#batsis imagine


Older Batsis: Wally West

A/N: A bit of fun in time for Valentine’s Day.

Warnings:Sexual implications (no smut or anything), mature language


Entering the manor and slamming the door behind you was supposed to be like entering a world of welcoming warmth that you could melt into, not be only a degree or so lower than the frozen wasteland you’d just escaped from.

You glanced around the hallway, darkness filling the area leaving you with a frustrated sigh - power was out. Fortunately you’d mentally mapped out the floorplan over your years and navigated your way to a lounge and lit the fireplace with a content hum.

You’d shed your wet, snow covered, outer layers but with a sudden breeze you instantly regretted that decision and spun to meet the offender with a defeated huff.

“Hey beautiful, we’re working on a case down in the Batcave but heard the door slam so your brothers sent me up to check on you since ‘super speed’ and they didn’t want to move away from the heaters.” The alias under the Flash crossed his arms once quoting 'super speed’, offering a flirty wink which even now still doubled your heart rate.

“They s-stole all the he-heaters… Shitbags. I - I’m free-freezing Wally.” You barely managed through chattering teeth, understanding that though the Manor was powerless the Batcave ran off of a different source meaning they were toasty down there.

“I could steal you one, plus you’ve already armed yourself with your fluffy blanket.” He gestured to the item splayed in front of the fireplace to warm it up before you had the opportunity to utilise it, instead choosing to welcome you into his arms for a warm hug.

“Wa- Are you vibrating?” You disregarded his last comment in favour of your query, tilting your head at his minuscule shifting stature unsure as to whether you were just shivering.

“Yeah, keeps me warm.”

“Can you do me?”

“I, yes - any day of the week - but lemme get this straight, are you asking me to be your vibrator (Y/n)?” His reply was full of smugness, you pulled back to catch his playful smirk.

“I didn’t mean it like that! I meant for warmth!”

“I know, couldn’t resist~” He chuckles to himself, meeting your frustrated gaze with a kind smile as it remained comfortably silent for a few seconds before you spoke.

“But - but can you, y'know, vibrate?” Your hands settled on his chest out of your sudden curiosity, tables now flipping as he became the flustered one partly due to your insinuating words which caught him off guard in its supposed innocence.

“I mean, almost all of my past partners haven’t known about the speed thing so…” This was killing him, you knew exactly what you were doing and had very little shame about it either. While you seemed untroubled by his presence - ever since you’d arrived he’d been muting all vividly romantic thoughts, holding his tongue with pick up lines and resisted the urge to hold you like he’d so desperately wanted. Like he did at your house, like you did at his apartment… The Manor was dangerous territory and acting on those lustful instincts were supposedly best avoided.

Though you had alternative ideas.

I know about your speed, and I really need warming up Wally.” Your voice was seductively enticing, your lips choosing sensitive placement on his neck and he released a shaky breath reflecting the wavering if his willpower. Damn you.

(Y/n)… your brothers w-” It came after a satisfied moan, Wally biting his lip and gently parting from yours before attempting a weak justification he had absolutely no belief in.

Won’t miss you too much.” You finished for him, kissing his jaw and awaiting his response.

“And you?”

“I’ll show you how much I missed you~”

In the next instance you felt soft silky fur of your blanket against your back, Wally hovering above you with the fire dancing in his irises and illuminating his skin in a brilliant golden glow - you swore he never looked more attractive. It was rather ironic, who’d have thought losing clothes would make your temperature skyrocket?


Back in the Batcave, Dick barely caught the dash of his friend, now shirtless and rooting through his belongings for a spare apparently.


Wally flinched at the sudden brief contact with his back and the painful sting that came with it causing him to speed a metre or so away now in a fresh sweatshirt. His healing would kick in soon.

Your beautiful, stunning, incredibly persuasive sister happened.

Dick gave him a quizzical glance, the claw marks on his best friends back obviously quite fresh and the afflicter was unknown.

“Ah - Alfred - the cat one, he kinda caught me off guard when I was with (Y/n)?” He didn’t sound at all convincing but they assumed it was down to sheer embarrassment at being bested by a feline.

“Perfect, his training has paid off.” Damian now fully invested in the conversation added, indicating he had an ulterior motive which was unsurprising considering the protectiveness he held over his eldest sister.

What training?” Dick cautiously questioned, now concerned with his own safety as well as overtaken by sheer curiosity.

“Whenever West makes a move toward our sister, Alfred will attack. Clearly my training methods are effective.”

“Hold up, did you make a move on our sister?!” Dick incredulously shot to his best friend, Damian now narrowing his gaze at the sighing red head.

God yes, multiple pleasurable moves.

“I hugged her.” Not a lie, but not a full truth either, those was better left private but Damian wasn’t fully convinced and made a step toward the stairway.

“Hmm, how about we ask (L/n) then?”

Nodon’t! Uh - she’s asleep in front of the fire and looks really peaceful.” He began protectively, speeding over to block the Robins exit before becoming flustered when explaining his reasoning.

“That why you were gone so long?” Grayson raised a brow, noting the odd behaviours and body language but ultimately didn’t dwell on it.

No, things got way hotter than originally planned.

“Yeah, I helped her find some blankets and start the fire. Then we caught up a bit, we haven’t seen each other in almost two weeks.”

They displayed disinterested at this point, content in knowing they’re worst fears hadn’t been realised.


It was late evening when you stirred from your peaceful hour long nap, instinctively your fingers reached across the array of soft blankets finding only empty warmth. With a soft smile you’d concluded Wally had waited until you’d fallen asleep in his arms before heading back down to the Batcave, knowing him he’d probably remained a little longer simply enjoying the afterglow and warmth that followed such intimacy with you.

A pleased sigh escaped your lips when you moved to stand, the aching of your leg muscles a rather welcomed one in your opinion - regardless, as you already donned Wallys hoodie you dressed yourself fully before heading down to the cave.

Why are you wearing Wallys hoodie?” Stephanie inquired somewhat suggestively the moment you entered, eyebrows wriggling as an indicator.

“Hmm, oh well after having sex by the fire it was the closest thing to me so logically I was too lazy to get anything else.” You boredly sighed, Wally paling at your sheer lack of secrecy whereas Spoiler wasn’t expecting such an open answer leaving her speechless.

Despitehating how brutally honest you were, the way you worded it so unbelievably paid off and consecutively too.

“No seriously though.” Dick tried again, dismissing your last answer like usual whenever you’d given such brash replies regarding your activities.

It was rather ingenious actually, if they ever found out about Wally then they couldn’t blame either of you for not telling them because, in fact, you consistently did - it’s not your fault they didn’t believe you.

Seriously. I genuinely just made love to your best friend.” There wasn’t a hint of misleading this time, expression casual with a smug nod to Dick who only rolled his eyes.

“Hey babe, you know they’d murder me right?” The speedster indicated to Damian carefully sharpening his katana, though his overuse of pet names meant your family paid no mind to them any more.

“They’d have to get through me first.” You wink at him, your brothers scoffing at the thought even if they knew you were being honest.

Even so, you linked your arm with the speedsters despite his hesitancy at displaying any form of contact in the presence of your family - but you were good friends, a fact your family knew all too well.

“Wanna have a rather late dinner at my place tonight?”

“Sounds perfect, would you like me to get takeout or should we attempt a recipe?” Wally relaxed at the casual tone of voice, one he found familiarity in as you both left wrapped up in conversation.

Not an unusual occurrence really, but still, that didn’t cease the racing minds of the young detectives that remained.


It was a few moments, Damian’s glare solely focused on the two of you happily retreating, before some spark of realisation surged through him.

“Wait… There were no claw marks on his hoodie…”

“Meaning when Alfred got to him, he wasn’t wearing it so - WALLY!” Dick finished, shooting after his best friend who had probably already swept you off by now - Damian more than willing to take the war to your apartment.

“The cat was happily wrapped in Wallys hoodie so it couldn’t have attacked him really… Ohmygod what if it wasn’t Alfred at all! Ahhhhhh~!” Stephanie clasped her hands together out of both enthusiasm and shock, low-key fangirling about the possibility despite its implications.

“Uh - or maybe, the cat attacked Wally when he gave (Y/n) his hoodie to keep her warm.” Tim justified, one that supported the proficiency of Damian’s feline training and as such already semi convinced the youngest by praising his ego - the theory made sense. Dick and the youngest offered shrugs to each other before heading off to grab some files whereas Steph withheld a suspicious expression toward her partner.

“You…You‘re covering for them. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me Tim! Why would (Y/n) even consult you in the first place?” She knew it was likely due to his lack of interference, that and no doubt you outrightly told him if he happened to ask the right questions which Tim had a knack for doing.

“Because I’m the favourite.” He offered her a smug wink, once more typing away leaving a pouting Steph with Alfred the cat purring at her leg. The creature hadn’t taken in any of Robins orders or laid a claw on West and yet radiated waves of accomplishment.

“Traitor… Damian won’t be very pleased once he finds out you allowed Wally near (Y/n) kitty cat.”


Warning - Babies and mention of breastfeeding

Requested by Anon -  Saw that requests were open and I thought of a cute batfam imagine. Reader is a single mom with a newborn baby girl and surprises the boys by coming home for Christmas and Alfred helped decorate the living room and reader helped cook and basically spend her baby’s first Christmas with her family and Bruce and the boys get all emotional or something also Happy Christmas!

Author’s Note - This request came in on Christmas Day, so I thought I’d squeeze it in. Sorry, it’s late.


Alfred smiled, watching the boys and Cass set up the living room for the holidays. He didn’t get to decorating himself this year, but it was a good activity to keep the rest of the family busy and out of the kitchen while he prepared Christmas Eve dinner. 

When he passed Bruce’s office, he paused to see Bruce inside with his face in his hands. He was holding the photo of you and your newborn baby girl that you had posted on social media a few days ago. It was a joyous occasion, the birth of his first grandchild. Of course instead of being happy, Bruce chose to sulk at the fact he didn’t even know you were pregnant. He also started investigating to find out who the father was when he found out you were going to be a single mother. 

Alfred shook his head and kept walking toward the kitchen. He hoped Master Bruce didn’t ruin this new peace between you and the family. The phone rang once he was inside the kitchen. He picked it up quickly, smiling as he knew who it was. “Hello, Wayne residence?” 

“Alfred, it’s me.” He smiled at the sound of your voice. “I was wondering if you could send someone to get us. My car broke down and now we’re at a gas station where we got towed to.” You sighed. Alfred frowned at the strain in your voice. “I know me showing up was supposed to be surprise, but I…well…I can’t really afford a ride there.” 

“Of course, Miss (Y/N). What is the address?” He picked up a pen, writing it down as you told him. “Are you in a warm and safe place?”

The baby fussed softly on your end. “Yeah, we’re fine. I’m inside the gas station with a cup of hot chocolate.” You laughed softly. “Thank you, Alfred. I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you, Miss (Y/N). I’ll have one of the boys there soon.” He hung up the phone and left the kitchen to go the the main family room. The tree was up, and most were decorating the tree. Jason was sitting on the couch, watching them. Alfred smiled, coming over to place a hand on Jason’s shoulder. Jason tensed, sensing he was just volunteered for something. “Master Jason, come with me please.”

The others laughed. “Shut up.” Jason growled, getting to his feet and following Alfred out of the room. “What’s up, Alfie? Need my help in the kitchen?”

“No, Master Jason.” Alfred handed Jason the address. “Take one of the cars, go to this address and pick up something for me.”

Jason frowned, eyeing the address. “Okay? Can I take any car?”

“Anything is fine. Be back in an hour at the most.” Alfred shooed Jason away. “Call me if you have any questions.” 

“Right.” Jason left. Alfred smiled before going into the kitchen. They’ll still be surprised, even if it wasn’t the way you and he originally planned.


Jason pulled into the gas station. He checked his phone on the dashboard. The address was right, but what did Alfred need from a gas station?

He parked the Audi in one of the parking spots outside and grabbed his phone. Frowning, he got out to look around.

“Jason?” He tensed, spinning to find you standing in the doorway of the gas station with a big smile on your face. “Hi.”

“(Y/N)?” A wave of pure joy washed over him as he ran to hug you. He spun you around, making you laugh. “Why are you here? Where’s my niece?”

“She’s inside.” You sighed once he set you down. “I was coming today as a surprise, but then my car broke down and we got stuck here.” He led you back inside when you shivered. Your baby was in her carrier, still fast asleep on the table you were sitting at while you waited. 

Jason peeked inside at her. “Look at you, princess.” He whispered softly, touching her cheek. She turned her head, opening her mouth to try to find something to suck on. He chuckled. “She’s beautiful, (Y/N).”

“Thank you.” You glanced between them, sneaking a photo of the two with your phone. 

Jason pulled himself away from her. “Give me your keys. I’ll move your stuff into my car while you two stay in here and keep warm.”

“You don’t have to do that,” you said, handing him your keys when he didn’t relent. “Thanks Jay. I honestly had no idea what we were going to do.”

“I got this.” He kissed your cheek. “I’ll come get you when I’m ready.” Jason was about to head out when you grab his hand. He turned to look, noting the panic, strained look in your eye. He knew that look well. “What?”

“There’s going to be a lot of stuff.” You blushed, your eyes on his forehead. “Just don’t judge me, okay?”

Jason snorted. “I’d never judge you.” He leaned over to kiss your cheek, squeezed your arm with his hand. “I got you now. Everything will be fine.”

“Thanks Jay.” You relaxed slightly. Jason led you over to take a seat before heading out to your car. It was an old, rusted piece of crap. He wondered how you even got this far in it. Inside was suitcases, boxes, and garbage bags. He sensed you coming for the holidays might be more than just a visit. Taking a deep breath, Jason pushed aside his curiosity and began to move your things into the Audi.


“Al, did you throw Jason out or something? I can’t find him,” Tim asked, poking his head into the kitchen. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath of the delicious smells from inside. 

“Master Jason is running an errand for me.” Alfred basted the turkey again and closed the oven. “He should be back in the next half an hour or so.” 

Tim hummed, stepping inside the kitchen. He leaned against the counter, taking a carrot from the serving tray Alfred had out for them to snack on. “Bruce is still brooding.”

“He’ll snap out of it soon.” Alfred smiled when his back was turned to Tim. 

“I don’t know if he will. He’s bothered by the fact (Y/N) had a baby by herself on top of trying to live on her own. I’m worried about her too.” Tim munched on another carrot. “I kept tabs on her. Her finances are in shambles.”

Alfred’s mouth went dry. Suddenly, it made sense. Maybe that’s why you reached out after three years of almost silence? Desperation. “Well, I imagine we’ll have to see for ourselves after the holidays.”

“I’m worried about the baby too. Bruce paid off her hospital bills, didn’t he? I heard he sent the hospital a check when he saw the photo on (Y/N)’s Instagram.” Tim took yet another carrot. Alfred turned. Tim had a furrow in his brow. “I’m scared for her, Alfred. It’s hard to be a single mother especially now days.”

Alfred reached over to pat Tim’s hand. “We’ll help her as much as we can.” He smiled when he heard Jason shouting that he was home with a Christmas present for everyone. “I believe Master Jason is home.” 

Tim grinned, getting to his feet and jogging out of the room. Alfred paused to wash his hands. He frowned slightly as he wondered if what Tim had said was true. The few emails and calls you made to him over the years did sound like you were struggling slightly. Troublesome living situations, having multiple jobs at the same time. He did send you money a few times as well especially when you found out you were pregnant.  

Alfred dried his hands and followed the noise to the main entryway. You were being hugged by Dick while Jason held your baby. Cass and Tim were peeking at her, cooing softly. Damian stood back with a scowl. “Miss (Y/N), I’m glad you made it.” Alfred opened his arms for you. Dick let you go and you ran to Alfred.

“I’m so happy to see you.” You held him tight, hiding your face in his shoulder like you used to do when you were younger. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome, Miss (Y/N), but you don’t need to thank us.” Alfred rubbed your back, feeling his shoulder dampen from your tears. “Collect yourself, Miss (Y/N).”

You sniffled, pulling away from him to wipe a few tears with your sleeve. “Sorry.” You smiled. “Do you want to meet your great-granddaughter?” You turned, taking your baby from Jason. The others followed you, still waiting to get a good look at her. Alfred took the baby into his arms, sighing at how beautiful she was. 

“She looks so much like you, Miss (Y/N).” Alfred chuckled, rocking her gently.

“TT, she’s a Wayne. Of course, she looks like her.” Damian crossed his arms. You blinked at him before ruffling Damian’s hair. He gasped, batting your hand away. However, a hint of a smile pulled at his lips. 

The baby slowly opened her eyes. Alfred smiled, seeing how beautiful they were. A little hand came out of the blanket she was wrapped in. Perfect little fingers and delicate fingernails. “Is Dad here?” you asked, wringing your hands.

“He’s in the study, brooding.” Dick chuckled, nudging your side as Cass gave you a hug. “You should probably go let him know you’re here. Otherwise, he’ll never come out.” 

“Cool.” You bit your lip. 

“I’ll watch over your daughter. Go talk to Master Bruce.” Alfred smiled, knowing you would be the only one to get Bruce out of the office and to join the rest of the family. 

“Thanks Alfred.” You shared a look with your siblings. “If I’m not out in twenty minutes, send Titus to save me.” You winked at Damian before slipping out of the room.

“May I?” Cass held out her arms for the baby. Alfred smiled and handed her over. Cass gasped at her niece. cooing at her softly. Alfred glanced toward the direction you went, hoping your conversation with Bruce would go well.


You knocked on Bruce’s office door. Nerves ate at your stomach. Shame made you feel hollow inside. You never planned to have to come back to your father like this, but life happened. 

“I’m not in the mood to be lectured, Alfred,” Bruce said inside. 

You smiled sadly before opening the door. “It’s not Alfred.” You almost laughed when Bruce fell out of his chair at the sight of you. The one and only time you surprised him. “Hi Dad.”

“(Y/N).” Bruce got to his feet, staring at you in disbelief and worry. “How…why are you here?”

You bit your lip. Your heart pounded like a jackhammer. “I came for Christmas. Alfred said I’m always invited and I figured I should since I wanted everyone to meet my daughter.” You swallowed the rest of the reason. The fact you needed money and you were homeless. That you wanted your daughter’s first Christmas to be somewhere warm and safe with people that loved her.

Bruce’s lips twitched. You tensed, knowing you probably didn’t hide it as well as you thought. “I’m glad you’re here.” He slowly came to you, opening his arms. You felt a tear slid down your cheek as you ran into his arms. He hugged you tight and for the first time in a long time, you felt secure. 

A sob slipped out of you. You buried your face in his shoulder. Bruce rubbed your back, humming to soothe you. “You’re okay. I’m here now,” he mumbled, rocking you gently. 

“I’m so sorry.” You gasped, letting out all the stress and tears you held in for so long. “I didn’t mean what I said when I ran away.”

“I know.” Bruce kissed the top of your head. You sobbed hard, your entire body shaking. “I’m proud of you. You made your way on your own like you swore to me you would.”

A lump formed in your throat. “No, I didn’t.” You sniffled, looking up at you as you felt another wave of tears come. “I had to work three different jobs just to stay in a small room in a house with five roommates. Even then, I was barely making it. Then I made a mistake and got pregnant. They kicked me out of the house after she was born and I had to live in my car.” You pulled away from him to rub your eyes with your sleeves. “Then when I came here, my car broke down and I was so scared that someone would find out and take my baby away.”

Bruce blinked. “We’ll figure that out now.” He took your hand and led you to sit down on the couch. “You’re not in this alone, (Y/N). You never were.”

“I said I didn’t need you. That I wished you weren’t my father,” you coughed, choking slightly on your tears. “How could I dare come back to ask for something?”

Bruce hummed as he handed you a tissue. “Sweetheart, did you honestly think I wouldn’t help you? I’ve kept tabs on you, even paid off your hospital bill.” You flinched in surprise. Now it made sense why they haven’t called you about your first payment yet. A weight lifted off your back at the thought.

A loud cry came from somewhere in the house. You got to your feet. “I think she’s hungry. I better go.” Bruce stood with you. 

“I’ll come with you. I’d like to meet my first grandchild.” He smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You can stay here as long as you like, (Y/N). We have more than enough room.”

Fresh tears came to your eyes. Your hormones were still out of whack. “Thanks Dad.” The two of you left to follow the sound of your daughter’s cry. 


“(Y/N), your stocking is still in here too,” Tim said, holding up the stocking you had since you were little. You smiled as you adjusted your daughter under the breastfeeding cover. The whole family was in the living room, snacking on cookies and veggies. Bruce sat on the couch with you, waiting for your daughter to finish eating so he could hold her again. 

“Wow, I guess Alfred never did throw things away.” You laughed. Tim hung up your stocking on the mantle with the rest of the family’s. 

Alfred clicked his tongue. “I guess we’re missing one member of the family now.” He reached into a bag and removed a brand new stocking with your daughter’s name on it. You gasped, tears filling your eyes again.

“Aww, thank you, Alfred.” You swallowed hard, glancing down at your daughter. She fell asleep with your nipple in her mouth. You moved her gently out from the cover and handed her to Bruce while you covered yourself.

“Cute.” Cass took it and hung it up with the rest. “Whole family.” 

You smiled, glancing at Bruce to see him cooing softly to your daughter as he rocked her. Alfred secretly took a picture. You knew you would find it framed somewhere. “Alfred, can I help in the kitchen?” you asked when you saw him hand the camera to Tim to take more secretive pictures. 

“Of course, Miss (Y/N).” Alfred nodded, gesturing for you to follow him. 

“You got her, Dad?” you asked, glancing back at Bruce who’s eyes were only on his little granddaughter.

“I’m good.” Bruce looked back at you. “Don’t worry.” You nodded and left the room.

“Miss (Y/N), if you could start on the pie filling for my special blueberry pie.” Alfred moved to check the turkey in the oven again. You grinned, finding the bowls where they have always been. 

It brought back memories of other Christmases where you and Alfred made blueberry pies. You were the only one to know the recipe since the others were always too busy to learn. “Of course.” 

Alfred turned on the radio and the two of you worked silently. You finished the pie, sliding it into the oven as Alfred took the turkey out. “Can I help?” Dick asked as he peeked around the corner of the doorway.

“Set the table, Master Dick. Dinner should almost be ready,” Alfred said with a smile. You peeked at the turkey, the smell making your mouth water. It was a long way from the cans of cold beans you had been eating the last few days. 

Alfred handed you a bowl of steamed vegetables. You smiled, going to join Dick in the dining room. “Hey sis.” Dick smirked at you as he carefully set plate mats down.

“Hey yourself.” You rolled your eyes as you set the vegetables down and moved to help him. “How have you been?”

“Good, considering.” Dick bit his lip, eyeing you. “I wish you would have called me if you were in so much trouble.” 

You frowned, pausing with a stack of plates in your arms. Jason must have mention it to him. “I was trying to do it on my own, Dick. You know about that.”

“Yeah.” Dick gave you a half-smile. “But we made a pact to always look out for each other.”

You snorted. “That was when you were eleven and I was ten.” 

“Still applies.” He reached over to squeeze your elbow. “Just remember I’m always a call away.”

You rolled your eyes, heart warmed by his words. “This goes both ways, you know. If you need me, I’ll be there.”

Dick nodded, letting his hair fall into his eyes. You set the plates down to brush it away. “For example, if I want cuddles from my niece, you better be there.”

“I’m sure I can make that work for you.” You laughed, hugging him tight. Dick hugged you back, lifting you up. “I missed you, Dick.”

“I missed you too.” You buried your face into his shoulder. “You guys have to stop making me cry.” 

Dick laughed, spinning you around. “Can’t help that.” 

“Careful with the dishes,” Alfred scolded with a smile as he came in with the bowl of mashed potatoes. You and Dick laughed, spinning faster. You couldn’t remember the last time you laughed so much.


Once dinner was done, most of the family left to go out into the city on patrol. You, Alfred, and Damian were the only ones left. Alfred and you wrapped presents on the living room floor while Damian stared at your daughter who was fast sleep in a portable sleeper Alfred had dug out of somewhere. 

Alfred nudged your arm, nodding over to Damian. You smirked over at him. Everyone thought it was odd that Damian didn’t go on patrol with them. You sensed what he stayed for. “Damian, did you want to hold her?” You got to your feet and went over to sit next to him.

“TT,” he huffed, blushing slightly. You picked her up. She whined slightly before settling back down. 

“Hold your arms like mine.” Damian copied you, sitting flat on the floor. “You have to support her head, and hold her close to your chest.” You handed Damian your daughter. He tensed when he felt the little life in his arms. 

“I can feel her heartbeat.” Damian had a shadow of a smile on his lips. 

You smiled and moved back to wrap another present. Damian held her stiffly for a while until eventually he started to rock her. Alfred sneaked a photo of the two. You shared a smile with him, pretending not to watch them. Damian held her until she woke up crying for another meal.


You headed upstairs with your daughter in your arms. “I have your old bedroom opened,” Alfred said, following you. 

“Thanks Alfred,” you whispered as you walked down the hall toward your bedroom. It was next to Dick’s old room and across from Bruce’s. Inside was almost untouched except for the fresh sheets and the bassinet in the corner. “Wow, you left it the same.” 

“Well except for a few additions.” Alfred moved over to the bassinet. You went over and gently laid your daughter down inside. “I’ll need more time to open up the nursery.”

“You don’t need to do that, Alfred.” You bit your lip. Guilt haunted you. Everyone was making such an effort for you. “This is enough.”

Alfred took your shoulders and turned you to face him. “Miss (Y/N), let us help you. This is your home. It is open to both of you.” Your lips trembled. Alfred pulled away before you cried again. Stupid hormones. “Now go to sleep.”

“Good night, Alfred.” You watched him go with a stray tear running down your cheek. The relief you felt was endless. No matter what your daughter was going to be taken care of in the best way possible. 


“Wake up, (Y/N),” Jason whispered in your ear. You moaned, opening one eye to see your brother smirking at you in the bright morning light. “Breakfast is ready and there are presents downstairs.”

You turned to bury your face into your pillow. “Jay, my daughter was up three times last night, please let me sleep.” 

Suddenly, your blankets were gone and you were scooped up into Jason’s arms. You shrieked, smacking his shoulder. Jason just laughed and carried you out the door. “Wait, my baby.” You reached back toward the room. 

“Cass has her. She picked her up before I woke you up.” Jason carried you downstairs. You relaxed, wrapping your arms around his neck. 

“Then I forgive you.” You kissed his cheek. “Merry Christmas, Jay.”

“Merry Christmas, sis.” Jason brought you to the kitchen and sat you down at the breakfast table where the rest of the family was waiting. You searched for your daughter, relaxing when you saw Tim had her. “Can we eat now?” Jason asked, taking the seat next to you.

“Now we may.” Alfred set a giant plate of waffles in the center of the table. “Merry Christmas.”

Everyone dug in. You filled your plate and looked around the table. It felt so strange to be home, surrounded by family. You glanced at your daughter who was passed back to Bruce. He rocked her and met your eye. You smiled back at him, glad you took that chance to reconnect with him. Taking a bite from your plate, you sighed and were thankful for everything this family could give you and your daughter. 
