#ask games



Here’s an ask game!

️‍ - LGBTQ+? If so, what do you identify as?

- What fandoms are you in?

- Something you want

- Opinion on *insert thing*?

- Rate *insert ship*

- Show us a w.i.p of yours! (can be art or writing)

- Do you wear glasses?

- Pets?

- Favourite video game

+ opinion - How much I agree/disagree with it

- Favourite flower?

- If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

✨ - What do you want to work as?

⚡ - Biggest fear

Ok thank u to everyone who sent in their haterade, it’s been a highly entertaining couple of hours but that’s a wrap, folks!


  • tell me about yourself
  • send me questions
  • tell me a story/confession
  • fmk, would you rather, etc
  • ask for advice
  • tell me about your crush
  • send me selfies of your cute self
  • be my friend
  • anything you want, really!


actually send me send me  + a fandom and i’ll tell you which character i hate and would sell to satan for one corn chip



i love having mutuals who are the authority on a specific fictional character

new ask game: mutuals, tell me what fictional characters you consider me an expert on



1. Favorite place to write.
2. Favorite part of writing.
3. Least favorite part of writing.
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.
6. Favorite character you ever created.
7. Favorite author.
8. Favorite trope to write.
9. Least favorite trope to write.
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
13. How do you deal with writers block?
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
15. Where does your inspiration come from?
16. Where do you take your motivation from?
17. On avarage, how much writing do you get done in a day?
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
23. Single or multi POV, and why?
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
25. Linear or non-linear, and why?
26. Standalone or series, and why?
27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? 28. And who do you share them with?
29. Who do you write for?
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
31. Hardest character to write.
32. Easiest character to write.
33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing?
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________.
36. A spoiler for story _________.
37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.
40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why?
41. How many stories do you work on at one time?
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
43. Are you an avid reader?
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie? 47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
48. Favorite genre to write in.
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end?
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words.
52. How did writing change you?
53. What does writing mean to you?
54. Any writing advice you want to share?

Come pop in my ask box


  1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
  2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
  3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
  4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
  5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
  6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
  7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
  8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
  9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
  10. How would you describe your writing process?
  11. What do you envy in other writers?
  12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
  13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
  14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
  15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
  16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
  17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
  18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
  19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
  20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
  21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
  22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
  23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
  24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
  25. What part of writing is the most fun?


send a number(s) or phrase(s) [angelnicknelson]

1. seating plans — did you ever have to sit next to someone you really disliked in school or at work? or somebody you really liked?

2. fountain pen — what type of pens do you prefer to use?

3. smiley face — what are your favourite emojis to use at the moment?

4. apple juice — what is your favourite fruit juice flavour? brand?

5. pretend tattoo — do you have any tattoos? do you plan on getting any?

6. rugby lads — what was/is your school’s main sport? did/do you support it and go to matches, or were you a part of the team?

7. art class — did you have a specific room or place in school where you would hide out, or just hang out in?

8. dream guy — do you have ‘the ideal partner’ in your mind? have you met them already?

9. bus ride — how do you prefer to travel?

10. ’s’ word — are there any words or phrases that you say a lot? does it bug people?

11. thank you — what is the nicest thing someone has done for you lately?

12. nellie nelson — do you have any pets? if not, do you want any?

13. haircut — describe what your hair looks like.

14. mario kart — what’s your favourite video or mobile game?

15. snow day — you wake up to blankets of perfect, untouched snow outside, what is the first thing you do? e.g. snow angels, snowmen, take a photo etc

16. french class — what languages can you speak?

17. learning drums — is there an instrument you wish you could play well, or better?

18. so cuddly — how many pillows/blankets/stuffed animals do you have on your bed?

19. gay quiz — if you have taken lgbtq+ quizzes before, what were they for and what was your result? (if you want to share)

20. party invite — what is the best event you have been invited to?

21. dance floor — at a party, where can people usually find you?

22. sweet 16 — tell us about your best birthday.

23. crushes — do you have a crush on anyone right now? does anyone have a crush on you that you know about?

24. first kiss — have you had your first kiss/do you remember your first kiss?

25. getting soaked — ever gotten caught outside in a big storm?

26. tippy toes — tell me your height. do you wish you were taller/shorter?

27. gay crisis — if you want to share, have you ever gone through a 'gay crisis’? are you still going through it?

28. secret — have you ever been in a secret relationship that nobody knew about? did they find out?

29. rain kiss — do you have a romantic dream kiss scenario?

30. morning detention — did/do you get into trouble a lot at school?

31. i missed you — are you missing anyone right now?

32. local gays — are you planning to attend this year’s pride where you live?

33. 10 & 14 — do you have a favourite and/or lucky number?

34. bloody nose — worst injury you’ve ever had?

35.avengers = nightmare — favourite marvel and/or dc character(s)?


Send me an ask that says “Would you ever write…” and continue the sentence.

I’ll respond with yes or no and give an explanation as to why if I want to.


Hey friends, I am really having a rough time right now with physical health issues and am pretty much bed bound, so if you’ve got a minute maybe send me some asks? Links to different lists below!

Yet another writing ask!

Behind the scenes fic asks

Fanfiction asks

Hey friends, I am really having a rough time right now with physical health issues and am pretty much bed bound, so if you’ve got a minute maybe send me some asks? Links to different lists below!

Yet another writing ask!

Behind the scenes fic asks

Fanfiction asks


1. what font do you write in?

2. if you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? if you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?

3. what is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?

4. what’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?

5. do you have any writing superstitions? what are they and why are they 100% true?

6. what is your darkest fear about writing?

7. what is your deepest joy about writing?

8. if you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?

9. do you believe in ghosts? this isn’t about writing i just wanna know

10. has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? has your own writing haunted you? what does that mean to you?

11. do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” are you a ruthless darling assassin? what happens to the darlings you murder? do you have a darling graveyard? do you grieve?

12. if a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current wips into lorem ipsum, i don’t make the rules

13. what is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? what is easy?

14. do you lend your books to people? are people scared to borrow books from you? do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? will you ever get them back?

15. do you write in the margins of your books? dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? why or why not? do you judge people who do these things? can we still be friends?

16. what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?

17. talk to me about the minutiae of your current wip. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.

18. choose a passage from your writing. tell me about the backstory of this moment. how you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. spicy addition: questioner provides the passage.

19. tell me a story about your writing journey. when did you start? why did you start? were there bumps along the way? where are you now and where are you going?

20. if a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious wip in exactly the way you’ve always imagined it — which would you choose? you can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch

21. could you ever quit writing? do you ever wish you could? why or why not?

22. how organized are you with your writing? describe to me your organization method, if it exists. what tools do you use? notebooks? binders? apps?

23. describe the physical environment in which you write. be as detailed as possible. tell me what’s around you as you work. paint me a picture.

24. how much prep work do you put into your stories? what does that look like for you? do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?

25. what is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?

26. how do you get into your character’s head? how do you get out? do you ever regret going in there in the first place?

27. who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? why?

28. who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? why?

29. where do you draw your inspiration? what do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?

30. talk to me about the role dreams play in your writing life. have you ever used material from your dreams in your writing? have you ever written in a dream? did you remember it when you woke up?

31. write a short love letter to your readers.

32. what is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? how did you find it? what does it mean to you?

33. do you practice any other art besides writing? does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?

34. thoughts on the oxford comma, go:

35. what’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?

36. they say to write what you know. setting aside, for a moment, the fact that this is terrible advice…what do you know?

37. if you were to be remembered only by the words you’ve put on the page, what would future historians think of you?

38. what is something about your writing process YOU think is really weird? if you are comfortable, please share. if you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?

39. what keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?

40. please share a poem with me, i need it.


A Chaotic and (mostly) Deeply Unserious Succession Ask Meme

1. favorite pairing (that could actually work if they got their shit together)

2. favorite pairing (cringe fail edition)

3. favorite rarepair

4. which kid is most like logan?

5. who do you think will take over wr?

6. who deserves to take over wr?

7. season 4 predictions? (/is it futile to even guess?)

8. how do you think the show will end?

9. how did you get into succession?

10. wardrobe item from the show that you want

11. any other rich people things that inspired genuine envy (a meal, a vacation, etc)?

12. favorite succ fanfiction/fanart/fanvid/uquiz?

13. a song that is succ-coded To You

14. favorite member of the c-suite? (hard mode: no gerri)

15. lore you want unpacked (sally anne, marcia’s backstory, etc)

16. logan moment that made you the most homicidal

17. funniest scene

18. hottest scene

19. cringiest scene

20. Is Succession A Comedy?

21. favorite motif through which to analyze the show (eg, dogs, food, cigarettes, piss, real vs non real persons)

22. favorite literary allusions or intertexts

23. least favorite thing about the show (hard mode: not comfrey)

24. dream guest star

25. favorite performance (can split into lead, supporting, and guest if you want to be a coward about it)

26. what do you think happened with dog pound?

27. do you think baird and gerri had a happy marriage?

28. Birth Order Discourse (roman youngest, shiv youngest, or twins?) (+ ages if you want)

29. a beloved personal headcanon

30. a headcanon of no importance (eg, connor prefers milk chocolate and shiv prefers dark)

31. sexuality headcanons

32. fuck marry kill [insert three characters]

33. honesty or L to the OG?

34. would you rather: see Sands or read roman’s screenplay

35. wyr: go to shiv’s wedding or caroline’s wedding

36. wyr: go to tern haven or the hunting retreat

37. wyr: have to talk to connor about napoleon or frank about shakespeare

38. [a wyr of the asker’s choosing]


Star: Give three obscure facts about any OC. 

Galaxy: Which characters have the closest relationship with one another?

Nebula: Which character changes the most throughout the story (for good or bad)

Milkyway: Do any of your characters have powers?

Constellation: What gave you the idea for your WIP?

Moon: Which OC is the calmest and most level-headed?

Sun: Which OC is hot-headed and wild?

Red Giant: Describe the main conflict in 5 words.

White Dwarf: Do you plot extensively or jump into writing immediately?

Quazar: What do you do when you need more inspiration?

reblog if it’s okay for ur followers to come into your inbox and tell you what they nicknamed u

hella!hit me up!


1. For how long have you been writing tickle fics?

2. What was the first tickle fic you wrote? (how old were you, what fandom, give us a bit of the plot)

3. Do you prefer to write original stories or fanfiction?

4. What are your favorite character/s and fandom/s to write about?

5. Do you prefer to write from the lee’s perspective or the ler’s?

6. Do you write “(character) x reader” stories? What do you think of them?

7. Do you include OCs in your tickle fanfiction? Yes/no, why?

8. What do you think about tickle stories with RL people in them? Do you write them?

9. What is your favorite tickle spot to include in your fics/stories?

10. Multiple people tickling one person or one on one?

11. Tickle fights or tickle make outs?

12. Friends tickling each other or lovers tickling each other?

13. Light, cute tickling or hardcore all the way?

14. What is the tickle trope you will never have enough of writing?

15. What is the tickle trope you’re fed up with?

16. Do you prefer to write your own ideas or rely on prompts?

17. In tickle fics, laughter is important. Do you like to write the traditional “haha” or do you prefer to describe the laughter less directly?

18. Do you write NSFW fics with tickling in them?

19. Do you include some other kinks in your fics? Tell us about them.


weird asks because i’m bored

  1. if you have a lighter, what color is it?
  2. pepsi box blue or cheetos bag orange?
  3. do you like pasta?
  4. how often are you on tumblr?
  5. are you only doing this because you’re bored?
  6. what blogs do you mostly interact with?
  7. can you swim?
  8. have you had water today?
  9. which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake?
  10. have you ever [insert question]?
  11. bass or drums?
  12. favorite tv commercial?
  13. can we be friends?
  14. do you admire the clouds and color of the sky?
  15. what’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you?
  16. a netflix series that’s your favorite?
  17. an earliest obsession you remember?
  18. do you play video games?
  19. zombies or vampires?
  20. have you listened to [insert musician/band]?
  21. your first celebrity crush?
  22. do you have a collection of cool rocks?
  23. five words that describe you?
  24. what have you learned about yourself?
  25. can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
  26. do you believe in aliens?
  27. books or films?
  28. an unusual song that’s your favorite?
  29. the last thing you ate?
  30. do you have a favorite [insert question]?
  31. have you gotten bit by a dog?
  32. do you write better with a pen or a pencil?
  33. a song that gets stuck in your head?
  34. when you hear “ peace ” what do you think of?
  35. a school subject your good with?
  36. how many alarms do you have set?
  37. do you shop at thrift stores?
  38. what’s the meaning behind your url?
  39. is there wise words you live by?
  40. what’s your favorite [insert question]?
  41. you gotta have a favorite beatles song, what is it?
  42. earphones or a speaker?
  43. what do you remember from your childhood?
  44. do you collect anything?
  45. favorite tea?
  46. a christmas song you secretly like?
  47. book stores or record stores?
  48. how weird were these questions?
  49. what scents do you like?
  50. is there [insert question]?

send me some!


send me a  and tell me about a tumblr user you just absolutely fucking hate


ask game theme makers edition

  1. when did you start coding?
  2. are you self-taught? how did you learn?
  3. what’s your favorite work of yours?
  4. what’s your least favorite work of yours?
  5. who is/are your favorite theme makers?
  6. what are your favorite works from other people?
  7. what languages do you know?
  8. do you code outside of tumblr?
  9. what was your first work? is it still avaliable?
  10. have you ever deleted old works?
  11. what’s the most difficult work you’ve done?
  12. what’s the easiest work you’ve done?
  13. any advice for begginers?
  14. have you ever revamped a work?
  15. do you have commissons open?
  16. what do you enjoy coding the most?
  17. do you use your own base code, someone else’s, or none at all?
  18. has anyone ever stole code from you? 
  19. what are you currently working on?
  20. where do you get your inspiration from?
  21. any coding pet peeves?


Astrology ask game ☄️

sun ⇢ name 5 things you like about yourself?

moon ⇢ do you suppress your feelings?

mercury ⇢ are you a talkative person?

venus ⇢ describe your ideal type

mars ⇢ are you the type to approach others first or do you like others to do that instead?

jupiter ⇢ do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person?

saturn ⇢ what are the things you consider you struggle the most?

uranus ⇢ what things do you think should change in society?

neptune ⇢ are you a rational or intuitive person?

pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you

ascendant ⇢ do you believe in love at first sight?

IC ⇢ do you think you had a good childhood?

descendant ⇢ what kind of people do you usually attract?

MC ⇢ what kind of reputation do you think you have?

aries ⇢ are you an impulsive person?

taurus ⇢ what’s your favorite food?

gemini ⇢ do you have a good relationship with your siblings? if you’re an only child, would you like to have siblings? how many?

cancer ⇢ do you want to start a family in the future? how many children would you like to have?

leo ⇢ do you like being the center of attention or do you prefer to go unnoticed?

virgo ⇢ do you consider yourself a perfectionist?

libra ⇢ would you like to get married in the future?

scorpio ⇢ do you feel comfortable talking about taboo things?

sagittarius ⇢ what places would you like to travel in the future?

capricorn ⇢ what’s your ideal job?

aquarius ⇢ do you consider yourself an antisocial or social person?

pisces ⇢ what kind of art are you good at? (painting, dancing, singing, etc.)

1H ⇢ describe your style

2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why?

3H ⇢ what are some of the topics you like to talk about the most?

4H ⇢ which relatives are you the closest with?

5H ⇢ do you have a hobby? which one(s)?

6H ⇢ do you consider yourself a workaholic?

7H ⇢ what do you consider green flags in a relationship?

8H ⇢ what do you consider red flags in a relationship?

9H ⇢ what languages ​​would you like to learn?

10H ⇢ how do you want people to remember you?

11H ⇢ describe your friends in 3 words

12H ⇢ which is/are your biggest fear(s)?


i’ll tell you if you’re right or not lol


stole from twitter but


never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite| masterpiece


_________ or _________


Reblog this and have your followers toss these into the ask box to force you to choose between two diabolik scenarios. Please be wary!! These are diabolikscenarios, some are very graphicanddark! Proceed with caution! Not for the faint of heart!


(Rose) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Subaru or Kou.
(Baby’s Breath) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Reiji or Ruki.
(Carnation) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Shuu or Yuma.
(Amaryllis) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Ayato or Laito.
(Dahlia) - Pick one of them to drink your blood: Kanato or Azusa.

(Allium) - Which date do you go on: Wandering through the cemetery with Kanato or studying microbiology with Reiji?
(Amaranth) - Which date do you go on: Intense concert practice with Kou or shelving books with Ruki?
(Anemones) - Which date do you go on: Being Shuu’s unmoving body pillow for eight hours or shoveling soil with Yuma?
(Anthurium) - Which date do you go on: Totally unfair basketball practice with Ayato or dangerous game of darts with Laito?

(Astilbe)- Which boy’s bad side would you rather be on: Yuma or Reiji
(Astrantia)-  Which boy’s bad side would you rather be on: Ruki or Kanato
(Calla Lilies) -  Which boy’s bad side would you rather be on: Laito or Kou

(Chrysanthemum) - Which boy would you save from death: Shuu or Azusa
(Clematis)  - Which boy would you save from death: Subaru or Ayato
(Craspedia)  - Which boy would you save from death: Reiji or Ruki

(Daffodil) - If you got permission to clonk one on the head without negative consequences, who would you pick: Yuma or Shuu
(Freesia)- If you got permission to clonk one on the head without negative consequences, who would you pick: Ayato or Kou
(Hydrangea) - If you got permission to clonk one on the head without negative consequences, who would you pick: Laito or Ruki

(Iris) - You’re pregnant! Who’s the dad: Reiji or Kanato
(Orchid) - You’re pregnant! Who’s the dad: Subaru or Ruki
(Peony) - You’re pregnant! Who’s the dad: Yuma or Kou

(Veronica) - Who stole your virginity: Subaru or Azusa
(Tulips) - Who stole your virginity: Shuu or Ayato
(Aster) - Who stole your virginity: Reiji or Laito

(Iron) - Who gets to dominate you to his liking: Kou or Subaru
(Steel) - Who gets to dominate you to his liking: Yuma or Ayato
(Gunmetal) - Who gets to dominate you to his liking: Ruki or Kanato

(Silver)- Who gets to give you a haircut: Laito or Shuu
(Gold)  - Who gets to give you a haircut: Ruki or Kou
(Rust) - Who gets to give you a haircut: Kanato or Azusa

(Copper) - Pick a bad deed: burned Ruki’s favorite book or threw a spider at Laito.
(Bronze) - Pick a bad deed: stomped Yuma’s tomatoes or ruined Shuu’s MP3 player.
(Brass)- Pick a bad deed: knocked over Reiji’s alchemy ingredient shelf or got stains on Teddy.
(Nickel) - Pick a bad deed: threw away all of Azusa’s knives or hit Subaru with a Subaru and made a bad joke to his face.

(Zinc) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Ruki or Kou
(Titanium)- Whose heart did you break, u monster: Yuma or Reiji
(Aluminum) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Shuu or Ayato
(Platinum) - Whose heart did you break, u monster: Kanato or Subaru

(Tin)- You’ve been a bad girl, who gets to punish you: Laito or Ayato
(Lead) -  You’ve been a bad girl, who gets to punish you: Azusa or Kanato
(Bismuth)-  You’ve been a bad girl, who gets to punish you: Subaru or Yuma

(Cobalt) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Shuu or Reiji
(Palladium) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Ruki or Ayato
(Rhodium) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Laito or Kou
(Mercury)- Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Subaru or Kanato
(Iridium) - Who gets to rip out your heart and devour it: Yuma or Azusa

(Thallium)- Pick the more preferable scenario: becoming one of Kanato’s dolls or being forever locked in the dungeon as Laito’s toy.
(Seaborgium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: slowly eaten alive by Ayato or slowly stabbed to death by Azusa.
(Vanadium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: drowning to death with Shuu or strangled to death by Yuma.
(Chromium) - Pick the more preferable scenario: violently eaten alive by Subaru or Reiji’s toy until inevitable death.

(Sapphire)- Who would you rather cook dinner with: Kou or Subaru
(Ruby)- Who would you rather cook dinner with: Reiji or Kanato
(Garnet) - Who would you rather cook dinner with: Yuma or Ayato

(Pearl)- Pick one to be on your zombie apocalypse team: Shuu or Kanato
(Amethyst) - Pick one to be on your zombie apocalypse team: Ruki or Azusa
(Diamond) - Pick one to be on your zombie apocalypse team: Reiji or Laito

(Jade) - Pick the more preferable activity: building a pillow fort with Shuu or playing house with Kanato.
(Jasper)- Pick the more preferable activity: helping Reiji with his alchemy or wandering the rose garden with Subaru.
(Peridot) - Pick the more preferable activity: assisting Laito with his crossword puzzle or cooking with Ayato.
(Opal) - Pick the more preferable activity: silently reading with Ruki or hardcore karaoke with Kou.
(Sodalite) - Pick the more preferable activity: picking strawberries with Yuma or admiring scars with Azusa.

(Lapis Lazuli) - Last, but not least, if you got to live any of the endings from any game, which would it be?


ask game theme makers edition

  1. when did you start coding?
  2. are you self-taught? how did you learn?
  3. what’s your favorite work of yours?
  4. what’s your least favorite work of yours?
  5. who is/are your favorite theme makers?
  6. what are your favorite works from other people?
  7. what languages do you know?
  8. do you code outside of tumblr?
  9. what was your first work? is it still avaliable?
  10. have you ever deleted old works?
  11. what’s the most difficult work you’ve done?
  12. what’s the easiest work you’ve done?
  13. any advice for begginers?
  14. have you ever revamped a work?
  15. do you have commissons open?
  16. what do you enjoy coding the most?
  17. do you use your own base code, someone else’s, or none at all?
  18. has anyone ever stole code from you? 
  19. what are you currently working on?
  20. where do you get your inspiration from?
  21. any coding pet peeves?


Please only reblog if you’re a butch lesbian!

  1. What does “butch” mean do you?
  2. When was the first time you thought of yourself as butch?
  3. What’s your favourite shirt?
  4. Favourite pants?
  5. Favourite boots/shoes?
  6. What do you wear to dress up?
  7. What do you wear when you’re lazing around?
  8. What do you wear to the beach?
  9. Opinion on snapbacks?
  10. Do you have any butch friends? How did you meet?
  11. Do you like any butch musicians? Which ones? 
  12. Who are your favourite butch celebrities/writers?
  13. What’s your current hair style? Any hair plans/goals?
  14. Share a positive butch experience!
  15. What would you tell a young lesbian struggling to accept herself as butch?
  16. What is your favourite piece of butch media/media with a butch in it?
  17. Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how do you cope?
  18. Do you ever get misgendered? 
  19. What do you do when homophobia/lesbophobia/butchphobia gets you down?
  20. Were you a tomboy or gender non-conforming as a kid?
  21. Ever given/received a butch nod on the street?
  22. Aside from butch lesbian, do you identify as anything else? (Ex. stud, tomboy, stone)
  23. Are you good at fixing things? Into cars? Into sports?
  24. Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?
  25. What do you love about being butch?
  26. What do you dislike about being butch?
  27. Are you into other butches?
  28. Are your family/friends/colleagues supportive of you being butch?
  29. Do you wear cologne?
  30. What makes you feel butch?

Ask me things!


weird asks because i’m bored

  1. if you have a lighter, what color is it?
  2. pepsi box blue or cheetos bag orange?
  3. do you like pasta?
  4. how often are you on tumblr?
  5. are you only doing this because you’re bored?
  6. what blogs do you mostly interact with?
  7. can you swim?
  8. have you had water today?
  9. which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake?
  10. have you ever [insert question]?
  11. bass or drums?
  12. favorite tv commercial?
  13. can we be friends?
  14. do you admire the clouds and color of the sky?
  15. what’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you?
  16. a netflix series that’s your favorite?
  17. an earliest obsession you remember?
  18. do you play video games?
  19. zombies or vampires?
  20. have you listened to [insert musician/band]?
  21. your first celebrity crush?
  22. do you have a collection of cool rocks?
  23. five words that describe you?
  24. what have you learned about yourself?
  25. can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
  26. do you believe in aliens?
  27. books or films?
  28. an unusual song that’s your favorite?
  29. the last thing you ate?
  30. do you have a favorite [insert question]?
  31. have you gotten bit by a dog?
  32. do you write better with a pen or a pencil?
  33. a song that gets stuck in your head?
  34. when you hear “ peace ” what do you think of?
  35. a school subject your good with?
  36. how many alarms do you have set?
  37. do you shop at thrift stores?
  38. what’s the meaning behind your url?
  39. is there wise words you live by?
  40. what’s your favorite [insert question]?
  41. you gotta have a favorite beatles song, what is it?
  42. earphones or a speaker?
  43. what do you remember from your childhood?
  44. do you collect anything?
  45. favorite tea?
  46. a christmas song you secretly like?
  47. book stores or record stores?
  48. how weird were these questions?
  49. what scents do you like?
  50. is there [insert question]?

send me some!


weird asks because i’m bored

  1. if you have a lighter, what color is it?
  2. pepsi box blue or cheetos bag orange?
  3. do you like pasta?
  4. how often are you on tumblr?
  5. are you only doing this because you’re bored?
  6. what blogs do you mostly interact with?
  7. can you swim?
  8. have you had water today?
  9. which do you prefer, cotton candy or funnel cake?
  10. have you ever [insert question]?
  11. bass or drums?
  12. favorite tv commercial?
  13. can we be friends?
  14. do you admire the clouds and color of the sky?
  15. what’s the weirdest thing that’s happened to you?
  16. a netflix series that’s your favorite?
  17. an earliest obsession you remember?
  18. do you play video games?
  19. zombies or vampires?
  20. have you listened to [insert musician/band]?
  21. your first celebrity crush?
  22. do you have a collection of cool rocks?
  23. five words that describe you?
  24. what have you learned about yourself?
  25. can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
  26. do you believe in aliens?
  27. books or films?
  28. an unusual song that’s your favorite?
  29. the last thing you ate?
  30. do you have a favorite [insert question]?
  31. have you gotten bit by a dog?
  32. do you write better with a pen or a pencil?
  33. a song that gets stuck in your head?
  34. when you hear “ peace ” what do you think of?
  35. a school subject your good with?
  36. how many alarms do you have set?
  37. do you shop at thrift stores?
  38. what’s the meaning behind your url?
  39. is there wise words you live by?
  40. what’s your favorite [insert question]?
  41. you gotta have a favorite beatles song, what is it?
  42. earphones or a speaker?
  43. what do you remember from your childhood?
  44. do you collect anything?
  45. favorite tea?
  46. a christmas song you secretly like?
  47. book stores or record stores?
  48. how weird were these questions?
  49. what scents do you like?
  50. is there [insert question]?

send me some!


interesting oc/selfsona asks! go wild with your blorbos or whatever

  1. How good is their sight?
  2. Do they have any scars?
  3. Do they have any bad habits?
  4. How tall are they?
  5. Where do they like to hang out?
  6. How do they respond to criticism?
  7. Do they prefer crowds or being alone?
  8. What’s something that will always make them smile?
  9. Can they cook?
  10. What’s their favourite food or drink?
  11. Do they make multiple trips or carry it all at once?
  12. Have they ever had their heart broken?
  13. Have they ever nearly died?
  14. Do they get sick on amusement park rides?
  15. Are they allergic to anything?
  16. Are they the ‘mom’ friend or the 'suck it up’ friend?
  17. Do they have any pets? If not, what would they get?
  18. What did they want to be when they grew up?
  19. Do they like to stargaze?
  20. Glass half full, or glass half empty?
  21. Have they ever killed anybody?
  22. Do they have any regrets?
  23. What do they fear the most?
  24. Are they the type to gamble?
  25. Do they have any unique skills?
  26. How do they respond to spicy foods?
  27. Is their living space tidy or cluttered?
  28. How do they break bad news to someone?
  29. Do they have a collection of anything?
  30. Are they an only child?
  31. Do they have a comfort item?
  32. Whats the most valuable thing in their possession?
  33. Do they prefer to sleep alone?
  34. Do they use one blanket and one pillow, or do they sleep on nest of fabric?
  35. Would they take the chance to be immortal?
  36. Are they a competitive person, even for fun?
  37. Are they a good liar?
  38. Do they like to be indoors or outdoors?
  39. Can they swim?
  40. Do they know that they are loved?


1: What’s your favourite creation of yours? And why?

2: A creation that came out completely different to what you had first pictured in your mind

3: Pick your 5 favourite creations and explain what you love the most about them!

4: What do you think makes your style distinctly yours?

5: A creation you enjoyed making a lot!

6: What fandom do you always enjoy creating content for?

7: What is something you want to develop in your future creations?

8: List the 5 things you love the most about your creations

9: Would you say your style has changed a lot since you first started creating?

10: An old creation that will always have a special place in your heart

11: A new creation that you’re very proud of!

12: Pick your favourite creation of yours based on the colour palette

13: What is your preferred format? Moodboards, gifsets, poster sets…?

14: A fandom you want to create more content for!

15: Talk about some of your favourite creators: what do you love most about their creations?

16: List some creators that always inspire you with their creations and talent!

17: Do you enjoy working with gifs?

18: Do you enjoy creating graphics?

19: Do you like mixing up your style and trying new stuff, or do you prefer to have a more consistent style?

20: A creator you look up to!

21: Do you like making tutorials?

22: A creation that was difficult to make (but worthwhile!)

23: A creation you wanted to make with a very specific colour palette that ended up changing completely in the end!

24: What’s your step by step? How do you organise your editing process?

25: Do you use PSDs or colour everything by scratch?

26: Do you use a lot of textures?

27: What’s your favourite font to use?

28: A (or some) creation(s) by other creator(s) that inspire you and that you always find yourself coming back to!

29: Do you check the tags when people reblog your creations?

30: What do you enjoy the most about the creative process?

31: Do you enjoy creating for events?

32: A tutorial that made you up your game!

33: What’s your editing program of choice?

34: Favourite individual gif from a set you’ve created!

35: Favourite individual panel from an edit you’ve created!

36: Favourite line from a piece of writing you’ve created!

37: Is there anything you would like to improve from your editing?

38: Is there anything you would like to improve from your writing?

39: What format are you most comfortable in: gifs or graphics?

40: What are you most comfortable writing: poetry or prose?

41: Do you listen to music while you create?

42: Do you watch anything while you create?

43: Do you usually drink/eat anything while creating?

44: Are you most creative during the day or the nighttime?

45: Do you show your creations to anybody before posting them?

46: A tip you’ve learned from creating!

47: What advice would you give to someone who’s just started creating?

48: What inspired you to start creating at first?

49: Future creating goals! Maybe a new program you want to learn to use, something to master, something you’re really excited about doing?

50. Self-loving time: show us a creation you want your followers to see


please link this post somewhere where people can see the original :-)

—————— ♡

blush—are you single, taken, crushing, or not interested? or is it complicated?

ballet slipper— with only one word, describe how you feel at this moment

rose quartz—what’s your love language (romantic or platonic)?

watermelon—have you ever had to reject anyone romantically? how did it go?

fuchsia—describe your personality in three words!

rose—do you believe in soulmates? why or why not?

coral—what’s something you’re passionate about?

carnation— how important are “looks” to you in a relationship?

blossom—would you get a tattoo? if so, what would it be of?

salmon—would you prefer a partner who is an introvert or an extrovert? why?

pastel pink—do you prefer to dress up and go out or stay in and relax?

bubblegum— how do you feel about your love life right now? are you happy with it?

champagne—what’s your favorite form of physical affection, if any at all?

hibiscus—what’s your favorite pet name, if any? why?

hot pink—what’s your favorite relationship trope?

flamingo—would you say you’re clingy in relationships and friendships?

cherry pink—when it comes to loved ones, are you openly affectionate or are you more reserved?

peach syrup—have you ever had an internet crush on a mutual on this app or another app?

pink magnolia—would you say that you develop crushes quickly?


send for common traits between my kins

send for a funny story from one of my canons (or relating to one of my kins/sources)

send me and one of my kins for what made me different from in source

send me and one of my kins for what kind of music reminds me of my kintype(s)

send me for something i’ve never said about one of my kintypes

send me for a kin i’ve been questioning or someone i relate strongly to but don’t kin

send me and one of my kins for a memory (or headcanon for those without memories) that i’m fond of!
