#christmas with the avengers


headcanon that Nat’s favorite but most painful holiday is Christmas. She‘s always just wanted a family, but somehow it’s never worked out. For those few years in Ohio she had her family and she got to buy presents for her sister and decorate the tree with her dad and make cookies with her mom. But that was all fake. And in the back of her mind she knew it wasn’t real so she could never fully relax and let herself enjoy Christmas.

and in the red room of course she didn’t have any Christmases or anything close to a family. She would be on a mission in December and look in the lighted windows of homes and see families decorating Christmas trees and making gingerbread houses and wrapping presents for each other. and for a moment she wanted that so badly she couldn’t think about anything else.

But then she would shake herself and go back to her mission.

so Nat was scared for that first Christmas in avengers tower. She was scared it wouldn’t be like everything she dreamed. She was scared the people who were quickly becoming her family wouldn’t be enough. she was scared she didn’t know how to do Christmas.

but the moment on December 1 when Nat went shopping for presents for the avengers it started to feel real. And the moment on December 15 when Peter, her spider baby, ran up to her and asked her excitedly if she wanted to bake cookies with the rest of the team it started to feel like home. And the moment on Christmas when everyone woke up early and opened their presents and laughed together and hugged each other it started to feel like family.

Nat looked around and realized she finally had a family.

@webslingerholland and I are happy to announce we have picked our winner for this years writing contest! 

We would first like to thank everyone who has participated.  The decision was hard, seeing as we had so many great entries, but a winner had to be chosen! 

And finally, it’s time for what you have all been waiting for, our winner is…


Congratulations!!!!! You have won: 

  1. A follow from both of us
  2. A request for a one-shot of your choice from each of us
  3. 3 shout outs that can be used at any time

Thank you again to all who entered! You can go read the winning story here

Merry Christmas everyone! 


  •  No one made any comments when Y/N started listening to Christmas music in September(Mainly because when Clint tried to she gave him the look which then led to him hiding in the vents for two hours)
  •  But! Thanksgiving was finally over so the Avengers finally let Y/N decorate.
  •   Steve even surprised her with a real pine tree!
  • It was Y/N’s first Christmas with the Avengers, so they wanted to make it extra special for her.
  • One the tree was all decorated (which took like eight hours because they all kept arguing about which ornaments to use and color scheme to do) it was time for Christmas cookies!!!!
  • The problem was, no one knew how to make cookies….
  •   A special pray of thanks for google was made that day by the team
  •  Everything was great till Sam and Rhodey started an icing fight and then got Steve and Bucky involved, then Tony threw an egg, Natasha attacked with flour, and Y/N just dumped sugar on Steve’s head.
  • Tony was suspiciously excited about putting up the mistletoe.  They couldn’t figure out why till they realized it was hung up in every single doorway in the tower
  •   This led to Natasha kissing Vision, Clint kissing Y/N, Sam and Bucky got caught under the mistletoe too at one point (Sam kissed Bucky to piss him off.  It worked).
  • Steve kept trying to get caught under the mistletoe with Y/N but kept failing. Miserably. Vision is not the greatest kisser.
  •  They watched a different Christmas movie every night! Well… almost every night.  They watched Rudolph three times, A Nightmare before Christmas eight, Frosty the Snowman four, and Santa Claus is coming to town twelve times.
  •   It took a lot of convincing, but Y/N finally got everyone to go Christmas caroling with her.  They may have all only agreed because she gave them the look… but that’s not important.
  •  No one really knew the words and Bucky could not carry a tune even if his life depended on it, but they had fun.  Until they all realized Tony had the voice of an angel and he wouldn’t stop bragging about it till they pushed him into the snow and left him there to freeze (don’t worry, he didn’t)
  •  It was getting to the point where Steve had kissed almost everyone exceptY/N
  •  So, Steve did the only thing he could think of.  He took Y/N by the hand, dragged her over to the mistletoe and kissed her.
  •  After, she then admitted to getting others to appear under the mistletoe whenever he tried to get her under the mistletoe cause she thought it’d be funny. 
  •   Steve did not find this funny. (Y/N made it up to him with a few more kisses).
  •  Christmas Eve was probably Y/N’s favorite night out of the whole month.
  •  It didn’t take twenty minutes to pick a movie, they all had cocoa and cookies (from the store), and they all fell asleep in the living room.
  •  It was Y/N’s favorite Christmas of all time