#august young royals


I need to know more about August’s relationship with his father it is essential to my understanding of his relationships with people.

The summary of my hopes for s2

I can’t wait to see Simon find out that August was the one who leaked the video. I want to see rage, pure, unfiltered rage.

Let’s make a list of things that are wrong with August, I’ll start:

- kissed Sara without her permission

The fact that August tells Wilhelm that he needs to be really careful who he hangs out with, thereby trying to shit-talk Simon out of pure and unfiltered jealousy makes me so incredibly furious.

This is the fucking Prince of Sweden, do you really think he has not been told this before? Do you really think his mother hasn’t told him all his life that he needs to stay close to people of “his kind”?!

Do you think he hasn’t been schooled for this and that he can’t judge this situation and his relationship with Simon by himself?

That’s all his life is, being careful, not being able to do this, that, and everything in between. He is constantly holding back and being careful and when he is for once not, it becomes a nation wide scandal.

That’s why he is at this damn school in the first place. He was not allowed to continue going to a regular school with regular students. August KNOWS this.

And here goes August thinking he can explain life to The Prince when he himself is a sad excuse for an advisor and apparently fucking terrible at managing his finances. He just loves to feel like he has any kind of influence over Wilhelm.



i’m really glad everyone else is acknowledging that august is fine as hell while also being a grimey little man

i thought i was alone on that one

wait no offense but people think august is hot???

august please get arrested for distribution of child p*rnography challenge 2k21

felice at the dead pixels of august’s camera while watching the video he recorded of wilhelm and simon:

august from young royals is proof that you can be both gay and homophobic
