#plot holes


tfw when the chronology and worldbuilding of a series is just one big plothole (and piecing together a coherent timeline is like trying to do intricate embroidery in the dark) but all is forgiven in the light of the perfect, broken, beautiful characters that said series introduced you to. 

writing tip #3428:

if you choose the right font, no one will even notice that plot hole

It’s all to procrastinate writing the plot

It’s all to procrastinate writing the plot

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Is it just me who thinks this. But I just feel that there is a huge plothole in MLB. I mean, hawkmoth’s ultimate goal are the miraculous. nothing else. He doesn’t care for the people or anything else. So what if the heroes never showed up? What will he fight towards? He won’t achieve anything. He only ever sends out akumas to draw out ladybug and chat noir.

So if those two never showed up in the first place, he no longer has a reason to send out akumas.

If basalisk fangs can kill horcruxes then why didn’t the horcrux in Harry die when the basilisk bit him in second year?!?!?!

moriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just becamoriartysskull: Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just beca


Explained to a few people on twitter a few so called “plot holes”. Listen, just because it’s no Johnlock doesn’t mean there are “plot holes”.

Ask me questions, I can explain everything. These people are good writers.

K I know its been a long time since you probably posted this, but I do have some genuine questions:

How did John, a military doctor, not realize that the child bones were child bones in the first place?

How did he not realize the bomb was a bomb?

If John was seemingly tranquilized in the face by Euros, why was there no mark?

They bounced off the Speedy sign after the bomb went off, but wouldn’t that leave some marks?

Why did they address the letter that john gave Sherlock in 4x01 then never revealed its contents? Especially if the 5th season isnt looking likely?

How did one of the smartest men in the world not noticed that there was no class between him and a dangerous human?

Why would it stated in series 3 that a gunshot wasn’t all dramatic with blood going everywhere, when that’s exactly how Mary died?

Who was sending Mary’s DVDs?

How did people think that Sherlock was writing John’s blog? All of John’s blog is clearly written by John, even written in first-person.

Do tranquilizer gun smoke? Genuine question. Because if they don’t, why did Euro’s smoke?

Mycroft, the person who’s in charge of Sharon sherrinford, didn’t know that it was compromised, why did they sneak in?

Why did Euros try to kill them if she needed them for her sick experiment?

Please answer these when you can, these are the questions that keep me up at night

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shoshanah-ben-hohim replied to your post: anonymous asked:How did Sirius an…

Kreacher was ordered not to reveal what happened in the cave, but Mrs. Black was still alive and his mistress then, he had to follow her orders, and also an order to reveal Regulus’ current condition, and that only, might not have been contradictory

It’s definitely possible that Kreacher could have told Mrs. Black that Regulus was dead.  The bigger question for me is how they get to this idea that Regulus was killed by one of the Death Eaters for trying to back out.  I don’t think Kreacher would have come up with that on his own, and the highly image-conscious Black family certainly wouldn’t have willingly branded their son a coward.  So I still feel like that spin came from Voldemort as a sort of propaganda/examplar, and the big question mark is how he found out, and from whom…

But why didn’t the Captain have the bomb dismantled? He had the plans and he buried them WITH a live bomb?

It’s nonsensical.




It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Foreshadowing


It’s Not a Plot Hole, It’s Just Something That They Opted Not to Spoon-feed You Because It Would Be Obvious If You Thought About It For 20 Seconds


It May Be a Plot Hole, But It Still Works In Terms of the Story’s Themes and Character Logic


Okay, It Isa Plot Hole, What Are You Going to Do, Cry about It?


All Works of Fiction Represent Constructed Realities and by Demanding a Lack of Plot Holes, You Are Improperly Importing the Rules of Objective Reality into a Subjective Creation that Must Be Judged Primarily on Its Aesthetic Merits


Dude, Just Come-up With a Headcanon Like A Normal Human Being


Is It Really a Plot Hole, or Are the Characters Just Not Making the Choices YouWant Them To?


It May Be A Plot Hole But We Refuse To Answer On Grounds We May Incriminate Ourselves (So Lets Shove It Under The Carpet And Hope No One Notices)
