

M: A!!! A-

A: Hush, MC is sleeping.

M, whispering: oh, sorry.

A: What is it?

M: The house is on fire.

A: I am not in a relationship with MC.

M: Oh yeah? Well, what is the thing that bee makes?


MC in “conversation” with Q, turning to A: Yes, darling?

M: And don’t you ever lie to me again.

R: So A sneezed earlier, and I accidentally said “shut the fuck up” instead of “bless you.”

M: How do you accidentally say “shut the fuck up”?

A: I have no fears.

G: What if you woke up one day and R was taller than you?


A: I have one fear.

R: Tell them off, M, assert yourself!

M, to A: That’s my ice cream!

R: Great, now let ‘em have it!

M: You can have it.


MC: Oh c'mon, I didn’t drink that much last night!

A: You were flirting with M.

MC: So what? We’re dating.

A: You asked if they were single.

A: And cried when they said no.

A: Hey MC, nice shirt.

MC: Thanks, I got it 50% off.

A: I’d like it better 100% off.

MC: They can’t just give away shirts for free.

A: I mean—

MC: I know you get everything handed to you, A, but that’s just not a way to run a business.

MC: I wish I could block people in real life.

G: Ignore

M: Restraining order

A: Murder

MC: How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing?

M: I don’t know, how are yo—

A, from across the room: I’m good, thanks

thank you for coming to my TED talk

To Queen @carawenfiction

#tss vines    #to queen cara    #queen cara    #carawen    #gwyndal    #gwendolyn    #rheylo    #rheyla    #azuridian    #azuridia    #michael    #michaela    #quarie    #quaiel    