#art vs artist

Art vs Artist except it’s (mostly unfinished) art of Zer0 I did over the past year (I could have don

Art vs Artist except it’s (mostly unfinished) art of Zer0 I did over the past year 

(I could have done this normally but there’d be at least half Borderlands fanart and possibly 2-3 Zer0s and so I decided to just own my hyperfixation)

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What a shame, not enough wildly smiling dudes to fill all the squares with them

2021 art vs artist

Also, while I’m here, I go by Ro now!

 I don’t remember when this started (was it around 2015?), but I never bothered with it becaus

I don’t remember when this started (was it around 2015?), but I never bothered with it because I HATE taking selfies. Sorry if this seems weird, but it just isn’t my thing.

Every artist was participating back then, but I stayed the hell away from it just because I didn’t want to post a selfie. At one point, I told myself I’d do it if I could wear a blood-covered Ghostface mask, but never thought about doing it for real until a few weeks ago. Well, here it is; I’m years behind, but Art vs. Artist meme from me. Not sure if Kumamimi Ghostface counts as a selfie, but I don’t care (it’s at least accurate to the shit that I draw). 

At first, I planned to get the blood-dripping Ghostface mask, but I decided to stick with the traditional one since they looked grey and mucky on some of the product photos online. The theatrical blood would’ve left permanent stains everywhere, so… nope.

Art © Rigamorphosis (MariposaBullet)

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Hehehoho did two separate art vs. artists, one with traditional art and another with digital >:3

 Art vs Artist 2021It was a productive and unproductive year, all bundled in one <3 Here’s

Art vs Artist 2021

It was a productive and unproductive year, all bundled in one <3 Here’s to future progress.

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okay, okay, everyone was doing the thing so I did the thing

okay, okay, everyone was doing the thing so I did the thing

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Art vs Artist!

2021 has been a strange year full of long lockdowns, interstate moves, getting used to being back in my own country again and finally (??) playing all those games everyone told me to play when I was insisting on restarting RDR2 for the millionth time two years ago

It’s still early December so not quuuuite the end of the year, but I’m feeling pretty dang happy at getting to a new place with my art. For the last few years I’ve really struggled with where I am as an artist; there would be weeks when I wouldn’t draw because I was so afraid of my own pencil and what would come out of it. Would it be good? Would I be disappointed? I created anxiety out of absolutely nothing (which is pretty much textbook anxiety anyway lol), and got myself into such an awful cycle. Ask anybody that’s gone from their teen years, to the 20s and now into their 30s creating art: it becomes such an unmovable part of your personality that it’s sometimes painful separating “you” and the “art”.

On top of that, digital art - and more so “commercial” art - continues to still be such a sore point, both in the community and for me personally. Is client work still artwork? Am I making a mark using my tablet or just creating thin air? Will galleries still be interested if I’m not making surface-level personal introspection art, and instead exploring myself through other mediums? It’s something I’ve also really struggled with, and why they say that sometimes, making your passion your work can be more of a problem than not.

Anyway that’s a lot of serious paragraphs!! The point of it all is: I love drawing. I love bringing what’s in my head to life, whether that be through colours, or characters I’m drawn to, or helping other people bring their ideas to life too. And I think at 30, I’m still entitled to at least twenty more reinventions of myself and my art. Gotta keep things interesting right??

(Also for your viewing pleasure I’ve included a grid of just drawings of Benny from Fallout: New Vegas because god knows I fell head over heels for the mid-century atomic Aesthetic of these games and maybe it was one of the few things that got me through months of lockdown )

Hi there, that’s me vs my art!

It’s the end of 2021…

All of these are like, fairly recent but I’m v proud of them.

art vs artist????

art vs artist????

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Decided to join the bandwagon and make an Art vs Artist collage c:Also face reveal I guess? 

Decided to join the bandwagon and make an Art vs Artist collage c:

Also face reveal I guess? 

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Art vs artist 2021, featuring selections from my Book of Days project in the four corners, Aziraphal

Art vs artist 2021, featuring selections from my Book of Days project in the four corners, Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens at top and bottom, then Mariel of Redwall to the left and a family I drew for work on the right.

And my favorite selfie I took all year, perhaps one of my better selfies ever?? A rarity, to be sure.

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I know it may be a bit much but art really does lift me up out of my depression most days

Art vs artist

Art vs Artist is floating around Twitter again so I thought I’d share it here too

art vs artist 2021! i haven’t posted some of these pictures on tumblr yet so look forward to it(?)

art vs artist 2021! i haven’t posted some of these pictures on tumblr yet so look forward to it(?)

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My Art Vs Artist for 2021. I didn’t get as much personal art done this year as I’d hoped

My Art Vs Artist for 2021. I didn’t get as much personal art done this year as I’d hoped, but a lot of it was Haven Lost related and that makes me happy.

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