#autistic dolores


Gonna do my Encanto hcs because I can and feel like it.

Disclaimer: I am white, and I’m trying my very best not to take away from the culture of the movie with these. I don’t have these hcs because I want representation, I just think I see these traits in these characters and this is all for fun blah blah blah you know the drill.


- I’m thinking lesbian. I feel like most people have explained this one to death but the rundown is basically she just Gives Those Vibes + comphet

- autistic!!! What Else Can I Do tells the story of a girl learning to unmask so clearly. Also Isabela’s whole perfect persona gives big masking vibes. Idk I just think it’s neat.

- gifted kid burnout /hj


- autistic once again!! Her sensory overload is a MOOD and there’s a lot of fun stuff to play with there. Told a guy “you talk so loud” as a compliment.


- adhd and autism. She very much has a “thinking out loud” personality. Special interest in sewing!! Always moving, sensory seeking.

- I don’t have a specific sexuality hc for her but I feel like she’s mspec.


- autistic! She strokes her braid to calm down/as a stim, emotional dystrguation, and also I just think Pepa and Dolores both being autistic is neat. Also people not understanding how to handle her emotions.

- as a friend pointed out, there’s a lot of overlap between ASD and BPD, and I think Pepa slides right into that sweet spot.


- gay, but specifically the brand of gay that only a theatre boy can be.

- questioning his gender hardcore, but not quite there yet. Not totally cis tho.

- Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. No further comment.
