#bates family


It looks like Jana, JimBob, James, Abbie, JD, Gracie, Jer and Hannah all went to CA for the Lawson/Tiffan Bates wedding! And I think that‘s Laura deMaisie in the background talking to Evan Stewart? So she was there as well!

Aand the Katey / Abbie / Joy / Esther friendship continues. Never would have guessed that was a thing. Also are Nathan and Esther in Arkansas?

Sometimes I forget how many cousins there are, but seeing them like this just.. wow. And it’s truly only the beginning. I don’t actually expect any of the 2nd generation to end up with even close to 19, but I can see a bunch of them with ~10. Anyway it really makes me appreciate how Abbie and Lauren are not pregnant again yet, Go Team normal pacing! (Also I just realized I put in Evy Mae’s birth date as the same as Evy Jo, whoops, she’s 1 already obviously)

Who was the fundie blog that started with the spreadsheet when wikipedia took down the list? I cannot for the life of me find it again although I feel like I used to see the blog all the time, like to the point where it came up in my recommended when I’d idly type in some letters in my browser but it’s not @spurgie-cousin or @felicity-fundie or @precious-and-neat-fundies and those are the ones now that come up.. does anyone remember? Because I would like to thank them for their work (really such a lifesaver) and also tell them that it’s gotten out of hand with the one I did based on that one.. anyway these are just a couple of screenshots, I may have gone a bit overboard. I’ll add the rest later..

So… looking at my spreadsheet with all the new data put in, it doesn’t look like any of the Bates other than potentially Carlin will be having babies anytime soon So I guess we’ll have to wait for the newlyweds Esther & Katie next year. 

It’s a little different for the Duggars. Abbie, Lauren, Joy, Katey or Claire could be pregnant right now even! And we still have two more Duggar babies coming this year.

OH ALSO Btw I added the number of kids in the families of the in-laws to the best of my knowledge, which I think is pretty interesting. 

Same for the Bates..

And I color coded the parents to see how spread out they are

Same for the Duggars.. 

For a break in our depressing regular scheduled fundie content, let‘s make a stupid fun post about which fundie couples, in my opinion, reached, settled, or are evenly matched. Note that this is based not just on looks but on personalities and general kind of.. whether they have stuff figured out, or not. So it‘s definitely also about looks, and while I don‘t condone judging people‘s looks or making fun of people for how they look, this is just a dumb post to have fun with and not meant to be taken seriously.

JD/Abbie - He reached and he knows it

Jill/Derick - He reached, but not by that much, they seem quite evenly matched now

Ben/Jessa - He reached and she saw the opportunity and took it. I think they work quite well together now actually

Jinger/Jeremy - Honestly, she reached and then she settled

Joe/Kendra - Equally matched

Josiah/Lauren - Equally matched, kinda make a good pairing now but were not ready to get married/didn‘t know each other that well I think

Joy/Austin - Equally matched, definitely had the major hots for each other and are pretty equal in their interests etc.

Jed/Katey - He reached, I think she was majorly influenced by her dad and convinced herself she was in love..

Justin/Claire - Eh, equal?

Zach/Whitney - He reached, equally matched now

Michael/Brandon - Equally matched

Erin/Chad - Equally matched

Alyssa/John - Equally matched, although he was very lucky she was ready to get out of that house

Tori/Bobby - Equally matched

Carlin/Evan - Equally matched

Josie/Kelton - He reached big time

Katie/Travis - Equally matched, I think

Lawson/Tiffany - Difficult. He reached though

Nathan/Esther - He reached so fucking far
