

Sudan’s heart

Many years of atrocities continue to plague the nation of Sudan. When will it end?

August 21st, 2021

I am now back to school and busier than ever, which means I am too tired to read most evenings, even when I can find a few minutes to spare. So, the later half of my weekends shall be spent reading my books! I am still making my way through the Raven Cycle, but after today’s reading session, I have made a ton of progress.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy back-to-school season, wherever you are!

Half filtered, 100% awesome

Start now! 

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A colorful work table at one of the campus art studios. People often think the graffiti is kind of s

A colorful work table at one of the campus art studios. People often think the graffiti is kind of sad, but I actually like it. I try not to paint the table anyway, but I enjoy seeing the marks of students who came before me.


#artstudy #artstudios #artistlifestyle #artsyheaven #artsyaesthetic #artsyphoto #artandarchitecture #arttable (at University of Idaho College of Art and Architecture)

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