#baby london


Recently I came across an instagram account of a mother who is going through the worst possible thing that could happen. She just lost her beautiful little girl. Being a mother myself and recently going through the pain of having sick child and feeling helpless her story hit home. My daughter has recovered from her surgery and I thank god everyday for my 2 healthy kids. I know I take a lot of things for granted and rarely stop, look around and appreciate what I do have. I complain about things that don’t matter and get upset about small things that mean nothing in the end. Seeing the pain that poor mother is going through makes me hold my babies longer and tighter. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a child and I hope I never do but watching her journey has opened my eyes to be more in the moment. Kids are only going to be little once and I need to be more involved. I use the fact that I am a working mom so much as an excuse to not build legos when I come home or play or board game. “I’m tired" "I’ve had a long day" are my responses when I get asked to play a game. This is the time that I need to cherish because before I know it they won’t want to play with mom. I am making a promise to myself to be more involved, to even when I’m tired from working all week or stressed out I’m going to put my kids first. I want them to grow up and know that they are the most special people in my life. To the mom who just lost her baby- I have no words, I am just so sorry. 
