#bad buddy the series


NANON WHY’D YOU HAVE TO ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE. What was he thinking making this meme then tweeting it? Doesn’t he know we’re miserable as it is???


And they have no respect to the single community

Don’t mind me I’m just here having intense Bad Buddy withdrawals…

Obsessed with this genre of OhmNanon photos like I can’t even explain the intensity of my love for these two

Mr. Ohm Pawat is currently going through it too! Just like the rest of us.

I see… it’s the end of PatPran’s story but not OhmNon… I see you guys and I see you Ohm!

Saw someone on twitter said this means birthday sex and I couldn’t agree more


Is this the look of boyfriends who planned on breaking up? No I dont think tf so.


No one would ever convince me that that laugh at the end isn’t Ohm and Nanon almost breaking character. No way that wasn’t them. They were giddy af from that kiss!

summary:After being set up on yet another awkward blind date by his parents, Pat has had more than enough. To stop them from interfering - or rather, to shock them into never interfering again - Pat enlists his childhood rival to be his fake boyfriend. It’s only when everyone starts to genuinely believe them that Pat and Pran realize they just might be in over their heads.

This fic is set in a canon-divergent universe where Pran was never transferred to another school and their university friends are also their high school friends. At the start of this fic, Pat, Pran, and Ink are 17 years old, while Pa is 16 years old. Fic title is from the song I Can’t Fall In Love Without You by Zara Larsson.


“I can’t just fake-date anyone, Pran. It has to be someone that my parents will hate.”

“Wait, you’re not - ” Pran let out a terrible choking noise that sounded halfway between a breathless gasp and an incredulous laugh “ - you’re not seriously saying…”

“Think about it,” Pat continued hurriedly, hoping he could manage to convince Pran of his admittedly ridiculous plan before he could slip back into his bedroom, shut the window behind him, and never speak to Pat again. “If I pick someone that my parents might actually like, they’ll want me to date them forever until we get married. But if I pick someone they hate, like you - ” Pran visibly winced “ - then they’ll do everything they can to convince us to break up.”

“I…can think of at least ten different problems with your plan,” Pran managed to say after staring at Pat for an uncomfortably long time. As much as Pat wanted to think Pran was stunned into silence by his sheer genius, he knew Pran well enough to know what he was really thinking. “First, wouldn’t that just create more problems for you? Instead of bothering you about dating someone, they’ll bother you about not dating someone - that someone being me.”

Pat shrugged. “It wouldn’t bother me. It’s not like we actually like each other.”

“That’s not what I - never mind,” Pran said with a weary sigh that Pat was all too familiar with, his nose briefly scrunching up in distaste.

(read on ao3)

PATPRAN have everything i have ever wanted to see in a relationship. Healthy relationships, written well and the way the characters blend together so well? Also Ohm and Nanon’s acting and/either chemistry really take the cherry on the cake.

weWILL and we ARE getting a happy ending today. PatPran deserve nothing but only happiness and that is exactly what they WILL get. I refuse to accept anything else
