#avengers headcanons


headcanon that Nat’s favorite but most painful holiday is Christmas. She‘s always just wanted a family, but somehow it’s never worked out. For those few years in Ohio she had her family and she got to buy presents for her sister and decorate the tree with her dad and make cookies with her mom. But that was all fake. And in the back of her mind she knew it wasn’t real so she could never fully relax and let herself enjoy Christmas.

and in the red room of course she didn’t have any Christmases or anything close to a family. She would be on a mission in December and look in the lighted windows of homes and see families decorating Christmas trees and making gingerbread houses and wrapping presents for each other. and for a moment she wanted that so badly she couldn’t think about anything else.

But then she would shake herself and go back to her mission.

so Nat was scared for that first Christmas in avengers tower. She was scared it wouldn’t be like everything she dreamed. She was scared the people who were quickly becoming her family wouldn’t be enough. she was scared she didn’t know how to do Christmas.

but the moment on December 1 when Nat went shopping for presents for the avengers it started to feel real. And the moment on December 15 when Peter, her spider baby, ran up to her and asked her excitedly if she wanted to bake cookies with the rest of the team it started to feel like home. And the moment on Christmas when everyone woke up early and opened their presents and laughed together and hugged each other it started to feel like family.

Nat looked around and realized she finally had a family.

headcanon that to introduce Thor to earth culture, Peter gave Thor a bunch of kids books. So we’re talking magic school bus, charlotte’s web, magic tree house, harry potter, charlie and the chocolate factory, basically anything Peter thought would help Thor connect with earth.

It turns out that Thor LOVES all these books and wants more. He says in Asgard they had storytelling and old scrolls but not simple stories with pictures. So Peter takes him to the local library. Thor goes to the kids section and literally grabs an entire shelf– Peter has to tell Thor they can’t check out that many books and Thor looks very disappointed.

“But if you want to read them right now, you can just stay here and read them! And then when we go back to the tower, we only check out a few books!” Peter says quickly. Thor immediately brightens and sits down on the ground to start reading.

Peter waits a bit to be sure that Thor isn’t gonna do anything else weird, then goes off to check out a romance novel he’s been meaning to read. When he gets back he finds Thor on the ground with a dozen kids sitting next to him and on his lap, listening to him read “Where the Wild Things Are” out loud.

when it’s time for them to leave, all the kids hug Thor and say they’re really sad he has to go. so every week from then on Thor comes back to the library on Tuesdays and reads aloud to the kids.

headcanon that Nat has a hard time sleeping so she’ll be in the Tower living room watching a ridiculous reality show like keeping up with the kardashians at 4 am

headcanon that since Peter has trauma™ one time he was also unable to sleep and wandered out to the living room and discovered Nat watching keeping up with the kardashians

and since she is terrifying Russian assassin, he fears for his life and promises not to tell the rest of the team. she invites him to watch it with her and long story short he gets kinda invested. so when the next few episodes come out he watches them by himself at a normal time in his room. but on the day the finale comes out, the Avengers are fighting a giant battle with some random aliens all day, so he doesn’t have a chance to watch it.

he remembers that Nat watches it in the middle of the night, so he waits till 4 am and goes out to the living room. when he gets there he sees Clint, Wanda, T'Challa, Carol, Tony, Bucky, Shang-Chi, and Scott all sitting on the couch with Nat, as the opening to Keeping Up with the Kardashians plays on the television.

“You too?” asks Carol, with a smirk. it turns out multiple avengers have been unable to sleep and found out Nat’s secret, then got invested and watched the whole season by themselves, but because they had the big battle they all missed the finale. So one by one they showed up in the living room, and were shocked when more people kept joining them, because they all thought they were the only ones who knew.

Peter looks at Nat and she’s barely holding back laughter. She does not seem at all bothered that hold on- Peter counts the avengers sitting on the couch- that EIGHT (plus himself) members of the team knew she was watching terrible reality tv at 4 in the morning.

T'Challa pats a seat next to him, inviting him to sit down. Peter smiles and joins all of them on the couch.

Before the episode is over, Yelena, Rhodey, Bruce, Stephen, and Rocket have all joined them, looking baffled at first, but sitting down with smiles on their faces after its explained

Avengers on YouTube

Steve has a baking channel, but he doesn’t know how to edit so the videos end up being like 7 hours long because he’s like “ok now you’ve gotta let the dough rise for 5 hours” and leaves the camera on for the entire 5 hours. And then he doesn’t edit the five hours out so you can watch Nat coming into the kitchen and calling Clint because she has “a genius idea for a prank”, Clint crawling out of the vent and hiding behind the cabinet to scare Tony when he comes in looking for a granola bar because Pepper told him to eat, Bruce making hot chocolate and spilling it everywhere when Clint jumps out and causes Tony to scream at the top of his lungs, Thor running in and almost hitting Clint in the face with his hammer because he heard Tony scream and he thought there was an enemy to fight and almost didn’t realize it was Clint until it was too late, and Nat laughing at them all from a safe distance on top of the refrigerator. So Steve’s videos are massive successes and Steve thinks its because of his baking talent and no one wants to hurt his feelings so they don’t tell him that’s probably not the reason.

Natasha has a pranking channel where she comes up with prank ideas and convinces other people to do them for her so she never gets in trouble, and then she hides and films the whole thing. And of course no one ever tattles on her because she’s a terrifying Russian assassin so no one except her viewers know she’s the real prankster of the tower. but on April fools she goes all out and takes credit for her own pranks, and the avengers are all relieved that Nat doesn’t use her pranking abilities regularly cause everyone already pranks each other too much and can you imagine what would happen if Nat’s genius was added to that? Nat just smiles.

Tony has a channel where he critiques people’s fashion sense. He takes pictures of the avengers around the tower in whatever they’re wearing, even if its their pajamas, and does a whole video critiquing it. “Today we have an outfit of Clint’s, it almost looks like he’s wearing his pajamas, and if anyone ever says that about your outfit you know its a fashion failure … the buttons are rather large, what were we going for here? this isn’t the world’s biggest button competition … the rubber duck pattern is far too colorful, its like looking at a walking neon sign outside a rubber duck store, but I appreciate the size of the ducks, a much more reasonable size than the buttons …” You would think the avengers would be annoyed, and they are, but they also think its hilarious. So sometimes everyone except Tony goes thrift shopping and tries to find the most ridiculous clothes, and then the next day they walk past Tony until he pulls out his phone and takes what he thinks is a subtle picture of them, and they wait eagerly for his next video to be uploaded to his channel.

Thor has a channel where he answers frequently asked questions about Asgard, because when the team was explaining youtube videos to him Nat said one thing they can be is educational. In every video he ends up praising Loki, or the Warriors Three and Sif, or the Valkyries for minutes on end because its clear he just thinks they’re all amazing. And its just so wholesome that people will specifically ask questions in the comments like “tell me about the moment when Sif was the most heroic” and he will go off for forty minutes describing a battle where Sif saved hundreds of innocent villagers from invading aliens. And he’s actually surprisingly funny? Like all his stories have comedic moments and even when you’re crying about how much he loves his friends and how much you wished you had friends who loved you like that, you’ll laugh out loud at a joke he made.

Clint has a vlog where he talks about any random thing that comes into his head. He never updates regularly: he might update twice in one day and then for three months he doesn’t post anything. He doesn’t have a specific place he films: one day he’s sitting at his desk, the next he’s on top of the refrigerator, and the next he’s in the vents. He doesn’t have any topics that are off limits: one day he’s talking about the superiority of rubber ducks and the next day he’s breaking down fascism and how it has surfaced in modern politics. His channel gets a lot of views because people think he’s interesting because he’s so unpredictable, plus most of his videos are kinda funny.

Bruce has a channel that’s just edits of the other avengers. He’s kinda camera shy himself, but he tapes tiny cameras all around the common areas of the tower and makes random edits. He has videos called “Nat smiling” (5 minutes long), “Steve making inspiring speeches” (2.5 hours), “Clint climbing into the vents awkwardly” (54 minutes), “Clint falling out of the vents” (42 minutes), “Nat convincing other people to do her pranks when she thinks no one is watching” (3 hours), “Thor being confused about Earth references” (1 hour), “Tony making random pop culture references” (11 hours), “Steve forgetting how to use his phone” (5 hours), and “Tony going to bed at a normal time” (7 minutes). His channel is probably the most popular of all, and Bruce is very proud of it.


Even if Thor gets big and buff again he’ll definitely have stretch marks.

And I love that.
