instructed the lower forces, their arrows flying overhead to hit their unseen targets. Crossbows were brought from the other side, striking your soldiers down. You looked over the wall and frowned. “Aragorn te’re using pendraith.(Aragorn, they’re using ladders).” You said, backing away with your swords drawn. “Pendraith! (Ladders!)” Aragorn yelled. “Swords!” You and Aragorn yelled in unison. He shook his head with a smile at you. “That’s my girl.” He muttered making you smile.

An orc attempted to breech the wall, Gimli dealing them a cruel hand as he brought down his axe. Aragorn dodged a blow from an orc, you killing it. Haldir brought down a few near the ladders. One knocked down Aragorn, you immediately killing it. “Not today.” you huffed, pulling Aragorn up. Screams of war filled the air around you, the smell of blood becoming very strong.

“Legolas! Two already!” Gimli shouted to Legolas. “I’m on seventeen!” Legolas yelled. “Twenty!” You yelled to the men making them both smile. Aragorn chuckled, shaking his head as you fought next to him in amusement. “I’ll have no pointy-ears outscoring me!” Gimli exclaimed, killing another orc as it climbed over. Legolas struck two more. “Nineteen!” Legolas yelled. Aragorn kicked down a ladder, it falling onto orcs below

The Battle of Helm’s deep raged on, you fighting hard the entire time. Maybe it was that Elven resolve so many men talked about. Or maybe it was the desire to keep your lover safe. Théoden noticed whatever it was, watching you keep others safe, especially any younger fighters near you.

“Seventeen! Eighteen! Nineteen! Twenty! Twenty-one! Twenty-two!” You heard Gimli call out. You frowned. “They’re making a shield wall.” you said to Aragorn, him looking through the rain to see the group of orcs attempting to make their way to the keep. “Causeway! Na fennas!(Causeway!)” You yelled. Elves aimed towards the causeway you were referring to, killing some of the orcs. You looked over, eyes widening. “Togo hon dad, Legolas! (Bring him down, Legolas!)” You screamed, referring to the orc with a bomb.

Legolas fired an arrow, striking its shoulder but still it ran. “Dago hon! Dago hon! (Kill him! Kill him!)” Aragorn yelled. Legolas fired again, his arrow hitting his other shoulder. It wasn’t enough, the orc being able to throw himself into the drain. Aragorn’s eyes widened, pulling you to him and ducking. The explosion hit the wall, men and elves both sent flying. You hit the ground, Aragorn falling next to you.

Your ears rang, your vision blurry as you saw figures fighting in front of you. You lifted your swords, using them as a way to get up. “Brace the gate!” Théoden yelled. Men ran to the gate throwing whatever they could to keep them from breeching the gate. “Hold them! Stand firm!” Théoden yelled.

You helped Aragorn up, kissing his face as a way to let him know you were alright before stabbing something near him. “Aragorn!” Gimli shouted before slamming himself on top of a few orcs in front of you. “Gimli!” You both gasped in surprise. He killed the orcs near him until he slipped and fell back into water. “Hado i philinn! (Release Arrows!)” You yelled to your forces, arrows flying as you prepared to charge. “Are tye readime mime mel? (Are you ready my love?)” Aragorn asked, preparing to charge next to you. “Ve ni indóme voro n-, mime melin (As I will ever be, my dear)” You replied. You rose your sword and pointed. “HERIO! (CHARGE)” You yelled, your men charging towards the orcs. A few of your men died at the hands of a spear, you reaching the water Gimli fell in and pulling him up.

Théoden looked at what was happening to the breach, you killing orcs near you. “Y/n! Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!” Théoden commanded. “Nan barad! (To the Keep!)” You yelled. “Nan barad! (Pull back to the Keep!)” Aragorn shouted. “Haldir! Nan barad! (To the Keep)” You called. Haldir nodded, looking to the elvish forces still around him. "Nan barad! (To the Keep!)“ Haldir yelled. Haldir rushed forward, killing an orc but being hit on his arm. He looked down to see his forces retreating and turned to leave. You didn’t have foresight for the nightmare that came next.

Haldir turned his back to leave but an orc behind him took the opportunity to strike. Sound seemed to drown out as you pushed through your men, Aragorn trying to stop you as you ran to Haldir just as he was struck. You caught him, looking at him with wide eyes. "yes was an honor serving tye, aranel (It was an honor serving you, princess)” He whispered against you. You felt tears fall as he let out a last breath. You looked at Aragorn who was fighting orcs off in front of you. You noticed a few climbing up the wall. “Aragon, follow me!” you said, getting up. Aragorn followed you to a ladder. “What are we doing!?” He asked. “Can you think of a quicker way off the wall!?” you asked, earning an eyebrow raise from Aragorn. You jumped on one side of the ladder, Aragorn jumping on the other and both of you used it as a quick way off the wall.

The gate was finally breached, soldiers around you yelling commands. “Brace the gate! Hold them!” A soldier yelled. Orcs with crossbows shot down more soldiers as they breeched the gate. “To the gate. Draw your swords!” Théoden yelled to his men. Gamling was grabbed by the throat by an orc, Théoden cutting of its hand. Gamling stumbled backward. Théoden was stabbed with a spear, his yells of battle being ones of pain before he drove a spear into an orc before falling back to the hall. “Make way! We cannot hold much longer!” Gamling yelled.

You, Gimli and Aragorn ran into the hall. “Hold them!” Théoden instructed. “How long do you need?” Aragorn asked. “As long as you can give me.” Théoden said. “Gimli, Aragorn!” you called, nodding to a doorway. You three rushed out, walking along a ledge near the wall. Aragorn looked over and saw the orcs still attempting to breech the Deep. “ Come on. We can take them.” Gimli said. “It’s a long way.” Aragorn observed. Gimli looked again, looking at you and then Aragorn and then the ground. “Toss me.” Gimli said. Both you and Aragorn looked at him. “What?” You asked in unison. “I cannot jump the distance! You’ll have to toss me!” Gimli said. You blinked looking up at Aragorn before shrugging. Aragorn put Gimli’s arm around him. “Don’t tell the elf.” He said. “What happens on the battlefield, stays on the battlefield.” you assured before Aragorn launched Gimli across the gap and onto the causeway. You both jumped over, killing orcs next to Gimli.

“Shore up the door!” Théoden yelled to his men, soldiers coming through with materials to barricade the door. “Make way! Follow me to the barricade. Watch our back!” A man yelled. The orcs were loading a giant crossbow, preparing to fire. “Throw another on over here!” A man yelled. “Higher!” Théoden commanded.

The orcs fired the crossbow into the wall, another one being fired soon after. Some of the orcs used rope to scale the wall, others used the ladders. Legolas fired an arrow at one of the ropes, knocking down orcs climbing up and ones on ladders. “Hold fast the gate!” A soldier yelled.

You fought off the orcs near the gate. “Gimli! Aragorn! Y/n! Get out of there!” Théoden yelled. An orc gripped Gimli and Aragorn’s neck, you decapitating it and them looking to you. “Y/n!” Legolas called, dropping a rope for the three of you. You climbed up it, being pulled up by a soldier while Aragorn and Gimli were pulled up.

“Pull everybody back. Pull them back.” Theoden commanded before walking away. “Fall back! Fall back!” Gamling yelled. Orcs breeched through the gate, Gamling frowning. “They have broken through!” Gamling yelled. “The castle is breached. Retreat!” Theoden yelled. “Fall back!” a soldier relayed. “Retreat!” Théoden repeated. “Hurry! Inside. Get them inside!” Aragorn yelled to nearby soldiers. “Into the Keep!” A soldier yelled.

The orcs flew their flags at the top of Helm’s Deep by morning, charging the battering ram against the final gate. Men braced the door and Théoden sighed. “The fortress is taken. It is over.” Théoden said. Aragorn frowned as you ran with Legolas to barricade the door. “You said this fortress would never fall while your men defend it. They still defend it. They have died defending it.” Aragorn yelled.

“Is there no other way for the women and children to get out of the caves?” You asked, looking at Théoden. “Is there no other way?” Aragorn repeated the question. “There is one passage. It leads into the mountains. But they will not get far the Uruk-Hai are too many.” Gamling replied. “Tell the women and children to make for the mountain pass. And barricade the entrance!” Aragorn told Gamling. “So much death. What can Men do against such reckless hate?” Théoden asked. “Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them.” Aragorn said. “For death and glory.” Théoden said gravely. “For Rohan. For your people.” You said. “The sun is rising.” Gimli said.

You felt lightheaded, gripping Aragorn’s arm. “What’s wrong with you girl?” Théoden asked. “A vision.” Aragorn said, looking at you and awaiting an answer. “Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn look to the east.” Gandalf’s voice rang out. You paused, looking at Aragorn shocked. “There is still hope.” you reminded. Aragorn seemed puzzled before he remembered Gandalf’s words to him before he left. “Yes. Yes. The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the Deep one last time.” Théoden said, Gimli perking up. “We have to keep the men going. We can win this Aragorn, I know we can.” you said.

A loud bang came from the door, it almost being breeched. You drew your blades, looking at the door. “Let this be the hour when we draw swords together.” Théoden said. Gimli ran off, reaching the horn at the top of a tower. “Fell deeds, awake.” The gate opened a little more, you looking at Aragorn as you mounted a horse. “I love you.” you said. “I love you too.” He said softly, readying himself for war on his horse. “Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn.” Gimli blew the horn, it echoing through the hold as the gate opened. "Forth Eorlingas!“ Theoden shouted, you all yelling a battle cry and charging. You killed orcs as they made their way inside, riding down the causeway into the battlefield.

You looked over the hill in the distance noticing a rider on horseback as the steed stood on it’s hind legs. "Gandalf.” You said relieved. “Théoden King stands alone.” Gandalf said, looking at him from the hill. “Not alone. Rohirrim!” Éomer called. The orcs growled in response, seeing the forces of Rohan all aligned for battle. “Éomer.” Théoden said relieved. “To the king!” Éomer yelled, the forces charging down the mountain.

As the men charged you fought until your horse could no longer bare the sight of war, dismounting and fighting once more. The riders of Rohan drove the orcs to the forest, Aragorn riding by and scooping you up so you rode on his horse. You both watched the enemy forces retreat, watching them with wide eyes. “Aragorn… We did it… We won.” you said softly. “Indeed we did my love…” He said, equally surprised by the outcome. “Victory! We have victory!” Théoden yelled out.

You rode back to Helm’s Deep, hugging Éowyn as you arrived. “Final Count, forty-two.” Legolas said with a smirk. “Forty-two? That’s not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting pretty on forty-three.” Gimli said. Legolas shot a orc that Gimli was sitting on. “Forty-Three.” Legolas said with a satisfied look. “He was already dead.” Gimli huffed. “He was twitching.” Legolas shrugged. “He was twitching because he’s got my ax embedded in his nervous system!” Gimli grunted. “Uhm, if I may.” you raised your hand, Éowyn smirking. “Fifty-six.” You said, both men looking at you surprised as you entered the hall with your friend.

You watched people around you celebrate but you slipped off, walking up the steps and standing on the remnants of the wall. You sighed, thinking of Haldir. An arm wrapped around you, pulling you close. “Haldir would’ve liked this.” You muttered. Aragorn said nothing, pressing a kiss to your head and looking out at the sunlight over the hills.

Hope had come again, Aragorn reaching a silent decision he never thought he’d make.

He was going to make his claim for the throne of Gondor.

Destiny Calling Chapter Ten

You weren’t thrilled that you had to do more riding. Especially after your wonderful experience with the first horse you had to ride. To conserve space however, you and Aragorn shared a horse, your hands around his torso. He held one hand over yours keeping his other around the reigns. “It’s true, you don’t see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance that they’re often mistaken for Dwarf men.” Gimli told Éowyn. She looked back, smiling at you and you chuckled. “It’s the beards.” You whispered, making an invisible beard with your hand. Éowyn resisted a snort and Aragorn smiled, hushing both of you so you wouldn’t be heard by the dwarf. “This, in turn, has given rise to the belief…” You rolled your eyes. “…that there are no Dwarf women…” You looked at Aragorn, resting your head on his shoulder. “Enjoying yourself?” He asked. “I’m certainly enjoying the view.” you said, making him chuckle. He kissed you, smiling against your lips.

“I’m hopping off.” you said. He nodded as you dismounted, walking with Éowyn as Gimli spoke. “and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground…” Gimli finished. You smiled, Éowyn laughing with Gimli as they discussed dwarven culture. Gimli’s horse neighed, sending him back as a few refugees looked over. “It’s all right. Nobody panic.” He said, you helping him up. “That was deliberate. It was deliberate.” He said, you shaking your head at Aragorn making him smile.

“I haven’t seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs.” Théoden said, looking at her as she laughed at something you said. Aragorn said nothing, seeming sad to the fact. “She watched her mother succumb to grief. Then she was left alone, to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father.” Théoden added. You brushed Gimli off, him huffing but accepting this action. “Y/n has a way of being able to make people smile in dark times.” Aragorn said. “How long have you loved her?” Théoden asked. “forty years.” he admitted, watching you make Éowyn laugh again as you explained a story to her about your travels with Aragorn. “Forty years and not married? You’d have to be insane.” Théoden chuckled. Aragorn chuckled. “Her father is the only thing standing in the way.” He said. “Ah.” Théoden nodded.

Time passed, Éowyn walking around with a pot. “Lady Y/n?” She asked. You shook your head. “I’m fine, thank you though.” You said. “I made some stew. It isn’t much, but it’s hot.” She said to Aragorn. She scooped out a bowl, handing it to Aragorn who took it. He ate some of it, his expression freezing so he wouldn’t grimace at its terrible flavor. “It’s good.” He muttered. Éowyn looked away, Aragorn dumping the bowl out once she was looking away. “I saw that.” You teased. He put a finger to his lips and you chuckled. “My uncle told me a strange thing.” Éowyn said, walking with you two, oblivious to Aragorn’s removal of the stew. “He said that you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken.” She said. “King Théoden has a good memory. He was only a small child at the time.” Aragorn admitted. “Then you must be at least sixty. Seventy? But you cannot be eighty!” Éowyn gaped. “Eighty-seven” Aragorn admitted. “You are one of the Dúnedain. A descendant of Númenor, blessed with long life. It was said that your race had passed into legend.” She said, looking at him with surprise. “There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago.” He said. “If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you lady Y/n?” Éowyn asked curiously. You pondered. “Legolas!” You called. The elf looked up. “Yes?” He asked. “I cannot recall my exact age, help me out here.” You said. He rolled his eyes. “2,124.” He said. “There. It’s that.” You shrugged. “Elves truly are blessed with immortal lives.” She gaped.

You walked with Éowyn, smiling at her. “May I ask another question?” She asked. “Curious woman you are.” you chuckled. “Sorry.” She said. “There’s nothing wrong about wanting to learn Éowyn. Please, ask away.” you said. She smiled. “Were you the one that gave Aragorn the jewel around his neck?” She asked. “I was. It’s my family’s symbol.” you admitted. “To give a family symbol away like that, surely you know what that represents.” She said, surprised. “I do.” you said with a smile. Aragorn looked at you puzzled. “Aragorn does not though.” you said, chuckling. “Are you going to give context?” He asked. “hmm. I think I’m letting you figure this one out.” you said, walking ahead with Éowyn.

Háma rode past you, Théoden looking up. “What is it? Háma?” Gamling asked. “I’m not sure.” Háma said. You halted, listening to nature before drawing your blades. Aragorn jumped down, drawing his blade. “What’s wrong?” He asked. You gulped, clearly nervous after your last experience. “Wargs.” you said. “Wargs!” Legolas shouted, you and Aragorn alerting the refugees. You and him charged into battle, Legolas shot an orc off of a warg, attacking the warg itself with his blade.

You mounted the horse, Aragorn sitting behind you. “All riders to the head of the column.” Theoden yelled. Gimli struggled, eventually requiring assistance. “Come on. Get me up here. I’m a rider. Come on.” He huffed. Théoden turned to Éowyn. “You must lead the people to Helm’s Deep, and make haste.” Théoden said. “I can fight.” She said as you rode past. “No! You must do this, for me.” Théoden said, leaving Éowyn with the people. “Follow me!” The king yelled, you riding closely behind him. “Make for the lower ground!” Éowyn shouted to the refugees.

You rode into battle, both swords drawn as you jumped off of the horse, fighting orcs off of Legolas. Legolas shot a few behind you, Aragorn fighting the rest. A rider threw his spear, hitting another orc. You and Aragorn kept close to one another, fighting off orcs. Gimli let a warg charge at him, prepared to take it with his axe but Legolas shot it. “That one counts as mine!” Gimli shouted. Another soldier shot a warg down before another warg ran over him. Gimli nearly died until Aragorn slammed a spear into the creature, allowing Gimli to see another day. This may have been Aragorn’s mistake, leaving you temporarily to protect Gimli. You slammed your sword into a warg before being tackled by another, your arm guard got caught forcing you to be dragged. “SHIT!” you gasped before stabbing the orc riding on the Warg, your sword shattered, your hilt hitting the ground as you were being dragged. You made attempts to get loose but failed before the Warg fell over the cliff. Your body collided with the water, feeling as if you were being slammed against stone. You were knocked out, letting out a breath.

Gimli yelled, killing another warg before they finally ran off due to the soldiers scaring them off. Aragorn sheathed his sword and looked beside him, noticing your absence. “Y/n!?” He called. He expected you to run over but anxiety filled him when he was met with silence. “Y/n!” Aragorn called, louder now as he did. Legolas called for you too. The orc you knocked off the warg let out a laugh. Aragorn ran over, looking at the devilish creature. “Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing.” Aragorn said, a knife pointed at its throat. “She’s…dead. She took a little tumble off the cliff.” The orc laughed. Legolas grabbed the orc, glaring at it. “You lie.” he exclaimed. The orc laughed before letting out its final breath. Legolas tossed him to the ground, Aragorn noticing a green glint in the grass. He picked up what was shining, his heart dropping.

It was his ring. He looked over at the bottom of the cliff, seeing rushing waters. His heart was shattered, he was wondering if it were possible for him to just die of a broken heart right then and there. “Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead.” Théoden said to the men. “Come.” Theoden said, Aragorn putting his ring in his pocket. Legolas and Gimli walked, their faces sad as they walked

“At last!” A woman gasped at the sight of Helm’s Deep. “Helm’s Deep.” Another person said. “There it is, Helm’s Deep.” A small boy said. Éowyn stopped, looking at the large structure. “We’re safe!” a refugee said. “We’re safe, my lady. Thank you.” A woman said to Éowyn. She helped an elderly woman move on, the two children who came to the hall in Rohan riding past her. “Mamma!” The little girl said, running to a woman. “Freda!” She gasped. Éowyn looked at the food the people had and frowned. “Where is the rest?” She asked. “This is all we could save, my lady.” A man answered. “Take it to the caves.” She sighed. “Make way for the king. Make way for Théoden. Make way for the king.” Gamling shouted. Éowyn ran over, noticing a decrease in the soldiers’ numbers. “So few. So few of you have returned.” She said, surveying the crowd. She was looking for you, seeing as she should’ve easily been able to spot the one lone female in this group. “Our people are safe. We have paid for it with many lives.” Théoden answered. Gimli walked over to Éowyn, his face sad. “My lady.” He greeted, his voice low as he did. “Lady Y/n…where is she?” She asked. “She fell.” Gimli muttered, Aragorn looking like he himself had been shot despite not having any visible wounds.

Éowyn walked over to Aragorn looking in his eyes. “I am so sorry.” She said. She hugged him, Aragorn didn’t move. The man even appeared to be a wreck. He sighed after Éowyn let go, leaving with Legolas. He clutched your necklace, holding it in his fingers as Legolas turned around. “Take a few moments to grieve Aragorn. We have time.” Legolas said. Aragorn looked at him, tears falling. He didn’t realize he was even crying until he saw the tears fall onto his hands. Legolas hugged his friend as he sobbed. “I shouldn’t have turned around- I should’ve-” he couldn’t finish his sentence, Legolas holding his friend.

You had washed up on shore, your body unmoving. Well, at least it wasn’t moving before a horse licked your face. Your shoulder was injured, as was your leg. You groggily opened your eyes, pulling yourself up by grasping the horse’s reins. You threw yourself onto the horse, trying to voice your destination. “Hel… Helm’s Deep.” You whispered. The horse actually seem to register your words, riding off in the direction of Helm’s Deep. Your tiredness slowly wore off. You assumed the exhaustion came from the blunt force of you hitting the water, seeing as it wore off as more time passed. You slowly encouraged the horse to move faster now that you were lucid enough to actually ride back to the group at Helm’s Deep. You stopped on a hill, seeing forces march through. “Those are orcs…” You muttered before seeing how many there were. You gripped the reins, going as fast as you could.

Legolas looked up surprised as Aragorn sharpened his blade in the main hall. “Aragorn.” Legolas called. Aragorn looked up as the doors to the keep were shoved open. You were soaked, your face determined. Aragorn sprinted to you. You stumbled, him holding your arms to keep you in place “The orcs- they’ll be here by nightfall… We’re not going to make it with just these men Aragorn, we’re going to die.” you said as Théoden walked passed. “They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman’s hordes will pillage and burn. We’ve seen it before. Crops can be resewn, homes rebuilt. Within these walls we will outlast them.” He said. “They do not come to destroy Rohan’s crops or villages. They come to destroy its people, down to the last child.” You said. Théoden turned to you in anger, Aragorn standing between you two. He let out angry breaths. “What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance.” Théoden asked. “Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid.” Aragorn said. “And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead.” Théoden asked. “My father would answer my call if I asked!” You said. “And just who is your father!?” He asked. “ELROND.” you snapped. Théoden paused. “I can call for aid and I know that Gondor would answer.” you suggested. “Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?! Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon–? No, my Lady Y/n, we are alone.” Théoden said with a shake of his head. “Gondor will answer.” Aragorn agreed. Théoden walked towards the gate, ignoring you two. “Get the women and children into the caves.” He said. “We need more time to lay provisions for—” “There is no time. War is upon us.” Théoden said, you sighing.

“He’s past reason.” You muttered. “Contact your father, contact someone.” Aragorn said. “You want me to go behind his back?” You asked. He shrugged. “Alright. I will do what I can.” you nodded before turning to leave. Aragorn grabbed your hand, kissing you passionately. “Welcome back.” He said before putting his ring back around your neck and running off to Legolas.

“Move back! Move to the caves!” A soldier yelled to the people. A line was formed, going down into the caves. “Come on, people! Quickly, now!” The soldier urged. “We’ll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate.” You said. “Y/n, you must rest. You’re no use to us half alive.” Aragorn said. “My Lady Y/n!” a voice called. You turned to see Éowyn. “I’m to be sent with the women into the caves.” Éowyn told you. You frowned. “Théoden really doesn’t wish to have you fight.” You muttered. “Still, that is an honorable charge.” Aragorn said. “To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that?” Éowyn asked. “My lady, we cannot ask you to join us on the battlefield it is not our place.” You said softly. “Let me stand at your side.” She begged. “It is not in my power to command it.” You said. “Surely you know how this feels Y/n…” She sighed. “Believe me I do. But I also know when my people need me.” you said before leaving.

Aragorn sighed. “Y/n means well.” He said. “I know… She is right.” Éowyn said. “However… If a woman just… Happened upon the battlefield later… That would be very odd.” He muttered, walking away. Éowyn smiled sadly to herself before turning to her people.

“Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers.” Aragorn said looking to the soldiers as you put on your adjusted your vambraces. “Most have seen too many winters.” Gimli said. “Or too few. Look at them. They’re frightened. You can see it in their eyes.” Legolas said. Men turned around to all of you. “Boe a hyn neled herain dan caer menig. (And they should be three hundred against ten thousand!)” Legolas said. “Si, beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras. (They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras…)” Aragorn replied. “Aragorn, nedin dagor hen ú-‘erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer! (They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!).” Legolas said. “Then I shall die as one of them.” You said simply, brushing past the group. Aragorn followed, Legolas trying to leave with you. “Let them go, lad. Let them be.” Gimli sighed.

“Y/n, did you get a response?” He asked. “I’ve communed with nature.” You said, putting on a breastplate. “And received no answer.” you added, looking at him. He frowned. “Y/n…” He sighed, pulling you into a hug. “I know this sounds so childish but… I’m so scared.” You admitted. “I am too.” Aragorn muttered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Whatever happens tonight Aragorn… Know that I love you.” You said, looking into his eyes. “I love you too Y/n.” He muttered.

Théoden stood in silence, deep in thought. “Every villager able to wield a sword has been sent to the Armory.” Gamling said. “My lord?” He asked after receiving no response. “Who am I, Gamling?” Théoden asked. “You are our king, sire.” Gamling answered. “And do you trust your king?” Théoden asked. “Your men, my lord, will follow you to whatever end.” Gamling answered. “To whatever end.” Théoden repeated. Gamling put Théoden’s armor on him, trying to ignore the lowered morale. He wasn’t stupid by any means. He knew his life would most likely end tonight.

You could feel the forces approaching, you praying silently that someone would answer your call. “Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?” Théoden asked. You sharpened your blade. “They have passed like rain on the mountains.” You helped a boy with his armor, feeling absolute dread and sadness that someone so young had to fight like this. "Like wind in the meadow.“ A boy grabbed an axe, Aragorn frowning as he did. Why was Théoden so adamant about not asking for assistance? Gondor could havehelped.Someonecould’ve helped. "The days have gone down in the West” You walked through, seeing the soldiers with fear in their eyes. “behind the hills, into shadow.” Aragorn stood next to you. “How did it come to this?” Théoden asked himself.

Aragorn noticed a child, looking scared as men shouted near him. “Give me your sword.” He said. The boy handed him his sword, Aragorn taking it and examining it. “What is your name?” Aragorn asked. “Haleth, son of Háma, my lord. The men are saying we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless.” He replied. “This is a good sword.” Aragorn said, handing his sword back to him. “Haleth, son of Háma…” Aragorn began. He kneeled, putting his hand on Haleth’s shoulder. “…there is always hope.” Aragorn said.

You put on the rest of your armor in silence. You reached for your sword, realizing you lacked a second sword, your original one shattered after you took out a warg. Legolas handed you a new sword. You looked over. “I have trusted you since you were brought to Mirkwood. You have never led me astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.” Legolas said. You smiled. “Ú-moe edaved, Legolas. (There is nothing to forgive, Legolas.)” You said. You put a hand on his shoulder. “Aiqua happens síra. Sinte i tye were tare than faila mime otorno -esse arms. Tye are mime otorno till i tyelde mime nur.(Whatever happens today… Know that you were more than just my brother in arms. You are my brother till the end my friend.)” You said softly. Legolas hugged you and you smiled.

Gimli walked in with chainmail. “We had time, I’d get this adjusted.” He sighed. He let go of his armor, it dropping to the floor making you snort. Aragorn walked in, looking at him before laughing silently. “It’s a little tight across the chest.” Gimli said. You looked down trying not to laugh before you looked up abruptly. “There’s no way.” you gasped. “What?” Aragorn asked.

A horn sounded off, you rushing out and Aragorn following. “That is no Orc horn.” Legolas muttered. “Send for the king. Open the gate!” A soldier yelled. “Open up the gate!” Another soldier yelled. Elves marched forward, you letting out a relieved laugh. “They came.” You whispered under your breath. Aragorn gaped as Theoden walked out. “How is this possible?” He asked. “I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.” Haldir said.

You ran out, hugging the elf. He hesitated but hugged you back. “Ni knew tye’d túl ter-.( I knew you’d come through.)” You said. Aragorn stepped out from the crowd, smiling at the sight of the familiar elf. “Mae govannen, Haldir. (Well met, Haldir.)” Aragorn said before hugging him too. He chuckled before Aragorn pulled away. “You are most welcome.” Aragorn said. Legolas chose a less affectionate welcome, nodding to Haldir as a thank you. “We are proud to fight alongside Men once more.” Haldir said. You smiled at your friend. “We go by your command My lady.” Haldir said. “Me?” You asked, surprised. “Your father instructed to do specifically as you said. By no one else. But by you.” Haldir said. You nodded, looking at Aragorn before shrugging.

You all eventually stood on the wall, waiting for the forces. Aragorn took his place next to you, you standing with your swords drawn. “Are you ready for what’s to come?” Aragorn asked. You took in a deep breath. “No. But at least I’ve got you.” You said. He smiled, looking out at the oncoming orcs. “any last pieces of advice?” A man asked you. “Yes. Charge with determination and fight with purpose so that your children may see the light of the next morning.” You said. Aragorn blinked. “That was good advice.” Aragorn said with a small smile. “What can I say?” You sighed.

“You have taught me well.”

Lady of the Lake pt 2

You stood on the wall, rain hitting your face as you looked at the army before you. You knew these men must’ve been scared out of their wits. You felt terror in your body along with them.

There are many theories as to why men scream when entering battle. Fear. To drive themselves. You stayed silent. Men were inspired by a speech given by Aragorn, as were you. They yelled and you just stayed silent, nodding in approval. Aragorn was next to you now, watching the lands. You could feel your tattoos practically burning. Should you use this ability? Should you risk death? Should you call for her?

You remembered the witch’s warnings, you remembered what it was like meeting her once. Were you prepared to face that feeling again? Were you prepared for what may come?

As the orcs stood before you, you drew your blades, men following after. You weren’t even listening to any orders being given. You were focused on the armies. You were ready for this. Now all you needed was that one word to be screamed. That one order so that you could charge. No one was moving, the silence being so loud. A man though, accidentally shot down an orc. You couldn’t blame him. A person can only hold an arrow drawn for so long in the rain. Men tensed up and the orcs remained quiet. But finally an order was given.

“ATTACK!” was shouted, men charging and the sounds of sword fighting started. You blocked a few arrows, looking for Théoden. You found him fighting with ease, feeling a sense of safety as Haldir fought next to you. Aragorn also kept by your side, refusing to leave you outright. He felt as though he had lost enough, losing you was not going to happen on his watch.

Your blade struck down a orc behind Aragorn, you looking at him to silently ask his status. He nodded to you to say he was fine before you ran to the wall. You kept having this feeling. Someone was watching you. You spun around, the rain still coming down hard before you saw a shape in the night sky. It was a raven. You swallowed hard. She was watching. She knew something was going to happen. You ran across the wall, warning Théoden of the witch’s arrival. He frowned, Gamling leading him into the keep for safety as you cut down any orc that tried to follow. You looked around to see the raven near Haldir.

You frowned as you started cutting down any orcs near you. It seemed like the bastards were just multiplying. You were trying to clear a path so Théoden would be safe while also trying to get to the elven general. You struck down another orc as another readied to kill you. It brought down its sword before Aragorn blocked the attack, stabbing it and kicking it back. A strike of lightning lit up the night. You turned to see Haldir orcs.

The battle raged on as you saw another blast of lightning and Haldir right before he was struck down. “NO!” You yelled, sprinting to him. Sound stopped. Everything felt frozen as his sword clattered to the ground. Aragorn yelled, running with you. You couldn’t let your people lose. Not like this. You drew your dagger, looking at your wrist. The tattoos of chains seemed to almost move as you stared at them. Théoden ran towards safety before seeing a raven in the sky. He frowned before seeing you. He knew exactly what this omen was.

“Y/N NO-” “EVERYONE, OFF THE WALLS! NOW!” Gamling yelled as he noticed your dagger in your hand. Aragorn turned around, seeing you slide your blade across your wrist. A loud boom emitted from the skies, a force knocking everyone else over.

Aragorn slowly lifted his head seeing you standing. But there was a stranger sight. The rain had frozen in midair. It was like it had just stopped. Orcs were down, slowly rising. They were equally confused looking around them. “Atigat’s ij witch katu! (There’s a witch here!)” One of them shouted.

You were the lone woman, standing on the wall. Aragorn rose, using his blade as a source of leverage. “Y/N!” he called. He stumbled forward but a force seemed to block him. He blinked. “What magic curses this land!?” Gimli asked. “This isn’t the land!” Legolas breathed. “Then what is-” You faced the battlefield. “…. It’s her.” Aragorn breathed. You steadied your breathing. “Lar- mime óma, ni am Y/n l/n, save mime nórë. Lar- mime summons (Hear my voice, I am Y/n L/n, save my people. Hear my summons).” You said, voice echoing.

Your voice wasn’t raised. It was very low, but somehow it was traveling for miles. “What is she calling on!?” Legolas asked. “I don’t-” a loud roar cut everyone off, a dark shadow flying overhead before landing in front of Helm’s Deep. You locked eyes with a large bird before it took the form of a woman. Her hair was dark as the night that surrounded you, she wore red that resembled the blood on the ground. But her eyes, were a piercing yellow. Despite the strange characteristics, she was beautiful. But it didn’t take a orc or a man to know who stood before everyone.

She looked at you, eyebrow raised. “You call on me, yet you know the risks. Is this what you wish to do?” She asked. You looked at Théoden and then to Aragorn. Your heart pounded in your chest as you nodded. “My life for these men.” You said. She nodded. “Very well.” She said, holding out her hand. She summoned a staff made of a dark wood, raven’s feathers hanging off of it.

She spoke a language not even recognize by the elves but one you clearly knew as you spoke with her. A pulsating light formed in your chest. Your eyes seemed to glow as you both gripped the staff, speaking in the same ancient language. The rain water was moving to one spot, the orcs frozen in place. Morrigan watched you, saying nothing as you proceeded to use the rain almost like arrows.

Each of them fell, one by one. Morrigan finally slammed her staff into the ground, any wounds that the men had were healed, the orcs returning to the earth and leaving grasses behind. She looked to you as finally you let go. You saw the land, orcs gone, the battlefield still.

“Thank… you.” You whispered before collapsing. Aragorn rushed forward, kneeling by your side. Morrigan stayed standing, not even giving you a second glance. Aragorn put his ear to your chest, hearing nothing as Théoden ran over. “What have you done!?” He asked Morrigan. She sighed. “‘Twas the girl’s choice Théoden. Her life for your men.” She stated. Tears burned Aragorn’s eyes.

Morrigan looked up to the sky. Théoden sobbed holding you close. He lost his son already, now he had to lose his daughter? Aragorn felt as if he left so many things unsaid with you. He felt something for you, something more intense than friendship. Morrigan looked behind her and saw the men all kneel in respect. You had changed the lives of so many people. “This girl. What has she done for you all?” She asked a man. “She saved me wife before the plague could take her…” “she saved my brother from a attack.” “She always made sure my family wouldn’t starve.” “She loved my daughters and kept us safe.” Morrigan closed her eyes, trying to make a choice. She sighed before turning to you. Your flesh was cold, your heart unmoving. She looked back at the battlefield. “She will live another day.” She stated before tapping her staff to the ground and turning to a crow before flying away.

Aragorn looked at your body, still unmoving. His heart sank, him holding you close. Théoden bowed his head, tears falling from both of the men’s faces.

Then… you coughed.

Aragorn pulled back, you coughing a few more times. He looked at you as you slowly leaned forward. “Y-you’re alive!” Théoden breathed. “Indeed I am…” You muttered confused to your state. Aragorn looked at you up and down before kissing you. You sank into his arms, holding him close. “Don’t you ever leave me again.” He said. “No promises, I have shit do.” You teased, him rolling his eyes. You stood up, looking at your wrists. The chains were gone now, replaced with strange runes.

“She… released me…” You muttered. Théoden looked at you confused. “Who was that woman?” Gamling asked. “The Morrigan. One of the most powerful witches in middle earth.” You muttered. “You know the Morrigan!?” Legolas asked, clearly alarmed. “…I suppose I have some explaining to do. For all of you.” You said.

You all returned to the hall, Rohan’s people dancing and singing for their victory as you sat at a table with Aragorn, Éowyn and Théoden. You sighed, your eyes still looking at your runes. “The village… the first attack it was… it was my fault.” You explained. Théoden looked at you confused. “When I was a child I had a history of having these… magical outbursts. Things would break on their own, objects would move… but then came a day when I heard my mother speaking to my older brother. She said that she couldn’t take care of me anymore, my magic was becoming increasingly dangerous. So… I had a outburst and” you sighed, leaning back with sadness in your eyes. “I killed them. My selfishness costed most of the lives of my village and my friends. My mother remained and she just…” You shook your head. “You were a child Y/n…” Théoden said. “Murder is still murder. I killed them and that burden will stay with me for the rest of my life. ” You said. “How did the Morrigan cross paths with you?” Aragorn asked.

“She was my guide to Rivendell. The travel was long and tiring indeed. But she guided me. The woman was cold at first but it was something where she observed me. Even after I was with the elves. The second time I used my abilities I used them again for my own life. I was attacked by Orcs roaming the lands and I found that I had a aptitude for controlling water so…” “You used the lake.” Aragorn nodded. “Six men died because of me. It wasn’t the whole village but it was enough to provoke Morrigan. She bound my abilities and told me if I were to use them again, it’d be lethal.” You muttered. “How did those men die?” Éowyn asked. “Drowned… Caught in my crossfire but at the time I didn’t care.” You admitted. “Why did she let you live?” Théoden asked. “I-” “I believe I can answer that.” A voice said.

Morrigan sat down, her staff by her side. “Y/n you started your journey dangerous and selfish. You were lethal to those around you and because you were a child with little understanding to the world, you didn’t care. I bound you to me because someone needed to supervise you.” Morrigan said. “Wait so her powers were locked until you showed up?” Aragorn asked. “Yes.” Morrigan nodded. “…So why let me live back in Helm’s Deep?” You asked. She sighed. “You have proven yourself to have changed. You’re no longer that overly destructive child. You are someone who was willing to sacrifice her life for thousands. You chose your people over yourself.” She explained. “Why are you here?” Aragorn asked. “Well I’ve never been one to miss a celebration.” She said. “Really?” Éowyn asked. “No. Gondor may be in danger. I will be flying there tonight. Thought you all should know.” She said before getting up. She walked off, opening the doors to the hall before turning into a raven and flying off.

You sighed. “She still watches you.” Aragorn said. “I’m not sure as to why.” You muttered. You turned to Éowyn and Théoden. “If you wish me to leave after this information… I understand-” “You saved us Y/n. You made it a point to save our people… as far as I know orcs happened upon the village.” He said. You looked at Éowyn. “I still believe you to be a good person… have no fear Y/n our friendship has not and will not change my sister.” She stated.

You smiled. “Thank you. Now… I believe there is a party and people want to see how much their king can drink.” You encouraged. Both of them left the table and you played with your hands. “You deserve a break too you know.” You said to Aragorn. “I should be saying the same to you.” Aragorn said. You looked at him, and sighed. “We haven’t… discussed… Us.” You said. He rose a brow. “No we haven’t.” He agreed. “HA! I CAN GO FOR NINE MORE PINTS YOU LIGHTWEIGHT BASTARD!”

“Want to go outside?” You asked. “Please.” He nodded before leaving with you. You sat on the steps of the hall, the stars scattered across the night sky. “You’ve sacrificed a lot.” Aragorn said. “… I am scared… all the time… that I will become who I once was… and all of my work, all of my training.. everything will have been for nothing.” You said. Aragorn sat next to you. “That won’t happen.” He said. You looked over. “How do you know?” You asked. “When all of us told you not to make that sacrifice you still did the moment you knew your men would all die. You made that split decision in a moment of fear that prioritized your people over your own life.” He said. You looked at him. “You are very wise.” You chuckled. He smiled. “87 winters and you’ll learn somethings about the world.” He said. “But not enough to take over Gondor, right?” You asked. He looked over. “I saw your ring… and I’ve seen you in visions.” You explained. “…Visions of what?” He asked. You looked at him, almost seeing a vision as you made eye contact. For a split second you could see him with a crown in Gondor’s armor. “You being king…” You admitted. He looked away, silent to your mentions of this.

“Why haven’t you made a claim?” You asked. “I…I fear I am just as weak as Isildur. I cannot put my people through the same fate, not again.” He shuddered. You put your hand over his, him looking at you. “You are not Isildur Aragorn. The fact that you stepped away from power out of fear of doing the same thing as him, proves that. Isildur would’ve accepted his claim, no questions. But you stepped away out of fear for what’s best for your people.” You stated. He blinked, looking at you. “…Y/n…” He muttered. “Or I’m just a crazy witch, who knows at this point.” You shrugged. He chuckled, holding your hands. “Y/n, you’re something else, you know that?” He said. “Mm. Many say I’m deadly. Others go with crazy.” You answered making him smile.

This was a moment of peace. Finally. You could breathe, you weren’t in some dungeon, you weren’t in danger. You closed your eyes inhaling. “I’m glad I’m finally at peace… and I’m glad you’re with me Aragorn.” You said. He pressed a kiss to your knuckles. “I… Y/n when you died I realized I’ve left much unsaid with you. I don’t want to call it love because it could be unrequited but I feel strongly for you-” you kissed him. “I do love you Aragorn. Life is too short to not tell you that.” You told him. He let out a breath, presumably one of relief. You nearly kissed again but noticed something glow before a raven flew down, taking the form of a concerned Morrigan.

“Gondor calls for aid.”

Destiny Calling: Chapter Eight

You sat on a rock, watching over the hobbits. You had been guiding them now, walking through what Gimli accurately described as “A labyrinth of stone.”. There was one slight problem with your skills though. You were so unfocused it often led you to have to stop. The hobbits didn’t mind it, they were just happy to have a guide leading them in the right direction. “Gandalf!” Frodo gasped, leaning up. You looked over, Sam also leaning up. “Frodo, are you alright?” You asked, your voice gentle as you did. “Yes… It was… It was just a dream.” Frodo muttered. He laid back down, falling asleep soon after. You looked at Sam who was still sitting up.

“Sam? Can you not sleep?” You asked. He shook his head, getting up and sitting next to you. “What do the stones say?” He asked. “We’re taking the right path… I’m only worried of the dangers ahead.” You muttered. “Do you not know a safe way?” He asked. “There is no safe way to Mordor.” you admitted. He gulped and you sighed. “I did not intend to add to your anxieties, I apologize Sam.” you said. “Aragorn being so far away has affected you hasn’t it?” Sam asked. You nodded sadly. “Is it foolish to say I miss him?” you asked, handing Sam Lambas bread. He took it. “I miss someone at home too.” He said. “Who, pray tell, captures the mesmerizing gaze of Samwise Gamgee?” you asked with a smile. He chuckled.

“Her name is Rosie… Rosie Cotton.” Sam admitted. “You seem fond of Rosie.” you said. “I’ve not voiced my feelings… But when I get back, I will.” He said. “The journey has changed you, hmm?” you asked. “Yes. Very much so.” Sam admitted. “I wonder what it will be like when I return home.” you pondered. “Aragorn will probably marry you.” Sam said. You chuckled. “He’s asked me before.” you admitted. “You said no?” Sam asked. “I actually said yes, my father was the one who said no.” you admitted. “Does Lord Elrond not like Aragorn?” Sam asked. “No, he does. But my father’s relationship with him is very strained.” you explained. Sam nodded, looking at the mountains around you. You looked at Frodo who was sound asleep. “Do you think Frodo will be alright after all of this?” Sam asked. You knew the truth was probably no. You didn’t want to scare Sam so you simply replied with “I don’t know Sam. I don’t know.”

Sam eventually went back to sleep, you waking them up as the sun rose. The walking annoyed you to no end, you internally questioning yourself of how much of this you could take. Sam tied a rope to a rock, all of you climbing down into the mist. “Can you see the bottom?” Sam asked you. “No! Don’t look down, Sam! Just keep going.” You answered. A box fell from Sam’s bag. “Catch it. Grab it Mister Frodo!” He said. Frodo grabbed it, just as your feet touched the ground, Frodo falling. He landed in your arms. “Careful!” you gasped. “Mister Frodo!?” Sam called. “Good news Sam, we found the bottom.” you said making Frodo laugh. Sam climbed down to you and Frodo. “Bogs and rope and goodness knows what. It’s not natural. None of it.” Sam muttered, looking at his surroundings. “What’s in this?” Frodo asked, holding up the box. “Nothing. Just a bit of seasoning. I thought maybe if we was having a roast chicken one night or something.” Sam replied. “Roast chicken?!” You and Frodo asked in unison. “You never know.” Sam shrugged making you chuckle. “Sam, my dear Sam.” Frodo laughed. “It’s very special, that. It’s the best salt in all the Shire.” Sam said in a “matter of fact” tone. “It is special. It’s a little bit of home.” Frodo said with a smile.

You looked at Sam’s rope. “We can’t leave this here for someone to follow us down.” You said. “Who’s gonna follow us down here? It’s a shame really. Lady Galadriel gave me that. Real Elvish rope. Well there’s nothing for it. It’s one of my knots. Won’t come free in a hurry.” Sam sighed. He yanked on the rope, it loosening and hitting the ground. “Real Elvish rope.” Frodo snorted. You tried your best not to laugh but you couldn’t resist. After all of you recovered from the rope incident you walked ahead, Frodo and Sam on each of your sides.

“So, what is the Shire like?” You asked. Sam perked up. “Oh it’s much larger than most people think!” Sam said. “You’ve never been?” Frodo asked curiously. “No, me and Aragorn never saw reason to go.” You admitted. “Well, Sam is not wrong, it is really big compared to what most people believe it to be.” Frodo agreed. “But it’s beautiful! Flowers everywhere!” Sam said. “You say that because you’re the gardener.” Frodo chuckled. “And a darn good one too!” Sam said proudly. “Is it true you live out of holes?” You asked. “More like we live in the sides of hills.” Frodo corrected. “Can I ask you somethin’ Miss Y/n?” Sam asked. “Of course Sam.” You answered. “What is the other elven city like?” Sam asked. You sucked in a breath.

“Sorry-” “No Sam, it is quite alright.” You assured. “it is quite large and the other elves are very pleasant… Unless you’re not elven, in which case they tend to be quite hostile.” You stated. “My uncle said it was beautiful…” Frodo said. “Oh it is. It is almost like it is autumn all year round though and unless you’re gifted with the ability to speak with nature it is far to easy to get lost in the nearby woods.” You explained. “Yes, Bilbo mentioned that.” Sam nodded. “He’s been?” you asked. “Oh yes. Though according to him, he was imprisoned there.” Frodo said. “…And escaped? How pray, tell did he manage to do that?” you asked surprised. “Barrels.” Sam and Frodo said in unison. “Barrels?” You asked. “He smuggled himself and the dwarves in barrels.” Frodo said. “Dwarves- what in the world did your uncle do- Why was he out there to begin with?” You asked. “Uhhh… That’s complicated.” Frodo said. “eh?” You made a confused noise.

You all walked until nightfall, you looking at the stars. You wondered if Aragorn was safe, wherever he was. Your heart was practically aching, you missed him so much. You sighed, bringing your knees to your face as you sighed, poking the dirt with your fingers while the hobbits slept. The next morning finally came, you all walking through the sharp and dangerous rocks of Emyn Muil. You looked forward. “Mordor…” You muttered, seeing the dark lands. “The one place in Middle-Earth we don’t want to see any closer is the one place we’re trying to get to.” Sam said with a sigh. “Do you think Gandalf meant for us to take this way?” Sam asked. “He didn’t mean for a lot of things to happen, Sam. But they did.” Frodo muttered. “We cannot lose hope now you two. We must press on.” You said to them. Frodo seemed to lock onto something in Mordor, collapsing to the ground. “Frodo?” You asked, kneeling to him. “Mister Frodo? It’s the ring, isn’t it?” Sam asked. “It’s getting heavier.” He nodded. He clutched the ring, his breaths slowly relaxing. “What food have we got left?” Frodo asked. “Well, let me see.” Sam said, going through his bag. “Oh, yes. Lovely. Lembas bread. And look! More lembas bread.” He said, pulling out the bread wrapped in large leaves. He broke off a piece of it and threw it to him and threw another piece to you.

You bit into bread. “Say what you will about my grandmother but she has the best bread.” you said, earning laughs from the two hobbits. “I don’t usually hold with foreign food, but this Elvish stuff, it’s not bad.” Sam said. “Nothing ever dampens your spirits, does it, Sam?” Frodo asked, smiling. “Those rain clouds might.” Sam said with a sigh.

You all walked, following a very odd, yet specific path before you stopped. “What in the world is that smell?” Sam asked. You felt like you were being watched and you remembered one other time you felt like this. “Let’s… Keep walking.” you muttered. It wasn’t long that night came, Sam and Frodo both sleeping soundly. You sat on a rock, sharpening your blade.


You looked up, pretending to be oblivious to the creature climbing down the rocks as he spoke to himself. “They’re thieves. They’re thieves. The filthy little thieves. Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us. My Precious. Curse them, we hates them! It’s ours it is, and we wants it.” Gollum said, climbing down the rocks. Then he reached for Frodo and was met with a blade. “Lay a single finger on him and I will cut it off.” you hissed. Frodo shot up, Sam and him scooching back.

As cruel as it may have seemed, you put the elven rope to use, tying it around the creature’s neck due to Frodo’s insistence that you leave Gollum alive. You walked, Gollum yelling and crying. “It burns! It burns us! It freezes!” You sighed at this yelling. “Oh by the Valor do you ever SHUT UP!?” You snapped. Gollum stopped walking, Sam yanking on the rope and making Gollum fall. “Nasty Elves twisted it!” Gollum spat, looking at you. He turned to Frodo and Sam. “Take it off us!” Gollum begged. “Quiet you!” Sam hushed. Gollum let out another yell. “It’s hopeless! Every orc in Mordor’s gonna hear this racket. Let’s just tie him up and leave him.” Sam suggested. “I think Sam is correct, this is extremely annoying and my sanity is deteriorating very quickly.” You said. “No! That would kill us! Kill us!” Gollum wailed. “It’s no more than you deserve!” Sam snapped.

Gollum rolled around, squirming to get the rope off. “Maybe he does deserve to die. But now that I see him, I do pity him.” Frodo admitted. Gollum hushed at the sound of this, looking at Frodo on his knees. “We be nice to them, if they be nice to us. Take it off us! We swears to do what you wants. We swears!” Gollum pleaded. “There is no promise you can make that I can trust.” Frodo said. “We swears to serve the master of the Precious. We will swear on…on the Precious!” Gollum said before hacking out a noise similar to his name. “The ring is treacherous. It will hold you to your word.” Frodo said. “Yes on the Precious. On the Precious.” Gollum said, inching closer to Frodo. “I don’t believe you!” Sam yelled, forcing Gollum back. Gollum attempted to run away, Sam yanking back on the rope and pulling Gollum back. “Get down! I said, down!” Sam shouted at Gollum. You sighed. “Sam!” Frodo yelled. “He’s trying to trick us! If we let him go, he’ll throttle us in our sleep!” Sam said. Gollum coughed, grabbing at his throat.

You stumbled, Sam looking over his shoulder as you dropped.

Visions bombarded you, war being the subject of the vision. It was Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn, fighting a battle. A banner soon filled your mind, one of a horse… Then you suddenly returned to your normal state, Frodo standing next to you. “War.” you whispered. “What?” Frodo asked. “War is brewing in Rohan…” you muttered. Sam turned. “Do you wish to turn back-” “No… I-I promised you I’d help see this through.” you muttered. Frodo looked over at Gollum. “Maybe he can lead us through the Marshes. You made a comment saying it was dangerous.” Frodo recalled. “Frodo… I do not trust him.” you admitted. Still, Frodo was right, even if you were being guided by nature itself you didn’t have confidence in the marshes. “You know the way to Mordor?” Frodo asked. “Yes.” Gollum responded. “ You’ve been there before?” Frodo asked. “Yes.” Gollum repeated, this time more anxious. Frodo removed the rope and you sighed, closing your eyes. Sam shook his head with a frown. “You will lead us through the Marshes, and anywhere else we may need guidance.” Frodo said. Gollum nodded.

He was weirdly quick, rushing across the rocks as you all tried to keep up. He rushed off, taking a moment to talk to himself. “To the gate, to the gate! To the gate, the master says. Yes!” He muttered. Another version of himself seemed to take over. “No! We won’t go back Not there. Not to him. They can’t make us.” He said, hacking out his name again. “But we swore to serve the master of the precious.” He said, feeling guilty. “No! Ashes and dust and thirst there is and pits, pits, pits. And Orcses, thousands of Orcses. And always the Great Eye watching. Watching.” He said. He turned to the group that was distant before screaming and running off. You all followed, running after him. “Hey! Come back now! Come back! There! What did I tell you? He’s run off, the old villain. So much for his promises.” Sam sighed. Gollum popped up behind a stone making you gasp in surprise. "This way. Follow me!“ Gollum said. You and Sam exchanged a look, sighing before following the creature.

You ended up taking a break. "Why we stop?” Gollum asked, looking at you who was sitting upright against a rock with your eyes closed. “Y/n watches over us at night, she needs rest.” Sam sighed. Your face was so peaceful when you rested. If only Aragorn was here, you’d probably be sleeping better. Your heart missed him terribly, every time you closed your eyes you could see him. “I think she misses him.” Sam muttered looking at your sitting figure. “Elfie misses someone?” Gollum asked. “A friend…” Sam sighed. “She misses friend?” Gollum asked. “Yes.” Frodo muttered. Frodo too, thought of Aragorn. He always felt some sort of levity when looking at you and Aragorn together. You two were the sliver of light in a very dark time. Truth be told, you didn’t need rest. You wanted to see if there was another vision. Another hopeful message or outcome. Instead you were met with darkness and silence.

It took about thirty minutes before you sat up. Sam looked over. “Let’s go.” you muttered, clearly deep in thought. You followed Gollum through the mountains before finally seeing the Marshlands. “See! See! We’ve led you out. Hurry, Hobbitses, hurry! Very lucky we find you.” Gollum said. Sam passed him. "Nice hobbit.“ Gollum said to Sam. Sam walked alongside you, accidently slipping his foot into the water. "Ooh! It’s a bog. He’s led us into a swamp!” Sam gasped. “Swamp. Yes, yes. Come master, we will take you on safe paths through the mist. Come hobbits come. Real quickly. I found it, I did. The way through the marshes. Orcs don’t use it, orcs don’t know it. They go round for miles and miles, come quickly, swift and quick as shadows we must be.” Gollum said.

You walked for a while in silence, trying to listen to nature to be met with silence. This unsettled you to no end. Nature was always talkative. Never this silent. “I hate this place, it’s too quiet. There‘s been no sight nor sound of a bird for two days.” Sam muttered. “No, no birdses to eat, no crunchable birdses. We are famished, yes! Famished we are, precious!” Gollum said before picking a worm up out out of the ground. He ate it making you gag. “Here.” Frodo said, tossing him a piece of Lambas bread. He took it confused. "What does it eats? Is it tasty?“ He asked. He at it before choking and spitting it out, making you all jump. "It tries to chokes us! We can’t eats Hobbit food! We must starve!” Gollum wailed. “Well, starve, then. And good riddance!” Sam huffed. You had put it together earlier why Frodo was so lenient to Gollum. He was terrified the ring was going to turn him into Gollum.

“Oh, cruel hobbit! It does not care if we be hungry. Does not care if we should die!” He cried as you went through your bag. You pulled out a jerky like food. You knew Aragorn had a tendency of leaving somethings in your bag and this was definitely his. “Not like Master. Master cares. Master knows. Yes, precious. Once it takes hold of us, it never lets go.” Gollum said. He reached for the ring but you stopped him, handing him the food. “It’s meat. Not something any of us eat, maybe you’ll like it.” You said. He looked at it, taking a small piece and eating it. He seemed to actually like it and you handed him the rest. “Elfies gives us good food. We thinks the elfies is good.” He said. You sighed and stood up, pulling your backpack back onto you.

You all made your way through the swamp, Sam looking into the waters around you. “There are dead things, dead faces in the water.” Sam said. You looked in the waters too, seeing the armor. “Elves… There are… Elves out here.” you breathed. “All dead. All rotten. Elves and men and orcses. A great battle long ago. The dead marshes. Yes, yes that is their name. This way. Don’t follow the lights.” Gollum warned. Sam slipped, nearly falling into a hole before you gripped his cloak, pulling him up. “Thank you.” He breathed. “Careful now, or hobbits go down to join the dead ones and light little candles of their own.” Gollum said, unsettling you. Frodo wandered off, looking into the waters. He saw an elven corpse. He leaned forward, falling into the water. You gasped, sprinting over and yanking him out of the water. Gollum stood next to you. “Gollum?” Frodo asked. “Don’t follow the lights.” Gollum repeated, this time more sternly. “Gollum.” Frodo called. “Mister Frodo, are you all right?” Sam asked. He nodded slowly.

Night soon came, you sitting against a rock with your eyes closed. You didn’t actually fall asleep, despite feeling strangely tired you were very alert with Gollum near. “So bright. So beautiful. Our Precious.” Gollum said, making you open one eye. Frodo leaned up. “What did you say?” Frodo asked. “Master should be resting. Master needs to keep up his strength.” Gollum muttered. “Who are you?” Frodo asked him. “Mustn’t ask us, not it’s business.” Gollum said before hacking again. “Gandalf told me you were one of the river folk.” Frodo said. “Cold be heart and hand and bone, cold be travelers far from home.” Gollum sang in what you assumed to be an attempt to block Frodo out. “He said your life was a sad story.” Frodo said. “They do not see what lies ahead, when sun has failed and moon is dead.” Gollum sang. “You were not so very different from a hobbit once. Were you? Sméagol.” Frodo asked, earning silence from Gollum. “What did you call me?” Gollum asked. “That was your name once, wasn’t it? A long time ago.” Frodo asked. “My name? My name? Ss… Ss… Sméagol.” He asked, genuinely not recalling his own name.

The smell of blood filled your nose and you felt the dread. You leaned up, opening your eyes. “What’s wrong?” Sam asked, groggily before the loud scream from a Nazgûl. “Black Riders.” You muttered. “Hide! Hide!” Gollum yelled. Frodo let out a yelp, grasping where he was struck with the Nazgûl blade.

You hid under a bush with Sam and Gollum. You motioned for Frodo to run. “Come on Frodo, come on!” Sam called. “Hurry, they will see us, they will see us.” Gollum said panicked. “I thought they were dead.” Sam said to you as Frodo laid next to you. “You cannot kill a ringwraith.” You whispered. You watched the wraith fly overhead, your heart pounding. “Ah! Wraiths, wraiths on wings!” Gollum yelped. You noticed Frodo reach for the ring. “They are calling for it, they are calling for the Precious.” Gollum said. You stopped Frodo from putting the ring on. “We’re still here Frodo… it’s alright.” You whispered. the Nazgul flew away. “Hurry hobbits, the Black Gate is very close.” Gollum said after you all climbed out from under the bush.

You all walked, following Gollum before you fell again, this time being sent into a shock. You were practically blinded, a white light filling your eyes. You heard a voice, barely audible at first. Distant. Very distant. “Y/n” It called. You knew the person’s voice you just couldn’t remember. “Y/n.” The voice repeated. “Rohan is in danger. This is the start of many wars, people need you. Turn back now.” it said. “I can’t.” You whispered. “You can. Reach the river on your own. A boat is waiting. If you run without stopping you can make it before the orcs do.” The voice said. Then you realized who it was.

“Gandalf, how are you speaking to me?” you asked. “I am not yet dead my girl.” He said, his face coming to light. You breathed. “You want me to go to Rohan, why?” You asked. “Because the further into Mordor you go, the more corruption kills.” He said. “The corruption is killing you. Why do you think you feel exhaustion?” Gandalf asked. A good question. “Aragorn needs you. Rohan needs you. We need you.” Gandalf said before your vision returned to normal, Sam hanging over you.

“Are you alright? You just fell back! I was worried.” Sam said. “Gandalf is still alive.” You said. Frodo turned around. “What!?” He asked. “He’s alive… War is coming to Rohan and… Something bad is happening, I can feel it.” You breathed. You wondered if you should turn back. “Go.” Frodo said. You looked up. “What?” You asked. “If there is war in Rohan and Gandalf is alive, it’s most likely that Aragorn will be in the center of all of this. You deserve to be with him through all of this. Go.” Frodo said. “But-” “Y/n, he’s right. You should go, you’ve looked more exhausted here than anywhere else… This is destroying you. You don’t think we can tell but we can.” Sam admitted. You sighed. “Any messages you want me to send to them?” You asked. “Yes. Good luck.” Frodo said. You nodded. “Elfie remembers the way?” Gollum asked. “I do. Thank you.” you nodded to Gollum before tossing him the rest of the meat. He took it before you hugged both Sam and Frodo. “If you two weren’t so damn stubborn, I would’ve marched into Mordor with you.” you said. “We know.” Sam said before hugging you again. “Don’t let us down Frodo. Fight strong. Keep your hope.” you said softly. He nodded before you turned around, looking at the area you just came from.

“Alright.” You told yourself. “Here we go again.”

Requested: No, but ya gal was hella inspired.



A/N: Reader is HEAVILY based on Turin Turambar, that’s why you have an OP sword and a somewhat tragic past. There are some changes though, Beleg, who was sadly unintentionally killed by Turin, doesn’t exist here. A character based on Nienor doesn’t exist here, so you won’t get involved in incest, don’t worry. Sorry for the lack of originality. 

This is a female reader, I’m really sorry to any male readers out there, but I find that I relate to Turin personality wise, so I just inserted myself in this. Still, anyone can read this if you wish, gender and race is just specified.

This is a favorite of mine, so I hope you feel the same, or at least enjoy reading this. I’ve been having writer’s block for days now.


Everywhere you went, danger followed.

It was a complete surprise to you when after weeks being in the Fellowship, you still haven’t done any harm to them, intentional or not. If anyone knew who you truly were, then they have certainly heard of your deeds, both great and evil.

During the council, you were the third to join, assuring Frodo he has your sword. The sword you wielded served you well ever since you kept it in your possession. It was a unique sword, not like the others, not even Narsil, which was almost nothing more than an ordinary sword, or in the words of Boromir, a broken blade, if you come to think of it, could compete.

The sword of yours has done amazing and terrible things. It was a black sword that could cut through iron, glowed at the most random times, it really stood out whenever you unsheathed it. It also spoke when needed, which terrified you at first, but you dealt with it, luckily the sword only spoke to you whenever everyone else was asleep or you were alone.

You saw joining the Fellowship as a good chance to possibly redeem yourself and run away from the past. However, after arriving in Lothlorien, Galadriel looked into your eyes and forced you to relive all of your horrible deeds. You had realized you could not ignore your past, no matter how much you desperately wanted to, but you wanted to abandon it, to prove that you are no longer the unbearable impulsive person you once were.

Those memories were what kept you up at night. And if you were able to get some sleep, it was filled with nightmares that only repeated what happened during that fateful day.

One particular night, you refused to sleep, blankly staring down at the glowing black sword of yours. It was not always yours, it once belonged to your brother then it eventually came to you.

It was the same sword that claimed your brother’s life.

Your younger brother that you swore to protect with your own life. Ever since your home was overrun by orcs, your father was captured and killed. Your mother sent you far away from home, promising she would follow, but she never came, that was the last time you had seen her.

As the oldest, and with no one else around, you took it upon yourself to take care of yourselves, putting your brother first, always saving his life and even risking your life when necessary. You defended him from anyone who dared to cross him, to the point that your devotion cost someone’s life.

From a distance, Aragorn stood, keenly watching you. In your stoic expression, he noticed a faint hint of sorrow. Wanting to comfort you, he made his way to you.

“What troubles your mind?” Aragorn sat beside you, interrupting your thoughts, making you glance at him. “You are barely getting any sleep. Something is keeping you up.” He was trying to make sure he wasn’t pressuring you into telling him in case it was personal.

You shook your head at him. “It’s nothing.” But he saw right through you. The slight shaking of your hands that suddenly gripped tightly on your sword, it betrayed you. He correctly deduced that the sword had to do with it, but he wasn’t sure what about it could make you so upset.

“That sword of yours, it is more than just a black sword. It holds malice in it, does it not?” Aragorn asked. All his assumptions were correct. He could rarely be fooled, not even you, the most closed off person in the Fellowship, could hide secrets from him for long.

Maybe letting out all of your feelings and opening up to someone was actually what you needed to do all along. You couldn’t keep everything a secret anymore, you have been desperately wanting to tell someone, but you were afraid of the backlash you would get for everything you have done, that was the last thing you needed at the moment. 

“This sword does have malice in it. It was forged by a Dark Elf long ago. You may or may not believe me, but I am not lying by telling you, this sword speaks to me occasionally.” Much to your relief, you noticed Aragorn was listening word by word.

“This sword was not always black, nor was it always mine. It belonged to my brother once. It was passed down to me when he died.”

Aragorn saw the expression of yours drastically change as you spoke of your brother, and he thought he shouldn’t have brought it up, it was getting personal already. “There is no need to tell me if-”

But you interrupted him. “I know I don’t have to tell you, but I want to. I can’t keep this to myself, I have been shutting everyone out who has been asking me my own past or the history of this sword I now own. And you are the only one that is willing to listen.” Aragorn nodded as you sighed, preparing yourself to confess every evil deed you have brought upon either yourself or others.

“When I was 9 years old, my father had been captured by orcs and tortured to death. We knew instantly, because when we slept that night, all of us had seen what happened in our dreams. I suppose my mother figured out the orcs were making their way to our home, maybe to end our bloodline, as she sent me and my brother away. That was the last time I ever saw her. She told us she would follow us, but she never came.”

“Ever since, I swore to myself to protect my brother from absolutely any harm that could get in our way. He was younger than I am, he couldn’t take care of himself as well back then. It only grew when years passed, I was still as protective of him as I was the day I took on the responsibility to care for him.”

“Little things such as mockery were not tolerated by me. I had a temper then, which I eventually learned to control, but I used to have a difficult time handling it. One day, an elf had compared my brother and I, who were humans, to animals. I saw in the eyes of my brother how hurt he was, in a rage, I threw a glass right at the elf, and injured him. My brother and I left as quickly as we could before the elf could do anything else.”

“The next day, while I was alone in the woods, the elf had attempted to ambush me. But I was faster than he could ever wish to be, and I caught him. My anger from the previous day had not fully diminished, so I thought it would be a great idea to humiliate him by stripping him off of his clothes. I had threatened him, and in embarrassment, he fled, unaware of his senses, he ran all the way to the edge of the cliff, then fell to his death.”

“That was when I began to realize how much of a monster I really was. I ran far away, not letting anyone know where I went, so I was deemed missing by those who knew me. But I had gone to a place filled with orcs, and fell right into a trap. I was ambushed and badly wounded, and bound me to leave me to my death. I had fallen unconscious from my injuries.”

“My brother traveled far to look for me. He’s not ready to lose his sister, his only family left. It took a while, but he did eventually find me. He tried to untie with his own hands, but saw that the orcs tied the ropes too tight, so he used his sword to remove the bounds.”

“Unfortunately, the sword slipped off his hands and cut my flesh. I awoke in an instant, but my vision was poor at that moment, I felt a presence right by me. I thought it was orcs executing me, so in an instant, I grabbed something closest to me, the sword that cut me, then swung at whoever was right in front of me. I heard the figure fall to the floor, so I knew it was dead.”

“I rubbed my eyes after that, then my vision became clear. I looked at the ground trying to see the orc, but to my horror, it was not an orc at all. It was my brother, who was trying to save me, and I murdered him in response. I noticed the sword was feeling weird, so I looked at it only to see it gradually turning black, as its previous owner had just been slain by the sword. I remember crawling over to his body and holding him close to me, mumbling broken apologies, begging him to come back, but all of it was useless. He was dead, nothing could change that.”

“I buried him myself, in a more peaceful place somewhere. I was defenseless, my own sword had broken when I was ambushed by the orcs, so I took my brother’s sword for myself. It was too powerful to be left without an owner. Just owning it reminds me of what I had done, I don’t want to think about it because I carried a heavy guilt, it was my biggest regret, my worst mistake.”

Not bearing to look at the sword, you let go of the sword, allowing it to fall to the floor, making a loud noise that would’ve woke everyone up had they been in the place where you and Aragorn were. You broke down, not caring if anyone else was watching, you were grieving over the death of your brother, which you haven’t done in a long time. You were covering your face with your hand as tears ran down, then you looked down in shame.

Aragorn was stunned. He felt ridiculous because he related to you when it came to hiding from something, but the reasons were different. He was running away from his lineage, trying to ensure he would never have to rule Gondor as the king, something Elrond used to reprimand him for. His relation to Isildur made him very hesitant, he knew very well what his ancestor had done, failing to destroy the One Ring when he got the chance.

But you? You were going through something completely different. You were running away from your past. You were a different person then, you knew very well the Fellowship wouldn’t like you at all if you never tried to change into a better person. You had led someone to their death, and even committed kinslaying.

His own story was absolutely nothing compared to yours. He had never committed anything as terrible as you have, fearing his own bloodline seemed like a joke.

You felt a hand land softly on your shoulder. Slowly, you pulled your hand away and looked up at Aragorn. You were expecting to be judged by him, but instead, you saw his face was full of pity. Your jaw dropped, it was not the reaction you were expecting at all, however, you appreciated it as he was listening to everything and remained calm to the end.

“I do not think you are a monster,” said Aragorn, “you may have done horrible things, but you are genuinely trying to become a better person. That is more than enough, and your attempts are working, you are a different person than you once were, you have changed for the better. But your dark thoughts are what makes you think different.”

“I was horrible then, and I still have the potential to be during this journey,” you said looking away from Aragorn, “I made someone jump off a cliff, and worst of all, I am a kinslayer. I am not called a kinslayer by others for nothing.”

“You are not who you think you are.”

At those words, you turned to look at Aragorn again, who was beginning to speak again. “Your past does not define you. It is a fact that not everyone will take your confession as well as I did, nonetheless I am glad that you chose to open up about this, even if it is just to me only, it is a sign of trust. I will be with you if you need if you wish to tell someone else, and I will even stand up for you if any of our companions belittle you for your past mistakes.”

For the first time in Lothlorien, you smiled. Those words touched you, you were grateful to have Aragorn by your side, and you made sure you were going to do the same, to be there for him whenever he begins to feel insecure about his bloodline, his relation to Isildur, or when he doubts his leadership abilities for becoming a king.

“Thank you, Aragorn. I did not know it until now, but I needed those words of comfort. I thank you again for your compassion.”

In that moment, Aragorn began to realize that if your past does not define you, then his own bloodline definitely doesn’t define him as well. He also realized that he had overlooked the great achievements Isildur accomplished in his lifetime, even if he failed to destroy the One Ring, he was the one who cut Sauron’s fingers off which was enough for Sauron’s defeat in the Second Age.

Then eventually, the unthinkable happened. Aragorn was proud to have the same blood as his ancestor’s run through his veins. 

He was proud to be Isildur’s heir.


