
New Drawing! Since I’m not at home right now to draw with my own materials, I used some stuff from m

New Drawing! Since I’m not at home right now to draw with my own materials, I used some stuff from my friends little sister ha. Hope you like it! Please read below and let me know what you think.
Today. The day that all those who are insecure about their relationships post on social media regarding how happy they are together while those who are single feel a frigid sense of shame and remorse all because of a corporate holiday that our consumer based society pushes to increase the sales of hallmark cards and chocolates.
Well I have some news for you… Social media is not real life for the majority of people as you cannot truly know what really happens behind the scenes and if you need a corporate holiday to express love for your significant other out of the other 364 days of the year you are fucked… truly.
Some people, who naively believe in true love stay single because we do not feel the need to chase people around and buy their love with material goods.
Relationships should never be about improving your image, financial gain or acquirement of power. Relationships should be about love, balance and respect.
I do not want to be part of anyone’s life but my own but you are more than welcome to be part of mine. Learn the difference.

Happy Valentine’s Day.
X Toni

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studio vlog 01: making stickers, packing orders + prepping for a shop update

and special bl00dy artworks I love the most as always

lol i leave the first version of redraw (ibrs and mato where ibrs without flame and both without showing hands) only on tumblr

Wonderland Ruby♡ I was having alot of fun with this one, I think Ruby is the cutest!

“Claireful Consideration” Pencil & Inks / Digital, 2019A piece I did for ABV Gallery“Claireful Consideration” Pencil & Inks / Digital, 2019A piece I did for ABV Gallery“Claireful Consideration” Pencil & Inks / Digital, 2019A piece I did for ABV Gallery

“Claireful Consideration” Pencil & Inks / Digital, 2019

A piece I did for ABV Gallery’s Drink & Doodle event last month. I almost forgot to post this here!

A revisitation of one of my characters, Claire, for the event. It’s always odd revisiting a character after some time away and seeing what changes have occured in that absence. I think I’ll have to populate my sketchbook a little more with her and Cam here in the coming months to keep up with their evolving forms. Form, while fluid, follows function, or so goes the saying.

Happy Ides of March

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