#autism spectrum positivity





–the Only Mood everyone else knows about: i  wanna do THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and THIS and–SQUIRREL

–galaxy brain: i was listening to the lecture but the prof said something that reminded me of something else and now i’m not sure how much time i was lost in thought

–the tutorial only comes in video format: i’m sorry, but you’ve thrown off the emperor’s groove *hurls product & its tutorial video into the sun*

–damn you hyperfocus: i went to bed intending to wake up and write but this morning i was possessed by a cleanliness spirit and spent the next 14 hours organizing the apartment

–i dont think u tried at all.jpg: did i seriously spend an entire free day refreshing twitter b/c i didn’t want to spend 10 minutes finishing my hw but wouldn’t let myself do anything else until i finished it???? (yes)

–patrick star: *unlocks phone* time to check the weather. *opens twitter* the weather. *opens messenger* the weather. *opens mobage game* theweather.*opens facebook* the weather. *opens twitter again* THE WEA–

–smells like depression: literally everything is too boring. i’m going back to sleep

#this is the post that made someone message me saying i was stereotyping adhders#when i have adhd and identity with all of this

cowards can come @ me, the OP, if they got a problem with this post b/c all of these are literally about me

I feel this but I’m not adhd maybe some of these cross over with autism

they do cross over with autism, yes! adhd and autism share many similar characteristics and symptoms, such as 

  • hypersensitivity to stimuli/becoming overstimulated
  • forms of stimming (generally to relieve hyperactivity in adhd ppl)
  • failure to comprehend social cues/the emotional state of people around us, and
  • periods of utter inward focus rendering us unaware of the world around us. 

also I can’t help noticing the similarity between adhd hyperfixations and autistic special interests, including the need to share about what we learn at G R E A T length! (I love this about us)

AND ALSO! autism and adhd are comorbid which means that people can have both autism and adhd! it’s actually not uncommon to have both!

adhd/autism spectrum solidarity yall 
