

Definitely a “me” drawing. You’ll have to indulge me.

I drew this one on my birthday, since my family and I went out to sushi dinner. Coincidentally, my mom, grandma and I had sushi lunch today after shopping! So, I guess today is a good day to upload this drawing.

Again, food is surprisingly fun to draw. My classmates liked how I did the colors of the sauce, making it translucent. The professor really liked the design of the top. I tried to draw the actual shirt I was wearing that night.

Tea time! Like all true fairy tale characters!

Since the ones with food are a hit with my class, I figured I’d draw some more! We’ve got cakes, cookies, and plenty of tea. I even made the room out of cake, Graham crackers and jam! I find that sweets are just really fun and easy to draw!

I get to draw Ruby and Hansel again! Gretel isn’t shown, but he and Hansel are co-conscious in this scene. (Basically, Gretel is there, but not fronting) This makes the first time I draw Ruby without her riding hood!

Stella has never looked so sassy!

The backgrounds are just getting crazier with each piece, aren’t they? I definitely had to push this one, since the design of the Demisexual flag is so simple and geometric.

As for Stella, I feel like she’s more confident in this piece. It’s like she was figuring herself out last year, and now she has fully embraced her Pride. Plus, she looks really good in these colors.

The gayest of them all! Kage!

I’m glad I decided to use pastel rainbow for his outfit again. He really rocks those colors! I spent a lot of time getting the colors just right, especially with his new design.

He came out so cute! I think this is the happiest I’ve ever shown him! Which makes sense, Kage is a very proud gay man. Of course he would flaunt his pride all over the place.

Can you tell I love using brush strokes?

Oro is next in the pride line-up. I thought about doing the rainbow thing again, but those are tricky to paint. It would take a lot of color and paint to make a rainbow. So instead I used the new gay flag colors.

I gotta say, Oro looks really nice with blues and greens. I never thought to pair him with this palette before. Blues are usually Kage’s thing. I should experiment with him more often.

I’m also happy to use his new design. I’m really glad I gave him a darker skin tone and freckles. Now he doesn’t disappear in a sea of yellow. I will say, this skin color is easier to mix than paler tones.

First Pride piece of the month!

So, I felt like changing it up this Pride Month. Instead of just doing all my OC’s digitally again, I’m going to paint them! Painting characters is NOTHING like digital art, especially with how I draw eyes. This will be a fun challenge for me!

I’m up first, a proud lesbian! I always try and give myself a pretty pride outfit and this one might be my favorite so far. I found out about Sapphic recently, which is just women who love women. This applies to lesbians, bisexual women, pansexual women, any girl that likes girls.

So I based my dress off the Sapphic pride flag, which is just pink and white with a purple flower. Honestly, I like the Sapphic flag WAY more than the lesbian one. Orange is a hard color to match.

Aaaaah, it’s always nice to remake an old piece.

So, on Webtoon, you make both a tiny thumbnail and a LONG thumbnail. I was going to use the old version of this picture, but I felt like it was already outdated. So, I redrew it! It looks much cleaner now, and I like their current styles more. Yinshi and Kentaro look much better now. 

Here’s the webtoon! Sweet Yandere Boy! www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/…

Also, Happy Pride Month everyone!

So for those out of the loop, I’ve started a Webtoon for Yinshi! I’m finally writing his story! I already have TWO episodes out now! Summer break is in full swing, so I’ll have plenty of time to work on it! Here’s the link if you want to read it!


NOW we’re talking!

I am SO happy with this painting. I really embraced brush strokes during this class. I feel like these paintings speak for themselves, so these descriptions are not going to be long.

Shoot, I forgot to post my paintings!

So this was a still life from class, and we had to incorporate something from our subjects into it. My subject for the class was bats, so I just put a cute bat in there!

I learned a lot about painting this semester, especially since we used oil paint. I’ve only used acrylics before, so that was a little bit of a learning curve.

Just two bros chilling under a magic apple tree.

I wanted this one to be less busy than the others, and my professor loved how peaceful it is. I love how all the details came out, and that simple blue sky helps them stand out!

So I wanted to draw little ram Schlatt and tiny slime Charlie. I’ve recently gotten into Slimecicle Cinematic Universe and Chuckle Sandwich, so I wanted to involve them in the Cryptid AU. Plus, look how cute they are!!! Tiny Rammie JSchlatt is just so funny to me. He’s just a little guy who swears and causes problems.

It’s a nice day for a Ghost Wedding~!

Funny story about the next two big drawings, I speedran them during a weekend because I thought they were due a week earlier. So I come in on Monday with three giant rolls and no drawing materials. Whoops!

Good news, I had plenty of time to go deeper into the drawings, and make them even better. I’m glad I did, because now they look awesome! Juliana and her Albion look so beautiful!

But wait, there’s more!

Something else we did in Drawing Class was a few BIG drawings, and these are really big let me tell you. They barely fit in my car! I decided to draw this from the Cryptid AU. I’m so happy with how Dream came out in this one.

At some point in the story, Dream snatches Tommy in order to teach him how to use his new powers. Monster Dream doesn’t MEAN any harm, he’s just forgotten how to human. It’s like Exile Arc, but without the abuse and hopefully only half the trauma!

This feels like a good piece to end the drawings on.

The last of the 50 drawings for Drawing class! I wanted to draw Cryptid Dream again, this time after DreamXD transformed him. Once the semester is over and summer starts, hopefully I can expand on the Cryptid AU more!

Drawing this was fun, I don’t often draw poses like this. Plus it’s nice to draw flowing clothes. The clawed hands of DreamXD were easier than expected, and the oil pastels really helped. Very nice picture to end on.

Don’t mind the head on the floor, she isn’t important.

The finale to Yinshi’s story I’ve been wanting to draw for ages. Honestly there should be more stories where characters are equally Yandere for each other. Both are passionate, loving, and willing to kill for each other! Everything you want in a partner!

I went a little crazy with the oil pastels in this one. It helps create a kind of atmosphere in the drawing. My classmates liked how I put several colors in Kentaro’s hair. Yinshi is the character that really pushed me to expand my traditional work this semester, so it felt right to have him in the final five drawings.

Should I put a gore warning on this?

Someone in my group suggested I combine my cute themes with my darker themes. That gave me the idea to do pastel and candy gore! One person on Twitter came up with the idea that my blood is just strawberry milk, so I decided to expand on that idea. Now my insides are filled with sweets!

So one silly idea I’ve had for a while is an SCP series, kind of like SCP Explained or TheRubber. Basically, I sneak into Foundation sites and show off the SCP’s contained inside. I think SCP-049 would be an interesting character to interact with, as he could provide insight to my character.

THIS princess is going to save herself!

Some of my long term fans might recognize Helena here. You know how princesses in video games always need to be rescued? What if she decided not to wait for some hero to show up and saved herself? Thus the idea Escapist Princess was born!

My classmates really enjoyed this one. One person in my group loved how I gave her two toned hair, and everyone loved how the eye monster was making a spotlight. Remaking Helena’s design was so refreshing. She looks so pretty with that hair and dress!

We’re at the final five, people!

So for these last five drawings, I wanted to go all out. For this one, I went to time on the oil pastels. Cross hatching worked well in that Kentaro picture, so I did it again here. Mainly in Ruby’s clothes.

I’m really happy with this one. My classmates liked how smoky Wolf looked in the first week, so I brought that look back for this piece. I’m getting the hand of drawing grass too.

A change of tone never hurt anybody.

Here’s a concept I’ve had on the back burner for a while. One of my large drawings is related to this one. This here is Juliana, and she’s mourning the death of her lover, Albion. He died under mysterious circumstances, which left Juliana heartbroken.

To make things worse, her father keeps pushing new suitors in her face, desperately trying to force her to marry someone else. Her father never approved of her love with Albion, so this makes her suspicious of him and the suitors presented to her.

As the days go by, the suitors begin dropping dead in freak accidents. This spurs Juliana to begin investigating the strange circumstances surrounding her lover’s death. It’s as if his spirit is just over her shoulder, ensuring no one else takes her from him…

Ah yes, the beach episode, a must have for any cool anime.

It’s been getting warmer and warmer in my neck of the woods. I can feel summer time approaching! I already have a tan just from painting outside! That means it’s almost swimming season, so I figured a beach scene would be appropriate.

I wanted everyone doing something different. Abby is swimming, Minidroid is making a sandcastle, Stella is getting some sun, and Joe is buried in the sand. Don’t worry, he’s got a gun, he’ll be fine.
