#attack on titan x you


A flower plucked too soon [can you plant her again, for me?]

Hange x reader //gn!reader

a/n: I’ve spent like 5 days editing this, please like it

Taken too soon, your lily is gone. Hange blames themselves.

Warnings: character death, canon typical violence, neither hange or reader die, just readers bestfriend, angst, Lora is an oc.

Main Masterlist

Dead, everyone. Nearly your entire squad- minus a few lucky souls, could you even call it luck?

It wasn’t supposed to end like this, but the titans had come out of nowhere. You could still hear your squadmates scream- the people you practically grew up, the ones you spent every waking minute training with, gone. 

And Lora, god, you couldn’t even think her name without tears slipping. She was almost out, so close to her horse when she was plucked like a lily from a dead garden, screaming and crying for help- your help. If you had been five seconds earlier, she would be here mourning with you.

It took Jean dragging you away, wrapping his limbs around your flailing ones, to get you away from the titans.

You’d kill them all, you promised him, even if it was the last thing you did.

In the end, you got what you came for: a live titan, something Hange wanted so they could study their behaviors- hopefully learn something important.

It was late when a knock on your door startled you, giving you just enough time to hastily wipe your tears as the door creaked open, “(y/n)…” 

You didn’t bother to look up from the wall, a simple nod gave them all the confirmation they needed to walk in and sit beside you. 

It was Hange, you could tell the minute their hand hit against the wood of the door. You could tell them from sound alone; they had a unique way of doing things.

“When..“ they paused, clearing their throat in a futile attempt to hide the anguish in their voice. "when I heard about what happened, I begged whatever god there may be that you were alive.”

Silence bloomed between the two of you, the faint sounds of rain hitting angrily against the window serving as background noise. 

You wished the world would swallow you; the endless void of a titans mouth didn’t seem so bad.

“I was so scared I sent you on a suicide mission,” Hange admitted, hands tangled in their hair. “This wasn’t supposed to be the result- Armin’s plan seemed so perfect.”

And it had, that was the worst part. Armin’s plan seemed foolproof: get in it and get out with little to no casualties. He was so confident, would he ever recover from a tragedy like this?

They rambled on, a habit they developed when nervous or in this case, scared.“-and when I heard about Lora..” Hange’s eyes glossed over, tears threatening to spill for the millionth time. “Is an apology even enough?”

Time passed as their words filtered through your mind, taking much longer to form an adequate response. It was too easy to say the wrong thing, now was not the time for wrong things. 

“My name,” you finally spoke, voice horse. “My name was the one she was screaming as it’s teeth tore into her flesh.”

Hange couldn’t control it, tears forcefully spilled out, knowing Lora had met her end with a titan on the mission they sent her on. "This is all my fault.”

Your eyes were dull, red and sore from the endless crying, a far away look within them as you stared blankly at the wall.  “Everyone, nearly my entire squad is gone,“ their screams would haunt your nightmares. "how do I heal from this?” 

Turning to Hange, seeing their face- you knew you wouldn’t. You could build a new squad, erase the memory with alcohol, but a piece of your heart will remain on that battlefield. 

Hange knew your pain; they had been in your shoes twice before. “You learn to grow around the grief,” they spoke, gentle and affirming. “And I know it’s not enough, but I’m here.” Their left arm wrapped around you, setting their head on top of yours.

The storm had calmed significantly, the rain hitting the window allowed a calm pitter patter to envelop the room. 

Lora’s bed sat across from you, unmade and messy. She had never been good at keeping her side of the room clean.

“It sucks,” you mumbled, a quiet laugh following. Using the back of your hand, you tried to wipe the tears- though it was useless as they kept falling. “Because I want to hate you, to put the blame on you and Armin.” 

The tips of your fingers brushed against their hand as you met eyes, part of you still fought to do just that- but you knew better. “But I know it wasn’t you or Armin, it was those stupid fucking titans that took my bestfriend.” 

The words clawed their way out of your throat before you had time to think, but a weight came off your shoulders. “I love you, Hange. I just need time.”



;; fluff, slight angst, slight spoilers

author notes ;; hdhrhrjehs first headcanon, yay!! Sorry if its trash, this is my first eren fic haha!!

  • BEING EREN JAEGER’S wife can be very difficult. He is mostly busy with annihilating the titans and you got used to it as time passes.
  • You never bothered or complain about him being gone but you worry for his life. You knew how reckless he can be and annihilating titans and biting your arm to transform until it gets ripped doesn’t help your worrying at all.
  • You being his ideal wife, loyal and true to yourself, someone who wouldn’t lie to him and trusts him with all your heart, would accept him for what he was and who he was and of course, would never pressure him when talking about his family. You knew how complicated the family things were so he would very much appreciate it if you don’t pressure him to tell everything about his family.
  • Zeke would probably know about you, and would also try to assassinate you to spite his half brother.
  • He makes sure to spend time with you and if he can’t, he’ll get Armin or Mikasa to spend the whole week with you.
  • Armin and Mikasa adores you and treats you like their own sibling.
  • Once you and Eren revealed that you were dating, Mikasa almost beat him up him and told him that he was risking your life. Much to Mikasa’s dismay, he continued dating you but as time passes on, Mikasa grew to accept the fact that even if she tried sabotaging your relationship for both your sake, you would still love each other till the end of time.
  • Historia would probably be the first to know.
  • Multiple Assassination attempts on you by the marleyans.
  • (Don’t worry, Eren will deal with them later lolol.)
  • You comforting Eren whenever he gets nightmares.
  • Historia giving you the farm as a wedding gift. (Historia loves you very much to actually do that)
  • Your wedding was set up in a traditional way and was well decorated. (all credits to levi for helping you decorate)
  • Levi disagreed about you and Eren getting married, mostly because Eren could be putting you in danger but nevertheless, he grew to accept the fact that Eren does love you and would do anything for you.
  • The only people that were invited were Eren’s close friends.
  • You and Eren’s honeymoon was shortlived but you both made sure to spend your short time in a satisfying way if you know what i mean—
  • But nevertheless, Eren made sure that you felt loved even when he was away from you.
  • He would be writing letters every day and you would do the same.
  • You being Eren’s home and reason as to why he needed to live.
  • Many possibilities of you being assassinated by the marleyans to spite Eren.
  • (Eren of course goes berserk mode on them and they would all be dead for killing his wife)
  • Or you get out of his mess by saying mean things that will truly hurt him. (Expect getting a beating or a harsh goodbye from Eren if you actually try to pull on his strings)
  • Eren would always try to separate his titan life from you. He hates it when you try to involve yourself into his plans which ends up becoming a heated argument.
  • If you’re pregnant, Eren will do everything in his power to protect you, even going as far as begging his captain and his whole squad of friend-comrades to stay with you during your pregnancy. (Be ready to get pampered by Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie and Jean.)
  • Once you give birth, Eren swore to protect both you and your child and would retire from his titan life to live the peaceful and suburban life with you and your child.
  • Mikasa and Armin are the godparents of your child and absolutely adores them. They’re the best godparents and would help take care of your child if Eren or you is busy.
  • You being greatly respected within the survey corps, more or less, tended to bend to her instruction at all times.
  • Historia would do EVERYTHING in her power to stop the government from involving you and Eren into doing dangerous things as she knew how peaceful you and Eren are now.
  • In the end, you live peacefully with the support and protection of your friends- no scratch that, your family.
  • (While you ask what you can do in return for protecting your family, they just brushed it off and that being invited to dinner was a good enough payment.)
  • Truth be told, i doubt that you and Eren would last in canon, much less get married.
  • You would probably be assassinated by some marleyans or die while giving birth to your child. Though, i do think that Eren might break up with you to protect you before he continued on with his f r e e d o m.