


This was inspired by one of my Clients at work!

Have a bad day? Bad week? Bad month? Try out this spell. It requires some traveling unless you live near a natural body of water.


The purpose of this spell if you banish lingering negative emotions stemming from a bad day/week/month.


  • 1 Flat rock
  • 1 Black marker (eco friendly if possible)
  • 1 Jar
  • Your frustration/anger
  • Mode of transportation
  • Natural body of water


Gather your supplies.  Ground yourself.  Sit in a quiet place and write the date/dates when you experienced stress on the rock with permanent marker (either like 6/2/2016-6/3/2016 or June 2, 2016 to June 3, 2016).  As you write the date/dates, remember the negative emotions you experienced during that time.  Charge the rock/rocks with those emotions.  Use the rocks as a vessel for your negative emotions.  Place the rock in the jar and seal it.  Do not open it until you are able and ready to travel to a body of natural water.

When weather is appropriate, go to the nearest natural body of water. While standing near the water, focus on ridding yourself of the stress and frustration from the dates written on the rocks.  Take your rocks and throw them into the body of water while stating:

“No more shall this stress consume me.
Let my mind and body be free.”

After throwing the rock, allow your body to feel calm and relaxed.  Take deep breaths and notice how the tension has lifted.

Go about your day and do something uplifting and fun.


“You can, in fact, have too much security. I call this the Excalibur problem. It’s not named after the sword, but the 1981 movie of the same name. In that film the characters wear their heaviest armor all the time no matter what they are doing. They fight in it. They joust in it. They eat dinner in it. They screw in it. It’s a movie, and it looks cool, so it’s fine. In reality, it would be uncomfortable if not impossible. It would be great for jousting when you are on a horse, and might even be okay for fighting (as long as you don’t need to move very fast), but for everything else it would actually hamper your experience. Magical security can actually do this too. When 80 percent of your magical practice is “banishing rituals,” how open to spirit contact can you be?”

From Jason Miller’s new book, Consorting with Spirits, page 108. I believe I learned this, through difficulty, back in the mid-2010s.

A Potion to Banish Unwanted PersonsAnother potion request! Keep them coming!Not intended for ingestiA Potion to Banish Unwanted PersonsAnother potion request! Keep them coming!Not intended for ingesti

A Potion to Banish Unwanted Persons

Another potion request! Keep them coming!

Not intended for ingestion. Use at your own risk.

Supplies Needed

-          Cauldron or other boiling crucible

-          Wooden spoon

-          Glass vial

-          Fireproof dish

-          Mortar and pestle

-          Sieve

-          Small funnel


-          One pint water

-          One cup of sour milk

-          ½ cup of apple cider vinegar

-          1 pinch of Devil’s Dung (Asafoetida)

-          A dandelion root

-          1 garlic clove

-          Handful of sea salt

-          An item belonging to the victim. A snipping of clothing is ideal.

-          Oil of Rue or Oil of Sandalwood


1.       Heat the water over a low heat.

2.       Add the sour milk and apple cider vinegar.

Stir with a wooden spoon while concentrating on the target of your working.

3.       Take the oil of rue or sandalwood and anoint the victim’s personal item. Once anointed, carefully burn it in the fireproof dish taking care to preserve the ashes.

4.       Add the ashes to the mortar, along with the garlic clove, and grind with the pestle. Add this to the brew.

Continue stirring while concentrating on the target.

5.       Add the dandelion root.

6.       Contribute the Devil’s Dung.

Allow the brew to boil for ten minutes, stirring frequently.

7.        Add the handful of sea salt.

Continue boiling for another five minutes. As you stir, imbue the concoction with your personal energy. The intent you program therein should be “banishing.” Once you’ve contributed all of the energy you can into the brew, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool. Once cool, strain the brew through the sieve into the glass vial.

Now, take the vial and go forth on a moonless night to a crossroads, old cemetery, or some other deserted or liminal location. Hold the vial before you and see your victim’s face therein. Recite this incantation:

Here you dwell but through this spell you quickly take your leave

Remove your face from this my place so I can now be free.

Banished be for eternity from me and all that’s mine

I set you free immediately until the end of time

Hurl the vial at the earth making sure it breaks when it hits the ground. Walk away and do not look back and your victim will soon depart.


All of the ingredients have strong affiliations to banishing. First, the liquids selected represented the sourness of life – which will create the motivation for the victim to leave. The Devil’s Dung is often used in exorcisms and banishing spells due to its pungent odor that “no being, mortal or otherwise, can tolerate.” The garlic is another protection and repelling ingredient. The sea salt represents purification. The rue or sandalwood oil represent banishing, at least to me, but I suppose they could be substituted with other scents you find most fitting. If you’re trying to be environmentally conscious, you can return afterwards to pick up the broken glass.

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To all unwanted entities in this space: Fuck Right Off.
To all unwelcomed beings in my sphere: Fuck Right Off.
To all hateful processes in my self: Fuck Right Off.
To all disruptive methodologies in my heart: Fuck Right Off.
From everything in me: Fuck Right Off.
From Everything I Have: Fuck Right Off.
From all that I seek to build: Fuck Right Off.
To everything you are: Fuck Right Off.
I see you, you piece of shit: Fuck Right Off.
I know what you tried to do. Fuck Right Off.
You are not welcome here: Fuck Right Off.
You Will Not Survive Me.
So Fuck Right Off.

thewitchystuff:Banishing spells are made to get rid of negative energy and unwanted entities that


Banishing spells are made to get rid of negative energy and unwanted entities that may interfere with your magic. As for the bath spell, it´s made for banishing these energies from your body. 

We recommend it to be made on a New Moon, remember this February 26 would be great! You will need herbs, rosemary is excellent, aromatic candles , like pine or earthly ingredients, and an incense. 

Turn off all the lights and light the candles and incense. Place the herbs you chose in the hot water and relax once inside. Visualise a Banishing Pentagram over the bath water while thinking of cleansing you of all negativity.  Stay as long as needed. 

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