#aspec lesbian



If any mspec, aspec, futch, transmasc, or he/him lesbians want free little profile pride flag art… -> hit me up.

Hello! With Lesbian Visibility Day happening later this month, we would love to get in touch with some aspec lesbians so that we can post an article about their experiences. Please DM or email us by the 16th if you’re interested!

[ID: “Call for Aspec Voices. Who - Any aro-spectrum and/or ace-spectrum lesbian or lesbian aligned person. We include bi and pan lesbians, they/them and he/him lesbians, non-binary and trans lesbians, sapphics, and anyone else who feels connected to the lesbian identity. What - contribute to an article by writing answers to our questions. Why - to showcase a variety of aspec experiences. How - DM or email us at [email protected]. When - reach out by April 16. Responses due by April 22. Article will be posted April 26, Lesbian Visibility Day.” End ID.]
