#snk x yn




Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you know, in case you didn’t see, that my requests/ask box is open! You can request anything from the fandoms that I write for (haikyuu!, My Hero Academia, Attack On Titan, and Criminal minds) but here are a few ground rules:

1. I do not write anything nsfw

2. I might choose not to write if I am uncomfortable with the subject matter you request, for example, hangovers or the intake of alcohol since I am underage and don’t want to assume anything about that experience! I will definitely message you, letting you know if I can’t fulfill your request <3

3. I try my best to make my ‘x reader’ fics gender neutral, but sometimes they might stray towards a more feminine side since I am a girl. If you want the fic to be a specific gender (male, female, non-binary, gender neutral, etc.) just let me know!

4. Please specify which character(s) you want me to write for!

5. And last, but not least, specify whether you want a headcanon, scenario, or one-shot!

There is no limit to how many requests you can send in, so ask away! Also, if you just want to talk or gush about characters, new episodes of anime, or life in general, feel free to chat! I’ll always be someone you can talk to if you want me to be!

Hello everyone! I just thought I would reblog this to let everyone know that my requests are OPEN and that here are my request guidelines! Feel free to ask for as many situations, fics, one-shots, etc. as you would like! Also, if you want a place to chat or talk, I’m totally cool with that as well! Talk to me about the upcoming seasons for both MHA and AOT - I am so hyped for both - and if you want to talk about anything you’re watching now! For me, I’m rewatching Fruits Basket (it’s one of my favs!) and keeping up with SpyxFamily - it’s so good! I hope you all are safe happy and healthy!

All the love!!!

- Songbird

Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​ ~ All-Flora Florist


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Hajime Isayama

AOT Masterlist-Main Masterlist

Warnings: Angst, Weapons, Season 4 spoilers

Requested by: Anonymous

Hi! Could you do a one-shot of Jean/Girlfriend. His lover drank the wine and turned into a Titan after Zeke screamed. Then could you show everyone’s reaction and what they decide to do. :D

A/N: Sorry this took a little bit, but I’m really happy with how this turned out! Also had to catch up on the last two episodes that came out (including the one today omg it was so good). I did take some liberties with the second part of your request, as I focused more on Jean’s reaction.  I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request!

Word Count: 1.2K


You weren’t one to enjoy alcohol. Usually, you would avoid having even a single glass of wine because you didn’t want to risk the possibility of you being drunk. The thought of being out of your own control in a world that was already so messed up plagued your mind enough to the point that when you and your buddies were passing around a bottle, you’d pass on the opportunity. Plus, the taste of it wasn’t fantastic enough to warrant you actively seeking a sip of the purpley-red liquid.

However, that one night where you wanted to just forget about the fact that your comrades, your family, and your closest friends were six feet under - and you were only nineteen yourself - you found yourself with a flush on your cheeks and a giggle in your throat. It felt so good at the moment, like you were flying in the sky. It was that same adrenaline and completely pleasant feeling that you remembered experiencing when you first mastered using ODM gear; playing hide and seek in the training forests with Connie, Jean, and Sasha. It made you feel like a fifteen year old again. You felt like your old self. Now, it just made you miserable.


The little armband that was affixed to your overcoat did nothing to weigh you down, but you felt like it was constricting your arm. It was hard to process what Commander Pyxis had told you - that the wine you had sipped from was contaminated with Zeke Yeager’s spinal fluid. That the one time, the one instance in which you had let yourself have a drink, it would be the biggest mistake of your life.

At the moment, you were stuck in a cell, swinging your feet on a little stool and trying not to think too hard about what was almost certainly to come within the next few days, maybe in the next few moments. The second that Zeke would yell, it would be over for you. You would transform into the very monster that you had been slaying for the last several years. But, could you really still call them monsters? They were people with lives who had been at the beck and call of Marley. They could have been someone’s Connie, someone’s Sasha. Someone’s Jean… oh god Jean. What would he say when he finds out? Would it be too late, would you have already transformed before you got the chance to say goodbye? And if that did happen, would he even be able to tell if you were a titan? You’d seen it happen before with Armin. A strange, mutated version of the human they once were is projected onto the titan’s face. You almost began to tear up at that possibility - that a gangly titan version of you had your Y/H/C hair, your Y/E/C eyes. A ‘you’ that was so deformed, but still held the characteristics that would prompt someone to say, ‘that’s Y/N’s titan.’

You felt sick. You leant to reach for a bucket, but the locked door that imprisoned you and several others swung open.

“Let’s go, come on. We need you all.” You didn’t bother to look up at the speaker. You were a soldier, and you knew how to follow orders, so you immediately fell into line. A gun was shoved into your hand and there was a pat to your back as you were ushered out of the building and into the usually busy cobblestone streets. A gasp fell from your lips as you looked around you. All over, Marlyeans and Eldians were battling, and in the center of it all, Eren’s titan. That short boy with the raven colored hair that you used to share jokes with and poke fun at, held a stance and stature that felt so wrong. But you didn’t have time to linger or hold onto that thought. Instead, the Beast titan made you freeze in your movements. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t breathe. And yes, while that was part of the titan’s power, this was purely your own body’s actions. An overwhelming fear struck through every one of your nerves that you didn’t notice a Marleyean take aim at you. However, someone else did. In a flurry of movements, Jean killed the man instantly and turned towards you, running as fast as he could. All you could do was watch him. Immediately, Jean gathered you into his arms, clutching and grasping at your arms, your clothes, your hair - like you were water slipping from his hands and he was doing everything he could to keep you there with him.

“Y/N, where the hell have you been, Armin and I have been trying to get everyone of our group back together and you have been the one person to be missing.” He says into your hair, breathing you in and tucking your face into his chest. Again, you find yourself not being able to do anything, so he pulls back to look at you from an arm’s length. “Y/N?”

Your gaze flickers down to your armband and then back to him, which he mimics. You find it truly impressive how many emotions his face shuffles through in one second. Confusion, denial, anger, sadness. He was just missing one to have gone through the whole cycle of grief. Instead, he shook his head.

“No, no. Tell me you didn’t, this has to be a mistake. You hate wine, you hate alcohol in general. It’s probably because you were just with them that they made you wear it.”

“Jean…” you finally croak out, giving him a sad smile and locking your eyes with his. “You… you should go. You need to get away from me. Please.” Pushing him away and backpedaling slowly, you don’t let him out of your sight. He takes a step forward, but your hand goes up. “I don’t want you to be here when this happens, and I don’t think you do either.” His head turns towards the floor, and you know you’ve won. “Hey Jean? Close your eyes for me?” You say, your voice quivering just a bit. He complies. “I love you.” You say, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. And with that, you’re gone, down the road and around the corner. And Zeke let’s forth one hell of a scream.

He lets his feet carry him until he’s into a spring, finally moving to use his ODM gear. Jean finds himself on a rooftop with Armin, Mikasa, and Connie. The light explodes all over the crumbling city, and Jean clamps his hands over his ears. He doesn’t want this, he never wanted this. He wanted a life with you in a little cottage. He wanted to be reading a newspaper while your baby was asleep on his chest, their little hand gripping onto the cloth of his shirt. He won’t get that. He will never get that.

“Is that?” Connie exclaims, shock and sadness taking hold of his tone.

“O-oh my god.” Armin says, his hand moving to cover his dropped jaw.

“No…” Mikasa whispered, her eyes wide. Finally, Jean looks to what they had set their eyes on. A tall, strong looking titan. Y/H/C hair was whipping fiercely in the wind. Y/E/C eyes were buried deep in its face. And quickly, just like that kiss you had given him, a soldier had sliced its nape and it collapsed on the broken, cobble street. Jean let forth a breath. Acceptance.


Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny ~ All-Flora Florist




;; fluff, slight angst, slight spoilers

author notes ;; hdhrhrjehs first headcanon, yay!! Sorry if its trash, this is my first eren fic haha!!

  • BEING EREN JAEGER’S wife can be very difficult. He is mostly busy with annihilating the titans and you got used to it as time passes.
  • You never bothered or complain about him being gone but you worry for his life. You knew how reckless he can be and annihilating titans and biting your arm to transform until it gets ripped doesn’t help your worrying at all.
  • You being his ideal wife, loyal and true to yourself, someone who wouldn’t lie to him and trusts him with all your heart, would accept him for what he was and who he was and of course, would never pressure him when talking about his family. You knew how complicated the family things were so he would very much appreciate it if you don’t pressure him to tell everything about his family.
  • Zeke would probably know about you, and would also try to assassinate you to spite his half brother.
  • He makes sure to spend time with you and if he can’t, he’ll get Armin or Mikasa to spend the whole week with you.
  • Armin and Mikasa adores you and treats you like their own sibling.
  • Once you and Eren revealed that you were dating, Mikasa almost beat him up him and told him that he was risking your life. Much to Mikasa’s dismay, he continued dating you but as time passes on, Mikasa grew to accept the fact that even if she tried sabotaging your relationship for both your sake, you would still love each other till the end of time.
  • Historia would probably be the first to know.
  • Multiple Assassination attempts on you by the marleyans.
  • (Don’t worry, Eren will deal with them later lolol.)
  • You comforting Eren whenever he gets nightmares.
  • Historia giving you the farm as a wedding gift. (Historia loves you very much to actually do that)
  • Your wedding was set up in a traditional way and was well decorated. (all credits to levi for helping you decorate)
  • Levi disagreed about you and Eren getting married, mostly because Eren could be putting you in danger but nevertheless, he grew to accept the fact that Eren does love you and would do anything for you.
  • The only people that were invited were Eren’s close friends.
  • You and Eren’s honeymoon was shortlived but you both made sure to spend your short time in a satisfying way if you know what i mean—
  • But nevertheless, Eren made sure that you felt loved even when he was away from you.
  • He would be writing letters every day and you would do the same.
  • You being Eren’s home and reason as to why he needed to live.
  • Many possibilities of you being assassinated by the marleyans to spite Eren.
  • (Eren of course goes berserk mode on them and they would all be dead for killing his wife)
  • Or you get out of his mess by saying mean things that will truly hurt him. (Expect getting a beating or a harsh goodbye from Eren if you actually try to pull on his strings)
  • Eren would always try to separate his titan life from you. He hates it when you try to involve yourself into his plans which ends up becoming a heated argument.
  • If you’re pregnant, Eren will do everything in his power to protect you, even going as far as begging his captain and his whole squad of friend-comrades to stay with you during your pregnancy. (Be ready to get pampered by Armin, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie and Jean.)
  • Once you give birth, Eren swore to protect both you and your child and would retire from his titan life to live the peaceful and suburban life with you and your child.
  • Mikasa and Armin are the godparents of your child and absolutely adores them. They’re the best godparents and would help take care of your child if Eren or you is busy.
  • You being greatly respected within the survey corps, more or less, tended to bend to her instruction at all times.
  • Historia would do EVERYTHING in her power to stop the government from involving you and Eren into doing dangerous things as she knew how peaceful you and Eren are now.
  • In the end, you live peacefully with the support and protection of your friends- no scratch that, your family.
  • (While you ask what you can do in return for protecting your family, they just brushed it off and that being invited to dinner was a good enough payment.)
  • Truth be told, i doubt that you and Eren would last in canon, much less get married.
  • You would probably be assassinated by some marleyans or die while giving birth to your child. Though, i do think that Eren might break up with you to protect you before he continued on with his f r e e d o m.

Woo hello guys, basically i am trying to revive this mf blog lmao

I am going to check up on it more often and stuff too!

IN THE MEANTIME please send in thirsts, imagines, hcs and basically anything that you think of about a certain character or characters. My inbox is wide open for yall <3
