#lotr arwen


“Mine is the choice of Luthien, and as she has chosen, both the sweet and the bitter.” - Arwen Undómiel

After watching LotR again the need to draw her was huge ♡

“Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die and there will be no comfort for you, no comfort to ease the pain of his passing.”

Arwen, my beloved ❤️

Please do not repost without my permission!

What a relationship is like with the Lord of the Rings women:


  • She is amazing in a relationship honestly
  • And will kick your ass if you try
  • She is very gentle though
  • Loves hugs, my god she gives the BEST hugs
  • She is very kind, listens to everything you say
  • She loves you, there is no question
  • …I wouldn’t let her cook though unless you like gross food.
  • She uh… she can’t cook man, it’s BAD.
  • She loves her people, honestly she’d make a badass queen.
  • She’s one of those types that charges with her men.


  • She’s very patient for one
  • Kind of have to be when you’re thousands of years old
  • But she’s beautifully kind, she makes kindness an art.
  • I have reason to believe she’s sarcastic but no one really knows
  • She let’s it slip in front of you though and it will be funny
  • She also can sing, my god the woman can sing
  • She often gets aggravated with her father for multiple reasons but she does love him
  • Elrond is… well he’s Elrond
  • She’s a bookworm, very much so.
  • She’s also very skilled with a blade, I like to believe it’s because each of Elrond’s children are trained in something because of Celebrían’s insistance.
  • She is a world class hugger. Hugs feel heavenly when she gives them.


  • This woman does not have time for bullshit.
  • Very stern.
  • But with every hard stare there’s a loving heart.
  • She is in fact a loving person, she just doesn’t show it outwardly
  • She will often tell you sweet things but the second it calls for professional attitude, she provides it.
  • Little tip: she’s not good with crying.
  • She sees people cry and she will basically pat their head and awkwardly stand there.
  • Big emotions are odd to her, she’s more calm than anything
  • However if you piss her off… RUN.
  • Actually just accept death, there is no running from her.